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Oct 25, 2017
I just thought of an alternate ending for those of you who like that sort of thing.

Imagine if right as the Night King is about to strike Bran, he wargs into all of his generals and holds him down, piercing his heart with dragonglass.
If Bran could do anything like that why wouldn't he have well before that moment?

I thought there was an outside chance he'd warg a dragon but maybe it's been explained at some point that he can't?

Deleted member 34385

User requested account closure
Nov 26, 2017
the end of hardhome, jon being at the nights watch, jon being resurrected, the red witch's interest in him, that had nothing to do with the night king? it was just about the iron throne?

come on dude
we dont know, it might serve another purpose.just because you assume something, does not immediately turn it into something that should happen.


Oct 26, 2017
There are so many things wrong with this statement.

First of all it was not "half a year" lol
So how long in the show was she actually training at the House of Black and White? Because I just remember Season 6.

Fake edit: Ah, technically she was already there in Season 5, but she didn't really do much in the sense of physical training during that part.

Still, that's what? Maybe two years? Of which one of the two years has been mostly spent scrubbing the floors?

I also fail to see how 'so many is wrong' about my post. The past of the WW is set up in the show. They are this huge existential threat that might bring on the endtimes, that took the entirety of Westeros to beat last time they came around. Yet this time they are fairly easily beaten by Arya who is the show's resident sneaky super assassin.


Oct 27, 2017
Jon Snow and Daenerys have Arya.

Arya kills Cersei. The Golden Fleet: "Oh noes, I won't get my money, fuck this shit" and goes back to wherever they came from. Euron: "No more Queen to be fucked, I'm outta here".

Good guys gets throne. Everyone marries and there's a lot of sex scenes.

The end.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
the end of hardhome, jon being at the nights watch, jon being resurrected, the red witch's interest in him, that had nothing to do with the night king? it was just about the iron throne?

come on dude

Night King wouldn't have been defeated without Jon. Dany wouldn't be at Winterfell.


Sumo Digital Dev
Oct 24, 2017
did y'all catch how arya was literally moving at the speed of wind

"Nothing personnel, Night King."


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
It's kinda nitpicky but that OT title is kinda spoilery.

Though really if you care about Thrones spoilers you should just not be on the internet at all really.


Oct 27, 2017
To be honest is Cersei really even that bad of a ruler?

Dany's crazy pops
Robert (never really wanted to rule, drunk half the time)
Tomen (let religious nutters take over the city)

In comparison she's probably the best ruler the place has had in ages, lol. Let her have the Iron Throne, who cares.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Please don't fuck up the Cleganebowl :(

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
the end of hardhome, jon being at the nights watch, jon being resurrected, the red witch's interest in him, that had nothing to do with the night king? it was just about the iron throne?

come on dude
Jon is a leader who was merely useful in getting the right people to Winterfell forbthis fight.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
So how long in the show was she actually training at the House of Black and White? Because I just remember Season 6.

Fake edit: Ah, technically she was already there in Season 5, but she didn't really do much in the sense of physical training during that part.

Still, that's what? Maybe two years? If we go on the one season = one year thing D&D said?

I also fail to see how 'so many is wrong' about my post. The past of the WW is set up in the show. They are this huge existential threat that might bring on the endtimes, that took the entirety of Westeros to beat last time they came around. Yet this time they are fairly easily beaten by Arya who is the show's resident sneaky super assassin.

Brienne trained her whole life to wield a sword and in 2 years, Arya caught up to her from near-ground zero.


Oct 25, 2017
An incomprehensible force of nature, which makes all the wars and killing seem like mere squabbling in comparison, capable of an extinction level event, thwarted by a girl who got the shit beaten out of her and stabbed a few times for a season after she turned on stealth mode for a turn.

Cracking stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Jon Snow is now the John Conner of Game of Thrones. We're told he's really important and that no one else can do what he does, but we don't actually see that. Tens of thousands died last night because his stupid plan gave the Night King a dragon. As far as we're shown, doing nothing would have been much better.


Oct 27, 2017
A centuries-old threat, which prompted the construction of a 700-foot high, magically reinforced, continent-spanning wall, required to be manned by thousands of people sworn to defend it for life, has broken through said wall and is now, supposedly, a threat to all life on the continent, if not the planet. There are prophecies about the coming conflict, and religions based on it. It's such a tremendous threat that everyone who faces it assumes they will die. It's even called "death" several times.

A week later: never mind, we took care of it in an hour. Let's all bicker about who's the king. You know, the very thing that supposedly was going to make us so divided that we'd never be able to deal with this planetary-scale threat.
Yeah there is no thematic thread for the series anymore imo. Not a coherent one that factors in the NK stuff. Even people that liked this conclusion seem to be liking it from the standpoint of the boring stuff being out of the way so they can get back to the good stuff.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
To be honest is Cersei really even that bad of a ruler?

Dany's crazy pops
Robert (never really wanted to rule, drunk half the time)
Tomen (let religious nutters take over the city)

In comparison she's probably the best ruler the place has had in ages, lol. Let her have the Iron Throne, who cares.
Cersei was the one that let religious nutters take the city and had that backfire. Cersei enabled Joffrey. Cersei literally caused all the chaos up to this point by killing Robert. Cersei causes the majority of the shows problems by putting revenge above any other goal. Cersei literally says that she doesn't care about the realm.


