
When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah,, when's he going to learn? lol. When's the age when white people are old enough to learn not to be racist by being punished for being racist?

If you're a child or in school up even through college: "They're just kids! Didn't everyone say extremely racist shit during their youth?!"

Out of college working adults: "He gave an apology! Besides, he only tried to kill that presumed racist years ago; he never actually went through with it! Should we just close off all paths of forgiveness like monsters? Can we never allow people to change? Besides, the world is changing; people are just scared and anxious! They're being duped by Trump! They don't know any better!"

Senior citizens: "Just brush it off! They're old and grew up in a time where it was normal! Old habits die hard!"

There is never actually a good time for white people to deal with even the prospect of consequences for flagrant racism in their lives. Because the moment you start trying to deal with a few, the dominoes might start falling, and "good people" might have to confront the reality that they're not so good after all. The indictment on a random Internet racist is an indictment by proxy on many liberals' friends and families, and even themselves. Can't have that, now can we?


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know, man. I said and did really stupid shit between the ages of like 10 and 25. You're young and stupid, you think the whole world doesn't get you, you're misunderstood and mad. I said hurtful probably racist things because I wanted attention, to be edgy, to see what it felt like.

Part of growing up was learning better, looking back and working to be better, understanding the mistake. Sixteen is still a child, an idiot with a voice and a cellphone. I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.

You understand how college admission works, right? It's based on who you were as a teenager.

That's literally how it works.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Be right back, going to apologise to Harvard for the Algebra test I failed when I was 16. According to all these conservative pundits, I shouldn't be judge for my actions *checks notes* from 2 years a go...

Your entire admission is based on your actions over the last 3 years of high school!!!


Sep 20, 2018
I don't get the "it was a past tweet it shouldnt be held against him" because it was relatively recently. I doubt 18 year old him is any more mature than 16 year old him that made that tweet. But if he seriously wants to change and improve as a human, as he mentioned in one of his tweets, and his grades are good enough for harvard's standards, he should be let in.

I don't trust grifters though, and this is all the kid is imo, so I doubt he seriously wants to change.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, man. I said and did really stupid shit between the ages of like 10 and 25. You're young and stupid, you think the whole world doesn't get you, you're misunderstood and mad. I said hurtful probably racist things because I wanted attention, to be edgy, to see what it felt like.

Part of growing up was learning better, looking back and working to be better, understanding the mistake. Sixteen is still a child, an idiot with a voice and a cellphone. I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.

You right. He shouldn't be punished AS A TEENAGER for shit he said, and doubled down on, AS A TEENAGER.

THIS is the moment where he's supposed to grow. His life isn't ruined.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, man. I said and did really stupid shit between the ages of like 10 and 25. You're young and stupid, you think the whole world doesn't get you, you're misunderstood and mad. I said hurtful probably racist things because I wanted attention, to be edgy, to see what it felt like.

Part of growing up was learning better, looking back and working to be better, understanding the mistake. Sixteen is still a child, an idiot with a voice and a cellphone. I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.

Then it's settled. Everyone gets a free pass to be racist through age 25 and an acceptance letter from Harvard no takebacks.


Oct 27, 2017
Good. At 16 you should mature enough to realize just how hateful these words are and if you are still willing to post them then that's on him. I never posted shit like this when I was 16 and plenty of people never have as well. He needs to realize that actions have consequences and that he is not entitled to get into Harvard.

He makes it seems like he can't grow and change a person unless he gets into Harvard. If he is unable to grow as a person in another College than his statement was never genuine, to begin with. Hopefully, he can change but knowing his history I won't be holding my breath for it.

Also, conservative act like this the first time this is happening when Harvard has rescinded admission before when they found out that students they accepted posted racist stuff on Facebook. At least 10 students had their admission rescinded.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, man. I said and did really stupid shit between the ages of like 10 and 25. You're young and stupid, you think the whole world doesn't get you, you're misunderstood and mad. I said hurtful probably racist things because I wanted attention, to be edgy, to see what it felt like.

