Apr 17, 2019
Was it really a divisive reception?
I vaguely remember it being received more like a resounding non-committal ambivalence.

Certainly not to the level of of the sequel trilogy whew now that's a landmine to discuss online


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
He wasn't the biggest issue, but I do remember stories that they had to bring in acting coaches for the two leads because they weren't working out.

But RoS made Solo look like solid gold.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
He was fine, it was all the BS around the production of the movie ( and bringing in blandy mcbland Ron Howard to finish the film couldn't have helped).

Watch his part in Hail, Caesar! It's not a huge role but the fella shows he certainly has some chops. I hope we see more of him.


Mar 15, 2019
I think of I were to re-watch any Star Wars movie right now, it'd be Solo. It's better than most of the Skywalker Saga.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Represents the worst of Disney haphazard management of the franchise. It's awful. Had to force myself to get to the end. Shite Han, terrible , clichéd setup for meeting Chewie, even worse, the way it bungled the explanation for his name. Why was it even brought up? Could he just be Han Solo??? Did the writers sit there with genuine sense of profound joy at solving something that wasn't a puzzle?? Worst of the worst SW movies.

Deleted member 42055

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Apr 12, 2018
I really didn't mind this film at all, I enjoyed it. There are parts here of the SW universe that I wish would be explored more like when you watched Han on the ground as an imperial soldier or of course the whole criminal underground itself


Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoyed Solo and thought he did a great job. I went in expecting it to be mediocre/bad.
Oct 29, 2017
he had large shoes to fill, being one of the most beloved characters in the world, with the personality and charisma very much tied to the original actor. All things considered, once i got used to him not being Harrison Ford, he was great. I think Solo was pretty good- far from perfect, but definitely one of the better Disney Star Wars.


Nov 13, 2017
I thought it was pretty good aside from explaining Solo when it didn't need explaining (it could have just been a common Corellian surname).

Better than the sequel trilogy, not as good as Rogue One.


Oct 27, 2017
The North, England
One thing I didn't like about the movie was how they tried to explain every part of Han that was even mentioned or seen in the OT.

How Han got his name
How Han got his blaster
How Han met Chewie
How Han met Lando
How the Falcon did the Kessel run
How Han won the Falcon

If Han mentioned in A New Hope about a shit he took a few years ago then that shit would have been in this movie.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I think Solo's performance wasn't a matter of a single issue.

This movie had a lot of problems - creative differences over its direction, change of directors, aiming for an early release just few months after a previous movie, a very limited marketing efforts in estabilishing its presence. Everything felt rushed and poorly planned. Not to even mention the fact, this movie was very hard to sell before even launched. There was a very limited number of people who were excited about watching a story about young Han Solo. Lucasfilm didn't even tried to do anything to convince viewers that it's an idea that could work.

I was also disappointed in script itself. Entire story felt like a checklist of things we knew about Han that were crammed into a single movie. That said, considering we already have all of those things behind, I do honestly think Solo could find it's place as a Disney+ TV series and set a very promising framework for future stories about what Han, Chewie and Lando were doing before A New Hope.


Mar 16, 2018
looking back at it i definitely enjoyed solo and rogue one more than the sequel trilogy

Deleted member 1627

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Oct 25, 2017
Really (really) liked the movie. Really fun adventure. Fan service is hit and miss, but it's solid, overall. Would have loved to have seen the original directors' take on things purely because I don't think there's enough variety in the Star Wars stuff we get on the screen (it's all kind of... the same... even the Mandolorian) but of all the latest movies, this is the one I would like a sequel of the most.

el jacko

Dec 12, 2017
I think Solo would make a good Disney+ show.
I've said this before on this site and other places and randomly all over the place, but both Solo and Rogue One, which had terrible pacing problems in its first half, would have benefited so much from being Mandalorian-type TV shows that it makes me sad to think about. There would have been far less pressure to be a big movie, and the stories in each show would have had more room to flesh out new characters, or just live in the mood of the universe - two things Mandalorian does really well and both the films kind of struggled at since they had so much story to tell.


Oct 25, 2017
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I assumed it wasn't going to awful... and it was decent.
Feb 24, 2018
His performance wasn't really issue but the film itself, it's a play it safe blockbuster which is fine, it makes an okay movie, but also a forgettable one and one that I don't really feel much about, at least with something like Rise of Skywalker being bad, their is way more to talk about it.

My personal big issues with it is that it falls in the trap many prequels do, they make the character seem more heroic then they actually were when you first saw them, Han as written and directed just doesn't feel like the Han we knew in the original 1977 movie which is why the
Han shot first scene
at the end fell flat, it felt like they completely missed the point of why people disliked that change and actually doubled down on it. Again this isn't just a problem with Star Wars, even Dragon Ball did this with Bardock in later specials and Dragon Ball Minus.

