
May 19, 2018
lol I didn't say you were making them uncomfortable. I was only saying that they're comfortable with their choice and nothing I read indicated otherwise. Your post stuck out to me because it seemed insistent on convincing the person to go with an Xbox console before he or she was ready to just because. Whatever the case, no big deal.
I didn't even mention Xbox or any platform though. I didn't specifically mention any platform because that wasn't the point I was trying to put across. I just said console, and if anything it's suggesting they buy a Playstation as he/she mentioned PSnow and I said instead of the steaming sub what about getting a console to play the game natively. I mentioned GP at the end as an example of an affordable way to play multiple games on the cheap but that's not Xbox either, I play it on PC and they could get it on PC. My whole point was about native vs streaming.

See now your post seems like you took offence not out of concern for the other person but because of brand loyalty.

Everyone's a PC gamer all of a sudden. Lol
To be fair, it's not something I would think people are lying about. If you're an enthusiast or consider yourself enough of an enthusiast to actively browse and post in gaming forums you'd want to have the best gaming experiences possible right? Many people own PC's because they're the best way to play games. Not too hard to believe.
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Oct 27, 2017
User Warned - Thread Whining
Why do we have some kind of GP praising thread almost every week? Seems like 'stealth' advertising to me

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't even mention Xbox or any platform though. I didn't specifically mention any platform because that wasn't the point I was trying to put across. I just said console, and if anything it's suggesting they buy a Playstation as he/she mentioned PSnow and I said instead of the steaming sub what about getting a console to play the game natively. I mentioned GP at the end as an example of an affordable way to play multiple games on the cheap but that's not Xbox either, I play it on PC and they could get it on PC. My whole point was about native vs streaming.

See now your post seems like you took offence not out of concern for the other person but because of brand loyalty.
I interpreted your post that way because the person you responded to was and is only subscribed to a Playstation service and does not currently own an Xbox. Your post doesn't make sense to me otherwise because your attempt to convince him to try something else when the only other service he would have to try is Game Pass, given that he already has PS Now, is the logical conclusion to me.

And no, I didn't take "offense" to anything you said. Don't exaggerate my response to you, especially after I JUST said it's not a big deal and explained what I thought of your post. You clarified that you referred to PC and I respond right now explaining that I thought you were referring to Xbox. Regardless, it doesn't matter. Clearly we are misinterpreting each other.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
Game Pass has convinced me to buy next gen Xbox alongside the already planned PS5, so I'm in the same boat, OP.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll buy all the next gen consoles because I like games from all the systems but yes Gamepass is an incredible deal that makes the next Xbox an even better prospect for me. I still can't believe how many games are on it for 10 bucks a month. Surely that's not sustainable long term?!


May 19, 2018
I interpreted your post that way because the person you responded to was and is only subscribed to a Playstation service and does not currently own an Xbox. Your post doesn't make sense to me otherwise because your attempt to convince him to try something else when the only other service he would have to try is Game Pass, given that he already has PS Now, is the logical conclusion to me.

And no, I didn't take "offense" to anything you said. Don't exaggerate my response to you, especially after I JUST said it's not a big deal and explained what I thought of your post. You clarified that you referred to PC and I respond right now explaining that I thought you were referring to Xbox. Regardless, it doesn't matter. Clearly we are misinterpreting each other.
The GP example I already explained and it's on both PC and Xbox but again it's irrelevant to the point I tried to make but all these posts and it makes me wonder, do you have a problem with him using an Xbox? What makes it OK now that you know I didn't say I wanted him to move to Xbox or whatever you thought?
The fact is you did take some offence to the point you replied back to me because you thought I was trying to get them to stop using PSnow for a rival service. Everyone else here can see that my dude. Let's agree to end it there anyway. Misinterpretations and stuff.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The GP example I already explained and it's on both PC and Xbox but again it's irrelevant to the point I tried to make but all these posts and it makes me wonder, do you have a problem with him using an Xbox? What makes it OK now that you know I didn't say I wanted him to move to Xbox or whatever you thought?
The fact is you did take some offence to the point you replied back to me because you thought I was trying to get them to stop using PSnow for a rival service. Everyone else here can see that my dude. Let's agree to end it there anyway. Misinterpretations and stuff.
You're having some complex that I'm not even going to address. Toodles.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't even mention Xbox or any platform though. I didn't specifically mention any platform because that wasn't the point I was trying to put across. I just said console, and if anything it's suggesting they buy a Playstation as he/she mentioned PSnow and I said instead of the steaming sub what about getting a console to play the game natively. I mentioned GP at the end as an example of an affordable way to play multiple games on the cheap but that's not Xbox either, I play it on PC and they could get it on PC. My whole point was about native vs streaming.

