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Oct 29, 2017
When did I become friends with the #1 wild legendary player in NA? I've been staring at his numbers going up and a couple days ago it was 2, then today 1.

--and about trading quests, I don't save them so it's always special when a friend can trade with me. I just try my best to remember who's been kind and shared and look at my list and challenge the first candidate. And I know that if I'm on my friends may or may not challenge me but i get the challenges every few days at least once a week. So the point is get a lot of friends who actively play and you will come out ahead if you are on regularly.


Oct 25, 2017
So I got a golden Lilian Voss with the 3 KoFT packs. Since it seems pretty useless, I'm thinking about dusting it and getting either the Warlock DK, the legendary or the Paladin Weapon.

Any advice?
I have a normal Lilian Voss and it really annoys me. I know I'm never going to use it this expansion, but if there's anything in the upcoming expansions pushing card stealing she'll be really good. Basically she's not good enough to make your deck worse with more card stealling cards, but it'll take very little to make her worth adding as a simple Chillwind Yeti with upside.

So it just sits in my collection doing nothing, and maybe always will.

If it were golden i'd have dusted it a long time ago, because then you're only risking losing the golden effect if you later have to craft it for a net 0 loss of dust.


Oct 28, 2017
just pulled the Druid DK from my brawl packs. and i just got the Twig the other day. but i never play Druid... hm.


Oct 25, 2017
Still seeing people play Drygulch Jailor and it's just unjustifiable imo. That's a bad card unless you can get use out of repeated casting of things. It was pretty good when I poion of madnessed it as a Raza priest for instance.
How many games will you win on the back of 3/3 of additional stats for 3 more mana and how many will you lose cause you played a 2 mana 1/1 in a low to the ground aggro deck.
yes you can get away with jailor, in wild :p


Oct 29, 2017
Rank 9 boiz, given it's the Christmas period I probably won't be able to play too much from now on though unfortunately. But I'm pretty happy playing at around this level, think it fits my skill level pretty well. Jade Druid is still serving me well - I think Medivh might actually be the legendary I have got the most use of, outside of Patches of course.

Anyone else still having issues with quests? I cleared my log yesterday and this morning I had nothing until I played a match then one appeared. Is there any trick to get around these issues with the quests?


Oct 25, 2017
Called what? That people would complain about it when we were already complaining about it the day of that video release?

Or that patches is the real problem? which maybe true, but allow me to complain about something other than patches if I feel like it. I'm playing shaman right now, so patches feels less scary with Maelstrom Portal and lightning storm, but nothing shaman has easily kills an early 5 health minion.
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Oct 25, 2017
Called what? That people would complain about it when we were already complaining about it the day of that video release?

Or that patches is the real problem? which maybe true, but allow me to complain about something other than patches if I feel like it. I'm playing shaman right now, so patches feels less scary with Maelstrom Portal and lightning storm, but nothing shaman has easily kills an early 5 health minion.

What list are you running as Shaman? Token Evo?
I've been looking for something, anything!, elemental, but seems like Shaman is still paying for Shamanstone.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Shaman is paying for blizzard having no idea what they should do with the class


Oct 25, 2017
What list are you running as
Shaman? Token Evo?
I've been looking for something, anything!, elemental, but seems like Shaman is still paying for Shamanstone.

I'm liking this Elemental Jade list:

I'm trying to make it a little better but haven't had much success yet, as you could maybe tell by my tilt posts about Creeper. I think the battlecry doubler is the future of midrange/control shaman this expansion, and I crafted Grumble as an extension to that, but I can't promise anything right now. I feel Overload/spellstone shaman has become too greedy now that the meta is beginning to get faster.

Token Shaman is still perfectly fine, even if not the best aggro/zoo deck. I like this one personally, but there's probably not going to be much variation with whatever token shaman deck you use. It's just a question of how you fit in Unstable Evolution and Corridor Creeper into the list from last expansion:

### Token Shaman
# Class: Shaman
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
# 2x (1) Evolve
# 2x (1) Fire Fly
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 1x (1) Unstable Evolution
# 1x (2) Devolve
# 2x (2) Flametongue Totem
# 2x (2) Jade Claws
# 2x (2) Maelstrom Portal
# 2x (2) Primalfin Totem
# 2x (3) Mana Tide Totem
# 2x (4) Jade Lightning
# 1x (5) Bloodlust
# 2x (5) Doppelgangster
# 1x (5) Thrall, Deathseer
# 1x (6) Aya Blackpaw
# 2x (6) Thing from Below
# 2x (7) Corridor Creeper
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Anyone else still having issues with quests? I cleared my log yesterday and this morning I had nothing until I played a match then one appeared. Is there any trick to get around these issues with the quests?
Change language over and over until you get quest. It usually works after I do it once, but today I tried 5+ times before I got it. I also logged off and on once, that could have helped too.


Oct 27, 2017
Change language over and over until you get quest. It usually works after I do it once, but today I tried 5+ times before I got it. I also logged off and on once, that could have helped too.
Change language just for hearthstone, not for the battlenet client. I just flip flop between English uk and English us


Oct 29, 2017
Thanks for the advice everyone. I went ahead and crafted Gul'dan. Crazy thing is, right afterwards I got the Warlock Legendary weapon. So I put together a Warlock control deck and I'm loving it so far!

oh I think I saw when your legendary popped up, liliam is a meme legendary 100% and I don't think it will ever be good, if you want to dust it, I think you might want to craft guldan, that's a damn good legendary and needed in almost every warlock deck.

