
Oct 30, 2017
Yeesh the new 5 star weapons are looking like a 30% increase over their 4 star options. Feels like the disparity has gotten wider than before.

You know what's actively been bugging me lately? How the boss material bosses for the new characters DO NOT DROP elemental upgrade crystals for the character you're grinding to upgrade.

It's like MHY went "we can make them waste even more resin and take even longer to upgrade characters if we uncouple the upgrade gems from the boss material grind entirely". It's really weird and kind of bullshit. I feel like this started during Sumeru but it's been getting more and more frustrating to spend days of time grinding upgrade parts only to then have to pivot to another boss and grind that for days to get the elemental gems.
Oh those new bosses will drop the right elemental gems eventually.

For Navia and Clorinde.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeesh the new 5 star weapons are looking like a 30% increase over their 4 star options. Feels like the disparity has gotten wider than before.

Oh those new bosses will drop the right elemental gems eventually.

For Navia and Clorinde.
They'll add a new boss just so Clorinde doesn't use the seahorse

Looking at Akasha Ganyu still my no 1 CV wise and somehow top 1%

Of course I don't even use her in burn melt, I guess I did try in my Dehya days. I pretty much only used her in mono cryo or freeze.

Fischl/Yae sets are fine and it does seem I have good Furina pieces so I could move on from that domain and go back to Gilded/Deepwood.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
They are never going to do major overhauls to kits, but there are a few things I think they can do to the geo element that is more in line with the few balance changes they have done in the past (like changing geo resonance)

1. Make Crystalize scale with DEF. It makes absolutely no sense that it scales with elemental mastery when zero geo character want it. It can make characters like Gorou (and possibly Navia based on some leak crumbs) an actual decent defensive unit.

2. Make the Archaic Petra 4pc ability work off-field and make it so the holder isn't the one who needs to pick up the shard. This set is way to niche and finicky compared to any other support sets in the game. This change will make geo characters much more viable supports outside of mono geo teams

I think just these two changes would make a pretty big impact on the geo element without completely overhauling character kits or the element which they'd never do


Oct 25, 2017
I wish we could focus artifacts on a stat like in Star Rail. Trading in 150+ all those artifacts but not getting needed stats is sorta bleak. Please don't tell me I've been dumb and just missed it somehow… or do.

didn't get any bites last time but would like a pot to visit for the weekly thing.. I saw after the first time you can visit them even if offline?
uid(EU) 720570446
Sent you a request as well, my teapot is always open.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
So, about Diona after the current event:
She just learned from the fountain fairy aka oceanid that she has been blessed with the best drink making skills in the world (that's quite a particular gift to give to a little girl with an alcoholic father...).
After learning that Diona should've realistically entered an existential crisis. Unless she quickly comes up with another way to destroy Mondstadt's wine industry once and for all.
I suggest Diluc better keeps one of his weirdly positioned eyes open every night now.
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Oct 28, 2017


Oct 31, 2017
thank you! Didn't realize the pot had a separate allow/request thing so now opened mine up as well
now I have to actually get my characters good sets now I have Genshin friends, in case anyone takes a peek 🫣
Awesome, I have never visited another teapot so I will visit yours this weekend for the achievement/weekly thing. :)


Oct 27, 2017
You know what's actively been bugging me lately? How the boss material bosses for the new characters DO NOT DROP elemental upgrade crystals for the character you're grinding to upgrade.

It's like MHY went "we can make them waste even more resin and take even longer to upgrade characters if we uncouple the upgrade gems from the boss material grind entirely". It's really weird and kind of bullshit. I feel like this started during Sumeru but it's been getting more and more frustrating to spend days of time grinding upgrade parts only to then have to pivot to another boss and grind that for days to get the elemental gems.

I think it was actually with the Liyue boss that switches elements. But it sucks since for Neuv I need hydro gems and now I gotta drag my butt back to Oceanid ( screw the hydro cube). I actually assume its their way of keeping older bosses relevant.

