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Oct 26, 2017
They should try to find a way to make defensive characters and defensive stats viable. Atm it's all about dps and burst, defensive stats on artifacts are "bad rolls" and a waste.
I mean, there's technically an exception to this in that Noelle gets big bonuses from extra DEF, and HP is super useful on Barbara. But so far those are the only exceptions, and Noelle's not a great support until she either reaches C6 (at which point she can be extremely strong) or you fully level 5* DEF artifacts to see some of that scaling actually pay off. Both of these are expensive, unlikely, and time-consuming however. You'd be better off just pulling a 5* healer or waiting for a 4* healer.

Just hit AR 39! I know people there's some people complaining about how long it takes to increase AR but its happening a little too fast for me. I only just finished leveling my third team member to 70 (going to leave my Barbara at 60 so done leveling for now) and upgraded talents to 6 for only Venti and Razor. I'm completely out of Mora and books so I need to start saving that now I guess :(

Still trying to level Noelle for Abyss healing as she's my only healer besides Barbara, but I don't have the resin to farm the Earth boss if I want to have ascension materials ready for Razor and Venti in a few days O.o. I guess I could stop hoarding fragile resin......but what if I need it later!
You really don't want to spend more than 1 Fragile resin a day, simply because you might need it later to hit the daily for BP.


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 22, 2019
You really don't want to spend more than 1 Fragile resin a day, simply because you might need it later to hit the daily for BP.

Luckily thanks to the event I don't have to worry about the BP resin stuff. Just hit BP 39 today and actually not looking forward to finishing it as then I'll really run out of things to do.
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for this! Considering the low amount of resin we have each day, these are atrocious rates. It's really gonna take weeks if not months to have most of my characters, weapons and talents leveled up to the max I can go at WL5. A few weeks on top if I want good artifact sets for all of my characters. Currently I'm just focusing on one character at a time, doesn't work any other way.

Are you upgrading 4* or 5* weapons?

It took me 6 4* Guyum stones to upgrade both Whiteblind and Crescent each. It is not bad, about 80 resin per weapon if you don't mind fusing low-quality materials into the purple ones, or 120 resin if you prefer keeping 2* and 3* materials. Pretty sure you too will get back to the average of 1-ish purple material per run, no way I am on some kind of lucky streak.

5* weapons are either 8 or 9 4* materials each. Those are a bit trickier, but still ok I think. Dedicate 140-180 resin per weapon and it is done. That is one day (with 50 gem injection) per weapon, or weapon asc. materials at least.

How many weapons do you need? Something like 4-6, and even that, you can just keep the lower priority weapons at LVL70. Crystal upgrade ore is quite plentiful if you sent all the characters on expeditions for 20h. I think I have enough for at least 2 more weapons 70->80, which is far better than my character XP books or artifacts...

Obviously we only talking asc. materials here, the cost of ores/mora/secondary materials takes a toll of its own, but it was never meant to be found inside the domain. I am working on that spreadsheet on how much time and resin everything takes to form the big picture.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 28, 2017
Are you upgrading 4* or 5* weapons?

It took me 6 4* Guyum stones to upgrade both Whiteblind and Crescent each. It is not bad, about 80 resin per weapon if you don't mind fusing low-quality materials into the purple ones, or 120 resin if you prefer keeping 2* and 3* materials. Pretty sure you too will get back to the average of 1-ish purple material per run, no way I am on some kind of lucky streak.

5* weapons are either 8 or 9 4* materials each. Those are a bit trickier, but still ok I think. Dedicate 140-180 resin per weapon and it is done. That is one day (with 50 gem injection) per weapon, or weapon asc. materials at least.

How many weapons do you need? Something like 4-6, and even that, you can just keep the lower priority weapons at LVL70. Crystal upgrade ore is quite plentiful if you sent all the characters on expeditions for 20h. I think I have enough for at least 2 more weapons 70->80, which is far better than my character XP books or artifacts...

Obviously we only talking asc. materials here, the cost of ores/mora/secondary materials takes a toll of its own, but it was never meant to be found inside the domain. I am working on that spreadsheet on how much time and resin everything takes to form the big picture.
Yeah it's the 5* Aquila Favonia that's a pain to upgrade. I needed 9 purple Fragments of the Decarabian pieces for ascension and now that I have it on lvl 80, it's 6 legendary pieces that I need for ascension once I reach AR45. All my other weapons are 4*s and I'm also keeping some at lvl 70 for now. But I will work towards at least ascending them, I'm already done with 3 out of 5 that I want to ascend.

My problem is that I'm pretty much out of hero XP cards, also out of weapon enhancement gems now. So on top of the character and weapon ascension materials, I need to do a shit ton of blue Leyline missions and collect all the ore I can get to turn into enhancement gems. But the biggest time sink will probably be farming for talent upgrade mats. I'd say talent upgrades are among the most valuable upgrades where you can actually perceive a difference (in contrast, going from lvl 70 to 80 barely makes a difference in actual damage output). But so far I have neglected talents a bit for all of my characters except my main DPS Keqing, so farming these mats in domains will also take time.

