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Nov 22, 2017
He almost certainly does. Remember, last month he was apparently saying this:

And as I responded in PoliERA at the time:
"Yeah, indeed. I definitely remember. The time of "unity" that Biden is apparently pining for is when both Democrats and Republicans alike voted to authorize an illegal war in Iraq based on deliberate misinformation from the W administration. And not only that, but said illegal war was absolutely terrible and lead to atrocities being committed such as the torture at Abu Ghraib and many of those ultimately responsible for allowing those atrocities to happen in the first place, those at the top of the food chain, were instead protected because of the same "unity" that Biden speaks of here (warning for people who haven't seen it before: there's some extremely messed up photos of the torture in this link, so if you have any sensitives to sexual abuse of any sort or abuse in general or are at work or anything of the sort, I would not advise clicking. Just a head's up that this stuff is definitely sickening):

Why would anyone pine for those days to be back? What was great about that exactly? Especially when even back then there was no unity, not truly, as just a few years prior the GOP had tried to impeach Bill Clinton and just a few years later they were desperately trying to privatize Social Security of all things."

"Remember that time when we were all very scared about terrorism and ready to launch ourselves into costly, pointless, deadly forever wars while the opposition party was in the position I'm running for?

That's the sort of vibe I'm trying to bring back to the office of the presidency."


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
Biden sucks. Hopefully he gets ripped apart by voters too so we don't have 8 years of shit just because he's not Trump.

You're also disingenously acting like everybody here won't vote for the eventual Dem candidate anyway.
I am reading much "nope" though. It is important that you have someone you can vote for with a good feeling. We heard the same with Hillary. That everyone would vote for her in the end. But I think that there are many Sanders voters that didn't vote or didn't vote for Hillary.
Every vote counts.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
I'm telling you Bernie Sanders is that choice. He absolutely does well with working class people. The labels aren't sticking, and he has more energy and enthusiasm than anyone running. Including Trump.
Yeah he would give Trump a very hard time in the debates. Much harder then Biden.
But I fear his chance was last time.

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
You are ripping this man apart. I see this happen with every candidate here. It looks like Trump hasn't to do much. Just sit back and watch the Democratic voters fight.
You guys are making it Trump so easy.
I am not saying you have to choose one above the other. But if you don't choose somebody that you all can get behind and be happy about and also someone that moderate Republicans or Independent voters can get behind then you are all f*cked.

Or we could choose someone that doesn't have all the baggage listed.
We have general creepyness, the anti bussing stuff, the devastating wars in the Middle East and the legislation around that time (patriot act), and helping republicans.....


Oct 30, 2017
Ugh. I'm usually against Democrats attacking other Democrats, and I get angry when Obama is attacked by the Bernie wing of the party for not being perfect, but I actually hope every single Democrat or at least the far left, really goes against Biden hard.

He's just too old and comes with too much baggage, and I hate his bullshit unity shtick.

If he does keep his place in first and comes out on top, i hope I'm proven wrong, but i find him to be the weakest candidate. He's Hillary without the support from women and black women, and Bernie without the enthusiasm from the young or progressive.



Nov 22, 2017
I am reading much "nope" though. It is important that you have someone you can vote for with a good feeling. We heard the same with Hillary. That everyone would vote for her in the end. But I think that there are many Sanders voters that didn't vote or didn't vote for Hillary.
Every vote counts.

From the data that we have, almost as high a percentage Obama '08 primary voters ended up booking for McCain/Palin in the '08 general as Sanders voters who went for Trump. (9% vs 12%)

Twice as many Hillary voters in '08 went for McCain/Palin over Obama. You're right that every vote counts, but the fear about Democrats abandoning the nominee, and losing the election as a result, are unfounded, imo



User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
Or we could choose someone that doesn't have all the baggage listed.
We have general creepyness, the anti bussing stuff, the devastating wars in the Middle East and the legislation around that time (patriot act), and helping republicans.....
I don't care who you choose. But it has to be someone that people can vote for with a good feeling. And I mean not just a limited number.
I don't think that the Democrats have a candidate that can do that. The closest is Sanders I think and then Pete (because little is known about him, but he has something).


