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Deleted member 4367

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
what should have been epic that wasn't?


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Create good epics:
"Ugh, I need to craft all these epics! I hate how Blizzard creates so many expensive and necessary cards to increase the cost of the game!"

Create bad epics:
"Ugh, I got a bad epic in my pack! I hate how Blizzard waters the set down to increase the cost of the game!"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Create good epics:
"Ugh, I need to craft all these epics! I hate how Blizzard creates so many expensive and necessary cards to increase the cost of the game!"

Create bad epics:
"Ugh, I got a bad epic in my pack! I hate how Blizzard waters the set down to increase the cost of the game!"

We can all agree the second is by far the best option.

Deleted member 4367

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Create good epics:
"Ugh, I need to craft all these epics! I hate how Blizzard creates so many expensive and necessary cards to increase the cost of the game!"

Create bad epics:
"Ugh, I got a bad epic in my pack! I hate how Blizzard waters the set down to increase the cost of the game!"

I need a source for the second quote.


Oct 27, 2017
blizzard's stated design goal with rarities is to have a ramp up of complexity. but it's only something they loosely follow.

for example i don't think ancient of lore is a more complex card than druid of the claw. they both have 2 modes that do different things. so it seems like they make some cards epic simply because there's a quota to fill.

there are two alternatives. one is to ignore quotas and just assign rarity based solely on a standardized rubric. but the problem there is you end up with varying amounts of rarities per class which will make some classes way more expensive to play than others. not to mention the huge swings in rarities in neutrals between sets causing some sets to be more expensive than others.

the other alternative is to strictly enforce both the grading rubric and the rarity quota. which means they would have to cut cards that don't fit or add complexity where they never intended it just to meet the quota.

i vastly prefer their current approach. there are much better ways to address the rising cost of the game than messing with design fundamental design philosophies.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'm not really mad at them for making good epics. It's just feels different from the past to have so many useful ones. That's not really a bad thing except from a money perspective. This whole game is messed up from a money perspective, so this isn't any worse there.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather have the first! Why do you want to open unplayable cards in your packs?!?!
I would rather open bad epics all around knowkng the good cards are rare or common. Even legendary. Epics are the least balanced rarirty in the game.

All expansions have a very defining number of good cards, if they are not epic, then they are rare or even common, but they have been pushing some of the better cards as epics.


Oct 25, 2017
When I opened the skull for warlock I was sure I could make a deck w/ it cause there's no way Voidlords were epics. But alas. I was certain they'd be commons, they read like commons.
I'd rather have the first! Why do you want to open unplayable cards in your packs?!?!
Because the chances of openeing a particular epic twice is considerably lower than opening enough epics to dust to craft all the rares and commons I need.
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Oct 25, 2017
13-44 with shaman this week.

The slightly altered old-fashioned evolve token is kinda ok, I just didn't play it much.

The rest is the same problem as usual. Shaman spells just suck at controlling the board. You have to play a deck with a ton of 1 and 2 drops to have a chance, and the only way to make a deck of 1 and 2 drops work is with evolve.

The dumb thing is the Spiteful Summoner deck was my highest win rate non-evolve deck, just because that had potential to be good when you don't draw the dead card spellstones and low cost minions make sense in that deck. Doubling the spiteful summoner battlecry was an especially strong turn. But I really don't recommend it unless you like having the entire game decided by RNG with you having a 33% chance to come out ahead.
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Oct 25, 2017
I've been crafting a lot this expansion and still have about 4800 dust worth of stuff to craft.

Astral Tiger x 2
Void Lord x 2
Possessed Lackey x 1
Fal'dorei Strider x 2
Curious Glimmeroot x 1

Skull of Maneri x 1

I think the Striders, Tigers, and Glimmeroot will be stronger come next set. Void Lord looks like a staple, as do the ways to cheat it out. People are starting to seriously tech Silence effects, but I think Warlock will adapt.

I hope Deathrattle Rogue survives. I hope they expand on elemental shaman and mage.

For Rogue, why isn't there a list out there that uses Striders / Arcane Tyrants with Sprint? You can Sprint into Spiders and Tyrant on turn five!


Oct 25, 2017
Swapped Shadowcaster for Kobold Illusionist in my Jade Nzoth Rogue deck and it's working

1/1 Bloodhooves and Blackpaws lol


Oct 25, 2017
I've been crafting a lot this expansion and still have about 4800 dust worth of stuff to craft.

Astral Tiger x 2
Void Lord x 2
Possessed Lackey x 1
Fal'dorei Strider x 2
Curious Glimmeroot x 1

Skull of Maneri x 1

I think the Striders, Tigers, and Glimmeroot will be stronger come next set. Void Lord looks like a staple, as do the ways to cheat it out. People are starting to seriously tech Silence effects, but I think Warlock will adapt.

