Oct 28, 2017
Yep. Moved countries, couldn't bring my massive desktop. Did have a 17" laptop for a while but it was a pain to use. I've settled now and could feasibly have a PC somewhere but no room for a desk/ study area so I would just be using that PC like a console anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
PC gaming seems like a massive investment. you have to constantly buy new hardware if you want to keep up with playing the newest games at the highest settings. i had to do quite a bit of research a few months ago when i was thinking about building a PC (not for gaming, but for video editing) and i was surprised to learn that even a $300 gpu might BARELY let you play at 1080p at 60fps IN 2020! and then you have the high end cards like the 2080 TI that goes for $1,100 if you want to do 4k? and that's just the gpu. it doesn't include the CPU, the RAM, and all that other fun stuff.

meanwhile, you can get a 4k gaming device with the ps4 pro and xbox1x for under $300? yeah..

Li bur

Oct 27, 2017
I used to be big PC gamer (since my parents won't buy me console). Then, i get to Uni, have to sort out things for myself and I get PS3 during the price cut. Gaming exclusively on PS3 until the end of the Gen due to other expense and etc.. Now I have quite steady income, I get a new Gaming PC with GTX 1070.

But nowadays I mainly game on Switch and don't know whether I'll consider upgrading my PC or not. Switch has been amazing for me due to its form factor.


Dec 12, 2018
I did years ago yeah, I got tired of the compatibility issues of it all and I also started using my desktop for work and the separation was good for me, it was harder to be distracted.

I also had a professor in college who bought a Playstation one day and told us about it and some kid was like "what, but PC Master Race!" and the professor said something like "I used to game on PCs, but then I got older and I just wanted everything to work when I wanted to play." and I was like "fuck, yeah he has a point"


Oct 27, 2017
I did around 2003 I just completely lost it with the state of copy protection after I had to crack three games I had purchased that refused to work on my computer. Combo cd, dvd burners just were not liked back then. MMOs kept me playing a little on pc in that period, but I didn't really get back into pc gaming until 2009.


Mar 15, 2019
This is what I plan to do when the Series X comes out. I have a laptop with a 1060 and that's enough for me but I really don't have the money to upgrade and I prefer the ease of big TV gaming.


Oct 25, 2017
PC gaming seems like a massive investment. you have to constantly buy new hardware if you want to keep up with playing the newest games at the highest settings. i had to do quite a bit of research a few months ago when i was thinking about building a PC (not for gaming, but for video editing) and i was surprised to learn that even a $300 gpu might BARELY let you play at 1080p at 60fps IN 2020! and then you have the high end cards like the 2080 TI that goes for $1,100 if you want to do 4k? and that's just the gpu. it doesn't include the CPU, the RAM, and all that other fun stuff.

meanwhile, you can get a 4k gaming device with the ps4 pro and xbox1x for under $300? yeah..

Errr....that doesn't make a lot of sense. If you think it is outrageous that a game won't be playable at full settings at full frame rate and resolution a few years in on PC....consoles are even worse. Console settings will be far lower, not just in settings but frame rate and resolution.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
I used to be big PC gamer (since my parents won't buy me console). Then, i get to Uni, have to sort out things for myself and I get PS3 during the price cut. Gaming exclusively on PS3 until the end of the Gen due to other expense and etc.. Now I have quite steady income, I get a new Gaming PC with GTX 1070.

But nowadays I mainly game on Switch and don't know whether I'll consider upgrading my PC or not. Switch has been amazing for me due to its form factor.

There hasn't been a game I can't run in ultra on my 1080ti. Only have to turn off RTX if the game supports it. Everything else I can max out and run over 60fps.


Jan 15, 2018
I have hundreds of games on steam I only ever play Civilization and Tabletop Simulator (also world of warships)

I think primarily as a function of being in my living room I play consoles more and also because of exclusives

I would be fine if I had to give up all of my platforms for one but I think I'd prefer my consoles over my PC


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Even though I have a more than capable PC I do find myself being pretty selective with games i play on PC due to the potential pain of troubleshooting. Before that HDR update with windows 10 it was a total nightmare. Generally though since i'm sitting at a desk all day, I do prefer the more relaxed and stress free nature of console gaming. That's what I've primarily play. Also now with games having KB&M support the lines the gap is getting closer. I don't blame you.