See now your post seems like you took offence not out of concern for the other person but because of brand loyalty.

To be fair, it's not something I would think people are lying about. If you're an enthusiast or consider yourself enough of an enthusiast to actively browse and post in gaming forums you'd want to have the best gaming experiences possible right? Many people own PC's because they're the best way to play games. Not too hard to believe.
Yeah, every time I see a Microsoft/GP thread, I'm floored because PC gaming is apparently incredibly popular here but I just don't see it elsewhere.
Nah you can tell half these posters are full of shit. If you're familiar with some of these posters. Or just look at their post history. They're not in GP threads and the PC talk is always very minimal. Especially after reading through this thread.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
I'm looking forward to both consoles, but Gamepass + using the Scarlett as an Xcloud server alone make Scarlett a must have for me. It's amazing having access to so many games, and I love being able to play online co-op in so many games between my Xbox and PC, and also being able to simply hop between the two with seamless cloud saves anywhere I go.

I'm still really looking forward to the PS5, and finally having truly 4k capable Sony hardware. The PS4 Pro was a letdown for me spec-wise, but PS5 sounds like it could be awesome, and the best way to play the PS4 exclusives I haven't gotten to yet.


Oct 25, 2017
GP for PC is pretty mediocre compared to GP on Xbox, unless y'all are only interested in Xbox exclusives, in which case why sub and not buy those games on sale at some point?

Bitch Pudding

Oct 25, 2017
Should I ever feel the urge to play Xbox exclusives again (got me a 360 for Gears and Forza) for a reasonable price I'm sure I'll play them on PC.

Until then, I'm perfectly fine with PS5, Switch and PC.

For the bigger picture; nothing I've seen from sales era suggests GamePass set the world on fire yet, like, at all, despite the super massive discount. Xbox sales by units were down what, 49% YoY in August on its home turf...

I'm not saying GamePass won't become a factor, but let's not forget that the only day 1 games launched there will be MS' 1st party games and some Indie games. Yes, this is nice, but is it nice enough that a noteworthy share of the by then 120 million PS4 users will abandon their digital library and switch to another ecosystem? I for one don't think so.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, I'm sorry to hear that and I hope your fortune changes soon and you are able to afford the things you enjoy. How much do you pay for PSnow and how long have you been subscribed (you don't have to answer that ofc)? I'm not trying to make you look silly but have you considered saving up that money instead till you can afford the console itself? That's where services like GP fit in, it's for those people like you who maybe can't afford to buy a console plus a bunch of full priced games. I'd honestly recommend trying that as a change rather than sticking to streaming. Of course it's up to you at the end of the day.

It's all good, I don't mind answering! I've done the math many times and of course my situation will be different from lots of others so I'm not saying my choice makes sense for everyone else.

When I had some extra cash (i.e. before having a kid), I preferred to game on a mid-range PC for the fidelity and for competitive multiplayer games like Dota, Tekken, PUBG etc. I was never interested in paying for multiplayer and I enjoyed > 60fps experiences so Steam/Origin/etc made the most sense.

However, now I no longer have access to gaming hardware as I'm priced-out of that option, so I can either save up money for a console, or stream.

Streaming is currently the better option for me right now for a few reasons:

- If I save money for a console, I don't get to play games right now. I know I have time to game now, but I don't know how much time I'll have months from now when I would theoretically be able to afford a console if I saved up specifically for that. Let's say theoretically I specifically allocated the same money for either streaming or saving for a console. I'm either paying $10 a month to stream games now, or saving $10/month for ~25 months to be able to afford the PS4/XBoxOne, or longer for the PS5/XboxTwo at whatever their launch price is.

- Even if I buy a console, I'm still considering that a sub-optimal experience since I'm used to playing on PC anyway, so I get the feeling of a downgraded visual quality regardless. For now, the streaming quality is good enough for the price.

