
Oct 26, 2017
I know THQN games are not a good subject right now. I bought the game at launch, along with the dlc pass at launch, and they just put out NG+. But yeah, I was still playing the game, I already purchased everything for it. And thats that.

So with NG+ they added 3 new achievements to the game. One of these is for reaching level 100. For those that have not played the game, this is a very significant task. After the games release, they have been patching the known farming spots. I really dont know why. Its a single player game with no live service aspect. It literally changes nothing if people farm or not.

Anyway, I started the conversation with this tweet to them.

I legitimately wanted to know the path that they intended players to reach this. They recently patched the best farming spot in the game, which was called the hulking carcass.

This was the rather unhelpful response that I got back

The thing is, its an achievement that requires none of those. You can turn the game on easy and mindlessly run through the same area for dozens of hours if you want to. It does not require skill, courage(lol wut), or even effort. Unless you count doing the same thing endlessly effort. I was kinda taken aback by how unhelpful and condescending this tweet was. So I threw it back at them


The concept literally goes against everything they just said an achievement was. And within seconds of sending that back to them I was blocked.


So instead of just giving a tip to one of their few remaining players, they turn it into this. But fuck me, they already got my money right? I know this is a very minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but Ive just never witnessed something like this. I paid for their product and then some with the dlc. And this was the response I got when asking for a tip? Already uninstalled the game and wont play the remaining dlc. Bye THQN games.

dabs furiously

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
User banned (permanent): Troll account
Gamers trusting these pedos in the first place is sus anyway

Fuck THQ

Error 52

Nov 1, 2017
I mean, douchey reply but you don't see me making a ResetEra thread complaining about IGN blocking me


Oct 26, 2017
Gunfire Games isn't owned by THQ Nordic.

THQN is the publisher. I just know the whole thing is very touchy, and the few topics I have browsed through in general seemed to lump in the published games with one that people wanted boycotted.

but yes, I think calling them all pedos is too far.

Vault Boy

Nov 2, 2017
In before you get a lot of unhelpful "it's just an achievement, why do you care? I don't care about achievements or trophies and neither should anyone else!" comments.

Thanks for sharing this, though. Not buying Darksiders III is one of the better gaming-related decisions I've made recently.


Oct 26, 2017
I miss when companies were professional robots on twitter, I hate this sassy corporate twitter shit.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Pretty rude, especially in light of them patching out good grinding spots because ???

Not a great way to represent a company.


Nov 1, 2017
Gamers trusting these pedos in the first place is sus anyway

Fuck THQ

It's entirely possible (and honestly likely) that nobody that worked on this game is like that at all. Assuming that an entire independent studio are "pedos" becuase of the actions that a publisher did after work had completed on the game they released through that publisher is not only ignorant, it's the exact type of generalization that we should denounce in basically every other scenario where it happens. It's not cool to generalize like that. You are assigning a very bad look to people that you literally don't know anything about.

On topic:

Okay? I mean I think it's a little weird that they blocked you but I also don't see how it's worth noting.
Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, not really sure why that conversation shook out for you the way it did, but on the topic of that achievement, I totally agree that it sucks. I just don't see how someone would design an achievement like that and come away feeling that the play experience will be improved by its presence. Surely achievements that demand a grind of that scale serve to do nothing but engender a less fun and more protracted experience.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
What a bunch asshats. Nothing I hate more than telling other people how to:

  • Play games
  • Enjoy games
  • Buy games
What someone does with their product once they buy it is up to them and them alone despite whatever bullshit definition you have for an achievement. They also left out the other definition:

"the process or fact of achieving something". Doesn't say shit about how it's achieved. Besides, grinding in a game, no matter how mundane, is still putting forth effort.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with you that a grinding achievement doesn't require much in the way of courage or skill, just a significant amount of your time. That was a weirdly petty response to your question that they gave


Oct 27, 2017
Are you showing the whole message chain, or are you leaving out the parts where you were badgering them about it?

Because the latter is usually how these things shake out.

If it's the former, though, then their response (and blocking you) is strangely combative. Maybe they were getting a lot of hate recently or something that caused an excessive reaction.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Are you showing the whole message chain, or are you leaving out the parts where you were badgering them about it?

Because the latter is usually how these things shake out.
They replied to OP in 5 minutes. I can't imagine how much the OP could fit between their initial question and that response, ahaha


Oct 25, 2017
Someone must have had a bad week. I don't think your message was aggressive or anything.
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, the devs had nothing to do with THQ Nordic's fuckery. Now I don't know if the ones not owned by them will still work with them in the future. They need to put bread on the table so they may have no choice in that sort of "I hate their guts, but what choice do I have?" scenarios unfortunately.

Kaiko is one example as they've only ever made games with THQ Nordic. Gunfire I think do other projects but I'm not too sure.

On topic, I agree, that was uncalled for and you didn't seem to be rude at all.

