
Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the final act. Is there an end credits scene like in the last game?


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017

Man, what a game. Act 1 kind of dragged a bit, and 3 almost did too, but all in all it was fantastic. Really didn't see the "JD or Del" choice coming (I chose to save Del), and that final act as a whole was just awesome. Loved the final sequence against the Riftworm.

Kind of wish the game were longer - I spent most of my time thinking there were five acts for some reason - but I'm at least glad it didn't needlessly overstay its welcome. Really can't wait for Gears 6 now, and I really hope they do story DLC for 5 in the meantime like Epic used to do.


Oct 25, 2017
I think they wanted to kill off JD but at the same time couldn't just make that choice. His arc imo, is finished. The death could've been scripted instead of a choice and more heroic but yeah. He tends to make shit about him, just like in Gears 4. Imo when he and Fahz show up in Act 3 it just makes the game awkward and uneasy. He's trying too hard and by not making it about him.....he makes it about him. JD is just bad.

As soon as they decided that G4 was really about Kait and we'd be playing as her in G5, there was nowhere left for his character to go. Did he have to die? Maybe not, but death is better than being sidelined, use the emotional impact of the death to give the characters more depth and development in the next game.
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Alt Account
May 12, 2019
I think they wanted to kill off JD but at the same time couldn't just make that choice. His arc imo, is finished. The death could've been scripted instead of a choice and more heroic but yeah. He tends to make shit about him, just like in Gears 4. Imo when he and Fahz show up in Act 3 it just makes the game awkward and uneasy. He's trying too hard and by not making it about him.....he makes it about him. JD is just bad.

Myra i said the same thing. It's like the story went from being good in the beginning, and just went weird as it went on.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
GEARS 5 story is just bad. And because they never did anything with JD in 4 is why his character sucks. There's no flashback of him with his father, and you don't know why there's such a rift between them. There's no father son moments in 4 as well. Just some awkward dialogue of marcus not approving of JD's actions as a former cog in 4. That then he just basically tells JD to stop trying to prove himself, and then if his death is cannon you get a shit arc for him. The game should not all be about kait. The original was about the group with marcus being the main.

In this new trilogy it seems its all about kait and the rest are just fodder. Which sucks because part of what made the original trilogy great was marcus and dom's relationship, among him growing close to the rest of his squad with baird, and cole being close friends almost family.

There is very little with this new trilogy even with del tagging along for the majority of kait's journey.

Wasted potential. I now until proven wrong will look forward to these for the action, set pieces and great online, but expecting them to create any kind of emotional highlight or something as good writing wise like God of war with the whole father son/mother daughter dynamic, is pretty much gone.
Dec 21, 2018
I feel like Marcus has been through enough. Just cause some feel like James had not much else to do with all the focus on Kait or that he wasn't as good a character as others doesn't mean he needs to die.


Oct 25, 2017
The more I think about the story in this game the more disappointed I get. I already posted this in the OT but I thought this might be more appropriate.

I feel like it could be massively improved if they made just one change.

Have the fight with the Matriarch be the game's final conclusion and use the Hammer of Dawn to kill it.

That would give the game a much more satisfying overarching arc. Act 1 and 2 would be setting up and discovering the cause of Kait's connection with the swarm. Act 3 would be creating a solution. Act 4 would be enacting that solution. The ending would be far more satisfying because you've actually reached a conclusion.

It just makes so much more sense. As it is the entire driving force and setup for the story just ends half way through. It leaves act 3 and 4 feeling kinda... pointless.

It would also mean we'd get to continue exploring Kait's breakdown and connection with the swarm which made her character all the more interesting. Especially if Kait started talking with her mother. Act 3 could have been so much more interesting if it were interspersed with Kait struggling to contend with the fact that her mum is now alive and in her head.


Oct 29, 2017
GEARS 5 story is just bad. And because they never did anything with JD in 4 is why his character sucks. There's no flashback of him with his father, and you don't know why there's such a rift between them. There's no father son moments in 4 as well. Just some awkward dialogue of marcus not approving of JD's actions as a former cog in 4. That then he just basically tells JD to stop trying to prove himself, and then if his death is cannon you get a shit arc for him. The game should not all be about kait. The original was about the group with marcus being the main.