El Buga

Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Farmed some more talent books for Neuvillette today, tomorrow it's Furina's turn.

Now I have only Razor and Kirara left to ascend to 70/80, after that I'll mainly focus my Wednesday and Saturday resin on the Gilded Dreams domain.

Event catalyst still R4 because Encounter Points lol. It's becoming harder and harder to find chests in Fontaine… Found today's one inside the boat's chimney in Poisson.

Made some progress on my Neuvillette but the domain still has not been very nice to me. I will continue farming it because I still need a set for Furina and more fodder to level the pieces. I hope I get a crit rate circlet for Neuvi or a Hydro Goblet that has crit rate.

His HP and crit dmg rolls are so nice but I am short at least 20-30% crit rate. :( Hope I get some better pieces soon. :) It really sucks how RNG artifacts are, I see how amazing some of your characters are and mine always fall short because I just did not get those high crit rolls for many of my characters so far.

I also wish I had never found the akasha website, it's absolutely gutting when you spend so much time and effort on your characters and then they end up in something like "top 32%, top 64%, top 73%". Just feels bad.


But even with this shoddy set he is an absolute monster, am pleasantly surprised. :)
Been having a similar problem with mine. Got him a full MH set, but when I tried a CD circlet, his damage absolutely tanked.

Putt his CR circlet back, but yet can't surpass 17k per tick.

Having been lucky in my first tries in that domain (getting a Hydro MH goblet for him, full GT sets for Fischl and Furina), I started to care a little more about artifacts, but I still wish we could have some hand on choosing at least the main stat of each piece.

Swapped his flower with a relatively busted off-set one that I even forgot I had on Heizou, but didn't see much difference. Now he's like 110% ER, 30% CR and 186%CD.

Meanwhile my Bennet, XQ and Xiangling are still using 4* trash artifacts because I never got anything useful from the NO, HoD and CWF domains and strongboxes, and gave up.


Oct 25, 2017
I had trouble clearing some bosses with one rotation with c2 hypercarry as well but even with a top 1% build my Raiden national with Yelan does noticeably more dmg than my Raiden Hypercarry anyway.

Yeah, I'm definitely pulling for C3. I want to feel strong with Raiden.


Oct 31, 2017
Pacific Northwest
So, about Diona after the current event:
She just learned from the fountain fairy aka oceanid that she has been blessed with the best drink making skills in the world (that's quite a particular gift to give to a little girl with an alcoholic father...).
After learning that Diona should've realistically entered an existential crisis. Unless she quickly comes up with another way to destroy Mondstadt's wine industry once and for all.
I suggest Diluc better keeps one of his weirdly positioned eyes open every night now.

that was such a biazaree turn of events. I honestly was just quickly skipping through it since i have a lot of games im balancing right now but i had a HOLD UP moment. Give me the dark diona outfit hoyoverse


Oct 25, 2017
You know what's actively been bugging me lately? How the boss material bosses for the new characters DO NOT DROP elemental upgrade crystals for the character you're grinding to upgrade.

It's like MHY went "we can make them waste even more resin and take even longer to upgrade characters if we uncouple the upgrade gems from the boss material grind entirely". It's really weird and kind of bullshit. I feel like this started during Sumeru but it's been getting more and more frustrating to spend days of time grinding upgrade parts only to then have to pivot to another boss and grind that for days to get the elemental gems.

Not sure if you know but you can exchange the elemental gems to another type in the crafting station.

You just need Dust of Azoth which you can purchase in Paimon's shop.

Made some progress on my Neuvillette but the domain still has not been very nice to me. I will continue farming it because I still need a set for Furina and more fodder to level the pieces. I hope I get a crit rate circlet for Neuvi or a Hydro Goblet that has crit rate.