I hope Deathrattle Rogue survives. I hope they expand on elemental shaman and mage.

For Rogue, why isn't there a list out there that uses Striders / Arcane Tyrants with Sprint? You can Sprint into Spiders and Tyrant on turn five!
People tried this out at the beginning of thr expansion but Auctioneer is just much more consistent.
Oct 25, 2017
Man I'm so conflicted on dusting a few cards. I never dust a legendary and I don't dust any golden cards that generate other golden cards. I have a golden Moorabi and a golden spiteful summoner that I'm getting a real itch to dust. Mostly because I want to play Cubelock, but that shit ain't cheap.

Or I could start dusting all of my golden commons and rares


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Spreading Plague into Branching Path just became one of my favorite card combinations tonight.

Just 1 Branching Path feels right, though. Two seems overkill since the card is a bit situational.
Oct 25, 2017
Spreading Plague into Branching Path just became one of my favorite card combinations tonight.

Just 1 Branching Path feels right, though. Two seems overkill since the card is a bit situational.
I run two, but that's because I'm trying some sort of armor druid, since apparently they get as much or more armor than warriors now. But yeah I like the card a lot, it buys me a lot of time.

I'm also enjoying arcane tyrant a lot, but I think I'm gonna drop it for spellbreaker.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I run two, but that's because I'm trying some sort of armor druid, since apparently they get as much or more armor than warriors now. But yeah I like the card a lot, it buys me a lot of time.

I'm also enjoying arcane tyrant a lot, but I think I'm gonna drop it for spellbreaker.
Yeah, I crafted two Arcane Tyrants. They aren't bad, but in the end a free 4/4 isn't a big deal anymore. It just wasn't having the impact I wanted, though it was nice to be able to UI at 5 cards again.

Are you running the Oaken Summons package? I tried it for a few games and really disliked it. I also don't like the 3/1 deathrattle or losing my Jade Spirits. My Jades took forever to get big.

Aside from the main shell, I run two Mind Control Techs, a Spellbreaker, two Mulches, a Branching Pathways, and Brann. I think that is optimal for my playstyle, at least. The Mind Control Techs have won me an absurd number of games. They are also my only weapon against a Big Priest that plays Y'shaarj early.

Side note: that new Priest resurrect is some extreme bullshit. We did not need that card to be printed. I have lost every match against Anduin Priest because Psychic Scream is twice as good as Lightbomb. It could cost 10 mana and I would still be afraid of it.


Oct 29, 2017
Lol 20 minute game Jade Druid vs a Mill Rogue, he's down to just his Kingsbane and I pull out all sorts of shenanigans like last minute Earthen Scales on Jades, Spreading Plagues into empty boards and he just about can't kill me for 4-5 turns despite him milling half my stuff. I gave him a BM emote at the end, I know I shouldn't do because it pisses me off when I'm on the receiving end but I don't know what it is about this time of year - I just can't resist "Happy feast of Winterveil". I can live without the normal Greetings emotes but that one is just too good to pass up for situations such as this. Does this make me an asshole?


Oct 25, 2017
cleaned house of rares and commons I considered unplayable now and in the future, including post rotation in wild and am actually up to ~3300 dust so maybe I can build some decks now.

up for debate are cubelock (umbra, voidlord, cubes) 4800 dust, combo druid (jungle giants, branching paths, fatespinners) 4800 dust, secret mage (aluneth) 1600 dust, control warlock (rin, voidlords) 3200 dust, quest rogue (cavern's below) 1600 dust.

Looking at it like this I'll probably just craft Aluneth and Caverns, though I could dust some legendaries (grenzo, zavvas,...) and golden epics as well access my nerf specs to go up to 4800. Cubelock is looking to get more expensive than it already is by adding more copy effects and combo druid is both questionable meta while also being 2400 dust spend on cards that you're gonna have a hard tie finding place for anywhere else. Control lock and Cubelock would intersect to a certain degree in comparison.

TLK gonna have to wait again.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I crafted two Arcane Tyrants. They aren't bad, but in the end a free 4/4 isn't a big deal anymore. It just wasn't having the impact I wanted, though it was nice to be able to UI at 5 cards again.

Are you running the Oaken Summons package? I tried it for a few games and really disliked it. I also don't like the 3/1 deathrattle or losing my Jade Spirits. My Jades took forever to get big.

Aside from the main shell, I run two Mind Control Techs, a Spellbreaker, two Mulches, a Branching Pathways, and Brann. I think that is optimal for my playstyle, at least. The Mind Control Techs have won me an absurd number of games. They are also my only weapon against a Big Priest that plays Y'shaarj early.