In this new trilogy it seems its all about kait and the rest are just fodder. Which sucks because part of what made the original trilogy great was marcus and dom's relationship, among him growing close to the rest of his squad with baird, and cole being close friends almost family.

There is very little with this new trilogy even with del tagging along for the majority of kait's journey.

Wasted potential. I now until proven wrong will look forward to these for the action, set pieces and great online, but expecting them to create any kind of emotional highlight or something as good writing wise like God of war with the whole father son/mother daughter dynamic, is pretty much gone.

honestly, i cant even look at it as a new trilogy. It very much feels like the extension of Gears 1-3. The conflict is almost the same, Marcus, Cole and Baird are a recurring presence, and the story is heavily built on already established plot points in earlier games.

I think the 3 new main characters are fine, but they really don't feel like the heroes of this story. Gears 5 was meant to be "Kait's journey" ,but despite so much of the plot focusing on her, I really don't feel like I learned much about her as a character. In fact, her whole "breakdown" that they were teasing during E3 just seemed to be solved by the end of Act 2.

On a micro scale I love the character banter and I think they're all very likable but looking at the big picture the story hasn't been great.


Oct 26, 2017
How the fuck isn't fahz dead or at least his back broken 😂😂. He literally got smashed from that huge ass tentacle 😂😂😂😂


Oct 26, 2017
It hit his fake leg i believe. They even focused on it for a moment iirc.
Lol so that still doesn't even explain it not being ripped apart from his body. I mean come on look at the size of that tentacle and he just got up n walked away. Pretty stupid imo.. but yet it wrecks the beacon in the same way 🤷‍♂️


Oct 27, 2017
lmao at the choose a death scene in act 4 and the subsequent scene with marcus. what a lazy way to try and create some emotional impact. i couldn't care less if either of them died. del just being mr. sidekick in act 2 and jd just turning up and everything is happy go lucky again in act 3.

i just hope that the scene with cole wasn't his final one, they did my man dirty with that one. what a stupid way to kill him off


Oct 26, 2017
lmao at the choose a death scene in act 4 and the subsequent scene with marcus. what a lazy way to try and create some emotional impact. i couldn't care less if either of them died. del just being mr. sidekick in act 2 and jd just turning up and everything is happy go lucky again in act 3.

i just hope that the scene with cole wasn't his final one, they did my man dirty with that one. what a stupid way to kill him off
Yup I felt no care for any of there new characters. Lol I laughed when I chose to save del just cause he was around more in the beginning. Not cause I liked him it was just I don't even care about either of them but jd even less. Story was just meh. I enjoyed the gameplay with the added jack controls mostly


Jul 9, 2018
Game was good but as many have said, how they dropped the ball with Kait is really disappointing. How do you end her whole arc in Act II? So much cool stuff could have been done with her being able to control them in this game and even in the next one.

She's been wearing that necklace so she's obviously embraced some of her roots, The skill they gave to Jack (control enemy) should have been a perk Kait had, that would have atleast left some conflict open as the COG wouldn't know if they could fully trust her.


Oct 25, 2017
Any character/weapon skins unlocked for completing story? I didn't get the achievement as XBL thinks I've only done 80% despite the in-game chapter section telling me I've done them all solo.



Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Any character/weapon skins unlocked for completing story? I didn't get the achievement as XBL thinks I've only done 80% despite the in-game chapter section telling me I've done them all solo.

Yeah same for me, hope they unlock in my 2nd playthrough


Teyvat Traveler
The Fallen
Jan 15, 2018
I had to save JD. Marcus already lost his tomatoes, wife, best friend. I couldn't let him lose his son too.


Apr 16, 2019
After Act three I'm like, shit am I starting to like Fauz? By the end of the game I'm like, shit they made a good ass new character! Marcus line to him was so so so damn good lol also.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to say that the story was kinda underwhelming for me. And I say that as someone who really enjoyed what they did with the narrative in 4

First, the whole setup of making JD become a jerk and then show up out of nowhere to give him a redemption arc felt really rushed. Same for Fahz. They tried to develop more all of the characters, but I don't feel like they did as much the game would want you to believe it did.

