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Oct 25, 2017

Spanish-speaking Era will appreciate this one. I laughed out loud for real when I saw it.

Click on the picture to see it completely. The preview cuts the rest of the joke.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
On a more positive note.... the Tyrion and Jaimie final moment scene was pretty damn good.


Oct 29, 2017
Stannis fans I owe you lot the biggest of apologies. I enjoyed watching your loser King get dragged in the mud (it's still funny to me dammit...20 good men lol), but you guys have insisted that D&D butchered him in the show. I was wrong to laugh at your pain. I know how it feels now.
D&D are the true king/queenslayers.


Oct 30, 2017
That inside the episode had me in literal tears. Do you have any idea idea what it's like growing up with an abusive family member? Going through your entire life with an awful jumble of fear and hatred while somehow rationalizing that it's somehow your fault? The scene where Viserys got killed was incredibly cathartic o me, only for the showrunners to come out and say that it was meant to show how awful Dany would become because her reaction to her abuser's death wasn't "proper".

Yeah, I kinda have an issue with people handwaving away those dislikes as just "nerds".

Are we also going to ignore that mental health is potentially hereditary, and consistent emotional trauma can transform people into monsters?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Its not shocking that the northerners have some built up rage towards the south by now.

Just because Lord Snow is noble and was raised by the noble Eddard Stark doesnt mean your average foot soldier has the same code.
Oct 29, 2017
I'm actually ok with Dany going mad queen considering what had happened to her recently and it was actually pretty satisfying watching it happen, I'm still just annoyed at how we got here. Her going north and getting no appreciation even after saving everyone just seemed really unrealistic. Jon acting super weird around her didn't seem realistic. Sansa plotting against her didn't seem to have any good reasons behind it. Rhaegal dying the way he did and Missandei getting captured was just stupid. All of this happening within the span of a few episodes makes it even worse.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I've only been invested in Arya for the past 2-3 seasons. This was a sloppy mess and completely out of character, but I gave up caring about Danny and Cersei and the Iron Throne a while back.

Does Danny have green eyes? Arya is going to kill her, right? Or will Jon do the deed?

do you really want to know? head to the other thread
Reminder about civility


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Everyone, please remember to stop attacking each other. This includes attacking, mocking, and generalizing people who either liked the episode or didn't like it. You can disagree without calling others nerds or idiots. Thank you.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
This was the first great GOT episode in a loooong time for me. Despite all the hints and foreshadowing, I didn't expect her to go full mad queen. For her to "burn them all" just like her daddy ordered when he was killed to start off this whole saga... there's just so much that came full circle in a GOT kind of way. This is the first time I've felt like OK they're doing the best they can while being super rushed to wrap things up.
one of the popular 'hero' isn't nobelly saving people but essentially bombing a city in retaliation with weapon that she's had all this time. Very different from fan sevice and hero worship I thought they might be be more off.


Oct 30, 2017
Jon literally told her she was his queen. Jon marched for her. Gonna have to try harder than that.

Yep. They made Tyrion dumb as a rock for 2 seasons just to have this.

She ask him not to say anything, yet he did. How much is his word worth? Obviously she felt alone, and did what she though it was best for her.
After defeting Cersei, what was she supposed to do? Hand kinds landing to John?


Oct 1, 2018
They had to sacrifice Tyrion's character, make Euron a god-like shot for only one episode, make the Scorpions have stupidly huge effective range for only one episode, make Cersei not take advantage of Dany's weakness like she hasn't done that type of shit the ENTIRE show, make Jon idiotically tell Dany about being a targ, make Jon idiotically tell Sansa about being a Targ, and then, finally, in the after episode segment have the writers basically spell out that if Dany had gotten fucked by Jon in the same episode she goes genocidal, she would not have gone genocidal.

Oh, and have everyone forget about the time Dany's dragon got shot by a scorpion and the fact that the Iron Fleet would probably intercept them.
Wait what?
Oct 27, 2017
Both Tyrion and Varys became shells of themselves the moment they joined up with Dany. This shit "war" against Cersei could've been done Season 7 episode 1.
Tyrion and Varys chose to believe in something that was always far fetched and eschewed reality for a fantasy. Jorah and Missandei were Dany's moral compass and much better advisers.

Tyrion's naivety and intrinsic knack of trusting others and giving them the benefit of the doubt is such a major character flaw though. While he is a decent check to Dany, or was, his missteps from a strategic perspective were horribly misinformed and played a part in King's Landing burning to the ground.