Side note: that new Priest resurrect is some extreme bullshit. We did not need that card to be printed. I have lost every match against Anduin Priest because Psychic Scream is twice as good as Lightbomb. It could cost 10 mana and I would still be afraid of it.
Oaken Summons, Ironwood Golems, Astral Tigers, Earthen Scales, Spellstones, Branching Paths. I like Cursed Disciple but it didn't really feel like it fit with what I'm trying to do, but I may add them back. I've tried Hoarding Dragon and that was ok. Sneaky Devil was fun, but kinda meme shit for now.

I think I'm just trying to build a deck that is armor and taunts, but it's only half ass working right now. Been messing with Hadronox and Cubes with Naturalize. I think I'm just being too greedy.


Oct 25, 2017
Man Aluneth is fun. Really should keep it in any mulligan.
I took the recommended list from hsreplay and switched an AI and an Ice Block for 2 Corridor Creepers. Didn't want 2 Ice Blocks in the list as that dilutes the secrets Arcanologist can pull too much.

Now to try Quest Rogue again.

Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I broke 1,000 gold again after zeroing out buying KOC Packs at launch. Gonna try and actually break 10,000 gold before April expansion. I am still enjoying the meta so hope the game remains fun, then it will be a good grind. I tired the same thing in the run up to last expansion, but OP Druid made things no fun, so only ended up with about 3,000 for that.

10,000 is very possible, as it just means making around 80-100 gold per day. Unless I get stuck in a rut of 40g quests I can do it!


Oct 29, 2017
I've just gone on a bit of a dusting binge on commons/rares and freed myself up quite a bit of dust. Time to start crafting!


So just crafted Leeroy (finally) to finish off Hybrid Hunter and Aggro Paladin decks.
Also crafted Skull, x1 cube and x1 Voidlord for Cubelock
Couple of Spiteful Summoners for Dragon Priest
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Oct 27, 2017
Do you think Runespear will ever be useful? It might be my worst legendary and I need the dust for crafting Aluneth.

Ace Harding

Oct 25, 2017
Just tried this week's Brawl for the first time. Made a Shaman with evolve. Turn 1 I evolve the gifts. Opponent immediately quits.

Did they just forget about evolve?


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Just tried this week's Brawl for the first time. Made a Shaman with evolve. Turn 1 I evolve the gifts. Opponent immediately quits.

Did they just forget about evolve?
They forgot about shamans.
Do you think Runespear will ever be useful? It might be my worst legendary and I need the dust for crafting Aluneth.
Most likely not. They would need several good, expenivse spells without (or very little) overload that can't or a very unlikly to backfire.
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Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Wild still feels a bit empty. I am laddering there now, and constantly playing people 2 Ranks above or below me

Rank 10 now, and have seen Rank 8ers more than a few times

Same happened last year. Played a legend player at Rank 3. I won, I was happy.


Oct 25, 2017
Wild always felt like standard+ and no real reason to play it.

Last year when I was still running secret Pally I used to queue into the same people over and over and over.


Oct 27, 2017
Wild always felt like standard+ and no real reason to play it.

Last year when I was still running secret Pally I used to queue into the same people over and over and over.
i love it when i play the same person over and over. suck my counter queue pleb with only one meta deck.

my anti pirate druid had such an insane winrate last year because of it lolol the bots were so easy to farm if you didn't get a shit draw


Oct 27, 2017
the funny thing about the ironbeak owl nerf is that, it makes it a better card tech for call to cancer wild pally lol. i wanted to use swamp ooze but i don't want its battlecry dying, and i don't want a 4 mana card bc of divine favor, fly again owl fly

edit: wow playing malfurion counts as a tick for frost giant WTF can't believe i never learned that before
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Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Lol 20 minute game Jade Druid vs a Mill Rogue, he's down to just his Kingsbane and I pull out all sorts of shenanigans like last minute Earthen Scales on Jades, Spreading Plagues into empty boards and he just about can't kill me for 4-5 turns despite him milling half my stuff. I gave him a BM emote at the end, I know I shouldn't do because it pisses me off when I'm on the receiving end but I don't know what it is about this time of year - I just can't resist "Happy feast of Winterveil". I can live without the normal Greetings emotes but that one is just too good to pass up for situations such as this. Does this make me an asshole?
I never consider something BM unless it gets spammed, because you're just irritating at that point. Last night I was so tired that I hit my opponent's Acolyte of Pain twice to bring him to 10 cards so he would mill one (Priest). Then I closed out my turn by playing Dirty Rat. I got a "Thank you", and I was irritated but then laughed because of how dumb that was. I think that's all fine. I also played against a Big Warrior who kept ending his turn prematurely. Played Rotface into Whirlwind and ended his turn. Rotface summoned Leeroy - oops! Then he recruited Y'shaarj and hit pass. Y'shaarj recruited Gromm Hellscream. I didn't emote him, but I think it would have been fine if I did.