His HP and crit dmg rolls are so nice but I am short at least 20-30% crit rate. :( Hope I get some better pieces soon. :) It really sucks how RNG artifacts are, I see how amazing some of your characters are and mine always fall short because I just did not get those high crit rolls for many of my characters so far.

I also wish I had never found the akasha website, it's absolutely gutting when you spend so much time and effort on your characters and then they end up in something like "top 32%, top 64%, top 73%". Just feels bad.


But even with this shoddy set he is an absolute monster, am pleasantly surprised. :)

Personally, I find the rate of you building up characters to be really fast. Like getting them to 90, having high talents level.

Artifact farming is end game, I've only truly try to farm artifact about 1 year into the game. It takes like a week or so of just farming artifact to get a decent piece. Double or triple the time to get a great piece.

You're still building your teams, you'll get there eventually.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Finished Wrizzly's quest. It's definitely more of an Ayato type of quest since it focuses more on npc drama than him personally (and even ends with him giving his blessing for a wedding while Ayato's ends with him preventing a wedding...), but I'll gladly take any quest in which His Grace appears and say thank you.

The fact that 99% of Teyvat's English voices have no accent variety, then we suddenly have one random British npc and the beret cult leader with the most stereotypical Civil War era southern drawl who actually turns out to be a slaver... when Wrizzly had him by the throat tho... whew.

Wrizzly's reason for being locked up ended up being much darker than I expected. Part of me honestly thought they'd take the coward's route and say Neuvilotter caught him illegally ice-bridging or something, but no he straight up killed some evil pieces of shit. I wish that hadn't been treated like such an afterthought at the end.

And I enjoyed the random moment where we just sat in his office and chilled while waiting for plot to happen lol. Paimon better stop calling him lazy though, if the Duke needs a break then it's what he deserves!

Checked the abyss summary. Is 130014 damage okay too? It was not quite 170k. >__>

Absolutely, there's no way Neuvilotter's army could ever reach a conviction at this rate. Knew you'd be vindicated in the end!


Oct 27, 2017
Decided to come back to this after a long break and I pulled Wrioksejkslje or however you spell his name. Very cool looking character, time to replace him with Diona in my team.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if you know but you can exchange the elemental gems to another type in the crafting station.

You just need Dust of Azoth which you can purchase in Paimon's shop.

I do, yeah. It's just not super reliable, and the big gems are still rare enough that trading one element for another might screw me down the line.

At least in Wrio's case, the chance of me ever pulling another Geo unit are slim to none, so I GUESS I could dust any max-rank Geo gems into Cryo gems. But it's still using one finite resource to transform another finite resource. Not ideal, basically.


Oct 30, 2017
Man I have an amazing artifact build for Neuv, the best built character I have by far by accident because the time I've spent in the MH/GT domain pales in comparison to the BS/HoD or Emblem/Shim domains. But when I checked Akasha, I'm only top 5%. Goddamn it's competitive.

… Childe's in the team so the HP resonance and talent boost are there too.


Ahhhh last time I look at Enka. Ignorance is bliss.

I got almost all the MH pieces within two weeks of farming so MH set pieces are kinda dead to me now (I say this knowing it makes me a villain). Still gotta get a decent GT set, Fischl won't be sharing with French Fischl.


Oct 31, 2017
Man I have an amazing artifact build for Neuv, the best built character I have by far by accident because the time I've spent in the MH/GT domain pales in comparison to the BS/HoD or Emblem/Shim domains. But when I checked Akasha, I'm only top 5%. Goddamn it's competitive.

… Childe's in the team so the HP resonance and talent boost are there too.


Ahhhh last time I look at Enka. Ignorance is bliss.

I got almost all the MH pieces within two weeks of farming so MH set pieces are kinda dead to me now (I say this knowing it makes me a villain). Still gotta get a decent GT set, Fischl won't be sharing with French Fischl.
358% crit dmg with 40k HP!?? Holy.... O.O
Huge congrats, what an amazing set!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
You lose a lot cause your Crit Rate is so low.
Akasha doesn't mean too much regardless, but that'd prolly be why.