Oct 28, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
The episode had lots of problems but I think it was still the best full episode I've seen in a while. Last episode was hood for the first half and then it fell off a cliff, by comparison this one went in waves so it didn't leave quite the sour taste for its odd points, like Euron.

There were a few things where it felt like they never had any idea what they wanted to do. Like cleganebowl. Felt like they knew they wanted it but the fight didn't really have any meaning and the resolution was just...there. Or Cersei, she didn't seem to make any real plans when every other conflict she had something up her sleeve, and then she runs away and just dies. Or euron...blech.

But despite having issues, still enjoyable and certainly better than the last battle. Just a better overall story as the battle took place.


Oct 29, 2017
Having a character's idealistic / naive / well-intentioned goals fall apart when shit hits the fan is not bad writing by any stretch.

Bro, are you seriously?

Character saying "I won't do X, I won't succumb to that" and them succumbing to that is telegraphing 101. lol

Did you think the crypts not being safe wasn't telegraphed because we were told they were?

it is bad writing when you have her not going that route for 8 seasons and then you suddenly bend her to suit your quick story needs without any real time to build up to that leap.

It's as good writing as Anakin's "turn" when he slaughters younglings out of the blue, that's not good writing by any stretch, far from it.


Oct 27, 2017
Welp, one thing is for sure, no one is going to mess with somebody that has a grown ass dragon ever again.

Now of course we all know that Dany will die in the next episode, but if they would have the guts to actually let her win in that way that would actually be unexpected and kind of cool. Basically the only way they could end this that i wouldn't hate. Let Dany begin her reign of terror and the Starks run back to Winterfell.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
The show runners basically went Dracarys on this series.

Let's see if the finale has any redeeming qualities.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I think what's keeping me from completely writing things off is that everything other than the writing has been excellent this season. Most of the directing, cinematography, and performances have elevated the material a lot.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
D&D talking about the Jon not fucking scene "Jon snow is someone she's fallen in love with and as far as she's concerned, by this point, she knows Jon has betrayed her by telling people about his true identity, and also the fact he's unable to return her affections at this point. I think that when she says, "let it be fear" she's resigning herself to the fact that she may have to get things done in a way that isn't pleasant and she may have to get things done in a way that is horrible to lots of people... (talk about brother) life if any of these things had happened in any different way, I don't think we'd be seeing this side of her."

I dunno, I'm pretty sure that's implying that Jon not fucking her was the final straw. Lol, crazy bitch needs to get laid, amirite?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna start a rewatch of the Wire after this is over.

Stannis fans I owe you lot the biggest of apologies. I enjoyed watching your loser King get dragged in the mud (it's still funny to me dammit...20 good men lol), but you guys have insisted that D&D butchered him in the show. I was wrong to laugh at your pain. I know how it feels now.
I meaaan Dany's gonna do the same shit in the books ya know? It'll just be better presented and not happen over the book equivalent of 3 episodes. Youd probably end up hating "true Dany" even more lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Just because there is foreshadowing doesn't mean the actual turn is well developed or executed, it wasn't.

There is a big character development gap between her dark impulses, isolation, and rule by burning the city she wished to rule to the ground.

Better writers wouldn't of left long-time fans having to scramble for piecemeal rationalizations to justify to other long-time fans why maybe it does make sense if you just look at it my way.

At this point we just have to accept the shoehorned fact that Targs can go mental. I pray the books, if ever finished, properly spends time developing this, because its clear we can at least count on GRMM doing a build up justice over what they did with 6 episodes.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
Reduced length seasons really hurt it. Even in my head right now i can picture how they could have set this up more meaningfully with extra scenes and setup. Anyone could. Varys' betrayal should have been its own episode. Missandei's death should have had an episode to be absorbed before the battle. Thirteen episodes is so damn arbitrary when it is clear the show still needed (at least) twenty.

I love this universe a lot and am pleased the ending is hewing closely to my expectations, but the whole thing feels spectacularly unearned. Also yes the spectacle was amazing on the first watch.


Oct 25, 2017
"Dany's arc was telegraphed!"


Tonight's episode, although a cool battle was SHIT as far as the writing and characters go. Jaime's character arc completely wasted, Arya suddenly turns heel because the Hound tells her she'll die (even though she didn't listen the past 5 times he said something similar), and of course Dany, just hand waving her straight into the realm of Anakin circa "I hate sand" era.