Deleted member 36622

User requested account closure
Dec 21, 2017
What a bunch asshats. Nothing I hate more than telling other people how to:

  • Play games
  • Enjoy games
  • Buy games
What someone does with their product once they buy it is up to them and them alone despite whatever bullshit definition you have for an achievement. They also left out the other definition:

"the process or fact of achieving something". Doesn't say shit about how it's achieved. Besides, grinding in a game, no matter how mundane, is still putting forth effort.

To be fair, grinding for an achievement should be expected, these are made for completionists, if you just want to beat the game you don't have to do it.


Oct 26, 2017
Are you showing the whole message chain, or are you leaving out the parts where you were badgering them about it?

Because the latter is usually how these things shake out.

If it's the former, though, then their response (and blocking you) is strangely combative. Maybe they were getting a lot of hate recently or something that caused an excessive reaction.

I have not left anything out. It was a very short and quick convo. Im not sure how blocking works, but you might be able to see their response to me still on their profile? I can see my responses to them still after they blocked me


Oct 25, 2017
Are you showing the whole message chain, or are you leaving out the parts where you were badgering them about it?

Because the latter is usually how these things shake out.

If it's the former, though, then their response (and blocking you) is strangely combative. Maybe they were getting a lot of hate recently or something that caused an excessive reaction.
I looked at the thread, that's all of it.

Does seem like a bit of a dick move on Gunfire's side.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I miss when companies were professional robots on twitter, I hate this sassy corporate twitter shit.

...that's not what this is?

Vulgar post. What the fuck is up with throwing pedo accusations around willy nilly?

To be fair, while aiming such vitrol at these particular people may not be warranted, this is what happens when your parent company hosts an AMA on a board that openly and willingly hosts child pornography, and then takes nearly a week to apologize, and everyone responsible keeps their jobs.

It's always going to be this way, THQn made this bed.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
To be fair, grinding for an achievement should be expected, these are made for completionists, if you just want to beat the game you don't have to do it.
Well sure, I agree but if there is a way within the game to make the process faster then anyone who owns the game should be able to use it without being ridiculed by the developer. So far as I can tell OP just asked if it was still available and they responded with some try hard crap.


Oct 25, 2017
The tone of your messages to them isn't exactly friendly, even confrontational in a way, but the way they responded is pretty unprofessional and unfortunate. Their social media manager should probably have a better understanding of how to have a productive, positive interaction with their community. It's their job to turn your questions into a positive, not react so harshly.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
...that's not what this is?

To be fair, while aiming such vitrol at these particular people may not be warranted, this is what happens when your parent company hosts an AMA on a board that openly and willingly hosts child pornography, and then takes nearly a week to apologize, and everyone responsible keeps their jobs.

It's always going to be this way, THQn made this bed.

It's up to us to be better. And throwing pedo accusations around is serious. I'd rather be accused of murder than pedophilia, it's not something to throw around willy nilly while showing a poor understanding of separating a developer from their publisher.


Oct 26, 2017
Dickish reaction from them but your last tweet was weirdly confrontational no?

I dont think so, I wanted to give a quick example that it does not require skill or courage. I guess it can require effort if looking at it from a certain aspect. It depends if you see effort in doing something that requires 0 skill or anything. Its very low effort, just time consuming. And I honestly have no clue what they mean by courage.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Their response legit sounds like
You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
It's up to us to be better. And throwing pedo accusations around is serious. I'd rather be accused of murder than pedophilia, it's not something to throw around willy nilly while showing a poor understanding of separating a developer from their publisher.

To be fair, it's hard because there are two entities labeled THQn at play here.

But I'd say we're more responsible to keep the reminder alive that this company actively engaged in a place that harms children. If you don't want to associate with that, you better put your hands up and explain how your particular part in that company aren't involved (as others have done so), but I'm not willing to be silent just so people can enjoy their video games guilt free.

If THQn comes up, this will come up, and that's how it should be until appropriate action is taken. Full stop.


Oct 25, 2017
I dont think so, I wanted to give a quick example that it does not require skill or courage. I guess it can require effort if looking at it from a certain aspect. It depends if you see effort in doing something that requires 0 skill or anything. Its very low effort, just time consuming. And I honestly have no clue what they mean by courage.

Yeah re-reading their tweet really just sound like a git gug situation lol. Guess the person replying had a short fuse tonight lol


Oct 27, 2017
Extremely bad answer from them. What the hell? I was looking into purchasing this game on 20 bucks on a future sale, but if it's a grindfest, they patch farming, and then they're extremely douchebags like that then I won't even bother.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I dont think so, I wanted to give a quick example that it does not require skill or courage. I guess it can require effort if looking at it from a certain aspect. It depends if you see effort in doing something that requires 0 skill or anything. Its very low effort, just time consuming. And I honestly have no clue what they mean by courage.

To be fair, getting back to the topic at hand, you did sort of come across as saying, "man this is fruitless and mindless, a real definite flaw and something that should be fixed. Do you guys have any advice on how to cheese this so I don't have to waste my time?"

I'm not saying that that was your direct tone or meaning, but that's definitely how it looks. Twitter is no place for nuance.

Not to say that their response was great, but if it were me, my response would have been no response. OR...a link to gamefaqs or something.