Oct 28, 2017
An incomprehensible force of nature, which makes all the wars and killing seem like mere squabbling in comparison, capable of an extinction level event, thwarted by a girl who got the shit beaten out of her and stabbed a few times for a season after she turned on stealth mode for a turn.

Cracking stuff.

You must hate LotR, too.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
To be honest is Cersei really even that bad of a ruler?
Her response to the idea that many of her citizens would be turned to into mindless zombies was

"I imagine for most of the them it would be an improvement."

Note, this is after she purposefully organized an incredibly devastating explosion in the middle of King's Landing that killed everyone inside the sept and everyone in the surrounding area. She has not improved living conditions since then.


Dec 22, 2017
I'm a book reader and I loved it. *shrug*

I've read the books too, and trawled around the lore and love the series. But people who put the books on some kind of pedestal compared to the show are wearing. The books are extremely flawed, but epic and entertaining nevertheless, just like the show. Often in different ways , but I can enjoy both as the quality pop culture works as they are.

And honestly, regardless of whether you liked the story or not, it's going to be a long, ling time before any other TV show achieves the level of technical expertise displayed in this episode. That's probably a boring thing for a lot of people, but I love action cinema and there was a seriously admirable level of film-making on display there imo. The budget for that episode was $15m - compare that with what most movies manage on 10 times that.
Oct 27, 2017
Did anyone else feel for Theon more than they thought they would? I surprisingly shed a tear for the dude. Especially after he valiantly charged the NK after being taunted by his uncle several times with "Run away, little Theon".

Felt like a real completion of his character arc. Shame he died the way he did, but, he was a total badass up until the walkers/NK showed up.
Both Theon and Jorah's arcs were exceptionally done.

What got me the most was Drogon coming, laying down and wrapping himself around Dany to comfort/protect her after Jorah's death.

Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
Sansa in the crypt: "That's why we're down here; none of us can do anything. It's the truth. It's the most heroic thing we can do now... look the truth in the face".

I wonder if she'll get depressed in the next episode, beating herself over the fact that she had to retreat to the crypt and couldn't make a difference above. Especially since it's her sister that solved the battle.


Oct 28, 2017
To be honest is Cersei really even that bad of a ruler?

Dany's crazy pops
Robert (never really wanted to rule, drunk half the time)
Tomen (let religious nutters take over the city)

In comparison she's probably the best ruler the place has had in ages, lol. Let her have the Iron Throne, who cares.
Other than, y'know, blowing up the Sept of Baelor. She'd gladly have everyone in King's Landing die if it meant it benefited her and her family. Dany is also an awful dictator though so Westeros is probably fucked either way unless Jon wins out and everyone lives happily ever after.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
The Internet will riot if this part disappoints.

You think the disappointing cries of this episode were bad, you ain't seen shit if Cleganebowl is a wet fart, mark my words!

Yeah all joking aside if Cleganebowl actually happens at all in any capacity then Social Media is going to go up in flames.

If it goes badly?...........yikes.


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest is Cersei really even that bad of a ruler?

Dany's crazy pops
Robert (never really wanted to rule, drunk half the time)
Tomen (let religious nutters take over the city)

In comparison she's probably the best ruler the place has had in ages, lol. Let her have the Iron Throne, who cares.

She treats the common folk like shit so, yes, Cercei is awful. Dany has a much better track record in that regard. Of course, convincing the masses that a queen who burns people alive is better than a queen who blows up septs is going to fall on deaf ears. We know Dany is better than Cercei, but there's no reason people in Westeros would know that.


Oct 27, 2017
Her response to the idea that many of her citizens would be turned to into mindless zombies was

"I imagine for most of the them it would be an improvement."

Note, this is after she purposefully organized an incredibly devastating explosion in the middle of King's Landing that killed everyone inside the sept and everyone in the surrounding area. She has not improved living conditions since then.

I mean most of the citizens of King's Landing do seem like miserable fucks, lol.


Oct 28, 2017
I did not like it, it's so full Hollywood now... Also the battle was horrible, chasing nothing when they did need the dragons on the battlefield... Trebuchet one shot :/

Deleted member 36493

User requested account closure
Dec 19, 2017
There needs to be a betrayal, everything is going way too smoothly. This could be the Red Wedding before Catelyn realizes Roose Bolton is wearing armor. They're running out of time though, if something is happening then the seeds need to be planted next episode.


Nov 21, 2017
A centuries-old threat, which prompted the construction of a 700-foot high, magically reinforced, continent-spanning wall, required to be manned by thousands of people sworn to defend it for life, has broken through said wall and is now, supposedly, a threat to all life on the continent, if not the planet. There are prophecies about the coming conflict, and religions based on it. It's such a tremendous threat that everyone who faces it assumes they will die. It's even called "death" several times.

A week later: never mind, we took care of it in an hour. Let's all bicker about who's the king. You know, the very thing that supposedly was going to make us so divided that we'd never be able to deal with this planetary-scale threat.
Yeah pretty much this. As a part of the fabric of this series it was incredibly hollow and unsatisfying. As a standalone episode for people who don't care about the overall arch it was a magnificent piece of television (some people only care about having a great Superbowl which if fine).

I haven't really read reviews or anything else about this episode yet...what is the story with Bran? Did he do anything meaningful at all that maybe I didn't notice? The entire thing was sort of pointing to the fact that he was the main threat to the NK and he did...what exactly? Distraction for teleporting Arya? Hollow plot device for Theon redemption (which was lame)? Someone explain what I missed here.
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