Second, while I love the focus on Kait and Del, the best characters from 4, the first two arcs are pretty much wasted plot-wise. They keep talking about chasing answers, but it's not a mystery at all, they alluded so much of Kait and her mother being descendants of Myrrah in the previous game that it was so obvious that this would be the case. There was no surprise or twist there but they spent half of the game trying to make you believe there was. I guess learning a new motivation for Myrra hatred towards the Seran's was interesting though.

I do have to admit that the choice in Arc IV was pretty surprising and bold, I wonder how they'll treat that going forward.

Overall the writing isn't weak, its actually pretty good as the quips and dialogs between the characters are great, but it doesn't feel like the story progressed much, it barely moved the needle for a 12-15 hour journey
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Game was good but as many have said, how they dropped the ball with Kait is really disappointing. How do you end her whole arc in Act II? So much cool stuff could have been done with her being able to control them in this game and even in the next one.

She's been wearing that necklace so she's obviously embraced some of her roots, The skill they gave to Jack (control enemy) should have been a perk Kait had, that would have atleast left some conflict open as the COG wouldn't know if they could fully trust her.
At least there could be room to deliver on this in Gears 6. The end seemed to imply that Kait would actually go with Jinn's plan to reconnect her to the hive and track down The Queen after witnessing all of the death and destruction in New Ephyra. If this is the case you could easily bring back that push/pull and have Kait begin to master that ability after having her link restored.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Huh, I guess just me that really liked the story. And making the hard choice at the end just with the big emotional moment with Marcus made it all the more meaningful.

I wonder if people that didn't get those feels at the end chose to save JD. If so...ya'll shouldn't have saved that bum. Your fault. lol
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Huh, I guess just me that really liked the story. And making the hard choice at the end just with the big emotional moment with Marcus made it all the more meaningful.

I wonder if people that didn't get those feels at the end chose to save JD. If so...ya'll shouldn't have saved that bum. Your fault. lol
I enjoyed the story, but I totally get the criticism that not much actually happened. I really enjoyed how they dove into Kait's lineage, Myrrah, what went down at New Hope and the Queen's role and importance to The Swarm and I actually enjoyed that that was addressed by midway into the game setting the table for The Swarm's proper resurgence and attack on New Ephyra. I didn't need any great twists or turns there, sometimes it's just as satisfying to have something that is setup delivered on well. Kait's link being severed by midway through was a bit of a missed opportunity though, particularly after that really cool (and pretty horrifyingly presented) segment where Kait was being forced to control Locust.

Agreed that its handling of JD's death was really good! Probably the best the series has ever done on that front (not exactly a high bar but y'know :p ). Also for real, in what world does Kait saving JD over Del make any sense?

I'll also say that after not really caring at all about what happened in Gears 4 beyond the setup with Kait I didn't expect that Gears 5 would really manage to get me reinvested in the series. But Gears 5's story actually really did leave me caring about these characters and legitimately wanting to see what happens in the next game. That's great considering the series just felt dead and tired to me before 5's release.
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Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas

Which one is the canon death?

Probably isn't one. More than likely what will happen is at the beginning of Gears 6 you choose which one died and then the other one only appears as a background character with a few lines of dialogue. That's why I don't like the decision to make it a choice. Sure, it's impactful at the time but it basically writes out both characters for Gears 6.
Oct 27, 2017
Just finished it.

Kind of a game of two halves.
Act 1 was a great self contained story.

Same for act 2. Nice to have confirmation about the new hope lab and the origins of the locust and the queen.

Act 3 and 4 did a really poor job of following up on those events.
I loved the gameplay and the set pieces, I just think the story and characters were set up a certain way the first half and then they didn't do anything in the second.

I saved Del because he was with me the whole way. Good science man wins over dude who ordered return fire on civilians. Marcus can take the pain.

Those set pieces running at 60fps are something else.


