
Teyvat Traveler
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the only person who became more endeared with Furina rather than disliked her after the scene in the archon quest where she wanted to play with a cat but got terrified by Arlecchino's assassination attempt and cried alone in her room afterwards. She's a kid putting on an act because she's way out of her depth which I think is more interesting than the archons just being all powerful gods.

Also Neuvillette seems to trust her since he's in no rush to get the gnosis so he could fix the primordial sea problem with dragon powers and I would follow him to the ends of the earth.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of that type of character, that's why it put me off a lot. I think her redemption will eventually be too predictable because of it as well.
I'm waiting to see what Mihoyo cooks up for her, but I doubt it would be anything that breaks the mold for that character archetype.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the only person who became more endeared with Furina rather than disliked her after the scene in the archon quest where she wanted to play with a cat but got terrified by Arlecchino's assassination attempt and cried alone in her room afterwards. She's a kid putting on an act because she's way out of her depth which I think is more interesting than the archons just being all powerful gods.

Also Neuvillette seems to trust her since he's in no rush to get the gnosis so he could fix the primordial sea problem with dragon powers and I would follow him to the ends of the earth.
No, it endeared me to her, in the same way you get endeared to a small yapping dog that immediately runs away the moment you approach it. To me, she's endearing because she's so pathetic. She's an archon, a god who is supposed to be one of the strongest forces on the planet, yet puts up no fight when she gets attacked, begs for her life, then cries herself to sleep. She's all bark and no bite. She did something similar when she challenges the Traveler to a duel, the Traveler immediately draws their sword, and she backs down and changes the subject.

There's more to her as a character, as she's clearly hiding something, that I'm sure we'll find out next patch. As of right now though, she is basically a failure of an archon on all fronts. More of a mascot to the people of Fontaine, who's done nothing but fumble the ball every time she is onscreen. The Knave's tear down of her was cathartic. I honestly find Furina the most intriguing of any of the archons so far because of it.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Say it with me.




Oct 27, 2017
I actually like the current Furina just fine. She's funny and it fits the region. I do find the gross memes about her and some of her hardcore fans defensiveness really annoying but that's no fault of the game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Furina is great

Got my event crown and avoided commissions again. Only one mini game left but I still have Neuvillette and Wriothesley quest to do so that will be another day of avoiding them and I can still use the treasure compass too I guess.

Got Wrio to max ascension today

I just gotta level his talents now before going back to artifact farming.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I actually like the current Furina just fine. She's funny and it fits the region. I do find the gross memes about her and some of her hardcore fans defensiveness really annoying but that's no fault of the game.
I hate that I know what you mean by gross memes about her


Oct 26, 2017
I actually like the current Furina just fine. She's funny and it fits the region. I do find the gross memes about her and some of her hardcore fans defensiveness really annoying but that's no fault of the game.
I'm on the fence. On the one hand, the entire story begs the, "who's this sassy, lost child?" meme, but on the other it's clear that something, or someone, is interfering with... well, a lot of what's going on in Fontaine.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Okay, I appreciate that the Art of Negotiation side mission is Hoyo taking the piss out of their own survey system because they know the majority of the player base will rush through it just to get the rewards.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Furina after the last AQ.

There's definitely more to her than what's on the surface.

Whatever it is, involves the Oratrice.

Chocobo Blade

The Wise Ones
Oct 29, 2017
Furina is hands down one of the most entertaining characters in the game and whatever they're cooking with her story seems intriguing at the very least. My only fear is her development ends with her "dropping the act" and turning into a milquetoast waifu #5357 because this fanbase can't handle female characters with a personality.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Say it with me.



Fontaine's true archon and greatest protector:


Without Duke Rizzby the land of "justice" would be drowning in crime as well as primordial sea water. He is the only one keeping check on things while the other two archon candidates enjoy cake with the likes of the Fatui! D:


Oct 26, 2017
Furina is hands down one of the most entertaining characters in the game and whatever they're cooking with her story seems intriguing at the very least. My only fear is her development ends with her "dropping the act" and turning into a milquetoast waifu #5357 because this fanbase can't handle female characters with a personality.
Yeah I don't think it will be a dropping the act thing as much as a changing the act thing. How that evolves is what I'm curious to see.

If nothing else, Furina is definitely the center of attention, even while she's not on the screen, at least for right now.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I just started the Fontaine quest today (look at me catching up. Thank Mihoyo for the new daily system lol). Curious to see what the discourse is all about when I get further along. I feel like I'm going to like Furina from what I've seen, but we'll see. I thought I was going to like Raiden too but here we are haha.


Oct 25, 2017
Fontaine's true archon and greatest protector:


Without Duke Rizzby the land of "justice" would be drowning in crime as well as primordial sea water. He is the only one keeping check on things while the other two archon candidates enjoy cake with the likes of the Fatui! D:
Wasn't Neuvillette the one that actually stopped the primordial sea water, and is a judge, so he's partially responsible for people being sent to prison in the first place?