Unshakable Resolve
Dec 24, 2018
Really happy so far in my progress to build my Neuvillette (C3) and Furina (Will get her C2), i will try to get more HP on my Furina but she'll reach like 35k HP in Double Hydro and with her signature weapon's effect, my Neuvillette needs a bit more Crit DMG but besides that he's done, i just need to stop my artifact farming addiction and go get the damn materials to ascend him lmao.




Oct 27, 2017
Man I have an amazing artifact build for Neuv, the best built character I have by far by accident because the time I've spent in the MH/GT domain pales in comparison to the BS/HoD or Emblem/Shim domains. But when I checked Akasha, I'm only top 5%. Goddamn it's competitive.

… Childe's in the team so the HP resonance and talent boost are there too.


Ahhhh last time I look at Enka. Ignorance is bliss.

I got almost all the MH pieces within two weeks of farming so MH set pieces are kinda dead to me now (I say this knowing it makes me a villain). Still gotta get a decent GT set, Fischl won't be sharing with French Fischl.

From my understanding Akasha skews towards different stats depending on the character/most effective team comp. My crit stats are worse than yours and I'm top 4%

You're OD'ing on crit damage - which might be good for damage screenshots - but you're leaving damage on the table if you're not critting as often as you should and can't ult off of cooldown. Bump your crit rate up a bit and energy recharge as well and your build should be more balanced. I think a soft ER target for Neuv is 120% and Crit rate like 58% IIRC
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If I do some artifacts swapping with my unequipped stuff I guess this is the best for my Neuvillette. I'm usually on CD circlet.

But I like seeing his CD above 300% and that's totally Furina's sands. I wish the on set Hydro Goblet I had had CR% on it. I'm still beating the boss for Wrio before heading back to that domain and hoping for better pieces.

Edit: I can also go with this I guess to keep the sands free
Last edited:
May 10, 2018
Time to start the Furina artifact farm. I'm assuming I should aim for HP? I think I have a few good Golden Troupe artifacts.

Pair her with Wrio.

In the meantime I should try to build Nahida. Have her at only level 50 and legit still don't really KNOW what to do with her.


Nov 6, 2017
Man I have an amazing artifact build for Neuv, the best built character I have by far by accident because the time I've spent in the MH/GT domain pales in comparison to the BS/HoD or Emblem/Shim domains. But when I checked Akasha, I'm only top 5%. Goddamn it's competitive.

… Childe's in the team so the HP resonance and talent boost are there too.


Ahhhh last time I look at Enka. Ignorance is bliss.

I got almost all the MH pieces within two weeks of farming so MH set pieces are kinda dead to me now (I say this knowing it makes me a villain). Still gotta get a decent GT set, Fischl won't be sharing with French Fischl.

5% is pretty good, those are great artifacts.
Most top builds in Akasha are using an optimizer for the specific Akasha categories.
I see that the top Neuv builds for the no buff category all have hydro goblet and more crit rate, for the double hydro category they have more crit rate and most have hydro goblet but not all of them.
If you can change to a hydro goblet and add some crit rate at the expense of some other stats you might move up a few places


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Other thing I forgot to mention about Wrizzly's quest: It's so rude that they give a C3 version of him for his story dungeon, just to show me what his C1 is like. Really weird that they had a Noblesse artifact set on him though lol...

I just know I'm gonna end up caving and using my guarantee on his C1. I'm beginning to think 46k primos and one welkin just might not realistically cover Wrizzly C1, Furina, her weapon, taking Ayato from C3 to C4-6 and then getting Navia right after that... choices will have to be made.