Jul 9, 2018
At least there could be room to deliver on this in Gears 6. The end seemed to imply that Kait would actually go with Jinn's plan to reconnect her to the hive and track down The Queen after witnessing all of the death and destruction in New Ephyra. If this is the case you could easily bring back that push/pull and have Kait begin to master that ability after having her link restored.
Yeah but that push/pull would have been more effective over 2 games. They couldn't even stick with it for 3 Acts. I don't want Kait to turn or die for that matter but I would have loved to have her in that gray area where she COULD turn but always comes back to the COG. So many great mechanics they are missing if they don't give her some small control over the locust.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I liked the plot overall, but I do think the act 3 return of JD/Fahz is really odd. I never would have thought that scene with JD they showed at E3 was basically the only time you really saw him like that, he's a no show until you're basically buds again.

I have no idea how the hell the game is going to handle that decision. On one hand it feels way easier from a dev PoV to let Del bite it since he didn't have much of an established background, it could pull at JD more and put him down a rockier path. But I also can't really see Kait after this game actually snap aiming a knife to save JD specifically after this game, when Del had her back the whole game. And this would make Marcus in 6 super interesting after being ripped from his wife and son.

But I don't see a way for the game to NOT make a hard, canon choice as JD biting it is way too big to only be optional for the ramifications it would have.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
I love the story for it's character moments.
GEARS 5 story is just bad. And because they never did anything with JD in 4 is why his character sucks. There's no flashback of him with his father, and you don't know why there's such a rift between them. There's no father son moments in 4 as well. Just some awkward dialogue of marcus not approving of JD's actions as a former cog in 4. That then he just basically tells JD to stop trying to prove himself, and then if his death is cannon you get a shit arc for him. The game should not all be about kait. The original was about the group with marcus being the main.

In this new trilogy it seems its all about kait and the rest are just fodder. Which sucks because part of what made the original trilogy great was marcus and dom's relationship, among him growing close to the rest of his squad with baird, and cole being close friends almost family.

There is very little with this new trilogy even with del tagging along for the majority of kait's journey.

Wasted potential. I now until proven wrong will look forward to these for the action, set pieces and great online, but expecting them to create any kind of emotional highlight or something as good writing wise like God of war with the whole father son/mother daughter dynamic, is pretty much gone.

The problem is Gears 1-3 had flat characters with simple personalities. Gears 4-6 has characters with depth, weight and actual conflict instead of "WHERES MY WIFE!!!!"

That all being said Gears 4-5 does suffer from a story that just abruptly ends with little in the way of conflict resolution.


Oct 27, 2017
Probably isn't one. More than likely what will happen is at the beginning of Gears 6 you choose which one died and then the other one only appears as a background character with a few lines of dialogue. That's why I don't like the decision to make it a choice. Sure, it's impactful at the time but it basically writes out both characters for Gears 6.
Wolfenstein didn't write out Wyatt or Fergus. Mass Effect didn't write out Ashley or Kaiden (well, not out of ME3, anyway).
The problem is Gears 1-3 had flat characters with simple personalities. Gears 4-6 has characters with depth, weight and actual conflict instead of "WHERES MY WIFE!!!!"



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The more I think about this campaign the more disappointed I get with one particular aspect - JD and Fahz.

We hear over and over about how JD has broken down, now a strict military man, asshole leader, etc. But we saw that for all of five seconds. Then he shows up out of nowhere back to his old self. And he even brings Fahz with him, who apparently has also grown a heart of gold out of nowhere?

Really wishing they went with the betray plotline in my head where JD and Fahz arrest Kait and Del.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I love the story for it's character moments.

The problem is Gears 1-3 had flat characters with simple personalities. Gears 4-6 has characters with depth, weight and actual conflict instead of "WHERES MY WIFE!!!!"

That all being said Gears 4-5 does suffer from a story that just abruptly ends with little in the way of conflict resolution.
Yea, def a lot of setup for a Gears 6. Which is obviously inevitable but yea.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure how they'll handle the choice going forward. Maybe the dead choice gets taken by the swarm after falling underground and Reyna corrupts them. That way all major characters are still in the next one and more hard choices have to be made. It would require alot of extra writing for at least Kait and Marcus though.

I don't think I'd like that however. JD death should be canon, as it carries more weight due to Marcus.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I don't think I'd like that however. JD death should be canon, as it carries more weight due to Marcus.
I agree. The extra effort they put into that reaction sells it to me as cannon. Everything about the ending felt like that was the direction they want to go. New found motivation and rage for Marcus. The other ending (watched it on YT) was meh, with little emotional impact realized on anyone but Fez and JD. It added no weight to the moment after the final boss fight.