I don't really want to complain too much about it, I'm fine with only playing the game for ~1 hour each day and only doing slow progress. It's a big effort, a huge amount of grind needed while you get slowed down by the resin system, but it is what it is. Thankfully the battle pass is a big help, the amount of weapon gems, hero cards and Mora you get on the later levels makes it worth it IMO.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'm 100% sure I had 87 primogens yesterday. I got the 240 from the Maintenance and the 90 from the monthly pass. But now have a total of 345 primogens. This didn't even happen the first time. Something isn't right with the counting.
When I was on during the new commission period I never got the 90 primogems screen to show up. Tried logging out and back in, and when I looked it said it was claimed for the day. Wonder if they messed something up and the 90 wasn't applied to people?
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand Abyss 8-2 second half. I can do it no problem, but I cannot get all the gems...

It gives 6 minutes and it asks to complete within 360 seconds if you want to get all the stars.



Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have any good battle pass math I can't find anything online. I'm wondering how many levels can be gained from today onward with weekly + daily, if anyone knows?

Side note I've been trying to spam the Resin refreshes to hit that BP total resin spent. Whats the priority for you guys. My probelm is im only lvl 30 so I cant do the high end 5 star artifcat stuff and my weapons suck. So I'm just full of ascension materials for my chars but nothing else to spend resin on ha.


Oct 25, 2017
From Clearing Abyss floor 9:


Considering Zhongli will scale with HP I couldn't be happier with the HP rolls for a change. Cannot wait to get him.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have any good battle pass math I can't find anything online. I'm wondering how many levels can be gained from today onward with weekly + daily, if anyone knows?

Side note I've been trying to spam the Resin refreshes to hit that BP total resin spent. Whats the priority for you guys. My probelm is im only lvl 30 so I cant do the high end 5 star artifcat stuff and my weapons suck. So I'm just full of ascension materials for my chars but nothing else to spend resin on ha.

645 per day and 4410+ per week, in which I don't include the resin burn mission. There's 18 days left I believe? I'm not logged in so not 100% on that, but that's just under 12k XP. With two more weeks after this, it's just under 9k for the weekly missions. So that's ~20 levels total between those two. Add anyting you have left to achieve today/this week or on the overall mission list.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Bro I want Sucrose so bad, but I'm afraid to pull on the Klee banner and possibly lose my banner character guarantee for Xiao.

I know I'm more than likely to not pull Klee, but it's still a risk even if it's small.


Nov 8, 2017
i swear this game just loves to give you the opposite of what you wish for. are we sure they didnt hire people from capcom´s MH team for that?


Oct 25, 2017
Bro I want Sucrose so bad, but I'm afraid to pull on the Klee banner and possibly lose my banner character guarantee for Xiao.

I know I'm more than likely to not pull Klee, but it's still a risk even if it's small.
What about Sucrose that makes you really want her? I have tried her in the trial thing and can't say I was impressed when paired with Lisa. I like traveler MC's wind abilities more currently.

(I got C1 Sucrose on mining permanent duty right now...)
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Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Bro I want Sucrose so bad, but I'm afraid to pull on the Klee banner and possibly lose my banner character guarantee for Xiao.

I know I'm more than likely to not pull Klee, but it's still a risk even if it's small.

I have Sucrose and I am just not feeling her. Do you by chance have Venti? Venti is significantly better than her. She's very cute though, I give her that.

Oct 27, 2017
Anyone have any good battle pass math I can't find anything online. I'm wondering how many levels can be gained from today onward with weekly + daily, if anyone knows?

Side note I've been trying to spam the Resin refreshes to hit that BP total resin spent. Whats the priority for you guys. My probelm is im only lvl 30 so I cant do the high end 5 star artifcat stuff and my weapons suck. So I'm just full of ascension materials for my chars but nothing else to spend resin on ha.

Just play the game, and if you happen to land over 30 during the final day, consider buying the pass if you need one of those weapons.

If you cannot get to the 30, skip, and if you don't need the weapon... also skip.

Saved up 30 rolls and used them on the standard banner

...i got 5 star regular swords, not even claymores

There are no 5* regular swords, only the heavenly tools of carnage. If you got two 5* weapons within 30 rolls, you should be happy.


Apr 10, 2018
Is there any reason to hold onto Acquaint Fate, all the event ones seem to be IF related and I have 11 AF. Was wondering if I should save the 10 pull for later or if AFs are only ever going to be used for standard wishes


Oct 25, 2017
This game could probably be even better if they open up item (or even character?) trading among friends. Just imagine you got some good item you don't need that you can trade for something you do need!