- If I buy a console, I'm effectively choosing an ecosystem that locks me out of exclusives for one 1st party or another, whereas with streaming I can change back and forth every month. If there's nothing that interests me or if I don't have time to game for a month, I don't have to pay anything.

- I get multiplayer included with streaming so no need to sign up for PSPlus or Live saving me extra $$$.

- Buying a console late in the generation is not always a good investment, since it becomes harder to sell current-gen hardware as next-gen approaches, and when the next consoles arrive, I've already sunk money into the current-gen console which means I would have to save up again to buy the new box.

I've only been signed up for PS Now for less than a week, so I've been playing Bloodborne for $0 so far. If I finish it by the end of the week, it will have cost me $0 to play the game I wanted. If it takes me more than a week, I'll just pay the $10 for a month. It seems like a pretty great deal to me!


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Should I ever feel the urge to play Xbox exclusives again (got me a 360 for Gears and Forza) for a reasonable price I'm sure I'll play them on PC.

Until then, I'm perfectly fine with PS5, Switch and PC.

For the bigger picture; nothing I've seen from sales era suggests GamePass set the world on fire yet, like, at all, despite the super massive discount. Xbox sales by units were down what, 49% YoY in August on its home turf...

I'm not saying GamePass won't become a factor, but let's not forget that the only day 1 games launched there will be MS' 1st party games and some Indie games. Yes, this is nice, but is it nice enough that a noteworthy share of the by then 120 million PS4 users will abandon their digital library and switch to another ecosystem? I for one don't think so.
That ecosystem thing isn't gonna matter as much as you think. The consistently highest selling titles are ones that will get released again (RDR2, Destiny) or the ones that release every year (NBA2K, Fifa, Madden, CoD). I don't know about you but I'm positive most people aren't gonna wanna bring FIFA 18 forward when FIFA 21 is out. The casual market is continually underestimated by how much they don't care.

Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Everyone's a PC gamer all of a sudden. Lol
It's a gaming enthusiasts site and of course not at all representative. Both Sony and Microsoft know they have to get the people that buy at holiday season, for presents and for that you have to get the mind share of better value for money than the competition and great deals.


Nov 13, 2017
This is a dumpster fire that I can't stop watching.

This is to spark a conversation, not drum up arguments for what you like better.

On topic, I will finally be building a PC within like a month (hopefully) so come next year, when consoles drop, I should be subscribed to Game Pass on PC, and have PS5 for my main stuff. I did sub for PS Now last holiday when it was on sale. Now that the price cut has happened, I don't mind paying the 60 for another year come November. Should be an interesting time up ahead

Deleted member 35941

User requested account closure
Dec 11, 2017
I don't care about GamePass. I wanna own my games, so these services don't interest me at all. It's all about the games for me. Pretty sure PS5 will once again be the console with the most games from all territories worldwide. And Sony's exclusives are just too good and totally my thing. Can't wait for next year.
This sums up my feelings as well.


Nov 2, 2017
Game Pass is Microsoft's best exclusive in their nearly 2 decades in gaming. It's the reason to own a Xbox over any singular software exclusive of theirs. In fact I'd argue Day 1 Game Pass games are more important than exclusivity. Halo, Forza Horizon and all Xbox 1st party could go to PlayStation and it's still worth owning a Xbox if Game Pass is exclusive to the console and you don't have a top end gaming PC.


Nov 2, 2017
I worry that services like Gamepass would put limitations on the scope of games developed by the platform holder, in the long-term. Gears of War certainly has high production values but I would be concerned that it just doesn't seem financially viable to put titles like Uncharted 4, The Last of Us 2, and Spiderman and then push them onto a low-cost subscription service.

Something would have to give. Either the cost of the service, or the quality of the titles available.

I don't have an issue coughing up $60 for the premium titles I want to play.

Just my thoughts, not to say this is the right way to look at things. Those are just my own concerns.

I'd argue titles like you just mentioned are key to hitting mainstream. Right now Game Pass is all enthusiasts. Microsoft will lose money on those customers long term. The tipping point is getting casuals to adopt. Casuals don't give a shit about Outer Worlds, Felix, Afterparty etc. There needs to be Spider-Man's, God of War...or Halo. Those big games become the face of the service to the mainstream. Like Game of Thrones did for HBO. Or Stranger Things for Netflix. Investment in those types of products can't be measured in a vacuum.