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Whoever can take out Trump. If it is a crusty old white guy, so be it
That's pretty much my stance right now. If Diamond Joe is a lesser shithead than Trump and has the better chance at winning, so be it. My only issue is his age. Dude should probably get one of the young folks like Beto or Kamala for the VP ticket.

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You are ripping this man apart. I see this happen with every candidate here. It looks like Trump hasn't to do much. Just sit back and watch the Democratic voters fight.
You guys are making it Trump so easy.
I am not saying you have to choose one above the other. But if you don't choose somebody that you all can get behind and be happy about and also someone that moderate Republicans or Independent voters can get behind then you are all f*cked.
Yawn. You going to actually address any criticisms or just act all holier than thou? I'm so fuckin' tired of this shit already: using the threat of four more years of Trump to try and shutdown any criticism of any Democratic candidate.

And if that's not your point, that you're not trying to shutdown any criticism, then again, are you going to address any of the critiques people have towards Biden? Or are you just here to complain about people doing so?

Like, seriously, do you get what the point of a primary even is? Of course it's going to be contentious. Of course emotions are going to run high at some points, because ultimately all anyone wants is precisely what you're talking about here, for the best candidate to be selected, but they're naturally going to disagree about who that person is, and thus the primary. But nonetheless, whoever wins, we'll all get behind that candidate. Just like say Bernie fans may not have been happy with Clinton winning the primary in 2016, but the vast, vast majority of them sure as fuck voted for her all the same.

This isn't people tearing each other apart. This ain't anyone doin' Trump's work for him. This is just a primary, bein' a primary.

God, this is just already the most insufferable part of this primary: not the fans of any particular candidate or another, not disingenuous arguments, or any of that, but just the non-stop use of Trump to try and shutdown the criticism of any Democratic candidate, regardless of who they are or which one we're talking about, because apparently the very concept of a primary and criticism and all that is bad because Trump exists and so all that is just inherently dooming the party, because Trump exists, so apparently we just need to coronate someone right from the beginning or something?

Bleh. Of all things, these posts are already the most tiring thing of this primary and it's exhausting knowing that if anything they're just getting started and as the primary really starts to heat up it'll probably only get worse...

And to be clear, I know posts such as you're own are well-intentioned! Don't get me wrong, I completely get that, and do respect that much. I do completely get that the whole reason you're saying this is precisely because Trump is so terrible and you get that and you realize how terrible it would be to remain President, and I do get and respect all of that, and I don't mean to imply otherwise and I do sincerely apologize if I come off that way.

But the point being, that's just how primaries are regardless, and no, it's not doing Trump's work for him, and whoever wins will be fine as whoever that person is, we will all get behind them. So regardless of how good your intentions are, it nonetheless just comes off as really condescending and patronizing to use the specter of Trump to try and shutdown all criticism and stuff, when that's all just part of the process and comes from the same place that you are here: wanting to make sure the best candidate does indeed get selected to beat Trump.

That's precisely why tensions rise so high in the first place. Because whatever candidate we personally support, we do have that goal in common and precisely because of that, whoever does win the primary, I have confidence that the vast majority of people will nonetheless get behind them whether that person was their first choice or more near the bottom.

So please, that being the case, I do nonetheless understand your concerns, but can you please chill and leave this "making it so easy for Trump stuff" in the garbage bin it belongs since we all do indeed understand how much a threat Trump is and when the time comes nonetheless will get behind whoever wins, regardless of any personal misgivings toward said candidate, as no duh that's the obvious and right thing to do and I think we all get that here and so despite your very likely good intentions, there's really no need to shame people with stuff like this and it just makes tensions higher for no reason as if we're on different teams and don't get this when that couldn't be anything further from the actual case? Thanks


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Dismissing concerns surrounding unwanted intimate contact
Christ what? Until he does something that is super inappropriate, I'll reserve judgement. Put your hands on someone isn't always and should be a death sentence and be labeled a creep.

I mean Jesus Christ. The man as far as we know has not broken any laws or committed any indecent act.

Sick of all the attack's on all these Democrats when any one of them is leagues better than keeping Trump in office. Stop with the bullshit.