Cool! Are you on my friend's list?


Oct 27, 2017
corridor creeper is in decks that don't run patches. the current highest win rate deck is doing just that. jade druid doesn't run them. most control warlock decks don't run them. highlander priest doesn't run them. most secret mages don't run them.

so of the top meta decks you have tempo rogue and aggro druid who consistently run the pair. you see corridor creeper way more often than patches.

the game is more complicated than patches+corridor creeper=win


Oct 27, 2017

From the Brawl packs. :D Is this guy even used in any deck?

Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I really want Unstable Evolution to be good. The card feels good to use.

I am trying at Rank 13 Wild, as it is not working at R5 Wild


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I got Benedictus in my brawl packs. I can't complain even though he's not really any good.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Berkeley, CA
I like the fact that aggo paladin is good and undderated because I have the cards for it. Been struggling to find decks that I can play since I didn't preorder this time around.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Man that VS report is BRUTAL to Warrior and Shaman. "No interest in innovating or playing at all" Savage.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Opened Rin in a pack this morning, so I might have to craft some Cubes and Umbra for Cubelock. Shit looks way too fun and actually good, no?

it's good, but don't craft umbra, you can do just fine without it, also, as VS mentioned in the report above, that deck is still experimenting a lot, so there might be several cuts and I think umbra might be one of the first ones.

In my opinion that's not enough. They really should give 100 gold for every day that this has been an issue. Every one of those days could've been a 100g quest.

I would love that, and probably that would have been the best, but no way in hell they are going to give us 2000-3000 for this.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like a good time to note that Lone Champion is a superb card against Aggro Paladin. Compared to Tar Creeper, 2/4 and 3/5 aren't that different given the health and attack of Aggro Paladin's minions, and the divine shield adds a whole lot. Their usual answer to tar creeper is Rallying Blade or Blessing of kings, and both are a little awkward against the 2/4 divine shield.


Oct 27, 2017
From the Brawl packs. :D Is this guy even used in any deck?

I actually grabbed Anduin out of the brawl packs and it got me thinking, I have a lot of random epics I could use to build a Priest deck with but I lack every single Legendary I'd need to build a BIG deck (except Barnes, but meh). Feelsbadman.

Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I wonder why Blizz will never reduce the price of Card packs - even Wild Card packs would do. I just got an email from them, and there is literally a Winter sale for every other property they own other than Hearthstone.

Maybe even 1/2 price the three replacement Mage/Hunter/Warrior heroes. Anything?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder why Blizz will never reduce the price of Card packs - even Wild Card packs would do. I just got an email from them, and there is literally a Winter sale for every other property they own other than Hearthstone.

Maybe even 1/2 price the three replacement Mage/Hunter/Warrior heroes. Anything?

I don't know exactly why, but Blizzard is extremely stingy with HS, they almost never do sales, they only one 1 remember since I started playing was when they offered 33% more packs on every bundle with Ungoro back in june/july since then there has been nothing.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
This set more than the last several feel like it has TONS of must craft epics. Which in a way is worse than having a several must craft legendaries. Corridor Creeper is a must have in lots of aggressive and "midrange" decks. Gotta spend 800 dust on 2 of those. Carnivorous Cube has lots of applications and I don't see it going down as time goes on either, 800 more dust. At least those cards are neutrals, compared with stuff like Primordial Glyph and Shadow Visions which are in every Mage or Priest deck for all time (in Wild, or until they rotate out of Standard), at least the neutrals you can use in tons of decks.

Maybe this is just speaking to the limited applicability of the Legendaries in this set as opposed to the pervasive power of the DKs. Stuff like Aluneth isn't going to fit in every mage deck, where as Jaina is much more widely playable. Some food for thought there.


Oct 27, 2017
it's weird because epics are usually reserved for overly complicated cards and those rarely see play. seems like cube should be a rare and creeper should be common. but they probably just needed to fill those rarity spots. or maybe they had arena balance in mind. creeper would certainly terrorize arena if it were common.


Oct 25, 2017
This set more than the last several feel like it has TONS of must craft epics. Which in a way is worse than having a several must craft legendaries. Corridor Creeper is a must have in lots of aggressive and "midrange" decks. Gotta spend 800 dust on 2 of those. Carnivorous Cube has lots of applications and I don't see it going down as time goes on either, 800 more dust. At least those cards are neutrals, compared with stuff like Primordial Glyph and Shadow Visions which are in every Mage or Priest deck for all time (in Wild, or until they rotate out of Standard), at least the neutrals you can use in tons of decks.

Maybe this is just speaking to the limited applicability of the Legendaries in this set as opposed to the pervasive power of the DKs. Stuff like Aluneth isn't going to fit in every mage deck, where as Jaina is much more widely playable. Some food for thought there.
I think it's the other way around, Jaina is much less versatile than aluneth.


Oct 25, 2017
it's weird because epics are usually reserved for overly complicated cards and those rarely see play. seems like cube should be a rare and creeper should be common. but they probably just needed to fill those rarity spots. or maybe they had arena balance in mind. creeper would certainly terrorize arena if it were common.
Arena is could be a part of it. It would have been a lot better if Bonemare was an epic. But they could also just edit the appearance rates or ban more cards.

I think they probably did just become greeder around the time of Ungoro's release.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus fucking christ these dumb Priest decks that just pull big spells is even worse than the barnes crap. There is absolutely nothing fun about queuing into this shitty ass class constantly.
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