Oct 25, 2017
I was PC only in the PS2 era (I had a PS1, N64 and Amiga previously), about equal time in the PS3 era, perhaps more on PC.
And then in the PS4 era, it flipped completely.
At this point, I find it a chore to even fire up my pc anymore, console gaming on the big screen is where I'm at.

Heck, my wife gave me the green light for a brand new gaming pc this summer, and I am choosing to wait til '21.

Dunno if it's just about getting older, or having less time to fidget around...
I just like the convenience, the couch co-op with the kids and the big screen.
Oct 25, 2017
have a relatively good pc (2080), but yeah if you wanna do 4k tv gaming... expect costs to add up. DLSS could be an interesting factor though.

In the end, I generally am fine with playing on my ps4p and switch due to the financial reason of being able to resell games. I play a lot of jrpgs which often target 60fps on ps4 to begin with.

The main perk of pc for my situation is cheat engine. I have too many games and too little time, so I do enjoy doing some 'tweaks' to save me time on needless grinding and other stuff in these games.
Nov 9, 2017
I did.

Was pure strictly PC - I remember getting the AMD Radeon 9700 Pro new and thinking that I'll never get away from PC gaming....

Then life happened. Kids, cancer, divorce....and honestly it's just easier to sit on my couch and turn on my PS4 or X1X and dive in. I also work in IT and I don't wanna fuck with machines anymore in my spare time.

I'll occasionally play Civ V on my Mac but outside of that - no PC gaming for me ever again. Don't care enough to even wanna go down that road.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
I did the opposite. I sold off my PS4 pro and now primarily play PC and some handheld switch when I feel like it. I built a Ryzen 3600 PC a few months ago for 500-600 or so and plan to sell my 1660to to fund a 3070 in the future. I think DLSS will keep that card going for a long time. I use Moonlight to run my PC games at the couch when I feel like lounging in the living room.


Oct 28, 2017
Man, the sofa argument in 2020.

For those of you that have a solid PC and aren't in the know, you can hookup HDMI out from a PC to your TV setup. Get yourself a coffee table desk in front of your sofa/chair and a wireless keyboard and mouse and done. Most stores have big screen modes to make it easier to read.


Oct 25, 2017
The console experience is mostly "fine" for me too, but what I can't give up when it comes to PC is the open platform. That means a ton of indie games that get released on PC months or years before console, if ever, some of which are my favorite games.. That means mods that can completely change my experience with not just AAA games, but also low-end or even retro games. And in general it just means a much wider range of customization, like being able to choose resolution, aspect ratio, and my control method.

The main difference between me and the OP is that I've learned to let go of the feeling of "wanting more". I spent 400 hours playing Witcher 3 at high/medium graphics settings at 30fps and was perfectly fine with it.

Even if I did reach a point in the future where I could only afford the time and money to play AAA games on a PlayStation or Xbox, I feel like I would still keep around a work laptop or some kind of clunker system and install Doom, Quake, Garou, Civ, and some indie games on it.


Oct 25, 2017
Errr....that doesn't make a lot of sense. If you think it is outrageous that a game won't be playable at full settings at full frame rate and resolution a few years in on PC....consoles are even worse. Console settings will be far lower, not just in settings but frame rate and resolution.

yes, PCs will always be ahead of consoles, but in order to get beyond them (like what happens at the start of every new console gen), you'd have to buy the best hardware out there. consoles games are at least, for the most part, more consistent with their resolutions and frame rates.
Oct 25, 2017
yes, PCs will always be ahead of consoles, but in order to get beyond them (like what happens at the start of every new console gen), you'd have to buy the best hardware out there. consoles games are at least, for the most part, more consistent with their resolutions and frame rates.

I am still getting 60 FPS on my 2012 CPU. I only replaced my GPU because it got fried and its not that new. On top of my PC being fried for 7+ years. Expectations, feeling the need to stay current, and whatnot aren't something that should be factored in.

This isn't directed at you, just a lot of this seems to be going around.