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
I don't care who you choose. But it has to be someone that people can vote for with a good feeling. And I mean not just a limited number.
I don't think that the Democrats have a candidate that can do that. The closest is Sanders I think and then Pete (because little is known about him, but he has something).

I do care who is chosen. I don't see how yet ANOTHER corporate dem will make any difference from 2016.
Dems need to go the populist rout imo.


Oct 27, 2017
You are ripping this man apart. I see this happen with every candidate here. It looks like Trump hasn't to do much. Just sit back and watch the Democratic voters fight.
You guys are making it Trump so easy.
I am not saying you have to choose one above the other. But if you don't choose somebody that you all can get behind and be happy about and also someone that moderate Republicans or Independent voters can get behind then you are all f*cked.
I guess we can never criticize anyone ever again out of fear that Trump will win. We should just start pushing moderate Republicans at this point if we really want to play it safe.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Christ what? Until he does something that is super inappropriate, I'll reserve judgement. Put your hands on someone isn't always and should be a death sentence and be labeled a creep.

I mean Jesus Christ. The man as far as we know has not broken any laws or committed any indecent act.

Sick of all the attack's on all these Democrats when any one of them is leagues better than keeping Trump in office. Stop with the bullshit.
No one's saying it's a death sentence. It's definitely super creepy though and I feel like you either haven't seen the videos or you're being willfully obtuse.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
Yawn. You going to actually address any criticisms or just act all holier than thou? I'm so fuckin' tired of this shit already: using the threat of four more years of Trump to try and shutdown any criticism of any Democratic candidate.

And if that's not your point, that you're not trying to shutdown any criticism, then again, are you going to address any of the critiques people have towards Biden? Or are you just here to complain about people doing so?

Like, seriously, do you get what the point of a primary even is? Of course it's going to be contentious. Of course emotions are going to run high at some points, because ultimately all anyone wants is precisely what you're talking about here, for the best candidate to be selected, but they're naturally going to disagree about who that person is, and thus the primary. But nonetheless, whoever wins, we'll all get behind that candidate. Just like say Bernie fans may not have been happy with Clinton winning the primary in 2016, but the vast, vast majority of them sure as fuck voted for her all the same.

This isn't people tearing each other apart. This ain't anyone doin' Trump's work for him. This is just a primary, bein' a primary.

God, this is just already the most insufferable part of this primary: not the fans of any particular candidate or another, not disingenuous arguments, or any of that, but just the non-stop use of Trump to try and shutdown the criticism of any Democratic candidate, regardless of who they are or which one we're talking about, because apparently the very concept of a primary and criticism and all that is bad because Trump exists and so all that is just inherently dooming the party, because Trump exists, so apparently we just need to coronate someone right from the beginning or something?

Bleh. Of all things, these posts are already the most tiring thing of this primary and it's exhausting knowing that if anything they're just getting started and as the primary really starts to heat up it'll probably only get worse...

And to be clear, I know posts such as you're own are well-intentioned! Don't get me wrong, I completely get that, and do respect that much. I do completely get that the whole reason you're saying this is precisely because Trump is so terrible and you get that and you realize how terrible it would be to remain President, and I do get and respect all of that, and I don't mean to imply otherwise and I do sincerely apologize if I come off that way.

But the point being, that's just how primaries are regardless, and no, it's not doing Trump's work for him, and whoever wins will be fine as whoever that person is, we will all get behind them. So regardless of how good your intentions are, it nonetheless just comes off as really condescending and patronizing to use the specter of Trump to try and shutdown all criticism and stuff, when that's all just part of the process and comes from the same place that you are here: wanting to make sure the best candidate does indeed get selected to beat Trump.

That's precisely why tensions rise so high in the first place. Because whatever candidate we personally support, we do have that goal in common and precisely because of that, whoever does win the primary, I have confidence that the vast majority of people will nonetheless get behind them whether that person was their first choice or more near the bottom.