The others are it also falls into the trap of having everything significant happen to him in like a week that prequels also suffer from and making every prop, plot point etc be something to stop the movie for even things like his Blaster which... And? Han didn't care about that Blaster in the first movie and trades it up for an Imperial Blaster for movie of the movie, some of these moments actually just go into silly logic to work or are too over the top like
the Kessel run (which actually I didn't like because it changes A New Hope when he mentions it from "Han's bullshitting numbers to sound impressive to people he think he can easily impressive" to "Han's terrible at making his own feats sound credible", which again, feels at odds with with who Han was. Also Chewie's getting his Bandaler was just silly because he already had it in Episode 3 and implies he never changes.

Plus for me personally, I didn't like how they were playing Feminism and the droid rights plot as a joke and her fate is just awful. Lastly, people bring up that Lando or Qi'ra would have been better leads and stories, that's because, A. We know them less so their's a lot of explore, B. Their stories seemed more unique and interesting then the one we got and personally C. a Woman or POC man lead would have been better, sadly, Hollywood still feels "play it safe" = White straight man lead which this movie is a prime example of.


Apr 5, 2018
I really wish we had gotten the Lord and Miller version of this movie. What we ended up with is just so bland. And yeah, people are right that the weakest parts of it are the "here's the backstory to this thing" parts, which especially fall flat because so many of the backstories are uninteresting. The name shit was probably the worst of this.

I haven't seen it twice, but I just can't believe it'll change my opinion at all, despite what Ehrenreich says. It doesn't feel like a movie where there's much to discover below the surface.


Oct 27, 2017
I still think Solo was a fun movie and Ehrenreich made young Han Solo his own. And i was someone who didn't really feel his casting at first.

Hope the opinions about the movie and his take on Solo continue to get better. ^^


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't have any major issues with him. It was the writing. The ending especially they decided was so rediculous.
He was great in the role. The irony of this film is it is more entertaining and better made as a film IMO than any of the sequel trilogy movies.

Its only problem is, as oft pointed out, it's about things nobody cared to know about Han's background. A bunch of small trivia.

But since audiences really couldn't know that in advance, I still think its failure was due to pure saturation and the fact that many people thought it had already come out. (They bought three identical ad slots back to back for the breaks on streaming services. We joked about how every ad in the world was now an ad for Solo.)

Deleted member 5359

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Oct 25, 2017
Nothing against him, but "Han Solo actor" is the problem. There's only one Han Solo that audiences accept.
Oct 25, 2017
After watching it I felt like if all thing Solo were removed from this it could have been a totally serviceable Universe type of movie that came straight to Disney+. The hamfisting of Han stuff is what drags it down and Glover's try hard Billy Dee just didn't work at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, basically " I got my paycheck and it made enough money, and everyone knows who I am now". It is a win for him in the end.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
Solo was forgettable but mostly inoffensive. The only thing I didnt like about it was the dumb name origin scene and how damn ugly the film was. Did anyone else notice how brown and grey this film was? If Half Blood Prince had a piss filter, Solo had the poo filter.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it just fine, but it does fall into the trap of prequelitis where it has to explain every detail we know about.

Han leaving the Imperial Navy, meeting chewie (and naming him chewie), getting his recognizable blaster (along with a description as to why it's powerful...it's a sniper rifle converted to a handgun lol), meeting lando, kessel run, winning the falcon, and "one more job" cliffhanger teasing Jabba.

All in the span of...a day or something?


Oct 28, 2017
It was...fine... but the best parts were when they were exploring life under the Empire rather than explaining every single detail we had about Han from the OT.


Oct 26, 2017
It was a good film and I think ultimately a better all around film than any in the new trilogy was. Edit: I say this as somebody who didn't go into watching the movie with a massive hate boner like other seemed to have. That's even considering that I loved the Han Solo Trilogy of books by A.C. Crispin (wow didn't know she passed away in 2013 per wiki).


Nov 4, 2017
His performance as Solo was fine enough. It's hard to channel the cynical charm and charisma of Harrison Ford, but he managed to put his own spin on the role in a way that didn't take me out of the movie.

My big issue is that they tried to cram everything we know about him into one movie, when I feel a running series about his adventures leading up to Episode 4 would have been more organic. How he met Lando, how he go the falcon, how he met Chewie, how he got his blaster all occurred in a very short timeframe. It's literally like they ran through a checklist. Really sloppy and forced story telling. It even gave the answer to how he got his name, which as far as I know nobody asked that question. And the logic behind why his last name is 'Solo' is cringe-worthy.