Part of growing up was learning better, looking back and working to be better, understanding the mistake. Sixteen is still a child, an idiot with a voice and a cellphone. I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.

I'm not frothing out the mouth angry at this kid. He did something stupid and is now learning there are consequences to it.

I see this story and go whelp. That's it. There is no "well I was young and dumb to, so he should be allowed into Harvard" is that your argument?

Also 25? Really? That's your threshold.


Oct 26, 2017
Why are these professors basing grades on the tests you already took? That was weeks ago; it's not who I am now.

Why won't they let me learn and grow?


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

I'm not frothing out the mouth angry at this kid. He did something stupid and is now learning there are consequences to it.

I see this story and go whelp. That's it. There is no "well I was young and dumb to, so he should be allowed into Harvard" is that your argument?

lmao, right?

like this isn't some 27 year old dude who is now applying for a PhD at Harvard and these 10 year old tweets popped up.

Why are these professors basing grades on the tests you already took? That was weeks ago; it's not who I am now.

Why won't they let me learn and grow?


I just want to say that I love stupei and Nepenthe. Ya'll dope.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Thinking about this more gets me more mad:

How many sixteen year olds DON'T get the benefit of doubt because of their parents tax brackets and/or color of their skin.

Knowing how competitive college admissions are to the point where your hobbies can have a bearing on how you get in, but somehow he wants to sell that being a racist is no big deal?

And most infuriating the "he/she's no angel!" bootstraps crowd suddenly having a conscience, I wonder why.

Its like a neat little story summing up America's failing in race and class


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get the "it was a past tweet it shouldnt be held against him" because it was relatively recently. I doubt 18 year old him is any more mature than 16 year old him that made that tweet. But if he seriously wants to change and improve as a human, as he mentioned in one of his tweets, and his grades are good enough for harvard's standards, he should be let in.

I don't trust grifters though, and this is all the kid is imo, so I doubt he seriously wants to change.

If I cant apologise for tests I failed in high school, an apology for being racist shouldn't be enough either.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.

I can literally put down $500 right now on the fact that I have never engaged in Jewish conspiracies or attacked my own people as niggers online or in real life. The most embarrassing tirades I've gone on are Sonic the Hedgehog rants.

What does it say about white American culture that this shit is a normal part of growing up and you all empathize with it???????


Oct 31, 2017
Tulsa, OK
User Banned (1 Week): Excusing Racism
Try reading the thread before making statements like these.
I literally posted after reading the first part or two as I was heading back to work from break. Op doesn't have much in the way of context.
It's not an "oopsy daisy" to drop the n-word. It means he hates black people.
There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.
It would be pretty sweet if my punishment for being a stupid racist threatening violence as a teenager was not getting into Harvard.
Actions have consequences, this is nothing new. Colleges commonly go through social media or records of past history.
He's 18 now...he's still a damn teenager. Yes. He can be judged by it. This is fucking stupid, stop snitching on yourself.
Let's be real, if I were 16 and trying to go to a big school, stuff like social media behavior could influence that. I've told my kid since he was old enough to understand not to post dumb shit to the web. I'm sure there were plenty of applicants without the baggage and he can still apply elsewhere.
He's still a teenager. These comments were made less than two years ago. His response to being in a school shooting was to immediately become a right wing grifter working for TPUSA and the NRA. He is not entitled to skate on being a racist and he's not entitled to go to Harvard.
He was director of high school outreach for Turning Point USA until last month.
So yeah, maybe he'll grow out of it, but let's not pretend he isn't a Nazi shithead.
Kyle Kashuv is not in jail. His life is not ruined. Racist shithead teens like him should be given an opportunity to absolve themselves of past comments - I'll entirely agree to that. However, racists (former or otherwise) are not entitled to an Ivy League education just because they regret their shitty posts.
He's still a teenager making those same "mistakes". Not tolerating

Ok, while I agree after some context that this guy shouldn't be going to Harvard it's still disturbing to me that a single shitty post is the grounds they came up with to end his education at the school that already accepted him in the first place. All the other stuff was apparently already known and they were still going to let him in. People say and do stupid shit, many people grow out of it and change. There's no minimum amount of time that requires that kind of change either. This definitely isn't one of those situations though.
Cape harder for the poor racist white child

It's a good look for you
Is this really necessary?