You're just arguing in Neuvillette's favor at this point. :P


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't Neuvillette the one that actually stopped the primordial sea water, and is a judge, so he's partially responsible for people being sent to prison in the first place?

You're just arguing in Neuvillette's favor at this point. :P

Uh... no.

Without Rizzby finding the primordial sea water floodgate, and without him studying it and checking up on it regularly, and him holding the water back first when hell broke loose, Otterlette would've been able to do nothing. He would've been chatting and eating cake with Arle until they've all unsuspectingly turned into sea water.

And that's that. u__U


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Fontaine's true archon and greatest protector:


Without Duke Rizzby the land of "justice" would be drowning in crime as well as primordial sea water. He is the only one keeping check on things while the other two archon candidates enjoy cake with the likes of the Fatui! D:
Pigs can't fly.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Does Neuvillotter have a boat/ark built for when the mess inevitably can no longer be contained? Who will the Fontainians turn to then? Exactly.

Regarding Furina, she's currently my 3rd favorite archon after Zhongli and Raiden. The more she flops, the more I root for her.


Oct 27, 2017
Petra Zhongli is pretty good and I got him to a decent state fairly quick considering I'd never farmed Petra before. If they ever "fix" Petra and make it so you can pick up crystals with the active character - I might even try Petra Albedo - off-field great damage with 35% elemental damage buff sounds crazy

So um I started galaxy braining after this - and I've been wanting to start using Albedo again for a while - so I thought "why not just run Albedo and Zhong with Neuv?" - and it actually worked nicely - Albedo was Petra and Zhong was on Millelith - but my question is, if I put both Albedo and Zhong on Petra, theoretically either one of them would be able to pick up the crystals for the damage bonus, right? Like, I know it won't stack - but it shouldn't matter which one of them grabs the crystals, correct?

Chocobo Blade

The Wise Ones
Oct 29, 2017
tbh Neuvilette doesn't send people to prison, his role is to officially conduct the trials but the judgements are delivered by Justice Machine Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Cardinale and he can't overrule them. And Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Cardinale was made by nobody else but yours truly Hydro Archon Focalors who may or may not be Furina but is at least related to her in some way


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Uh... no.

Without Rizzby finding the primordial sea water floodgate, and without him studying it and checking up on it regularly, and him holding the water back first when hell broke loose, Otterlette would've been able to do nothing. He would've been chatting and eating cake with Arle until they've all unsuspectingly turned into sea water.

And that's that. u__U
Since he keeps talking about water he would just have drank all of it yeah all of it.



Oct 27, 2017
Fontaine's true archon and greatest protector:


Without Duke Rizzby the land of "justice" would be drowning in crime as well as primordial sea water. He is the only one keeping check on things while the other two archon candidates enjoy cake with the likes of the Fatui! D:

Guy was sweating rivers, counting every second for Neuv to arrive and contain the mess. "We just have to hold the line until he gets here"

Also, Neuv the second person to put hands on a harbinger too. Meanwhile said harbinger got to the mutt's supposed "fortress" took it over and left leisurely under his watch. Not looking good bruv


Oct 27, 2017
Guy was sweating rivers, counting every second for Neuv to arrive and contain the mess. "We just have to hold the line until he gets here"

Also, Neuv the second person to put hands on a harbinger too. Meanwhile said harbinger got to the mutt's supposed "fortress" took it over and left leisurely under his watch. Not looking good bruv
Not to mention his legendary quest is about him not knowing how that guy had a whole operation right under his nose for a long time.

Chocobo Blade

The Wise Ones
Oct 29, 2017
Why do the male characters not do the spin when they dolphin jump out of the water? Especially the tall ones like Wrio look hilariously stiff in that animation


Oct 27, 2017
Fontaine's true archon and greatest protector:


Without Duke Rizzby the land of "justice" would be drowning in crime as well as primordial sea water. He is the only one keeping check on things while the other two archon candidates enjoy cake with the likes of the Fatui! D:

As much as I love Rizzley, he wouldn't be where he was without King Otter.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Wrio is cool.



Neuv is the coolest, even Wrio can't help but admire.

'mkay? 😎


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll work on Wrio Talents tomorrow since it will be open. He's at 7/3/2 now, Plan is 8/8/8. I wish I still had some fragile resin.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Was it talent domains boosted last patch or was it leylines?


Oct 27, 2017
Most of the characters in this game are super derivative, but Furina feels more so to me because some of the core components of her character have already been executed in this very same game.

As previously mentioned, the poor kid archon thing was just done with Nahida, and her whole personality is Fischl adjacent - the whole getting bullied by the Fatui thing was just so lame, at least put up your fists and fight back. Even Venti was dropping defiant one-liners despite how weak he is.


Oct 25, 2017
Spent over an hour looking for subdetection units.

Before signing off I saw that I only got 15, felt like it was more.

Worse than Cyno scarabs imo


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Spent over an hour looking for subdetection units.

Before signing off I saw that I only got 15, felt like it was more.

