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Oct 26, 2017
is friendship in this game working as intended? i've been playing with the same set of characters for most of the game, and i haven't levelled up any of their friendships yet, not can i see how much friendship exp they have
It seems to be working. I have my main party that I use at lvl 2.
You can unlock charactor lore the higher you get your friendships.
New voice over lines will also become unlocked.
It seems like you can unlock new profile banners at friendship lvl 10 as well.
If you check certain daily,side and story quests you'll see that some offer friendship xp as well.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems to be working. I have my main party that I use at lvl 2.

You can unlock charactor lore the higher you get your friendships.

New voice over lines will also become unlocked.

It seems like you can unlock new profile banners at friendship lvl 10 as well.

If you check certain daily,side and story quests you'll see that some offer friendship xp as well.

How do you have so many characters?

I'm almost AR20 and barely getting rolls.
Oct 27, 2017
It seems to be working. I have my main party that I use at lvl 2.

Now I understand what Companionship EXP is :)

You got 14 characters, did you invest a lot?

I hate this default (straight posture, hands to the sides, blank expression) pose they use on all characters... Kind of feels like dolls, a unique pose woudl give it so much more personality in the character selection screen.


Oct 27, 2017
If you are on iOS, this game is terrible at how it registers for backups of local data to iCloud.

it counts all of the game data (4GB) as worth backing up.

this increased my phone backup size by 3x.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm pretty happy just playing this game super casually. Since it's a PvE focused game, I don't think there's any pressure to keep up with the general playerbase, and so I don't need to feel pressured to keep up with things like daily quests. Might be refreshing to just go in and do whatever I feel like now and then. I'm only like AR8 right now but I'm enjoying things so far.

I like the elemental combination spam in the combat system, though it's so good that it makes me wonder if the normal non-elemental attacks even have much of a place.

What are some good party comps I can do? The units I'd like to incorporate somehow are:
Since you love exploring and have Sucrose, it'll be best to pair her with MC. With 2 wind elemental characters in a party, you'll get a boost in movement speed as well as stamina and cooldown reduction. It's essential for exploration. You can pick the other two as you wish, probably some DPS that can synergize well with wind.


Oct 25, 2017
what is the best banner to pull Keqing?
ive read that since standard banner is there forever, seems to be a good buildup to the guaranteed 5 star


Nov 10, 2017
what is the best banner to pull Keqing?
ive read that since standard banner is there forever, seems to be a good buildup to the guaranteed 5 star
But on standard you can also get a 5* weapon. On the Venti banner you have a 50% chance to get Venti. So it's up to you if you want to dodge a 50% Venti or many weapons. (Someone needs to calculate how many weapons are there and if they add up to 50% :D)

Deleted member 25870

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Since you love exploring and have Sucrose, it'll be best to pair her with MC. With 2 wind elemental characters in a party, you'll get a boost in movement speed as well as stamina and cooldown reduction. It's essential for exploration. You can pick the other two as you wish, probably some DPS that can synergize well with wind.
Oh shit that's good to know. I got her on a pull the other night and I was trying to figure out where to put her.


Oct 25, 2017
But on standard you can also get a 5* weapon. On the Venti banner you have a 50% chance to get Venti. So it's up to you if you want to dodge a 50% Venti or many weapons. (Someone needs to calculate how many weapons are there and if they add up to 50% :D)
Venti banner it is. I have nightmares seeing weapons pop up now.


Dec 11, 2018
Wisconsin, USA 🐮
This runs like a dream on my iPhone 11 and iPad Pro 2018, but the on screen controls just kills it. Gonna put this back on the shelf and hope for native controller support someday (it's rumored to be coming next patch)

Call me YHWH

Oct 26, 2017
Firstly, I'm still using a bisexual avatar someone made for me from way back when Banjo was announced for Smash. Hopefully that proves I'm not a right-wing actor?

Secondly, you really can't expect me to just forgive such an acclaimed game (73 pages already!) for not having LGBT representation, right? I will not let my people get ignored for the sake of "but it's a fun game!".
You're welcome to campaign. But speaking as a bisexual man myself, I am not entirely sure what you expect to happen when the game is from China, which is notorious regarding its views towards what what it's government sees as 'otherness.'

