
Aug 17, 2018
Having few women working there is one thing, it's not their fault if women -- for some strange and inexplicable reason -- don't want to work there. But that even those handful of women who do work there get harassed is just a sign of how trash this industry is. But I gues it's just a reflection of a large part of the audience as well. All this GamerGate bullshit didn't start a few years ago, it has roots that go back many decades.

Speaking as someone who's been involved in the hiring process at a couple companies (not in the gaming industry to be fair) it's not even that women don't want to work there. If it's a prominent enough company, even a bad reputation doesn't drive away all or even most women who apply-- it just drives away "top tier" applicants. "Top tier" in this case meaning women with resumes that perfectly match the job parameters. Those that remain are still more than adequate candidates... but then their "flaws" are scrutinized far more than the men who apply. THAT'S when hiring managers lament the "lack of qualified female applicants" which is almost always as bullshit as it sounds.


Oct 25, 2018
Homophobia, transphobia and sexual harassment and dismissal. Fuck you, Rocksteady.


Jul 18, 2018
Disgusting... another low after all we've seen but the backlash isn't as strong as it was for Ubisoft... sadly.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Shame that this thread is getting buried. A company with 200+ employees has only 16 women, more than half of which have been harassed? And HR ignores it? This is beyond preposterous. I don't think there's any salvaging here. At this point why would women even want to go work there?


Jun 29, 2019
Doesn't suprise me. I remember half the random thug dialog in City is them wanting to rape Catwoman or Vicki Vale and constantly calling them bitch.


Oct 25, 2017
So, 16 out of ~180 employees in 2018 were women. I.e. around 9%. It's low, but how far is it from the average? Isn't IT industry traditionally male-dominated?
Yeah, makes me curious what the entrance rates are for all of the degree/diploma/certification qualifications for positions in game dev by gender. I presume, but have no data, that a big source of the inequity is women being gatekept or disinterest from even joining the industry at an early stage.
May 18, 2018
When they are about to release news for their new game.

Honestly, as a big Rocksteady fan, FUCK THEM. The only solution is firing people from the top that ignored them and holy shit hire more women, 16 in an universe of 239 people is a joke.

Also, THIS.

A big problem is how catwoman and even harely have been reduced to mostly just sexual creatures from films and comic books, and then the game picking up from thag and not trying to break the mold. But seriously fuck rocksteady for allowing that, I couldnt imagine being that outnumbered by men as a woman and feeling that like that.


Oct 27, 2017
"In 2018 we received a letter from some of our female employees expressing concerns they had at that time, and we immediately took firm measures to address the matters that were raised. Over the subsequent two years we have carefully listened to and learned from our employees, working to ensure every person on the team feels supported. In 2020 we are more passionate than ever to continue to develop our inclusive culture, and we are determined to stand up for all of our staff."

Last Thursday, after the Guardian contacted Rocksteady for comment, management called an all-staff meeting where they discussed the letter for the first time. New initiatives were promised to prevent further discrimination, the Guardian understands. "'

That doesn't sound like they've used two years to improve on matters, more like the knowledge of this article's impending release put a fire under their asses only now in a late attempt to make it seem like they give a fuck.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Last Thursday, after the Guardian contacted Rocksteady for comment, management called an all-staff meeting where they discussed the letter for the first time. New initiatives were promised to prevent further discrimination, the Guardian understands. "'

That doesn't sound like they've used two years to improve on matters, more like the knowledge of this article's impending release put a fire under their asses only now in a late attempt to make it seem like they give a fuck.

They could have done this last year when the stuff about Riot Games came to a head or months ago when Ubisoft's bullshit broke but no, these troglodytes won't move an inch unless reporters put a spotlight on them.

What a pathetic lack of leadership.


Oct 27, 2017
They could have done this last year when the stuff about Riot Games came to a head or months ago when Ubisoft's bullshit broke but no, these troglodytes won't move an inch unless reporters put a spotlight on them.

What a pathetic lack of leadership.
Yeah, I can't understand how any company & leadership can exist in 2020, see all these high profile #metoo & other stories of workplace harassment/assault that keep popping up at a steady pace & can rock whole industries with their wide-spreadedness & push at least some accused harassers out, and then take no action to improve on anything in their own companies that they know have had people complain about similar stuff.


Alt account
Jun 18, 2020
Shame that this thread is getting buried.
Then it's on us to not let the thread get buried.

I have a feeling that developers like Ubisoft are "cooler" to hate on than a fan favorite like Rocksteady. Shrugging off as "oh well, it happens with all the other devs" doesn't cut it. I'd boycott Ubisoft if they didn't actually acted on this without sugarcoating it, and I'll be boycotting WB Games altogether as long as they keep half assing this.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't suprise me. I remember half the random thug dialog in City is them wanting to rape Catwoman or Vicki Vale and constantly calling them bitch.