Oct 25, 2017
Hell no, I would never willingly give up 60fps. Just turn some settings down, man. My 8 year old 4 core non hyperthreaded CPU was getting its ass kicked by Assassin's Creed Origins so I turned shadows to low and several other CPU intensive settings like Ambient Occlusion off, and guess what? The game still looked and played better than the console versions because there was twice the motion clarity and much better responsiveness in general. Don't stress about settings, just know that the ability to get an acceptable frame rate that doesn't look like dogshit is worth basically any compromise. Ever since I started playing primarily on my PC, it sucks to have to slum it on my PS4 Pro whenever an exclusive releases. It took me hours to adjust to the intense motion blur and film grain in TLoU2, to the point where I was getting headaches from it for the first few play sessions. I'm unfortunately going to have to deal with the juddery mess that is 30fps on Ghost of Tsushima as well. I'd rather play both of those games on "low" at a good frame rate than have all of the pretties I could ever want in nauseating juddervision with a motion blur Vaseline filter

Li bur

Oct 27, 2017
There hasn't been a game I can't run in ultra on my 1080ti. Only have to turn off RTX if the game supports it. Everything else I can max out and run over 60fps.

All that new games and steam sale and recently I only use my PC mainly for Football Manager (clocked 600 Hours LOL), the rest is on Switch. It's not about running games smoothly, but more about gaming on my bed, turn it off anytime I want and pick it up anytime I can. Aside from that I really don't think upgrading my PC is wise nowadays, especially with Kids and Covid uncertainty LOL.


Oct 25, 2017
I just might do that, seeing how new games are trying to twist my arm into switching to Windows 10. Or else build a games-only PC at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
I am still getting 60 FPS on my 2012 CPU. I only replaced my GPU because it got fried and its not that new. On top of my PC being fried for 7+ years. Expectations, feeling the need to stay current, and whatnot aren't something that should be factored in.

This isn't directed at you, just a lot of this seems to be going around.

was it a high end gpu at the time?


Oct 27, 2017
Yep I've gone even further Outside my pro I'm playing stadia and switch / mobile games anymore tired of the patching and hackers honestly. 15 different chat applications and launchers. Windows 10 is a mess constantly breaking things I don't want to work to play. Once next generation get here I'm done with PC for good


Oct 27, 2017
I've had a couple friends go back after excitedly building PC rigs. The pure convenience of consoles and comfy couches is a big draw.

PC gaming is still a big part of my time, but it ain't the be all end all it used to be, and I frequently buy on console over PC.


Oct 27, 2017
No and I will never do that. Way too many exclusives on PC to miss out and some games/genres I like just play like shit on consoles compared to PC.


Oct 27, 2017
I still don't really accept the arguments based on cost, talking about ultra high end hardware, constant upgrades, coming from people that are happy with a PS4, you know, if you are satisfied with that level of experience, a budget PC will do
high end PCs in my view are for people that can't get satisfied with that level, or are simply willing to invest more, it's not a requirement for PC gaming to go all in with the expensive hardware.

now, with the next gen you would have a point, it will probably take a couple of years for more budget PC hardware to catch up.


Oct 29, 2017
PC gaming seems like a massive investment. you have to constantly buy new hardware if you want to keep up with playing the newest games at the highest settings. i had to do quite a bit of research a few months ago when i was thinking about building a PC (not for gaming, but for video editing) and i was surprised to learn that even a $300 gpu might BARELY let you play at 1080p at 60fps IN 2020! and then you have the high end cards like the 2080 TI that goes for $1,100 if you want to do 4k? and that's just the gpu. it doesn't include the CPU, the RAM, and all that other fun stuff.

meanwhile, you can get a 4k gaming device with the ps4 pro and xbox1x for under $300? yeah..

I'm not going to say that PC isn't a bigger investment than a console, because it obviously is - (then again a PC has multiple uses, but whatever, not the topic at hand)
But a $300 card not being enough for 1080p 60 fps? What kind of nonsense are you talking about?

A Non-super RTX 2060 can be had for that much. And that card absolutely crushes 1080p. You can run RDR 2 at significantly better settings than consoles and get 60 fps. You can get 120 fps in Death Stranding. You can even brute force janky ubisoft games to run over 60 fps. Hell, a 2060 is actually a pretty decent 1440p card as well if you compromise on some settings.

Majority of games on consoles are 30 fps, and native 4k games on the ps4 pro are extremely rare, most of them run at around 1440p or so. You definitely don't need a 2080 ti match that.


Oct 27, 2017
I still don't really accept the arguments based on cost, talking about ultra high end hardware, constant upgrades, coming from people that are happy with a PS4, you know, if you are satisfied with that level of experience, a budget PC will do

I think that's the sticking point -if someone's happy with console performance, a console will suffice, will be cheaper, and may be more convenient or comfortable to game with.

Personally I've never seen the benefit of a budget PC. Obviously it's a compromise, and because you'll be hitting the mid to lower hardware requirements you'll be tweaking settings more often with new games. Not an ideal experience.