Navia is the most in danger of getting cut from my list for now. She's got the style and personality, but she'll have to really get creative and slay the gameplay to keep my interest since I already have Itto and his weapon for big yellow numbers. I used to reject geo doomposting and brought my mono geo team out all the time, but Abyss was not kind to them over the summer and I haven't dusted them off since aside from mainstay Zhongli. I do like the idea of finally being able to get Gorou constellations if they were to run at the same time though...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Other thing I forgot to mention about Wrizzly's quest: It's so rude that they give a C3 version of him for his story dungeon, just to show me what his C1 is like. Really weird that they had a Noblesse artifact set on him though lol...
All trial characters during their quest are C3 on NO set for some reason and always replace your own unless you have higher constellations.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
All trial characters during their quest are C3 on NO set for some reason and always replace your own unless you have higher constellations.
Yeah I thought I felt some deja vu when I posted that. Always irritates me when they replace my character with their inferior stats version. Didn't realize that about Noblesse or having more constellations though.


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking about the Labyrinth Warriors event from Inazuma in which one of the buffs you could get was to activate a constelation for some members of your team

That is one event /structure it needs to become regular instead of the Fungus events even as someone that kind of likes Bongo Head.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I really like how versatile the Wriothesley teams I'm seeing are. I've seen freeze, mono, melt, burn melt, hyper fridge, and oven (freeze burgeon) so far, and they all seem to perform pretty well.

For people who vertically invest, what's considered a good damage increase for a constellation? I was looking at KQM's Shenhe guide and it has C2 as a 6% damage increase from C0. I have no idea if that's good, bad, or average though.
I hope a re-run isn't a year from now.
I forgot to say that all the Sumeru characters reran around 4 patches later, so if that trend stays you won't have to wait long.
I just know I'm gonna end up caving and using my guarantee on his C1. I'm beginning to think 46k primos and one welkin just might not realistically cover Wrizzly C1, Furina, her weapon, taking Ayato from C3 to C4-6 and then getting Navia right after that... choices will have to be made.
Almost all of the gameplay I've watched of yung Wrizzleton have been at C0. For all the discourse leading up to him, it actually doesn't that bad. It's not just Bennett I'm seeing either. As I mentioned earlier I'm seeing Mika teams, and I've also seen Yao Yao burn melt teams.


Oct 25, 2017
For people who vertically invest, what's considered a good damage increase for a constellation? I was looking at KQM's Shenhe guide and it has C2 as a 6% damage increase from C0. I have no idea if that's good, bad, or average though.
I assume that 6% is for her personal damage? because Shenhe C2 reads like something that is mostly to buff all your other Cryo drivers.

For how expensive they are I think the ones worth investing if you really REALLY like a character would be stuff like Raiden C2 (makes her burst a legit nuke), Nahida C2 (Bloom reactions + Burning can crit, Catalyze reactions shred 30% defense) or Kazuha C2 (200 EM for him and the character inside his burts)


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Jan 11, 2018
Your post reminds me I still have Kokomi's NA to crown. Already crowned her skill and burst. Waiting for Furina so I can comfortably play Critkomi with Hunter set.

I tried this Abyss with Lynette team.


Triple crown gang 😎
I have a lot of Hunter pieces and no one to use them (yet), but that sounds fun - it'll be interesting to see your results!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Almost all of the gameplay I've watched of yung Wrizzleton have been at C0. For all the discourse leading up to him, it actually doesn't that bad. It's not just Bennett I'm seeing either. As I mentioned earlier I'm seeing Mika teams, and I've also seen Yao Yao burn melt teams.
Yeah I mean I'm enjoying him as is, but it's hard to fight that urge, especially when you start wondering how far away his rerun could be. But I'm gonna try to hold out at least until near the end of his banner and see how I feel then.


Oct 26, 2017
From my understanding Akasha skews towards different stats depending on the character/most effective team comp. My crit stats are worse than yours and I'm top 4%

You're OD'ing on crit damage - which might be good for damage screenshots - but you're leaving damage on the table if you're not critting as often as you should and can't ult off of cooldown. Bump your crit rate up a bit and energy recharge as well and your build should be more balanced. I think a soft ER target for Neuv is 120% and Crit rate like 58% IIRC
Akasha also isn't really concerned about what's optimal based on your setup or build, it's playing towards a weirdly conceived notion of a character. In other words, it's not trying to make your character optimal, it's trying to make your build fit the build and CVs of other highly ranked builds, even if it actually makes your character worse.

