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Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Didn't they heavily hint at Ice Block getting Hall of Famed?

I miss Azure Drake but it'd probably be pretty crazy with the Dragon stuff being run at the moment.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished dungon run with. Warrior!!

Anzari the hardest boss. Beat him by getting kazakus with double battle cry.

Done with all classes
Oct 25, 2017
Haven't seen anyone running mirror entity anymore. I put it in my deck and it has won me several games by playing it late but before my second explosive runes.


Oct 26, 2017
I swear this game knows how to trigger you. Several games where 2 of a card I need to win in bottom 10 while the opponent has all the one of's he needs on curve. Then next game I get two of the card I needed the previous game in my opening hand.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I correct in saying that Mage has an inherent advantage during rotation since they have such a strong basic set?
I don't know if Mage has that great of a classic set without ice lance. Best free basic set for sure though.

I think Rogue is probably the best classic class at the moment, and Divine Favor+Tirion makes Paladin pretty generically strong too. Auctioneer might be on the chopping block to hold Rogue back. I want Edwin gone but that's not going to happen.

Druid used to be by far the best, but they've gotten so many nerfs. Keeper of the Grove, Ancient of Lore, Force of Nature, and now Innervate. They might be only above average now.

Priest and Shaman classic sets always were bottom two and now Shaman gets to be even worse thanks to the hex nerf. Shaman classic set is an absolute joke.
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Oct 29, 2017
I have a question that someone must've thought about.

AFAIK, an under 50% winrate is mathematically enough to advance to rank 5 or so. Given that, how does player distribution retain its shape? Is it perhaps the case that the given percentages for each rank are less and less true as the season goes on, and it's only the monthly reset that allows the whole thing to function?


Oct 29, 2017
Few players play enough games to reach rank five with even a 55% winrate, much less 45%.

I'm rank 7 with 46% win rate. ^^

Hence why I figure the monthly reset is there, because that's a short enough time before incremental change would start showing. Blizzard's other games have actual season long seasons too.

Also I found this:

Back in full conspiracy mode.


Oct 25, 2017
I just faced a mage that generated 11 random spells in arena. And they played a Deck of Wonders for 5 more for good measure.

Cabalist's Tome into Cabalist's Tome is one of those things that obviously shouldn't exist. Well, Cabalist's Tome shoudn't exist, period.
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Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm rank 7 with 46% win rate. ^^

Hence why I figure the monthly reset is there, because that's a short enough time before incremental change would start showing. Blizzard's other games have actual season long seasons too.

Also I found this:

Back in full conspiracy mode.

I just faced a mage that generated 11 random spells in arena. And they played a Deck of Wonders for 5 more for good measure.

Cabalist's Tome into Cabalist's Tome is one of those things that obviously shouldn't exist. Well, Cabalist's Tome shoudn't exist, period.
Cavalier's Tome into itself can lose games if you can't afford to keep throwing away 5 mana.


Oct 29, 2017
Apparently at least one of the players need to be legend in order for the MMR tanking to work. Which explains why they don't use it on regular ladder with all the milestones. It would be easy (but still time consuming) to reach rank 20 and then just tank at each milestone until you get the eventual legend.


Oct 27, 2017
MMR is always being tracked but is only used for matchmaking at legend.

there are enough people playing standard ladder that it doesn't matter how quickly people climb. if you go over to wild there are definitely deserts where you'll play people way outside of your rank. or you'll queue against the same opponent over and over.
Oct 25, 2017
I just faced a mage that generated 11 random spells in arena. And they played a Deck of Wonders for 5 more for good measure.

Cabalist's Tome into Cabalist's Tome is one of those things that obviously shouldn't exist. Well, Cabalist's Tome shoudn't exist, period.
Cabalist Tome isn't that bad. It's Primordial Glyph into primordial glyph into primordial glyph that drives me fucking insane
Oct 25, 2017
This is only a meaningful thing in a handful of situations.
Yeah like a turn 1 Mana Wyrm. Been victim to this shit many many many times.

Edit: Not to mention that if they do it again that means they didn't get what they wanted the first time, so they get to roll again. Infuriating when it ends up being a secret that bails them out or a frostbolt or something.
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User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Quest rogue is always going to be rock-paper-scissors. There is no way around that.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
Dragon Priest with mind controls is the shittiest deck of the year. I just want to concede right away against it. And we thought barnes was bad card design...

"Pinch of salt and a fucking tyrantus on turn 5-6"


Oct 25, 2017
Worst part of this game is when you lose because byoi didn't draw a card and it is in your opening hand in the next game


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Anybody else feel like the card design has kind of gone off the rails this year?
What, the year where they pushed 3(4 if we count Elementals getting focus in Ungoro) strategies for Shaman creating a mess, decided that Mage is now RNGesus with spells, gave Druid what is one of the hands down most "fuck game balance" cards ever, had Priest rise to dominance on Highrolling(Fuck Barnes)/Machine Gunning, and had 2-3 completely disparate Warrior themes in 3 sets was a little off the rails?

Like, I don't get how Blizzard went "Murlocs->Freeze->Basic Totems" as a theme for Shaman, much like how they went "Taunt-AntiFatigue-Armor" for Warrior. None of it makes any sense to show they're thinking ahead.


Oct 26, 2017
United States
Anybody else feel like the card design has kind of gone off the rails this year?
I feel like 2018 will be make or break for me and HS, either Blizzard starts actually giving a shit about all 9 classes consistently or I'm out. I'm tired of half of the classes having broken shit and the other half in the dumpster with said list rotating. Hopefully losing Patches/Raza/Ice Block/Jades will be enough to at least make a dent.

Ace Harding

Oct 25, 2017
Made it to R3, my highest yet. But after two stars there I'm on a losing streak back to three stars on R4. I think 3 is where i'm topping out this month. I only see two decks there - shitty aggro Paladin and Big Priest.


Oct 25, 2017
tried dungeon today run for the first time since launch because I had a 100g quest. I completed my rogue run which was left from launch. I completed it with azari as the final boss. Azari is the only final boss I know so far, so I know what to expect. With my deathrattle heavy deck, I could beat him with relative ease but I wasn't too sure at the start.

Then I tried warrior and I could complete the run on first try because of pirates ( 4 patches, 3 skycrap pirates). Final boss was King Togwaggle. He was dead by turn 9.

3 classes complete and I played the mode 2 times. Well, call me lucky.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
why people think a well played or a greeting is such a big deal? move on... it's not like they told you to F yourself.


Oct 29, 2017
why people think a well played or a greeting is such a big deal? move on... it's not like they told you to F yourself.

Old Starcraft etiquette. The drift to winners saying gg was entirely fueled by bad manners.

The only hero that can't BM is Morgl and that's because he's shaman and everything he says is hilarious.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't bother you that instead of just saying "Good game chap" pretty much everyone is doing a "Hahaha you lost!"?

I guess I'm just old then.
If Priest, then squelch.

Made it to R3, my highest yet. But after two stars there I'm on a losing streak back to three stars on R4. I think 3 is where i'm topping out this month. I only see two decks there - shitty aggro Paladin and Big Priest.
In my experience, ranks 5 and 4 are freebies. Rank 3 is where people start playing the meta and make few mistakes.

Anybody else feel like the card design has kind of gone off the rails this year?
Yup, and it has turned me into a big fan of the game.

I still want them to add some new base game mechanics, though.

fuck I hate the end of the month meta

just play normal decks
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