
Jun 15, 2018
It looks....fine. Absolutely fine. As long as it plays well, that's what's important to me.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Biggest mistake of the show was not showing off an improved gameplay demo running real time on the Series X has me concerned still that there's no actual release date either. If the campaign is a mess that's it for me and Halo games from 343 tbh.
Jez Corden suggested that they were strategising around rather as yet unannounced COD release date. Which makes a lot of sense really.


Oct 29, 2017
Ah hadn't seen this comparison but thanks for replying.

VG Aficionado

Nov 6, 2017
I think it will only look great to Halo fans. Other than that, there will be way more visually interesting games out there when this one comes out.

They still aren't confident enough, since they didn't actually show any campaign gameplay. Surely it'll improve a lot over last year's mess, but I don't think they will be able to marry the old school art direction with modern tech very successfully.


May 25, 2018
Anyone who doesn't have an agenda honestly can't say that last year's Infinite reveal is somehow comparable to Forbidden West. Graphically Horizon is just miles ahead. Is that pic from your Twitter console wars account?

I wouldn't really use the word stunning, but imo the new Halo footage looks good and much better than the original reveal. I just don't understand why some Xbox fans have the absolute need to make everyone agree that it's somehow the best looking game there is, when clearly it's not. There's already better looking XB1/PS4 games that have similar wide open areas.

Halo hasn't really had the absolute best graphics in the industry in a long, long time and in other areas the more recent releases have been okay at best. Infinite will look better than any Halo game before it, and almost certainly it will also be one of the best Halo games released thus far.
Oct 25, 2017
Jez Corden suggested that they were strategising around rather as yet unannounced COD release date. Which makes a lot of sense really.
Is that confirmed or just what he was hearing? Not to mention we all know the punchline to that Vanguard outsells and is played by more people than Halo Infinite. Regardless of the quality Vanguard will probably still be the best selling game this holiday.

Pizza Dog

Oct 25, 2017
So glad that technology has progressed to the point that Cortana can wear clothes now. I remember seeing the Halo 4 design and being staggered by how far they were pushing it. Awful stuff.


Nov 14, 2017
I think part of the reason Infinite might seem like it doesn't look as good as previous Halo's is because it is open world. It's actually something of a worry. Halo has always been bout this epic space opera, going to awesome cool locations in various biomes. The art team could really go wild with (pre-baked) lighting, new art, awesome skyboxes, alien foliage.

From what we've seen of "Zeta Halo" we are always in the Halo CE 2nd Level "Pacific Northwest" Biome. The high points don't even look like they have snow. Seems like its only the PNW outside, Forerunner/Banished inside, UNSC inside. That's it.

The engine trailer from 2018 shows some aquatic, beach, desert, grassland, mountain areas.

Halo Infinite - E3 2018 - Announce Trailer

The Master Chief returns in Halo Infinite – the next chapter of the legendary franchise. Developed by 343 Industries and created with our new Slipspace Engin...

But who knows how much of this made the game.

Maybe they are keeping it secret as a surprise.
Open world and having to run on the base XB1 are the biggest reasons for the visual compromises.

The game is starting to look good now - perhaps even "great", depending on your perspective and if you remember that they're targeting a high frame rate. Maybe not stunning or best in class - but still pretty good, all things considered.
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Oct 26, 2017
It looks ok. We have better looking games last ten Although not at this Res or frame rate combo.

As soon as we move away from this conversation the better it is for the game I still remember people hyping it up last year and look how it turned out

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
When have graphics ever made the game fun? Don't get me wrong, the game looks great visually, but the gameplay looks fantastic. I cannot wait to grapple a sniper rifle away from someone in MP.


Nov 3, 2018
The IQ is insane in those shots. The game needed more time in the oven and I am really glad they decided to delay it. I want Halo to be huge again.
Dec 26, 2017
Firelink Shrine
"Average looking" is a big improvement from what they showed last year in fairness. It was unrealistic to think they could transform it into a next gen showstopper.
consider they're targeting 4K 60 as the baseline, and going up to 120 for MP, it was never going to be a showstopper. throw in the fact that it needs to scale for last gen support, "average" is good enough.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
It looks great for a cross-gen, and top of the class for a mp shooter that needs to run at 60fps.

There is an only a handful of 60fps (non-cartoony) mp shooters that look great. COD, Battlefront, Gears, BFV.

It's hard for me to recall anything else.