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a place to get official art of the characters? I see character portraits on the mihoyo website, but I can't seem to find the art of the characters that appears when you pull them.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
What about Sucrose that makes you really want her? I have tried her in the trial thing and can't say I was impressed when paired with Lisa. I like traveler MC's wind abilities more currently.

(I got C1 Sucrose on mining permanent duty right now...)
I have Sucrose and I am just not feeling her. Do you by chance have Venti? Venti is significantly better than her. She's very cute though, I give her that.

I mainly just want her for her nuking potential and need for another Anemo character. Her being hella cute is just icing on the cake lol. Definitely if I had Venti, I wouldn't have much interest in her though.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Bro I want Sucrose so bad, but I'm afraid to pull on the Klee banner and possibly lose my banner character guarantee for Xiao.

I know I'm more than likely to not pull Klee, but it's still a risk even if it's small.

Yeah I had been pulling 1 wish at a time in an attempt to get Xingqiu or Sucrose and avoid Klee
Got Sucrose after about 30, as much as I want Xingqiu for his crafting bonus I don't wanna risk a pity reset


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
For all the creative people out there a chance to earn plenty primogems! :)


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Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have any good battle pass math I can't find anything online. I'm wondering how many levels can be gained from today onward with weekly + daily, if anyone knows?

Side note I've been trying to spam the Resin refreshes to hit that BP total resin spent. Whats the priority for you guys. My probelm is im only lvl 30 so I cant do the high end 5 star artifcat stuff and my weapons suck. So I'm just full of ascension materials for my chars but nothing else to spend resin on ha.

I did the math the other day, see the quoted post below. Reddit links for additional details.

You are probably talking about this one.

r/Genshin_Impact - Battle Pass Analysis Part 2: What's in it?

228 votes and 108 comments so far on Reddit

So if you can hit BP lvl 50 (19 days remain this period) for +$10 you get:
  • 2.25 mil char exp.
  • 2.88 mil weapon exp.
  • 2.16 mil gold
  • 4 Intertwined Fate
  • 9 boxes with skill up material (These are pretty rare and worth a lot of time and resin especially the lvl 45 and 50 ones that have 4* material)
  • 680 primogems
  • One 4* weapon of your choice

Which is good, but people need to understand this isn't immediate, takes at least a month to unlock all of this, and the rewards are largely back loaded, meaning level 30+ is when it really starts paying out. If you are low level, you won't make it in time.

The 4 daily's give 645 exp. Each level is 1000.

I can do the math on mine: I am about to tick level 33, so I have 17 levels left. That is 17k BEP needed. Assuming I faithfully log daily, I get:

17*645 = 10965 xp

Which leaves a remainder of 6035 BEP

Each week I can get about 4k xp. for weeklies (2x left). I will probably tick a BP period goal for another 2k.

So if I continue progressing normally, I will definitely get all the goodies. But if you can't hit it, remember that the rewards are backloaded.

Level 9 payout is 48k mora - level 49 mora is 240k mora (a 5x increase).

Anyway, just a super long PSA for those folks just coming in to the game.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I really hope we get like some more events or something in the coming weeks because I won't have enough Primogems to reach pity on the Xiao banner if need be at this rate. :(


Oct 25, 2017
Just play the game, and if you happen to land over 30 during the final day, consider buying the pass if you need one of those weapons.

If you cannot get to the 30, skip, and if you don't need the weapon... also skip.

Sadly I'm a dolt and thought the bp stuff was just nic extras not realizing I have to actually get to max rank claim the listed rewards. So I'm sweating to see if I can hit cap to get my value back ha.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
I really hope we get like some more events or something in the coming weeks because I won't have enough Primogems to reach pity on the Xiao banner if need be at this rate. :(

I don't think there is anything else planned until 1.1

I think Seize the Day log in stuff is supposed to carry us until then

Maybe they will run the Elemental Crucible again if they get desperate?


Oct 25, 2017
I've yet to find a catalyst user I find fun. I have Mona and I don't even like playing her, so I just stick to strictly support for her. Tried out Klee twice now (mission and test trial) and don't find her fun either. Only one I haven't tried yet is Ningguang. Wonder if she'll change my mind on catalyst users in general.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Fret no no more guys and gals, IGN now made a Genshin Impact beginner guide for everyone:

Just trying to join the discord is pretty wild lol
Bot crashed

There were some news a couple days ago that Genshin is now the biggest Discord community. That huge influx of people probably leads to problems.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I've yet to find a catalyst user I find fun. I have Mona and I don't even like playing her, so I just stick to strictly support for her. Tried out Klee twice now (mission and test trial) and don't find her fun either. Only one I haven't tried yet is Ningguang. Wonder if she'll change my mind on catalyst users in general.
Ningguang is awesome
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