I don't get it, it's like the showrunners are RUSHING to finish it and don't give a shit about keeping the quality up.

I'd say if GRRM's book comes out I have $100 that the ending is going to be drastically different then this shit.

I mean someone basically saying that they're not gonna burn down the city at first but then doing it after they see their trusted adviser and BFF get decapitated, then another adviser plot against them basically leading her to lose her mind lowkey makes sense seeing as mindset can change over time.


Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL
Well, if they wanted to execute that in the most pyrrhic victorious way possible, they sure succeeded, Jesus Christ.

Top shelf character assassination spectacle.

Qyburn reaped what he sowed, that was beautiful, but everything else is just sheer train wreck.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm out of touch. Every episode this season I've watched so far I've enjoyed to varying degrees, I come online, and it's the worst shit ever and a complete disgrace to everything that came before it etc. Either I'm really easy to please when it comes to GoT, or I'm just too dumb to see all this horrible content. Either way I've gotten enjoyment out of this show for a long-ass time, so I'm satisfied. It sucks for others that feel so let down.

Varis chose to spread the word regarding Jon's claim to the throne over his own personal well being. He made it clear he wanted to do what's best for the realm and had obviously seen enough wrong in Dany to take that stand and pay with his life. He'd expressed regret about serving the wrong kind of ruler before, and he'd bought into Dany's proclamations of being different to the rest. He realized he was wrong and took a stand.

For me, Dany having this within her has been telegraphed for many seasons. She got her tactics right with the dragon after being taken by surprise in the last encounter, hence the "ease" in dealing with the Scorpions. She lost two of her children, found out she hasn't the true claim to the Iron Throne that's been her driving motivation for years, has been explicitly betrayed by the man she loves, as well as her closest advisers, lost multiple devoted people (including one in the nastiest way when Missandie was murdered in front of her), and felt backed into a corner and seeing fear as her only path.

Cersei was a monster, and died in fear in the knowledge of losing yet another child. She received momentary comfort with Jamie before dying in a place that made her say "not like this" just before hand. Besides, that moment was more about Jamie's redemption than any comfort for her, IMO. She wasn't a monster on the level of Joffrey or Ramsey, she didn't really need that vicious of a death. Arya getting the kill would've ran counter to the Hound's message to her regarding revenge. Perhaps Dany directly torching her would've been a way to go, but not with the direction her character took tonight.

Overall I thought it was a well done episode. It was nasty and brutal and the turn taken was as horrifyingly portrayed as it needed to be. I'm really looking forward to next week's finale.
Underrated post. Agreed 110%

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Jon killed other Northmen kin and Nights Watch bros... Mad king here we go!

(Playing by the "Dany mad queen was visible from a mile away" logic)

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I'm actually ok with Dany going mad queen considering what had happened to her recently and it was actually pretty satisfying watching it happen, I'm still just annoyed at how we got here. Her going north and getting no appreciation even after saving everyone just seemed really unrealistic. Jon acting super weird around her didn't seem realistic. Sansa plotting against her didn't seem to have any good reasons behind it. Rhaegal dying the way he did and Missandei getting captured was just stupid. All of this happening within the span of a few episodes makes it even worse.

I will give you most of that but Jon being weird and Sansa not trusting her absolutely 100% makes sense.

Jon found out he has been banging his aunt. And has been told by everyone around him that she is crazy and dangerous So I think it's pretty acceptable for him to be a bit weird around her.

Dany's dad burned Sansa's grandfather alive and had their uncle strangled. And she had not so long ago been used and abused as a political chess piece by anyone and everyone around her. So her being paranoid and mistrustful of outsiders makes perfect sense to me. Now her being so public about all of that is a separate issue entirely though. I think it's ridiculous that she was that open with her feeling about Dany.

Deleted member 33

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
I'm going to say this and get absolutely fucking destroyed but I don't care:

-This is exactly in line with how the books will end
-The ending was always going to piss people off because it's making a very pointed message on the way we fantacize war and violence and only see the best in characters who are presented to us as 'heroes.'
-I think a lot of people fundamentally misunderstand Game of Thrones.

There are certainly issues with this season. But people saying there are hard character turns (Dany, Arya) or that Jaime's end didn't fit his character willfully ignored important facets if these characters.

I'm 100% sure that Dany will do this or something like it in the books.