I know this mostly because my Zhongli and my Yelan are not built optimally according to Akasha, but they function far better despite not catering to what Akasha thinks they should be.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I found this Wrizzleby guide to be really helpful:


I kinda wanna exchange his Mareechaussee artifact set (giving a boost for healing) with a Blizzard Strayer set (giving a straight up cyro damage boost). I don't like that the Maree set is reliant on healing and I do play mostly freeze teams with him. It sucks that my Maree set is, with the exception of one awful piece, sub stats-wise so good.
Wait a minute...would a two piece Maree and two piece Blizzard be a good idea? Or should I stick to a four piece set with each of the sets?


Oct 8, 2023
I really like how versatile the Wriothesley teams I'm seeing are. I've seen freeze, mono, melt, burn melt, hyper fridge, and oven (freeze burgeon) so far, and they all seem to perform pretty well.

For people who vertically invest, what's considered a good damage increase for a constellation? I was looking at KQM's Shenhe guide and it has C2 as a 6% damage increase from C0. I have no idea if that's good, bad, or average though.

I forgot to say that all the Sumeru characters reran around 4 patches later, so if that trend stays you won't have to wait long.

Almost all of the gameplay I've watched of yung Wrizzleton have been at C0. For all the discourse leading up to him, it actually doesn't that bad. It's not just Bennett I'm seeing either. As I mentioned earlier I'm seeing Mika teams, and I've also seen Yao Yao burn melt teams.

That 6% is a team dps calculation. If her team clears her side of the abyss in 100 seconds without it, then that time would drop to 88 seconds or so with it. I have her c1 and have thought about this constellation. I think this is probably considered an average constellation and usually average constellations aren't worth it.

My favorite 5 star constellation by far is Yelen c1, which is maybe an average damage increase constellation but soooo great for speeding through everything*.

except dialogues

Chocobo Blade

The Wise Ones
Oct 29, 2017
I found this Wrizzleby guide to be really helpful:


I kinda wanna exchange his Mareechaussee artifact set (giving a boost for healing) with a Blizzard Strayer set (giving a straight up cyro damage boost). I don't like that the Maree set is reliant on healing and I do play mostly freeze teams with him. It sucks that my Maree set is, with the exception of one awful piece, sub stats-wise so good.
Wait a minute...would a two piece Maree and two piece Blizzard be a good idea? Or should I stick to a four piece set with each of the sets?

It's not reliant on healing, it gains stacks whenever HP changes so with Wrio's every attack. It basically gives a similar CR buff to blizzard strayer but without the need to freeze. iirc BS is slightly stronger in freeze teams but useless anywhere else so he loses versatility.

Witch of Miracles

One Winged Slayer
Jun 13, 2019
United Kingdom
So I tried Wrio in the trial and golly gee is he alot of fun to play with.

Cleared Abyss yesterday so here is that:

And this is the current state of my Neuvi (note: I did not use this version for the Abyss clear above, that one had alot less crit rate and more crit dmg)


I've been using a Hydro goblet this entire time so now trying a HP one, I use him alot with Kuki so he'll be at close to full HP at all times for his free Hydro bonus anyway.


Oct 26, 2017
I really like how versatile the Wriothesley teams I'm seeing are. I've seen freeze, mono, melt, burn melt, hyper fridge, and oven (freeze burgeon) so far, and they all seem to perform pretty well.