When letting JD die, you feel the moment when Marcus is told and you really feel the subsequent moment when Marcus calls Kait -- who is feeling like they may see her as a threat, an outcast -- to come join the group after the final boss fight. Him not blaming her for JD's death or feeling like she's anything but the Kait he's always known and believes in. You felt the weight and the conjoined complex of emotions on all parties involved. It made the moment shared truly special and painful, but also one that focuses rage against a common enemy. That he's going to finish things with this new Queen with his own 2 hands and a chainsaw.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure how they'll handle the choice going forward. Maybe the dead choice gets taken by the swarm after falling underground and Reyna corrupts them. That way all major characters are still in the next one and more hard choices have to be made. It would require alot of extra writing for at least Kait and Marcus though.

I don't think I'd like that however. JD death should be canon, as it carries more weight due to Marcus.
That's why I didn't choose JD to die. I didn't want some 'Fenix rises' thing next game...

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
I am actually mad that they didn't have Del sacrifice his life for JD. No branching storyline, closing the plot thread where they had been arguing, no personal loss for Marcus. Win-win-win
Jan 4, 2018
Finally beat the campaign. Loved it, every act was awesome. I'd say Act 3 was the low-point of the campaign, but it was still good.

I saved Del because it's really the only choice that makes sense for multiple reasons. He was at Kait's side every step of the way. He saved her from Nile's machine. She wouldn't make JD a priority in a split-second decision situation. And narrative wise, JD's death carries more weight because of how it affects Marcus at the end. It gives him and Kait this common anger to direct at the Queen. It also seemed dumb to kill Del literally one chapter after he just got his ass saved by Fahz. I think JD is the 'bolder' direction to take the story in overall, and it just really helps set the bittersweet tone of the ending.

I would love, love, love to see The Coalition respect player choice and craft two entire branches of the Gears 6 campaign based on who survived, though.

I only had one gripe with the campaign and it was despite all the references to things from previous games, my dude Dizzy didn't get a cameo or shoutout. Well that, and multiple Snatcher encounters in the late-game were ass.


Nov 1, 2017
Looking forward to Kait/Del/Fahz/Marcus Delta in 6.

Fahz really grew on me. He's a gasbag just like Baird in 1.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Finished this last night co-op with a buddy (after endless connection issues tried their best to stop us).

Overall I was pretty disappointed, no one part of the game particularly stood out and in the latter half of the game it started to feel like quite a slog. And was it just me or is difficulty all over the place in this? Some fights were laughably easy and then the next thing you know you're facing an endless onslaught of enemies bombarding you with grenades followed up by a mini-boss all the while with next to no ammo.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
While I think there's still a lot of improvement for the gameplay (though I liked the changes they had here). They nailed the story greatly here.

playing gears 1-4 back to back and into this with some extra lore knowledge made for quite the ride especially by the end. Definitely curious to see where gears 6 goes

Finished this last night co-op with a buddy (after endless connection issues tried their best to stop us).

Overall I was pretty disappointed, no one part of the game particularly stood out and in the latter half of the game it started to feel like quite a slog. And was it just me or is difficulty all over the place in this? Some fights were laughably easy and then the next thing you know you're facing an endless onslaught of enemies bombarding you with grenades followed up by a mini-boss all the while with next to no ammo.

the difficulty is definitely funky in parts. Doesn't help with how many enemies can 1 shot knock you down with their perfect aim. Feels like you're always playing on insane difficulty when it comes to enemy accuracy. Even if the other values change.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
Saved JD because I felt sorry for Marcus.
But I hated them all, except for my boy Jack.

Was expecting 5 acts so while the final one was rather satisfying it still felt like some kind of coitus interruptus.

Story was just typical Gears, it looked like the writing had improved at first but it soon turns into bombastic nonsense with laughable attempts at emotional moments. Can't take any of those characters seriously anyway but I didn't come for the story obviously
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Nov 2, 2017
Oslo, Norway
Just jumped in here. Finished the game yesterday. Does the choice between JD and Del make any difference (I let JD go because I didn't really care for him in this game)?
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