
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly it passed Star Wars a long time ago imo, but I never thought SW was that good (and especially not in recent times)


Sep 18, 2018
Marvel films don't seem to have penetrated the culture that much, despite being super popular. Like, there's a TON of even just modern pop culture references to Star Wars films, and even stuff from the ST has become a meme or joke, but there's far less of that for Marvel.

The Winter Soldier elevator fight and references to Wakanda/Iron Man + Puny God, Baby Groot/I Am Groot are certainly there, and the MCU will likely be more substantial culture-wise as kids who grew up with it make movies.

EDIT: MCU has a better batting average than SW does, but Star Wars' highs are higher. They're allowed to both be successful.


Oct 25, 2017

No doubt about it

The sequel trilogy ruined Star Wars' credibility

Hopefully makes a comeback - Star Wars seem to be doing a whole lot better in the tv space than movie space nowadays (mandalorian, clone wars) while marvel is killing it in the movies

If the pandemic wasn't occurring - it would continue but honestly after over a dozen movies - MCU took Star Wars 🎂
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Oct 25, 2017
which of the mcu movies are great?
I dunno if any of them are great either, but Infinity War/Endgame are more entertaining than all the Star Wars movies to me.

also Spiderman, Civil War, Black Panther, Avengers 1, Winter Soldier

also helps that the fight choreography in the MCU is way better than in Star Wars imo


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
100% yes. They're a bigger deal now and they'll have a bigger cultural impact 30 years from now.


Oct 27, 2017
Even hotter Hot Take: The Last Jedi is better than any MCU Film

Hell I can get down with this, and I really didn't warm up to TLJ for a good long while. I still don't think it's fantastic or anything, but it has more emotional weight to it than anything that can be found in the hollow entertainment of the MCU.


Oct 28, 2017
I think it's largely impossible for any modern piece of media to have the same impact as something that peaked before the rise streaming and home video when monoculture was in.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
they'll have a bigger cultural impact 30 years from now.

Than these?
I don't think so



Oct 25, 2017
100% yes. They're a bigger deal now and they'll have a bigger cultural impact 30 years from now.

But I was told by Star Wars fans that they won't be. So they won't.

Honestly let's just put it out there. This thread, while maybe not the intention of the OP, mainly exists now just to let Star Wars fans wank each other about how their franchise is soooo much better.

It's speaks to a level of insecurity that some can't even comprehend that maybe people actually like MCU movies and will keep watching them. Like they fear people will forget about Star Wars or something.


Nov 6, 2017
I love Star Wars, and I love those films, but the entire series is pretty much using 2 good films from over 40 years ago as their reason to exist. They're just not as culturally relevant or impactful to the general public any more.

As a media franchise Star Wars doubles the worth of Marvel. It's far more culturally relevant today and will continue to be in the future.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
But I was told by Star Wars fans that they won't be. So they won't.

Honestly let's just put it out there. This thread, while maybe not the intention of the OP, mainly exists now just to let Star Wars fans wank each other about how their franchise is soooo much better.

It's speaks to a level of insecurity that some can't even comprehend that maybe people actually like MCU movies and will keep watching them. Like they fear people will forget about Star Wars or something.
This post can work both ways so I don't even know what the point of it is.
Oct 26, 2017
In terms of cultural impact, Star Wars has the MCU beat, no doubt about that

As for what's bigger right now, that's the MCU

...and in terms of what's better, well, imo, at least the MCU has good movies and even the weaker ones are okay. Whereas I don't think Star Wars was ever any better than maybe decent, from both the original trilogy and newest one. I never grew up with Star Wars so that probably plays a factor


Oct 27, 2017
But I was told by Star Wars fans that they won't be. So they won't.

Honestly let's just put it out there. This thread, while maybe not the intention of the OP, mainly exists now just to let Star Wars fans wank each other about how their franchise is soooo much better.

It's speaks to a level of insecurity that some can't even comprehend that maybe people actually like MCU movies and will keep watching them. Like they fear people will forget about Star Wars or something.

I wish some people would forget about Star Wars but here we are talking about it with at least a thread a day. People are free to like the MCU just like they can like well done steaks with ketchup.


Oct 25, 2017
This post can work both ways so I don't even know what the point of it is.

Cause Star Wars fans tend to act far more smugly and matter of factory. Like they aren't merely stating opinion, it's framed as being OBJECTIVE FACT.

Also not sure how the last part of my post can go both ways. How many MCU fans are saying no one will remember Star Wars?
Oct 25, 2017
In terms of quality and overall storytelling, they blow Star Wars out of the water, but they don't have the cultural cachet of Star Wars, and frankly especially given how fragmented the media landscape is, I'm not sure anything will be able to approach it anymore, including more Star Wars.


Oct 25, 2017
As a lifelong Star Wars fan who used to obsess over the most minute details of the films and everything in the expanded universe... yes.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Cause Star Wars fans tend to act far more smugly and matter of factory. Like they aren't merely stating opinion, it's framed as being OBJECTIVE FACT.

