Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Books are a waste of space and resources. I am digital for anything I can get in that format.


Nov 30, 2018
No, I read books to avoid looking into a screen.

Although readers with e-inks might be worth looking into.
Just bought a paperwhite last week and I love it. I've used the overdrive and Kindle apps on my phone, a Kindle fire, and my iPad mini and like the paperwhite much more.

I still read physical books too I just mostly use the library to get books now. I bought maybe 15 books last year but they're mostly large difficult to find books the library doesn't have like the complete earthsea omnibus and a cool d&d history book


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Oct 27, 2017
I get both. I jump between them depending on how I feel going in to each book.


Oct 27, 2017
Kindle is probably my single favourite piece of tech over the last 10 years or whatever.

I still but the odd physical book because I'm a sucker for a cool cover but otherwise mostly digital.


Nov 5, 2017
I don't mind reading ebooks, but I still prefer having an actual book in my hands.
It's just not the same.

My best friend travels constantly for work though, and ebooks are blessing for him. He always has access to hundreds of books and it weighs next to nothing.
I'd probably read more ebooks too if I had a similar lifestyle.


Nov 11, 2017
Actually just the opposite. Digital books are too damn expensive often more expensive than physical copies

So I've been buying all physical, preferably used from places like that have awesome used books in near perfect condition for like 5 bucks a pop (hardcover, first editions you name it) and they don't charge shipping, ever.

Then when I find myself with too many books I donate them.

Digital books are just too expensive


Oct 27, 2017
No, real books are much more comfortable to read. I only get digital books when free or really cheap.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes. There might be an odd book here and there that there is no digital for and I have to do physical, but for the most part I'm all digital.


Oct 25, 2017
I REALLY like hardcover comics, but yeah. I'm moving frequently and carrying a collection is just not a viable thing for me to do. :/


Oct 27, 2017
Only physical books I buy are either unavailable digitally or are particularly awesome looking special edition hardbacks of books I have read in the past.


Apr 24, 2018
I read and travel a lot, so i just use an e-reader . Much less hassle trying to carry 800 page books all over the place.


Oct 27, 2017
No, I prefer physical. I look at a screen for at least 8 hours a day at my job, so I try to put a limit on my time spent looking at other screens. My eyesight has gone to shit over the past 14 or so years, and I have to attribute at least part of that to looking at screens all day (other part being age). I know e-ink is somewhat better for that, but still, I'd rather not.


Oct 29, 2017
Warsaw, Poland
I like both of them. Right now I read more physical books as I have a large backlog to catch up. I prefer to read non fiction (especially history books in a physical form as they usually have maps and photos and it's easier to jump through pages like that).

I have a kindle and use it mostly for fantasy and sf books. They are better if I am on a longer trip and don't want to have many books at my luggage.


Dec 15, 2018
I can't read for long periods of time off of a screen so I'm physical for life.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think I've ever read a digital book actually aside from comics/manga. I still prefer to actually go to my library and check out physical books if I can


May 29, 2018
I'm starting to make the transition. When I recently moved I realized I had a ton of books that I had read sitting on the shelf that I hadn't touched in at least a decade. So I picked out the books that I felt were either harder to find/work better as a physical item/had some sentimental value and kept them, while donating the ones that I no longer want to the local library for sale. I figure going forward if there's something I want to read I'll either get it from the library (anything that's like a one-off read) or via the Kindle app on my ancient iPad (which I'm tempted to replace with an actual Kindle at this point anyways) with the preference going to the library since it's free and I prefer holding a physical book myself.

I'm also doing the something similar with the DVDs and CDs that I still have in my possession. Feels real good.

Silly Buck

Oct 28, 2017
I read on my 8 inch fire HD. Mainly because I like having my entire collection with me at one time and can jump into various books when and where I wanted to


Oct 26, 2017
Nope, the exact opposite. I've found that I won't finish books if I buy them digitally, but I will if I buy a physical copy. I like the physical act of turning a page.
Oct 27, 2017
I go back and forth a bit but I do my most productive/enjoyable reading with physical books. (If a book is a real tome I'm more likely to use the Kindle version.)

That said I think ERA is showing its age here in a surprising way--I'm pretty sure digital book use is greater with Millennial/Gen X and peaked in the early '10s, and has either generally reverted back to physical or at least very significantly with younger (Gen Z) readers.

Anecdotally--i.e. on the NYC subway--it seemed like there were a million Kindles and iPad readers seven or eight years ago and now it's mostly either just phone surfing or physical books.

As far as space etc., of which I have very little, if it's not a new-ish release I'll usually borrow or buy used, and I just donate regularly. I don't need a huge collection.

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
I have been digital only for years, with the only exceptions being comics, educational books, and RPG books. At this stage I can barely understand why anyone would keep reading physical books only unless they read very little to begin with. I read one book every 2-3 weeks or so, and that adds up if you're going to be putting all of them on a shelf. I rarely read books twice, so all they'd be doing would be to show off to guests, which feels kind of... vain?

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
I only get physical books. The last thing I need is more screen time. I also enjoy the feel of progess as I flip pages.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like I'm seeing a lot less Kindles today. I don't even remember the last time I've seen one. Are people reading on their phones?


Oct 27, 2017
north east uk
i love both. the simplicity and portability of the kindle and the collectability and smell of a real book. Ive got a got a good few digital books but ive still got more physical - 600 at last count.


Nov 13, 2018
Tried an e-reader several years ago and didn't like it at all. I am digital with everything else now, but books just have a distinct quality to them that makes it harder to go digital. I also think a nice curated bookshelf looks a lot better than a shelf full of movies/music/videogames. I still have a crapload of CD's and vinyl though. I have a house with a finished basement, so I have the luxury of space at my disposal.


Oct 27, 2017
Using a Kobo and I like both. My favs I buy physical but the convenience of having a super light weight, waterproof, plastic slab, with front light is great. It's so light I always have it in my backpack. Syncs with so I also can read all the good long form articles I bookmark either from my phone or PC. eInk is amazing.

I buy plenty of physical books too but that has ramped down considerably since I got the eInk tablet.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I get Kindle 90% of the time since I straight up don't want to have to store books these days. I just have to shove the book somewhere in my closet once i'm done, I don't have the space (or need) for a bookshelf.

The only books I 100% buy physical are Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive books. They're so beefy and immersive that I want to be holding that tome in my hands.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
No, with some books I'm almost inexplicably an ardent fan of their physical format.

Also, as it turns out, buying books is altogether a different pleasure than reading them...


Oct 29, 2017
I prefer physical but I will buy digital over physical if I have no interest in the physical form of the book (i.e. it's a low-quality paperback).


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
When Kindles were new I used to see them all the time on the commute.But now I'd say haven't seen a single one in two or three years.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Almost, unless a book isn't available on the Kindle store. For books I absolutely worship, I'll buy a hardcover as well.


Jan 5, 2020
Being able to look up definitions, copy blocks of text, etc. is too invaluable. I think it's far easier to carry my tablet around than to carry even one book.
That being said I do own a few books, mainly textbooks and Les Miserables.


Oct 27, 2017
There is nothing quite like curling up with a book and actually turning the pages. It's one of the simplest pleasures in life. So I try to get physical copies of books I'm pretty sure I'll read multiple times.

On the other hand, digital is so convenient when you are away from home. I have a fair amount of digital books just for when I am traveling.