Oct 29, 2017
I've played every Halo that has came out and really like the series, that said, I don't know if it's me, but I always wonder whether people are playing a cruel joke I just don't get when they fawn over Halo screenshots, this one even more so.

They look fine, this one looks fine, but I've never, ever, been blown away by the graphics of a Halo game. Artistically they are often great, and that counts for a lot, but the style of the game has just never wowed me.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2020
I've played every Halo that has came out and really like the series, that said, I don't know if it's me, but I always wonder whether people are playing a cruel joke I just don't get when they fawn over Halo screenshots, this one even more so.

They look fine, this one looks fine, but I've never, ever, been blown away by the graphics of a Halo game. Artistically they are often great, and that counts for a lot, but the style of the game has just never wowed me.
halo 4 had absolutely top tier graphics when it came out. infinite looks ok


Oct 25, 2017
halo 4 had absolutely top tier graphics when it came out. infinite looks ok

And the only reason Halo 4 got that is the removal/downgrade of other features. It had smaller maps/arenas, worse enemy AI, less physics objects, and really poor framerate with splitscreen and Forge, etc.

A Halo game that wants to expand on its features/gameplay is never going to be a true showstopper.


Feb 4, 2020
Stunning is a bit much, but I think it looks very good for a cross-gen game.

Yeah this is where I am. I thought it looked good, and a lot better than last year (at least from what you could extract from what they showed) - pop-in seemed to be a non-issue in that pulled back shot and it was drawing in more detail a lot further away, the PBR on the weapons and armor etc. looked muuuuuch better, and everything looked sharp and clean and readable, like you'd want from a Halo game. That shot of the landscape in the distance of the halo and stuff looked great, and I especially loved the look of the Banished base.

But "stunning"? I mean, to the extent that word has a firm definition - nah. It looked really good, which is what I hoped for after the big bowl of "what the fuck?" that was last year, but going for the top shelf superlatives seems a bit overboard.

It looks like it belongs now, which is good and I'll take it at 4K60.


Apr 14, 2019
Not enough shown to judge sp yet but it was a big improvement over the last showing. I'm sure it's gonna look really good .

The mp looked really nice to me , especially with it having a 120fps mode

s y

Nov 8, 2017
after watching the mp footage it does look loads better. Looks like a proper AAA title now, it's not stunning to my eyes but for how many platforms it's launching on, it's respectable.

still not sure why they're showing 'in engine' cutscenes for the SP unless the cutscenes are pre-rendered?


Oct 27, 2017
I think it looks pretty good. I wouldn't call it stunning but it's decent. And that's fine. Outside of Halo 1 and 4, I never considered Halo to be the top end of visuals. Infinite just needs to have a great campaign and a fun multiplayer that is regularly updated.


Nov 10, 2017
Everything in reveals of games these day that isn't actual gameplay is possible/suspect to have been laced with some form of real-time/offline/render fuckery. It has always bern this way since the mid 90s and first generation 3D polygon consoles, and the first competent, capable and well supported PC 3D accelerator cards for gaming (starting with 2nd gen cards like the first Rendition Verite V1000 and more importantly, 3DFX Voodoo 1.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it looks good! Of course, I was ruined earlier today by that Lego puzzle game, but that's beside the point. LOL Seriously though, while I'm not a big Halo fan, I'm definitely looking forward to playing this.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if I'm stunned, but it does look like a big improvement. Hopefully the PC version has some RT options. Halo has so many metallic surfaces, it would really benefit from RT reflections.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
I think it looks as good as it can be given the amount of consoles it has to support and the art-style they've landed on.

I think their tech is the biggest limitation (look how good Forza Horizon 5 looks for example, and Horizon Forbidden West. With the right tech, it could look even more amazing, even if multiplat), and perhaps the fact that the game has been in development for like 6 years, the campaign is apparently huge (probably has a ton of art assets that could take years to redo). I honestly hope they move onto Unreal 5 for the next game.

But I honestly think the multiplayer footage looks legitimately great. The campaign cinematics look excellent, and the jury is still out on the campaign visuals. I suspect it will surprise a lot of people once they actually get it in their hands, the same way Assassins Creed Valhalla did last year.

One revelation I had last night. They potentially built the entire world so you can fly anywhere. Imagine being able to literally just hop into a Banshee and fly over the entire Halo ring, that would be a moment of revelation. No more artificial walls and barriers, just like a GTA game. That would be amazing. If they deliver a truly open-world halo game where you can just go and explore the ring anywhere, and they execute it well, they could be onto something special, and that's hopefully where they will truly win people over.
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