Also not sure how the last part of my post can go both ways. How many MCU fans are saying no one will remember Star Wars?
Ah yes because only Star Wars fans are like this. People who enjoy the MCU would never do that...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
As a media franchise Star Wars doubles the worth of Marvel. It's far more culturally relevant today and will continue to be in the future.

Yes, With 30+ extra years of existence over the MCU, you'd damn well hope it has had more lifetime sales worth as a franchise.

Saying it's more culturally relevant today is as laughably wrong as all those people who thought FF7R would outsell animal crossing were though.
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Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't say that they didn't. I am merely talking about this thrread.
Okay, if you want to get specific nobody is really acting like. And no, saying they think they're better does not fall under that description.

There are a lot of hardcore Star Wars fans ITT that I know of who are not acting like this and enjoy the MCU as shown in their posts.

I started this conversation because your initial post felt like a console war bait post one would find on the Gaming side. Nothing ITT comes close to that and nobody has had a problem with anyone.

Wes D. Mess

Aug 11, 2018
Hell I can get down with this, and I really didn't warm up to TLJ for a good long while. I still don't think it's fantastic or anything, but it has more emotional weight to it than anything that can be found in the hollow entertainment of the MCU.

Personally speaking, the subtext of Black Panther carries far more emotional weight for me than anything Star Wars has ever done, even though I wish BP was more nuanced in its story.

Trafalgar Law

Nov 6, 2017
yes, it's as big a franchise

now does it change how movies are made on technical levels
not really

i think movies didn't feel or look the same after star wars
we are getting more mcu and mcu type films, but stars wars actually influenced how movies were made for the greater, there's nothing unique on a technical level
the 23 movie is impressive still


Oct 27, 2017
Marvel movies are cookie cutter as fuck but consistent. Star wars shit the bed pretty badly. As much as I love star wars mcu is bigger now.


Oct 27, 2017
I would say there's two Star Wars: the franchise as a whole, and the original movie. The original movie is essentially a historic moment, in terms of mainstreaming sci-fi and templating the modern Hollywood blockbuster. I don't think that can be surpassed, nor do I think it really should be. The franchise as a whole, however, has not really lived to that standard.

And that's not a problem. Star Wars is at the end of the day a movie franchise, one that has struggled and fallen far more than it has stood strong, and in nearly every way the MCU has matched or surpassed it. As great as Empire Strikes Back is, it is honestly, well, dishonest to qualify it in such a way that disqualifies Infinity War. At this point, the only thing Star Wars truly has on the MCU hands-down is John Williams' iconic music. Everything else can be boiled down to subjectivity and decades of nostalgia.

Time is the key factor here, as it always is with threads on the cultural impact of the MCU. We're at a point where at least one generation has grown up with Star Wars ever-present in their lives. We've yet to really hit that point with the MCU, but we will.

In terms of cultural impact though, I think Star Wars has yet to be dethroned. The concept of a Jedi/force user resonates with people because it's a life philosophy, and it becomes something they empathize with. It's similar to Harry Potter and the Hogwarts houses. The MCU lacks a comparable memetic thread: the fiction doesn't incorporate a relatable idea that people can take back to their daily lives like they can with the Jedi/Sith, or Gryffindor/Hufflepuff/Slytherin/Ravenclaw.

This is a valid point, in terms of the memetics of the MCU. Anyone can be a Jedi or Sith, or a wizard in a Hogwarts house. There is an inclusivity in their premises that allows a kid to believe that they can be part of it. Superhero teams are by nature exclusive - they are specific teams of specific people with specific powers, abilities, weapons, and tools. The opening for the power fantasy isn't there, and something like an agent of SHIELD is easy to see as lesser, in the same way that being a Rebel or Stormtrooper would be. Black Widow and Hawkeye are Avengers, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, and even Nick Fury....not so much.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
It's just opinion and preference, but for me yes the MCU has passed the Star Wars saga by quite a large margin.

Then again I was never a fan of Star Wars to begin with other than The Old Republic.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally speaking, the subtext of Black Panther carries far more emotional weight for me than anything Star Wars has ever done, even though I wish BP was more nuanced in its story.

I can see that. There's so much going on, thematically, in that film that the other MCU films can't touch.

I'm merely speaking about emotional resonance, which I don't really get from 99% of the comic book films we see being endlessly dumped into theatres.


Feb 2, 2018
San Francisco, California
This is a tough one to calculate since the MCU mostly stars characters who were already immensely popular before the films started rolling out, whereas Star Wars introduced its characters for the first time via movies. It's easy to conflate the popularity of Spider-Man, Captain America etc as long-standing comic book characters with their movie counterparts. I don't think it's possible for most people to disconnect those things in their minds.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I would say there's two Star Wars: the franchise as a whole, and the original movie. The original movie is essentially a historic moment, in terms of mainstreaming sci-fi and templating the modern Hollywood blockbuster. I don't think that can be surpassed, nor do I think it really should be. The franchise as a whole, however, has not really lived to that standard.