So please, that being the case, I do nonetheless understand your concerns, but can you please chill and leave this "making it so easy for Trump stuff" in the garbage bin it belongs since we all do indeed understand how much a threat Trump is and when the time comes nonetheless will get behind whoever wins, regardless of any personal misgivings toward said candidate, as no duh that's the obvious and right thing to do and I think we all get that here and so despite your very likely good intentions, there's really no need to shame people with stuff like this and it just makes tensions higher for no reason as if we're on different teams and don't get this when that couldn't be anything further from the actual case? Thanks
Yeah, you are right. You always have to go from your own strength and I agree with that.
You don't have to vote out of fear you have to vote with your heart and mind. Not because of Trump or any other reason.
And yes my wording was a little off.
I have followed the previous primary, and that was the first one I followed as closely.
Maybe I am underestimating how ugly such primaries are. But I hear little about policy and very much attacking about identity. Maybe that's the name of the game in the USA.
If that is the case then I will concede and say I saw it wrong. I would have hoped that it would be more about policy and less about identity. It seems like everyone has the same program (maybe Biden is an outlier in that, but I doubt it)and that we are just seeing which one has the best identity.
But again I agree that you don't have to vote against Trump, you have to vote FOR someone.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
if you support this in the primary don't come yelling at young people or minorities or people of color or progressives if trump gets another 4, blame yourself for supporting this in the primary



Oct 25, 2017
From the data that we have, almost as high a percentage Obama '08 primary voters ended up booking for McCain/Palin in the '08 general as Sanders voters who went for Trump. (9% vs 12%)

Twice as many Hillary voters in '08 went for McCain/Palin over Obama. You're right that every vote counts, but the fear about Democrats abandoning the nominee, and losing the election as a result, are unfounded, imo

Sometimes it depends on if someone is registered for a different party and it's a closed primary. Or the primary for one party was basically decided. Last primary in Virginia, Trump was the only one left for the Republican and Hillary was pretty much guaranteed the nomination. Those voters may have been more likely to change once the general election happened since primary votes barely mattered.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't hate the guy, but really there are multiple better options and I don't understand why anyone would get excited for him.


Nov 22, 2017
September 2018:

In September of 2018, Elle asked Hill if she was still waiting for an apology from Biden. Hill said she had more important things to worry about.

"It's become sort of a running joke in the household when someone rings the doorbell and we're not expecting company," Hill answered. "'Oh,' we say, 'is that Joe Biden coming to apologize?'"

The day he announces his candidacy:

The dude's not even slick lol


Nov 2, 2017
Probably not my choice in the primaries, but if he wins those, I will happily vote for him in November 2020. Despite a lot of the negative reception you see around here, his problems really won't mean much to the much more moderate majority at the national level. And frankly, his chances on the national stage are likely better than a super progressive/socialist candidate.

And frankly, his biggest problems (the "gaffes") won't really mean shit when the guy across from you is Donald Trump, who has a track level on a whole different level. In a way its the perfect storm for Biden to finally win (if he ever will), since this election definitely would not be a "who is more PC" contest.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll take Biden over most of the Democratic field and over Trump twice on Sundays, but methinks he's just too old.


Nov 22, 2017
It's amazing to see the gaffe machine running at peak efficiency right out of the gate.

Biden's either going to win the Dem nomination or drop out and retire from public life within three months

Edit: just remembered he had to push his announcement back a day because it fell on the same day as the She the People forum lmao


Oct 25, 2017
While Biden may be polling ahead of the other candidates, I'm worried that if he gets the nomination, there will be a lot of "holding my nose" Democratic voters. The enthusiasm of liberal voters will fall off, which I think is part of what contributed towards Hillary's defeat in 2016. The difference being that HRC was a much more competent candidate, and would have probably enacted more liberal policies than Biden. Biden, of course, would be better than having Trump in office, but I'm fearful that he won't enact the policies needed to move the country in a more progressive direction. Also he's a creep.

Very curious to see if Obama openly declares his support for him. He's probably better off saving his endorsement for the final nominee.

Personally, I'm still undecided in who I support out of the candidates so far - but Biden's not up there.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
if you support this in the primary don't come yelling at young people or minorities or people of color or progressives if trump gets another 4, blame yourself for supporting this in the primary

That's just wretched.

September 2018:

The day he announces his candidacy:

The dude's not even slick lol

And so is this.