So really it's a mix. There needs to be constant stream of new content to keep enthusiasts engaged. There needs to be tentpole franchises for the mainstream. This service doesn't become the Netflix of gaming without both.

...and Halo is on its longest dev cycle with the largest head count working on it. The expansion of 343 and increased dev time came after it was announced Game Pass would include day 1 games.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I don't care about game pass at all but even if I did I don't know why it would make me want to buy an Xbox, since honestly it would just make it easier to play games on PC, no?


Nov 1, 2017
I was already sticking with Xbox since I like their franchises more and Obsidian is one of the best studios in the world, but GP makes it a complete no brainer.

Some exciting times ahead for people who invest in a Scarlett.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't care about game pass at all but even if I did I don't know why it would make me want to buy an Xbox, since honestly it would just make it easier to play games on PC, no?

If you prefer to play games on PC over consoles and plan on having a PC at least as powerful as next gen consoles, then there's no reason to get a Xbox console next gen. It's obvious that people saying it's a reason to own Xbox are console gamers.

Completely Anonymous

alt account
Jun 7, 2019
Won't bother with either one for a few years. Have my Switch to keep me occupied until the market sorts itself out - leaning PS5 though because of backwards compatibility
Dec 4, 2017
It's certainly compelling but I wouldn't be surprised if Sony starts their own Game Pass.
they already have and it has more games at the same price.
best of both worlds.. gamepass for PC
sony for consoles
Yep, and we don't have to pay for online multiplayer.

Everyone's a PC gamer all of a sudden. Lol
There are dozens of us. Dozens.


Oct 27, 2017
Sure lol, if you have a PC you don't need an Xbox to play Xbox games. Plenty of people don't game on PC though.
If you prefer to play games on PC over consoles and plan on having a PC at least as powerful as next gen consoles, then there's no reason to get a Xbox console next gen. It's obvious that people saying it's a reason to own Xbox are console gamers.
This. There are those who game strictly on consoles (console gamers).. Is this fact so difficult for some to comprehend?.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
If you prefer to play games on PC over consoles and plan on having a PC at least as powerful as next gen consoles, then there's no reason to get a Xbox console next gen. It's obvious that people saying it's a reason to own Xbox are console gamers.

I'm a console gamer myself. I would just prefer to not spend a bunch of money on two nearly feature-identical consoles that mostly play the same games.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
PS Now just became a lot more compelling and it wouldn't surprise me if it got even better in order to compete with Game Pass in the future. I guess that will depend on whether or not Sony loses any ground at the start of the next gen.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm a console gamer myself. I would just prefer to not spend a bunch of money on two nearly feature-identical consoles that mostly play the same games.
That's kinda where I'm at. I hope PSNOW comes to mobile and adds more games so I don't have to worry about getting a PS4 or 5 to play the couple PS exclusives I'm interested in (mostly Bloodborne).


Aug 21, 2019
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Game Pass Ultimate is an absolutely amazing deal, especially when you convert your remaining XBL Gold time to it. But for me, it all comes down to the games available for the new systems. Game Pass could provide me with more games per $ that I am somewhat interested in, but if they can't offer amazing experiences like Horizon 2, Spiderman 2 or God of War 2, I'm sticking with the PS5 at first.

With that being said this gen I started with a PS4, got a Switch in 2018 and then just recently picked up an XB1S. So No matter what, I'll be getting all 3 eventually.


Oct 27, 2017
I´m playing Gears 5 at the moment and I can´t believe it how it is possible to enjoy a game of that quality for such a low low price. The game catalogue in the service is amazing as well, with really great indie games and big productions that are coming too, being The Outer Worlds the most recent example. I really hope Microsoft obtains benefit from Game Pass because the value for the costumer is insane. They seem to try to push the service even further and it sure will be a important part of their next system.

I personally moved to all-digital gaming purchases some time ago, at least for systems as the Switch, so for me, the notion of having or possesing a videogame (like something physical in its box) it is not that important. I understand playing videogames as a temporary experience that brings joy and entertainment and I rarely replay games.

I know I will probably adquire a PS5 too down the line because it will surely have great exclusive games but at least at first, Game Pass will be something to take very very into account much when deciding between the two consoles.