Oaken Summons, Ironwood Golems, Astral Tigers, Earthen Scales, Spellstones, Branching Paths. I like Cursed Disciple but it didn't really feel like it fit with what I'm trying to do, but I may add them back. I've tried Hoarding Dragon and that was ok. Sneaky Devil was fun, but kinda meme shit for now.

I think I'm just trying to build a deck that is armor and taunts, but it's only half ass working right now. Been messing with Hadronox and Cubes with Naturalize. I think I'm just being too greedy.
How do you like the Spellstones? I haven't even bothered because 6 I need to kill anything at any time, which is why I use Mulch. Only once in a couple hundred games has Mulch backfired. It usually gives them a 2/2 taunt or something else I don't care about dealing with.

I don't see the point of Astral Tigers - you don't want to put a 3/5 back into your deck when you could be pulling more Jade Idols instead. I also think Earthen Scales is an overrated card that doesn't have much value until the late endgame. Have you tried Kripp's Endless 4-Drop deck? I want to craft it at some point. He uses the new 8-mana Recruit to pull Astral Tigers and Ironwood Golems, plus Oaken Summons, plus Hydronax, plus N'Zoth, and there's just this endless chain of 4-drops coming onto the board that is pretty fantastic when it goes off well. I'm just missing Astral Tigers and Hydronax, but I don't want to go on a crafting spree for a class I already have a beloved deck for unless that new deck is very strong and fun. I doubt it will be more fun than Jades in the end.

I think the big problem is that you are giving up Jade Spirit - is it really worth losing 2 Jade ramps? My experience said "no". There's also a Jade Auctioneer version I faced that runs all cheap spells plus Auctioneers, and Jade Idol is your only Jade card. It worked well because the early ramp means you can have a big Auctioneer turn early, which means your UI will pull a ton of Jade Idol cards. Your ramp is extremely fast once you get to it. I haven't tried the deck myself, though.

I strongly dislike Naturalize - UI is your big swing turn partially because of all the draw. Giving your opponent a bunch of draw marginalizes your lead. Also, in Wild my Jade Druid can't keep up with the deck-vomit of Aggro Paladin anyway. They consistently go into fatigue while I still have 7-8 cards left. I would complain, but I haven't lost to Aggro Paladin with my Jade deck yet. So they can deck-vomit all they want. That said, I think Aggro Paladin is pretty gross and touches on a problem the game has right now...I won't go into it now, but I've been thinking about it for a while.

I think the big problem with losing the Jade ramp is that you now get obliterated by "Big" decks like Big Priest. Typically, my Big Priest strategy is to Mulch an early resurrect (turn 5), and then on turn 6 I am playing my third Jade card. With the 3/3 and whatever else I play I can trade into the resurrected minion and finish it off with a Wrath or Swipe. Now my Jades will start to become sizable, and the Big Priest doesn't feel so big. Losing that ramp rate led to me getting absolutely destroyed in the matchup.

Wild still feels a bit empty. I am laddering there now, and constantly playing people 2 Ranks above or below me

Rank 10 now, and have seen Rank 8ers more than a few times

Same happened last year. Played a legend player at Rank 3. I won, I was happy.
This is bizarre to me - I played all last night and never fought the same person twice.

Wild always felt like standard+ and no real reason to play it.

Last year when I was still running secret Pally I used to queue into the same people over and over and over.
Wild feels like Standard+ sometimes because the power creep in this game is massive. I don't think we've had any full archetypes leave Standard yet, though. Over time, the two modes will feel more and more different. Jades, Patches, and N'Zoth are all leaving Standard soon, and they probably won't be replaced. There are several Wild-only decks that get significant play, though: Renolock, Combo Priest, Malygos Rogue, Control Shaman, Secret Paladin, Eggrattle Hunter, Anyfin Paladin, OTK Paladin, and Aggro Shaman, to name some.


Oct 26, 2017
I broke 1,000 gold again after zeroing out buying KOC Packs at launch. Gonna try and actually break 10,000 gold before April expansion. I am still enjoying the meta so hope the game remains fun, then it will be a good grind. I tired the same thing in the run up to last expansion, but OP Druid made things no fun, so only ended up with about 3,000 for that.

10,000 is very possible, as it just means making around 80-100 gold per day. Unless I get stuck in a rut of 40g quests I can do it!

That's my exact same plan too.
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