EDIT: and the more I think on it, the stranger your reply seems in hindsight.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
How do you have so many characters?

I'm almost AR20 and barely getting rolls.
I invested in some pulls at the start but didn't end up with any of the 5 stars I wanted. I've grown to enjoy Jean a bit though after initially not wanting her.
Now I understand what Companionship EXP is :)

You got 14 characters, did you invest a lot?

I hate this default (straight posture, hands to the sides, blank expression) pose they use on all characters... Kind of feels like dolls, a unique pose woudl give it so much more personality in the character selection screen.
7 of those characters are free as well though.

I think each character has at least two idle animations that also play in the menu. The default straight stance is definitely odd at times though when It's swapping between the idle animations.


Nov 27, 2017
Goddamn it, this game made me get back into gacha games lol. Now I am playing Granblue Fantasy for multiplayer Gacha and Genshin Impact for my solo gacha fix.


Nov 6, 2017
Okay, so I live in the US and have a friend in Scotland who wants to play this with me. Unfortunately his PC just broke and his phone is ancient, so I want to chip in on a new phone for him that can run the game well.

Looking at the Pixel 4a's Antutu score, it seems like it may not be strong enough to run it smoothly, unless anyone here has experience with trying it?

Any recommendations on the best power-to-price ratio on a phone to get my friend that will run this game well?

Lastly, anyone here playing from Europe on the American server? How's the ping?

Thank you all so, so much!


Oct 25, 2017
Game looks decent from the little I played, but it really sucks that it's limited to 60 fps with bad frame pacing on a 144hz monitor.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Jan 12, 2018
Outside of the beginner banner, I'd save them. It doesn't seem like you'd want to ever spend primogems on them (unless you're a whale I guess) so I'll just wait until I have enough to reach pity.

I think I'm going to save for 90/180 pulls on any one banner too. I think I'm used to my time in Dragalia where the rates are quite good all things considered, but here it's much worse.

Does the standard permanent banner have a similar pity system? Might be nice to eventually get something out of it since it's permanent.


Oct 25, 2017
spending so much time to get wish materials, really demoralizing getting a copy of a character you don't even like


Oct 25, 2017
Starting to get real disillusioned with the future implications of the awful gacha rates in this game. 4 and 5 star drop rates are so abysmal that the thought of upgrading any characters' constellation is just depressing


Oct 27, 2017
Veterans, do you recommend the battle pass and that thing that cost 5$ a month to get coins or whatever that is?

I'm lvl 20 and I like to wish once a day. So far I've been able to do that by just spending the in game currency I get from playing on 10 of those things for wishing (don't remember names of stuff yet) but last night was really hard for me to get the amount of stuff I needed, I barely got enough for the 10 regular wish currency.


Oct 25, 2017
Veterans, do you recommend the battle pass and that thing that cost 5$ a month to get coins or whatever that is?

I'm lvl 20 and I like to wish once a day. So far I've been able to do that by just spending the in game currency I get from playing on 10 of those things for wishing (don't remember names of stuff yet) but last night was really hard for me to get the amount of stuff I needed, I barely got enough for the 10 regular wish currency.
Monthly pass + dailies gives you exactly enough currency for one summon a day. It's by far the best deal in the game if you're looking just to spend a little.


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 22, 2019
Starting to get to the point where meaningful progress has slowed down, almost too much. Reached AR 25 and between Ascensions and upgrading talents I'm completely out of money which you need for basically everything. And am I reading constellations right and talents can be upgraded 15 times!!??!! New character are going to need a lot to catch up in a few months.

Seems I need to invest all my resources into one character at a time in the 40-50 level range to feel like I'm accomplishing something. Still have the story, statues and Spiral Abyss to do so plenty of reasons to still play.