And that's not a problem. Star Wars is at the end of the day a movie franchise, one that has struggled and fallen far more than it has stood strong, and in nearly every way the MCU has matched or surpassed it. As great as Empire Strikes Back is, it is honestly, well, dishonest to qualify it in such a way that disqualifies Infinity War. At this point, the only thing Star Wars truly has on the MCU hands-down is John Williams' iconic music. Everything else can be boiled down to subjectivity and decades of nostalgia.

Time is the key factor here, as it always is with threads on the cultural impact of the MCU. We're at a point where at least one generation has grown up with Star Wars ever-present in their lives. We've yet to really hit that point with the MCU, but we will.

This is a valid point, in terms of the memetics of the MCU. Anyone can be a Jedi or Sith, or a wizard in a Hogwarts house. There is an inclusivity in their premises that allows a kid to believe that they can be part of it. Superhero teams are by nature exclusive - they are specific teams of specific people with specific powers, abilities, weapons, and tools. The opening for the power fantasy isn't there, and something like an agent of SHIELD is easy to see as lesser, in the same way that being a Rebel or Stormtrooper would be. Black Widow and Hawkeye are Avengers, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, and even Nick Fury....not so much.

Look, I'm not going to pretend I have children, but I don't think very many children ever have had any trouble whatsoever pretending that they're superheroes or whatever character from media.

I don't doubt children all over the world play pretend as if they're captain America, Spiderman, black panther, or whoever all the time, incredibly easily.

(And there were a grand total of ... 5? Force capable people total throughout the original trilogy, the conclusion based on the original trilogy that anyone can be a Jedi idea doesn't pass even the slightest muster, given how super exclusive a club it was)


Dec 26, 2018
Star Wars was made popular with three films in 1977 until then 1999 and again in 2015.

  • 9 films
  • 2 side films
  • Multiple TV shows
  • Multiple comic books

Marvel MCU started in 2008 and until 2020. The Marvel comics were formed in 1939.

  • 23 films
  • 2 side tv shows
  • Multiple comic books
Imo. Star Wars has built a history on a new franchise in a short period. MCU had to take 23 films to get to the same standing.

Star wars messed up a legacy while MCU is just starting.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Easily. Globally, financially, etc. It's just much bigger than Star Wars, they ended their saga with the biggest movie of all time and the reviews were amazing too while Star Wars ended their saga with middling reviews and disappointing numbers.

There both still huge but the MCU is just much bigger and well liked. Who knows what will happen in the future but we are already getting ready for new faces to takeover which is only a plus.


Sep 18, 2018
Personally speaking, the subtext of Black Panther carries far more emotional weight for me than anything Star Wars has ever done, even though I wish BP was more nuanced in its story.

Black Panther feels like the odd one out with the MCU insofar as while I'm not sure it's the best film in the series, it's probably the one with the most impact as a specific film.

"Odd One Out" meaning that I think, culturally, it alone might have as big an impact as the rest of the MCU combined.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Lol no. MCU has what... 1 good and 1 average film out of 20? Star Wars is at least batting around the Mendoza Line.
Hot take would be an understatement for this...

Black Panther feels like the odd one out with the MCU insofar as while I'm not sure it's the best film in the series, it's probably the one with the most impact as a specific film.

"Odd One Out" meaning that I think, culturally, it alone might have as big an impact as the rest of the MCU combined.
It will never not be insane that BP performed better domestically than literally every other MCU movie other than Endgame.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely, I think the box office numbers shows this quite well in terms of how Star Wars seem to become less profitable in its key markets as they expand on the universe while the MCU continue to make big money worldwide.

Star Wars without doubt still makes big money and the overall media franchise still holds a ton of value, but recent releases like Rise of Skywalker and Solo did quite poorly compared to similar recent releases in the franchise.

Say what you want about the MCU output, they are still being met with overwhelmingly good box office numbers and they keep a consistently high bar of quality across their releases despite releasing a rather high volume of content every year.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
In terms of cultural impact, I don't think so. I remember reading the other day in a scholarly work that it made reference to an evil literary character as a "Darth Vader figure," naturally assuming everyone knows who Darth Vader is and what he stands for. This book was written decades after the original Star Wars films. I can't see the MCU having anything like that sort lasting effect years down the road.

If we're just talking about now, well, then clearly the MCU films have had a bigger impact on the younger generation than the recent Star Wars films.
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Oct 28, 2017
The MCU will never surpass the OG Starwars for the 30+ generation i'd say.

For the others, yeah, i guess.

For me, the MCU is just a fun high budget TV show on big screen with a few nice episodes. But it'll never reach the cult symbol Star Wars has. But i'm someone who grew up on Star Wars and never really read any Marvel (or DC for that matter) comic books. So i have far less attachement to those movies. Like i see people gushing with Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame and for me those movies are just big messes with fun fight scenes. Far from being as engaging as the OT is.

But it's a matter of taste and of what you watched in your youth i guess.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Star Wars never a "I don't feel so good mr.stark" moment