For people who vertically invest, what's considered a good damage increase for a constellation? I was looking at KQM's Shenhe guide and it has C2 as a 6% damage increase from C0. I have no idea if that's good, bad, or average though.
The best way to know is to look at C3 and C5, a good increase from those is about 8-15%, an average is closer to 4-6%. That said, constellation damage increases rarely tell the whole story of how they improve a kit. A lot of C1s, C2s, and C6s are more transformative (Yelan, Raiden, Ayaka, etc.) and the damage increase can spike significantly.

It's also important to remember that theorycrafting assumes optimal, and you'll rarely achieve optimal, mostly due to enemies and sometimes due to playstyle.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Managed to dodge Rizzly's weapon and get Elegy of the End. I got a second Skyward Pride in the process, but what can you do? I count it as a dub.

Hoping though for the future Raiden rerun that she is actually running with Albedo so we can get a good overall weapon banner for once. lol


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
No, what has been confirmed is that the Irminsul has records on the sibling, but we also know that the Irminsul's records on the sibling have them abruptly appearing in Khaenri'ah at the time of the disaster. In other words, we do not know what the sibling was doing before the disaster, and based on the dialogue from the next Archon Quest, Caribert, they were definitely doing something in Khaenri'ah before everything went to hell. Thus, we could speculate that whatever the Sustainer did to the sibling during the escape attempt in the prologue might have caused the Irminsul to begin keeping records on the sibling.

I will also say that the dialogue Caribet, which you presumably have not completed yet, implies that Khaenri'ah regarded the Traveler's siblings as a mystery, and that the Khaenri'ahns were not aware of the existence of the Traveler.
Just coming back to this as I just finished Caribet quest. I see your points and they are valid speculations, but I also don't think anything proved or disproved the reliability of our narrator in that quest, which is the foundation of that speculation.

Also, at least in the English localisation, there's nothing to imply that they weren't aware of the traveler's existence in that quest. They just aren't referenced which is a different thing.
I assume that 6% is for her personal damage? because Shenhe C2 reads like something that is mostly to buff all your other Cryo drivers.

For how expensive they are I think the ones worth investing if you really REALLY like a character would be stuff like Raiden C2 (makes her burst a legit nuke), Nahida C2 (Bloom reactions + Burning can crit, Catalyze reactions shred 30% defense) or Kazuha C2 (200 EM for him and the character inside his burts)
Yeah Raiden and Eula are the 2 that I've invested cons into. Though Raiden wasn't really out of love and more because she doesn't feel great to play as a sub dps at C0. I do think she's really satisfying to play though in terms of her animations and stuff.

I like Shenhe, she's cool. It would more be just to make rotations easier. I could set up her burst earlier and not worry about losing time on it. And it would be a buff to Wrio. But maybe it's fine. I need to test him when I get to 90. I'm mostly just thinking about it now because she will get one rerun a year, if that. So if I want her at C2 before 2025 I need to start planning for it now.
Yeah I mean I'm enjoying him as is, but it's hard to fight that urge, especially when you start wondering how far away his rerun could be. But I'm gonna try to hold out at least until near the end of his banner and see how I feel then.
Yeah I feel. I know I would keep going personally haha.
That 6% is a team dps calculation. If her team clears her side of the abyss in 100 seconds without it, then that time would drop to 88 seconds or so with it. I have her c1 and have thought about this constellation. I think this is probably considered an average constellation and usually average constellations aren't worth it.

My favorite 5 star constellation by far is Yelen c1, which is maybe an average damage increase constellation but soooo great for speeding through everything*.

except dialogues
The best way to know is to look at C3 and C5, a good increase from those is about 8-15%, an average is closer to 4-6%. That said, constellation damage increases rarely tell the whole story of how they improve a kit. A lot of C1s, C2s, and C6s are more transformative (Yelan, Raiden, Ayaka, etc.) and the damage increase can spike significantly.

It's also important to remember that theorycrafting assumes optimal, and you'll rarely achieve optimal, mostly due to enemies and sometimes due to playstyle.
Great, thanks for the help guys. That puts things into perspective more.

Also, lol "except dialogues" haha.