It's really telling that I've been on this site and in this community for about 7 years now and this is what gets the most replies out of anything I've ever posted, ever.


Oct 25, 2017
being 16 isn't an excuse - it's maybe an explanation i suppose, but its not an excuse. no sympathy from me, you gotta live and learn from your high school dumbassery. just, not at harvard


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, man. I said and did really stupid shit between the ages of like 10 and 25. You're young and stupid, you think the whole world doesn't get you, you're misunderstood and mad. I said hurtful probably racist things because I wanted attention, to be edgy, to see what it felt like.

Part of growing up was learning better, looking back and working to be better, understanding the mistake. Sixteen is still a child, an idiot with a voice and a cellphone. I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.
Well then, you wouldn't have gotten into Harvard. And the world moves on.

yes I can 100% say I never said the N word or said death to Jews on social media. I think anybody that can't say that probably shouldn't have gotten into Harvard out of high school.

And ironically my family was racist and Conservative, I grew up on Fox News and "N word Toe nuts", and I STILL never said that shit because I knew it was hurtful to others.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I literally posted after reading the first part or two as I was heading back to work from break. Op doesn't have much in the way of context.

There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.

Ok, while I agree after some context that this guy shouldn't be going to Harvard it's still disturbing to me that a single shitty post is the grounds they came up with to end his education at the school that already accepted him in the first place. All the other stuff was apparently already known and they were still going to let him in. People say and do stupid shit, many people grow out of it and change. There's no minimum amount of time that requires that kind of change either. This definitely isn't one of those situations though.

Is this really necessary?

It's really telling that I've been on this site and in this community for about 7 years now and this is what gets the most replies out of anything I've ever posted, ever.

Its telling that defending people who use the N word gets a lot of replies? I dont know maybe dont defend people use the n word?


Oct 30, 2017

I can literally put down $500 right now on the fact that I have never engaged in Jewish conspiracies or attacked my own people as niggers online or in real life. The most embarrassing tirades I've gone on are Sonic the Hedgehog rants.

What does it say about white American culture that this shit is a normal part of growing up and you all empathize with it???????

That's why it's good that he's getting punished, so this type of behavior won't be a part of "growing up" in the future.
Oct 25, 2017
I literally posted after reading the first part or two as I was heading back to work from break. Op doesn't have much in the way of context.

There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.

Ok, while I agree after some context that this guy shouldn't be going to Harvard it's still disturbing to me that a single shitty post is the grounds they came up with to end his education at the school that already accepted him in the first place. All the other stuff was apparently already known and they were still going to let him in. People say and do stupid shit, many people grow out of it and change. There's no minimum amount of time that requires that kind of change either. This definitely isn't one of those situations though.

Is this really necessary?

It's really telling that I've been on this site and in this community for about 7 years now and this is what gets the most replies out of anything I've ever posted, ever.
If I start making posts with the f or r word in them, I'm likely getting banned. "I'm not homophobic, I just say the word", isn't an out. People want to stomp out this behavior. You look back on things as a mistake that you grew out of which leads you to downplay why they were so bad.

I also said a lot of embarrassing things, nothing near this bad, but things I'm definitely ashamed of. Some things I got into trouble for, some things I got away with. But I did grow and apologize to people. I've also gotten apologies from people.