What about you? Are you on the same boat too or you don´t care about Game Pass?
It's possible to enjoy a high quality game like this without paying $60 upfront because of micro transactions. If you'd gone on Reddit a few days ago, you'd have seen a post criticizing the 8$ emotes they'd recently implemented.


May 1, 2018
Exclusives are a massive impact on people's console buying decision, but sometimes people just want to play something good they haven't played before, Gamepass works well amongst this kind of consumer.

I expect if the Gamepass ecosystem continues to grow and maintain quality some people may buy into the Xbox ecosystem cheaply just to get a Gamepass sub and get their exclusives on the other platforms.


Jan 21, 2018
OP, you and I know you don't mean this. Even with a huge love for Xbox I can't see myself in a generation without PlayStation. You ca be having a lot of fun with Game Pass and the Xbox Scarlett, but the moment you see God of War PS5, Spider-Man 2, Horizon 2, etc. running in all their glory you are going to say "You know what, I need to be a multi-console owner".

Best realize that now


Dec 3, 2018
Gamepass won't win a generation, not anti Gamepass, and games going service based isn't a surprise to me.


Mar 17, 2018
OP, you and I know you don't mean this. Even with a huge love for Xbox I can't see myself in a generation without PlayStation. You ca be having a lot of fun with Game Pass and the Xbox Scarlett, but the moment you see God of War PS5, Spider-Man 2, Horizon 2, etc. running in all their glory you are going to say "You know what, I need to be a multi-console owner".

Best realize that now
He says he'll most likely get a PS5 down the line in the first post lol.


Jan 21, 2018
He says he'll most likely get a PS5 down the line in the first post lol.

Try re-reading my post lol. I'm saying the moment he sees those games he is going to immediately know he is getting a PS5. Its silly to think otherwise just because Game Pass has good value since it doesn't take away the need of new Playstation with games being designed entirely around it.


Mar 17, 2018
Try re-reading my post lol. I'm saying the moment he sees those games he is going to immediately know he is getting a PS5. Its silly to think otherwise just because Game Pass has good value since it doesn't take away the need of new Playstation with games being designed entirely around it.
Maybe he doesn't want to buy both consoles at launch. When he sees all the launch exclusives on Game Pass I'm sure he'll be more than happy to get the Scarlett first.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I don't care about game pass at all but even if I did I don't know why it would make me want to buy an Xbox, since honestly it would just make it easier to play games on PC, no?

Your not a console gamer, fine, plenty of gamers are, look at sales charts for games, the gaming population buy more games on console for most 3rd party releases despite being available for PC. Why not consider that in your assessment to ease your confusion. Meaning, for a significant portion of gamers PC isn't an option based on choice. So for them, a console option is sought, which would be an Xbox.


Jan 21, 2018
Maybe he doesn't want to buy both consoles at launch. When he sees all the launch exclusives on Game Pass I'm sure he'll be more than happy to get the Scarlett first.

We're all gamers here and we all are swayed by the biggest and best experiences meant to showcase a platform. He's going to want a PS5 the moment he sees those games. I'm just saying how he will inevitably feel.

And if I was limited in what I could buy at launch or wanted to save money, I'd just keep gaming on my Xbox One X since all the Scarlett games like Halo Infinite will be playable for the forseeable future.
Oct 25, 2017
Sony is BY FAR my favorite publisher so buying a PS5 is just mandatory. No amount of discounted games matters enough to trump that. I don't even play that many games and having a ridiculous amount to choose from in a service is not going to change my gaming habits as price has never been issue.
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Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Xbox isn't just a console anymore, it's a service/ecosystem.

So if you're subscribing to Game Pass on PC, you're still choosing Xbox. You're playing on Microsoft Windows, you're signed in to Xbox Live, you're downloading games via the Xbox app, you're paying Microsoft for the subscription.

It was only a few months ago that nobody would touch this ecosystem on PC. Game Pass is helping to win people over to the Xbox ecosystem whether it's via console or PC.

Scarlett will simply be a convenient and cost effective entry to the ecosystem. But PC and xCloud will be your other options.
Feb 10, 2018
From Sony the only stuff I care about is stuff from naughty dog, from ms the Gamepass service, hardware power are the most important,

They don't make it easy do they..

I will probably get the one which is the most powerful and has the best games.