Dec 5, 2017
Can't really see myself abandoning PC gaming, it's the most complete and customizable platform to play games.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
I did for a while.

Around the shift to the PS4 generation a lot of games I bought were buggy or did not work, especially the really old ones.

I got tired of spending my money and getting excited for a game only to spend hours dealing with technical issues and arguing for a refund so most purchases after that were on consoles.

Several years later, for some reasonI decided to give PC gaming another shot but this time I've had a lot less issues and now I play on PC just fine.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I played WoW on the family PC, but I've been console only before and after that, and have no desire to get a gaming PC for myself at all.

Well actually, I'd like one for the Trails fan translations but that's not something I'm going to buy a PC over.


Dec 6, 2018
I did, had a great pc at the time, but went all consoles and probably won't go back, pc takes too much time, lots of micro issues to manage, my tipping point was that doom 2016 and SFV wasn't working properly crashing and game pad issues, that was the tipping point but lots of micro fixing and I had like 1h to play sometimes 2h the whole week, time > graphics/discounts

add to the injury with also buying a mac, I'm liking the almost just works stuff
Oct 29, 2017
Man, the sofa argument in 2020.

For those of you that have a solid PC and aren't in the know, you can hookup HDMI out from a PC to your TV setup. Get yourself a coffee table desk in front of your sofa/chair and a wireless keyboard and mouse and done. Most stores have big screen modes to make it easier to read.

Cool, but does it turn on and continue the game with a single press of a button?

Half-serious comment, but I always experienced that all the Windows crap before you can even get into Big Picture mode can be enormous and unpredictable. There is also login, which is a pain in the ass with a controller. Also there is the fact that you might use said computer for other things and might not have it hooked up to a TV through HDMI.

Until I press a single button and no matter what I can be in the game where I left off in a matter of seconds, the sofa argument stands. You can force a lot of things onto many other things but in the end there is a clear difference in effort. On paper? Yeah. In practice? Not so good.
Last edited:


Feb 9, 2018
In my teens I was crazy about building and upgrading my own gaming PC. Used to bring it to my friends for LAN parties and everything. Around the Xbox 360/PS3 generation I abandoned PC gaming altogether in favour of consoles and I'd never go back.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. I tried to go back to PC gaming a few times, upgraded my GFX card in 2016, got an i7 two years ago.. but I just prefer gaming on my couch. I love my TV and surround setup too much. And yeah, my PC is in a different room, so there's no way to hook it up to my TV. I've tried streaming but it never worked well enough to be an option for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Nether of my past GPU have been high end. It was a 660 and now a 1060 lol.

a 660 can run games at 1080p at 60 fps?

I'm not going to say that PC isn't a bigger investment than a console, because it obviously is - (then again a PC has multiple uses, but whatever, not the topic at hand)
But a $300 card not being enough for 1080p 60 fps? What kind of nonsense are you talking about?

A Non-super RTX 2060 can be had for that much. And that card absolutely crushes 1080p. You can run RDR 2 at significantly better settings than consoles and get 60 fps. You can get 120 fps in Death Stranding. You can even brute force janky ubisoft games to run over 60 fps. Hell, a 2060 is actually a pretty decent 1440p card as well if you compromise on some settings.

Majority of games on consoles are 30 fps, and native 4k games on the ps4 pro are extremely rare, most of them run at around 1440p or so. You definitely don't need a 2080 ti match that.

i meant $200 then.


Nov 15, 2018
I don't understand the people who say it requires so much tinkering and fixing to play games on PC. The last time I had any real issue on a PC game was metal gear solid 5 having odd af frame pacing. This was five years ago. Not a problem since.

And it took me all of 20 minutes scanning forums to figure out the fix. Yeah, I wouldn't have to worry about frame pacing fixes on a console, but I'd have to play the same games at 30fps and you couldn't pay me to do that shit again (except for very special cases like Zelda).

I have a switch that sees light use for the exclusives I want but I'll buy my Indies and other third party games on PC, thanks. I know that in 30 years I'll still be able to play them.


Editor-in-Chief, Hyped Pixels
Jun 11, 2018
Lisbon, Portugal
Pretty much yeah, I only play World of Warcraft and CIV VI.. I own a 2070 SUPER but I'd rather play on the console on the sofa, plus most games I wanna play are either Sony or Nintendo exclusive these days