Worse than Cyno scarabs imo

Scarabs was worse to me because it felt bad even with Tighnari but yeah I didn't enjoy looking for subdetection units. It was also all the Cyno avatars trying to join my world. Let's hope Natlan doesn't have scarabs


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Leylines so we have 2x talents this patch starting on the 30th
Hmm, can I wait 10 days 🤔 I'm nearly at the point where I don't need to farm artifacts anymore so maybe I should farm talents tomorrow as well. On the non-Wrio days I do artis.
Spent over an hour looking for subdetection units.

Before signing off I saw that I only got 15, felt like it was more.

Worse than Cyno scarabs imo
Are you using a guide? I used one I found on YouTube which was quite good. I usually just stick to the ones that are easy to grab and farm them over time. There were probably about 15 near waypoints.

Edit: this was video I used. I usually use this guy's guides.

Chocobo Blade

The Wise Ones
Oct 29, 2017
There's quite a lot of subdetection units in easily accessible places. Y'all don't remember how bad the scarabs actually were.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Spent over an hour looking for subdetection units.

Before signing off I saw that I only got 15, felt like it was more.

Worse than Cyno scarabs imo

You better do this in a more coordinated way. If you sit down and follow a video like the following you can get 60+ in 15 minutes.


Do this three times on different days and you got all the bugs you need.

Even Venti was dropping defiant one-liners despite how weak he is.

Not the casual Venti slander again... *sighs* Being overpowered by one of the strongest Harbingers is not weak, okay? u__U
Also, now that three years have passed and Venti has been present in Mondstadt, receiving all the love and prayers of his people directly, he should be a lot more powerful again. Apparently that's how the archon power thing works.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Not the casual Venti slander again... *sighs* Being overpowered by one of the strongest Harbingers is not weak, okay? u__U
Also, now that three years have passed and Venti has been present in Mondstadt, receiving all the love and prayers of his people directly, he should be a lot more powerful again. Apparently that's how the archon power thing works.

I like Venti - a lot. He has one of the most pleasant personalities in this game. He's actually funny and mischievous. A legit fun character.

I was just saying that he's not had the best showings in terms of strength though it's understandable why, he doesn't govern over Mondstadt and let's his people be free like the wing - probably why they still in the Middle Ages compared to Fontaine technologically - or care for much besides good wine, but he's good people.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
probably why they still in the Middle Ages compared to Fontaine technologically - or care for much besides good wine, but he's good people.

In a world where magic and alchemy exists, you don't really need technology, and Mondstadt has some of the most powerful magic and alchemy users in all of Teyvat (Albedo, Alice...).


Oct 27, 2017
Iunno about that if you heard the Ascension line.
I saw people in this thread say that Neuvillette's ascension line sounds like a spoiler for future content, so I've not listened to it yet.
She's an archon, a god who is supposed to be one of the strongest forces on the planet, yet puts up no fight when she gets attacked, begs for her life, then cries herself to sleep. She's all bark and no bite. She did something similar when she challenges the Traveler to a duel, the Traveler immediately draws their sword, and she backs down and changes the subject.
To be fair, going by what we know it's entirely possible that she doesn't have any power (at least at this point) and a random person could just kill her if she wanted to, so her life was actually in danger at that point with no way for her to fight back.


Nov 18, 2017
Furina is the weakest archon for me so far, and by a distance. But I've yet to get completely up to date with the story so maybe my view will change.

I think it's clear what they're going for, but she also comes across as a moron. I think Raiden is divisive in some camps because of her actions.

The split on Furina seems more to do with her general demeanour and attitude. The latter is easier to readjust, even if a little less interesting.

I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the story. I only like to pull characters I genuinely like so I hope she can win me over in some sense.

I think the new daily commission system introduced in 4.1 also helps a lot with the enjoyment of events, at least in my case.

Previously I didn't do events at all during weekdays (I used to do so during my first 1.5 year but stopped), especially event gameplay because after getting home tired from work, doing daily commission and burning resin already gets me my Genshin fix for the day. Accumulating event gameplay and do it at once during weekends isn't exactly fun either.

However, with the new system, I can just play events bit by bit every day and get my daily commission reward at the same time. This helped me enjoy the events much more than before. I did 4.1 flagship event on the day it was released and still had time to write my thoughts about it afterwards.

Super late response, but - when I'm playing a little bit less like now, I'll generally wait until the event is all there and I can tackle it in one go.

Typically I'd do it as it became available though. I generally don't mind commissions but I do wish they'd lock you into a chain like Star Rail.

It's disheartening to keep hoping for the next stage of the chain to randomly pop up one day. It can take weeks sometimes.

Still, maybe that's something they'll look at in the future.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
For the Faruzan and Layla hangouts I am back in Sumeru. I gotta say, I still really really like Sumeru as an area. It's so fun to explore, beautiful, rich in detail and atmospheric...and the music! Each and every Sumeru theme is still a banger. Fontaine has a bit of café/street music and jazz sameyness, to be honest.