There was a Kevin Smith podcast episode where Paul Dini was really keen to distance himself from that. If I remember correctly he said he spoke out against enemies calling Catwoman "whore" and "bitch" and Rocksteady did it anyway.

Bear Patrol

Oct 27, 2017
"We care so deeply about this sort of awful behavior that we won't discuss it at all until the news starts sniffing around"


Jan 8, 2020
Can someone find a video game company that isn't shitty so I can just start playing their games?

This shit is ridiculous


Alt account
Jun 18, 2020
There was a Kevin Smith podcast episode where Paul Dini was really keen to distance himself from that. If I remember correctly he said he spoke out against enemies calling Catwoman "whore" and "bitch" and Rocksteady did it anyway.
Of course. Can you help finding the link?

Fuck Rocksteady AND WB Games.


Oct 30, 2017
Inaction seems to be the common theme with all of these corporations.

It is almost as if they were hoping that the problem would simply go away....


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely disgusting. It's good this is breaking so shortly before WB announces Rocksteady's Suicide Squad game over the weekend. Will give the story some traction, stay on people's minds and hopefully swift changes will ensue.
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of the Ivy stuff in Arkham Knight too, it was always blatantly offensive but this definitely adds context. I was already planning on passing on Suicide Squad, I'm more interested in WB Montreal's project anyway.
What was wrong with Ivy besides obviously her clothing?

personally that was one of her best portrayals Poison Ivy ever had.
One of the few times they've ever made her very sympathetic and not so villainous that you can side with her a bit.
Arkham Knight Ivy personally became a top tier Batman villain.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
don't know why we keep acting so shocked. this is not just a games industry problem. this is the vast majority of corporate environments


Feb 28, 2018
Yeah I thought they went overboard with sexualizing Harley in the Panessa Studios part of AK. Catwoman always looked ridiculous in their games too, but I thought Poison Ivy was done tastefully in all 3 games.

Disappointed to hear that letter was ignored but not surprised - male higher ups will do shit like that to protect their buddies.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Can we repost this topic but replace Rocksteady with ubisoft and see how quickly that topic grows in comparison to this one?


Alt account
Jun 18, 2020
Inaction seems to be the common theme with all of these corporations.

It is almost as if they were hoping that the problem would simply go away....
Like the lack of a stronger reaction to this thread and the way this thread is taking time seems to hint, there is a LOT of good will towards Rocksteady. They think they can get away with it because they are fan favorites. At least as far as I'm concerned, I'm not let them.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm quite baffled as to why this thread is not shooting up WTF , especially given the recent massive outrage on ubisoft.

This needs more spotlight. Hope some immediate reforms will take place after this


Jun 22, 2018
This is disgusting, shame on Rocksteady for being like this

I honestly thought they improved after Arkham Knight dialed the sexualization of the women way back compared to City and they were just ignorant back then. Guess i was wrong...


Linked the Fire
Oct 25, 2017

sadly, i'm not surprised. i've grown cynical about these companies doing anything unless forced to do so. feels like the norm. still, it's good they're getting shamed into action, i guess


Jan 13, 2018
Really? Every game dev company I have been at (5 so far) used actual employees for these image/ recruitment videos.
I guess we have different experiences. It has been the opposite for me.

I'm going to agree with Com_Raven here, from my experience I've never seen actors be drafted in to do these videos.

They are cringe though, and you can be assured a good few people in such videos don't fully believe what they're actually saying...or rather taking part for compliance and to look like someone who loves towing the company-line...which in essence makes decision makers look at them in a favourable light.

Just want to add, there's also been a fair few talented people leave the studio over the past year or two, maybe this situation was pushing people to seek opportunities elsewhere.


Oct 27, 2017
What was wrong with Ivy besides obviously her clothing?

personally that was one of her best portrayals Poison Ivy ever had.
One of the few times they've ever made her very sympathetic and not so villainous that you can side with her a bit.
Arkham Knight Ivy personally became a top tier Batman villain.

1) Not the thread to try to defend their character portrayals, and 2) her visual design can't be dismissed—if they decided to change her from being one-note, they could've moved away from the pointless "shirt, no pants" design they kept since Arkham Asylum.

don't know why we keep acting so shocked. this is not just a games industry problem. this is the vast majority of corporate environments

Who's shocked? there's disappointment, but I haven't seen any real surprise, especially considering their handling and portrayal of women in the series aligns with the treatment of their women employees.