"Eh I was a little racist in high school, but I got over it" isn't some of rite of passage. Consider the people on the other side of those jabs and maybe you'll get why this thread is less forgiving.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, man. I said and did really stupid shit between the ages of like 10 and 25. You're young and stupid, you think the whole world doesn't get you, you're misunderstood and mad. I said hurtful probably racist things because I wanted attention, to be edgy, to see what it felt like.

Part of growing up was learning better, looking back and working to be better, understanding the mistake. Sixteen is still a child, an idiot with a voice and a cellphone. I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.
Nah I never been a bigot. Get out of here with this trash post. White America get to take decades to "grow" while Americans of color can't even make small non-bigoted mistakes.


Oct 25, 2017
I literally posted after reading the first part or two as I was heading back to work from break. Op doesn't have much in the way of context.

There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.

Ok, while I agree after some context that this guy shouldn't be going to Harvard it's still disturbing to me that a single shitty post is the grounds they came up with to end his education at the school that already accepted him in the first place. All the other stuff was apparently already known and they were still going to let him in. People say and do stupid shit, many people grow out of it and change. There's no minimum amount of time that requires that kind of change either. This definitely isn't one of those situations though.

Is this really necessary?

It's really telling that I've been on this site and in this community for about 7 years now and this is what gets the most replies out of anything I've ever posted, ever.
Yeah some people take racism very seriously. Especially the targets of it. If you come across as dismissing it, expect a lot of replies.

Very telling indeed...


Oct 25, 2017
I literally posted after reading the first part or two as I was heading back to work from break. Op doesn't have much in the way of context.

There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.

Ok, while I agree after some context that this guy shouldn't be going to Harvard it's still disturbing to me that a single shitty post is the grounds they came up with to end his education at the school that already accepted him in the first place. All the other stuff was apparently already known and they were still going to let him in. People say and do stupid shit, many people grow out of it and change. There's no minimum amount of time that requires that kind of change either. This definitely isn't one of those situations though.

Is this really necessary?

It's really telling that I've been on this site and in this community for about 7 years now and this is what gets the most replies out of anything I've ever posted, ever.

What you should be wondering is why did this post get so many reactions compared to your others. No one clearly has it out for you. It was a poor post.


Nov 16, 2017
I literally posted after reading the first part or two as I was heading back to work from break. Op doesn't have much in the way of context.

There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.

Ok, while I agree after some context that this guy shouldn't be going to Harvard it's still disturbing to me that a single shitty post is the grounds they came up with to end his education at the school that already accepted him in the first place. All the other stuff was apparently already known and they were still going to let him in. People say and do stupid shit, many people grow out of it and change. There's no minimum amount of time that requires that kind of change either. This definitely isn't one of those situations though.

Is this really necessary?

It's really telling that I've been on this site and in this community for about 7 years now and this is what gets the most replies out of anything I've ever posted, ever.

You can't be serious...

Honestly, it's fucking dumb you'd even say that someone referring to black people as n---gers doesn't mean they hate them. Is that what you really believe? I guess that makes calling us ni--gers okay then!

I barely even want to respond to you after a stupid as fuck statement like that. When is it ever appropriate to refer to black people like that? Esp coming from a white person. It makes 100% total sense that you view this as a "mistake". I don't even tolerate black people saying ER in a joking matter.

It's not even a stretch to probably think you're guilty of the same shit to even come to that conclusion because you clearly see some empathy applicable to this situation. But of course you're mad that you making a dumbass statement got a reaction of people calling you out for your bullshit.

Youre prime example of people being over the stupid nonsense that White Americans always try to handwave and downplay. (Don't care what race you actually are)

Just take the fucking L.

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, man. I said and did really stupid shit between the ages of like 10 and 25. You're young and stupid, you think the whole world doesn't get you, you're misunderstood and mad. I said hurtful probably racist things because I wanted attention, to be edgy, to see what it felt like.

Part of growing up was learning better, looking back and working to be better, understanding the mistake. Sixteen is still a child, an idiot with a voice and a cellphone. I refuse to believe that everyone in this thread has an immaculate past that's utterly free of a really awful incident like Kyle's.