Oct 25, 2017
So the game told me about forgery domain but i think i missed something... where are those, how do i access them? I need a material from it to ascend my weapon


Jun 29, 2019
I'm stuck on AR8 atm. The level progression is feeling really slow suddenly but I'm sure its also a lack of time investment...why's this so addicting ;A;

EDIT: So its cross play but it's not cross progression right? If I started up on my phone, I wouldn't be able to transfer between the two seamlessly would I?


Oct 27, 2017
Beautiful Province of Quebec.
I did something this morning that brought up the inventory menu to take some food to heal and what not quickly by mistake ?...the game pauses when you go in the wheel right...? is there a quicker way to eat during combat or you have to pause the game and eat...?

The game is so easy so far,just reached AR 10, that I never need to eat/heal.


Oct 27, 2017
Never played a gacha game before but this has my curiosity. But people are saying the PS4 performance is really bad. I only have an i5-4690 and GTX 970 which is below the minimum PC specs, but I assume those are for a 1080p/60fps baseline? Capping the framerate to 30fps should still get me a better performance than a base PS4, right?


Oct 26, 2017
OH MY GOD GUYS!! I had decided after 3 unsuccessful PC roles and in general feeling like the PS4 version looked better (colors/bigger screen/etc) that I would stick with my PS4 account - I had gotten Fischl on my first roll and not a single character on PC. I decided to do one last PC roll this morning and I think I literally won the in-game lottery and should have probably actually bought a lottery ticket:


Diluc, Chungyun, and Fischl!!! Suffice it to say, looks like I will be staying on PC and now I can actually play the game.

Also, if you don't mind giving me tips - how do you decide which character to play and when to play them? Do they all level up at the same time?



Mar 11, 2019
You're welcome to campaign. But speaking as a bisexual man myself, I am not entirely sure what you expect to happen when the game is from China, which is notorious regarding its views towards what what it's government sees as 'otherness.'

EDIT: and the more I think on it, the stranger your reply seems in hindsight.
What do I expect to happen?

A. The game has LGBT representation and I'm fine with people playing it.


B. It doesn't and we boycott it. I don't care if it's from China or not and that doesn't excuse said flaw. I'm not giving a game a pass for a lack of representation because it comes from a certain country.

And also, I'm tired of people giving games a pass for a lack of representation just because they're "fun". You guys are not animals. You can abstain from having fun to bolster a moral point. Show companies you won't tolerate a lack of LGBT content.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Did you cook the ducks for him or does it require a no-fowl dish?

OMG, lol, that's dark! No, it was something with mushrooms.

What do you guys think of these screenshots I took?

They look absolutely beautiful. Keep them coming and don't put them in quotes, alright? We wanna see them in full glory and also again when someone quotes them. ;)

My 90th pull in the game and the pity actually triggered, on the spot. But..... It was a weapon, a f'n weapon. The disappointment was immense, the will to play was shattered. If this game would not be PSN account bound, I would've probably tried to sell it.

Wait a sec, I thought 90 pulls trigger a 5 star character and not a weapon! D:

Call me YHWH

Oct 26, 2017
I think it's important to mention that constellations are not end all be all for every character. If you're min-maxing and want the absolute best (ie: venti really wants that first one at the very least) then you've either got a really long haul ahead of you or a fair amount of whaling. But considering this game is mostly a single player experience at the moment, there's absolutely no need for unlocking their constellations. If you're free to play and you pull a cool 5* you like, invest in them! Use them! Enjoy it!

Getting fixated on a dupe mechanic is really just for the whales in gacha. It sucks, but it is what it is. Hopefully in the future they release a universal dupe unlock.

What do I expect to happen?

A. The game has LGBT representation and I'm fine with people playing it.


B. It doesn't and we boycott it. I don't care if it's from China or not and that doesn't excuse said flaw. I'm not giving a game a pass for a lack of representation because it comes from a certain country.

And also, I'm tired of people giving games a pass for a lack of representation just because they're "fun". You guys are not animals. You can abstain from having fun to bolster a moral point. Show companies you won't tolerate a lack of LGBT content.

Well. Good luck!


Oct 27, 2017
Is it save to share screenshots with my UID on them? I know this might sound a bit paranoid, but I think there were some Gacha games where it was was strongly advised to not openly share your ID.
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