If Biden is going to be our nominee then we truly are fucked.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
if you support this in the primary don't come yelling at young people or minorities or people of color or progressives if trump gets another 4, blame yourself for supporting this in the primary

Jesus christ. Not even trying to hide this shit. He's making it physically hard to vote for him rather than stay home and let Trump run away with a victory caused by apathetic Progressives and that's a pretty crazy accomplishment all things considered.

It's like, we may as well vote for Howard Schultz.


Nov 2, 2017
The Left
You are ripping this man apart. I see this happen with every candidate here. It looks like Trump hasn't to do much. Just sit back and watch the Democratic voters fight.
You guys are making it Trump so easy.
I am not saying you have to choose one above the other. But if you don't choose somebody that you all can get behind and be happy about and also someone that moderate Republicans or Independent voters can get behind then you are all f*cked.
The democrats need a Jeb! Someone that can get 3 delegates and lose to the populist by 1722 delegates.


Please clap.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
He was head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He could have done:
-let in the other 3 women that wanted to testify in instead of making it all about Anita which made it easier to just "he say/she hay" it

-Treat Anita Hill with respect since the start of the hearings instead of basically saying that everyone could ask whatever they wanted, which allowed the senate to deligitimize Anita and ask her profoundly fucked up questions

Just letting the other women talk would have been a gigantic blow to Thomas, who already got through by a very small margin.

He could have made those hearings into a respectable analysis of what women had to say about Thomas. Instead it was a gross session where Anita got asked very uncomfortable and unnecessary questions.

Voting no doesnt negate that his direct actions allowed Thomas decades in the SC.

Those are absolutely things that should have happened - but even if they did, I'm not convinced they would have sunk Thomas. I again point to some parallels with the Kavanaugh hearings, where, for example, we can again wonder what would have happened if Ramirez were allowed to testify.

And, if Biden regrets his actions, why hasnt he apologized to Anita? The women who endured that treatment.

Looks like he tried. It was not enough for Anita to accept, and I respect that.

I tell you all of this because is like no one on the field. You can find problems with every candidate, yeah. But Biden has literally decades of baggage. Patriot Act, Crime Bill, DOMA, AIPAC, protecting credit card companies, repealing Glass-Steagall, sexual harassment, wanting to cut social security and medicaid...

How many of those are you willing to take before switching to a better primary candidate?

The problem is that I'm not convinced there is a better candidate when it comes to implementing policy. The progressive movement, as currently presented, is stalled. Even Nancy Pelosi effectively wrote off the movement with her "five people" remark a few weeks back, and I'd argue some or most of those "five people" are why the Democrats control the House right now. And yet, can anyone here name one significant piece of policy that AOC has co-sponsored or supported that is currently the law of the land right now?

That's the problem. I admit I'm working under the assumption Democrats are not going to have control of both houses of Congress once 2020 is through, barring some spectacular hiccup from Trump, the bar for which seems to keep rising every day. And even if that occurs, I would not put it past McConnell to pull a fast one and find a way to Senate rules and debate to screw up procedure for what are currently simple majority votes if the GOP loses control of the Senate. Not to mention members within the Democratic party aren't (yet) on board with some of the policies being proposed by more progressive candidates.

That means a Democrat, if one wins, is going to have to reach across the aisle somewhat in order for any of their or the party's policies to have a chance. I'm not going to tell you I like it, but that's usually how it works. Biden has done that and is willing to do that. I'm not yet convinced anyone else running is. You can have Sanders or Warren in the executive branch, but I'm not sure either of them have 60 or even 50 votes in the next Senate makeup to do what they're pushing for. And TBH, I think Beto, Pete, and Kamala would capitulate on something--God knows what--and disappoint a lot of you.

Biden is not a perfect or even excellent candidate. I believe he is the candidate most likely to get meaningful policy enacted, including from the progressive side. Experience matters to me.

I'm guessing this will wither down to Biden vs. Bernie, and that may be the worst possible outcome for Democrats in 2020, because it will feel like Hillary all over again. The difference is that the Republican machine has spent the better part of 25 years successfully making Hillary and the Clintons toxic personalities--something I see them starting to do now with AOC. With Biden, it will be more about his professional and personal record--and that's a good thing.
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