16 year olds can go to juvie. We punish 16 year olds everyday. He can still go to a state school without a scholarship and be flooded with debt like 90% of the rest of people. His life isn't over, he just lost an opportunity. I lost opportunities because of stupid shit I did as a teen and life moved on.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
He said he had a lot of practice. He'll fit in in politics or whatever he's planning to do. :\ Already got powerful connections, there's no way he's changing anytime soon.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.

Why do they use the N word if they don't hate black people?

Ignorance? Immaturity?

Top schools screen for ethics, scholarship, and maturity. He's not checking a single box here.

Deleted member 6215

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What does it say about white American culture that this shit is a normal part of growing up and you all empathize with it???????

This shit wasn't part of my white American culture growing up in the 1980s and it sure as hell isn't what my kids are growing up with now. These posts trying to pass off radical racism as just "kids being kids" are insane.


Oct 26, 2017
I literally posted after reading the first part or two as I was heading back to work from break. Op doesn't have much in the way of context.

There's plenty of people who use that word that don't hate black people. Not saying it's right but it's still true.

Nope your excusing just plain old racism. Like damn are you one of those people who goes my parents or grandparents or some other relative are still good people even though they are racist?

, while I agree after some context that this guy shouldn't be going to Harvard it's still disturbing to me that a single shitty post is the grounds they came up with to end his education at the school that already accepted him in the first place. All the other stuff was apparently already known and they were still going to let him in. People say and do stupid shit, many people grow out of it and change. There's no minimum amount of time that requires that kind of change either. This definitely isn't one of those situations though.

Is this really necessary?

It's really telling that I've been on this site and in this community for about 7 years now and this is what gets the most replies out of anything I've ever posted, ever.

Are you serious with this bs your willing to to defend someone who said this
months before the school was shot up by another student.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
This start of the thread is pretty funny seeing people going soft on the kid because they thought he was an activist for gun control, then when they realized he's pro-gun and met with Trump instantly throw him under to the wolves.

Some are more offended at that than him using atrocious racial epithets...

But gun issues aside, I don't give a shit about this asshole. Knew plenty of em in high school and trust me, 20 years later they ain't changing.

They end up marrying folks that will call the cops on you for selling water or being in a park.

Zero fucks given. Kid can go to community college like everyone else.


Nov 6, 2017
Teenagers want to be treated like an adult until they don't want to be treated like an adult so they can use youth as an excuse.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand anyone using the "we all said and did things when we were young that we regret now".

Okay and?

Does something being in the past mean you aren't responsible for it anymore?

What the fuck kind of point is that?


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck this racist shitty ass kid. I'd say oh maybe he will change but we all know he won't, and it is no one's responsibility to make him grow as a person but his own. Seems like he is just fine with himself being a shitty alt-right mouth piece

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
Entitled brat needs to learn the consequences of his actions. Sure, you can change, so let this serve as a lesson to be a better person. But I don't think it's sunk in yet.


Oct 27, 2017
Edgelord trash deserve to be rejected by civilized society. In fact, they know this is the case. They're just obsessed with testing the limits right now. The election of Donald Trump is the pinnacle of this movement.

So no. We're not going to be baited into explaining why a 16 year old who likes to causally toss around racist slurs forfeits his opportunity to go to Harvard.

That's how a civilized society works.

No one normal wants to date you if you're a Trump supporter, your normal family members disown you and you get rejected from Harvard for being grossly racist.


Oct 25, 2017
This guy didn't just make one or two insensitive posts.

He made comments that a crazed school shooter makes ahead of a school shooting.

The only difference is that someone else did the shooting and now he's trying to cash in on it by sanitizing his awful comments from only 24 months ago.

And now he's lecturing Harvard on why they should let him in?

Fuck him. I hope he's blacklisted by all Ivy League schools.