I'm also 100% sure that George will have better setup and lead in than, "lol she burned two dudes for not bending the knee and another for betraying her."

Yeah, I'm honestly expecting the book's ending to share many similarities with the show's ending. Especially since GRRM said he told the showrunners the major points of his ending years ago.

As someone else pointed out, I feel like the show's ending was hinted way back in Dany's vision in Season 2 episode 10.

Dany's vision in the house of the undying: King's Landing is destroyed (by dragons?) The Iron Throne is covered in "snow" . And Dany meets Drogo in the afterlife and says: "Maybe I'm dead and I just don't know it?"


Nov 9, 2017
Easily the best scene from the season. Scene was great.

Yeah. The mirrored cuts in the editing of the Hound's fight/Arya's flight scene was a bit ham-fisted, like they were just trying a little too hard to "art it up" (hi shadowfax), but in terms of the character writing and performances I have by far the least gripes about those two.


Oct 25, 2017
it is bad writing when you have her not going that route for 8 seasons and then you suddenly bend her to suit your quick story needs without any real time to build up to that leap.

It's as good writing as Anakin's "turn" when he slaughters younglings out of the blue, that's not good writing by any stretch, far from it.
Good or bad has nothing to do with it, I'm pointing out how goofy is it to point out a character saying they won't do x and then them doing it and trying to use that as proof that it's not telegraphing when it's literally proof of telegraphing.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Watched the episode, I kinda liked it, but I agree that felt rushed, if not stupid that the bell ringing triggered Daenarys craziness, unless somehow the bells were ringing when her father was killed back in the day


Oct 29, 2017
S8E2 is fantastic and is one of the best episodes we have had since Season 4.

And despite the Long Night's many flaws, I think it's a good episode. I enjoyed it quite a lot, before the post-analysis kicked in anyway.
In isolation the big episodes were solid, this one in particular, it's just like everything else the writing has held it back.

Seeing the city razed could of been a much harder punch if the writing was up to par. Pulling together themes from the books that should of been better established and kept in play these seasons like the grey morality lines and seeing Jon have that Ned style moment where he realizes the ugliness of this world and those he chose to see only the good in. Dany's turn should of been a gut wrenching tragedy or at least a justifiable turn prompted from well established character developments and plot points(like I just don't get why they didn't embrace the internal unrest and political intrigue subplot to better establish Dany's growing disdain for the people of Westeros and a sense of being forced to rule by fear).

It's just that what led up to one of the most visually crazy moments in tv history was totally deflated in a lot of ways because the story leading up to the moment was so poorly executed and characters involved have gone off the rails.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I mean someone basically saying that they're not gonna burn down the city at first but then doing it after they see their trusted adviser and BFF get decapitated, then another adviser plot against them basically leading her to lose her mind lowkey makes sense seeing as mindset can change over time.

But that's the thing, we didn't see the "change over time". She went from "protect all the innocents" two episodes ago, to "fuck it, burn them all even though they surrendered" too quickly. That is too grand of a character shift to be a "snap" decision.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
Quite enjoyed that as an episode in and of itself, that was a spectacle. Qyburn was my favorite death, just tossed aside like garbage.

Wasn't surprised Dany went and made her father proud with her madness. Do I think they did a good job setting it up? Feel like I have to rewatch the series but like I said, I wasn't really surprised. Really the second I saw her face in the beginning of this episode with those crazy eyes I knew shit was going down. But yeah of course I would've wanted more episodes showing her decline after losing all the good influences around her. How does Dany act when she loses all her friends and loved ones to death and betrayal and incompetence(Tyrion)? By doing it all so quickly one after the other in a high stakes situation with no room to breathe they had to go straight to Mad Queen. I'm still baffled at D&Ds decision to cut the episodes when HBO was more than willing to keep going as long as possible.

Jon pulled a damn Ned handling this whole situation, smh. Shit even Ned knew to lie to his family about Jon's birth.

Mountain looking like a Dead Space baby.

Cersei was disappointing to the end, they had nothing for her, like I said in a previous post, Night King 2.0.

Fine with Jamie's arc, the execution is another story I'll have to think on more. Sometimes redemption fully doesn't succeed no matter how close you get, sometimes the addiction is too strong and you relapse. That's Jamie, a fucking drug addict, Cersei overrides everything.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have a problem with daenarys going mad. Her family has it in their dna and she just snapped. She's had sparks of it in the past if I remember correctly
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