
Oct 31, 2017
The trick they are probably using is that since the virus causes pneumonia and the pneumonia is what ends up killing people they are probably marking those death's as pneumonia deaths to keep their death percentage low. With the death percentage being low they can go see its fine to open up and even if you get the virus you will most likely be fine despite the real numbers saying otherwise. Texas probably did the same trick too and now its coming back to haunt the state as well.
Yup, and it's stupid because it's gonna get really bad, and the whole point of reopening to help Trump with the economy is gonna be moot when it gets so bad that they're forced to close down again.


Oct 27, 2017
Yup, and it's stupid because it's gonna get really bad, and the whole point of reopening to help Trump with the economy is gonna be moot when it gets so bad that they're forced to close down again.

Don't worry. Trump will just swoop down there with all the PPE and ventilators they stole and re-gift 'em to Florida just in time to save the day again!


Oct 30, 2017
Idiots are making a big fucking deal having to wear a piece of fabric over their nose and mouth. My uncle was in ICU for two months because of Covid and is starting to recover from the virus.


Deleted member 61909

User requested account closure
Dec 5, 2019
Major in Jacksonville stated he wont mandate masks. Im sure this is because the RNC. mother fucker is selling out his city to get a thumbs up by the national republicans...


Nov 1, 2017
Major in Jacksonville stated he wont mandate masks. Im sure this is because the RNC. mother fucker is selling out his city to get a thumbs up by the national republicans...

Jacksonville is republican land, they don't give a shit and were happily opening up everything and their bars without fucks given and now their infected rates are sky rocketing


Nov 20, 2018
I'm in Broward, so just putting in my two cents about the situation. Desantis is absolutely a piece of shit, and anyone following him who thinks it is all of hoax/whatever right wing talking point of the week it is now absolutely deserve to be given shit.

That being said, there is another group equally deserving shit: the selfish people of this state that only give a fuck about themselves, that live in their own little realities. I have lived in several different states throughout my life, but the last few years in Florida have really opened my eyes to how shitty people can be. The amounts of both ignorance and arrogance some of these people have truly astounds me: "I want to go shopping in Delray." "I want to go to Hollywood beach with my friends." "Let's get brunch in Miami."

My point may be meandering but I am just so frustrated by the people here. People that aren't even bible thumping Trump supporters. I hate to say it, but I can only describe them as just really stupid, moronic people. Meanwhile my family has been playing by the rules going on 4 months now. I am going stir crazy! But all of this work is proving to be for fucking nothing. If people stopped being ignorant and selfish for 2 fucking seconds the state actually may have improved enough to start legitimately opening!!!


Apr 1, 2019
And the RNC wants to have a community along with the NBA wanting to restart the season over there? And they want Disney World to reopen? Yikes!

They need to reconsider.
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Oct 25, 2017
But deaths are not increasing. Are we seeing the delay in action?

Florida Reported around 200 or so Covid deaths the week ending June 6 but CDC data shows Florida was up 28-35% from historical averages which is roughly 1150-1300 additional deaths. That's the latest week available but it seems to be Florida is substantially undercounting

Oct 25, 2017
florida reporting so many cases and underreporting the deaths is going to be incredibly dangerous going forward, as it will help perpetuate the myth of this being another flu

Deleted member 29249

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
I'm thankful they are requiring mask again in palm beach county. Honestly don't think I have ever seen someone not wearing one (in Boca Raton), my brother did say he seen a few people at work not wearing them once and a while (works at a Whole Foods). I really don't get the big deal, such a little thing can do so much good.


Oct 27, 2017
Local brewery/restaurant down the street shut down yesterday as some of the employees tested positive for the virus.

So many people have been in and out of that place and unsurprisingly I don't see many people with face masks.


Oct 28, 2017
welcome, nowhere
Local brewery/restaurant down the street shut down yesterday as some of the employees tested positive for the virus.

So many people have been in and out of that place and unsurprisingly I don't see many people with face masks.
Bars and restaurants are almost impossible to enforce, because you have to eat and drink.

I'm in CA, but I will avoid restaurants and bars all year, unless it's one of those small restaurants that have outside seating for only a few people. Still, very unlikely for me.


Oct 27, 2017
But deaths are not increasing. Are we seeing the delay in action?
Looking at the excess death in Florida says otherwise.

I think the US had a huge problem in New York and New Jersey only. You can see how it affected the whole country.

Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

Figures present excess deaths associated with COVID-19 at the national and state levels.


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
The unemployment system over in Florida is even worse, & you can thank Rick Scott for gutting it.

Oh yeah believe me I know. Hell everything here is fucked. I made a thread once about some of the shit going on at my job but I need to make another I think. Even if I were to get fired and get unemployment they would probably offer me a shit part time position just to fuck with my unemployment... Which they've done to another employee now


Apr 1, 2019
Wow...who would have thunk? I mean with such good leadership and handling of how to stop the spread I am completely surprised by this...

Another reason I'm glad I've moved far far away from Florida (and honestly don't live in a red state. Though apparently our state is having problems too and I think we handled it far better than Florida).

Me too. I have a younger brother, his girlfriend & two of my nephews who live in Altamonte Springs & a younger sister, brother-in-law & my other two nephews who live in Jacksonville (My mother & I have used to live in the latter city; We moved out of there about 7 years ago & have moved back to Hampton Roads in Hampton). I'm glad we're fully blue here (though I worry about everyone down there who I've mentioned daily).
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Dec 31, 2017
Bars and restaurants are almost impossible to enforce, because you have to eat and drink.

I'm in CA, but I will avoid restaurants and bars all year, unless it's one of those small restaurants that have outside seating for only a few people. Still, very unlikely for me.
So here in Germany they are doing it by distance seating, mostly outdoors, with the waiters wearing mandatory masks. Plus contact tracing. Many also set up hand disinfection stations. Seems to work pretty well even if the experience is compromised.

But people do wear masks when they go inside/bathroom.
I get what you're saying though, Cali is on the upswing vs. Germany at a very low level, so I would also be wary for now.


Oct 28, 2017
welcome, nowhere
So here in Germany they are doing it by distance seating, mostly outdoors, with the waiters wearing mandatory masks. Plus contact tracing. Many also set up hand disinfection stations. Seems to work pretty well even if the experience is compromised.

But people do wear masks when they go inside/bathroom.
I get what you're saying though, Cali is on the upswing vs. Germany at a very low level, so I would also be wary for now.
Unfortunately, most states, like California, give permission to local authorities like counties to decide how they will handle reopening of bars and restaurants.

The state did enforce mask wearing inside public spaces recently. However, restaurants could reopen with outdoor seating in some counties, and indoor in others (where they are more rural) with whatever social distancing method they wanted.

It's a patchwork that needs to be mended.


Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

Figures present excess deaths associated with COVID-19 at the national and state levels.
What happened in Jan of 2018? Really bad flu season?


Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017

Some GOP asshole up here has already started a law suit against it.

I saw that shit and laughed. One of our County Commissioners was quoted saying that it's not "logistically feasible to have a mask requirement, because what were they going to do, fine everyone $50 if they don't comply?"

I screamed, "Yes you dense motherfucker; yes you fucking fine them or the business that allows it"


Oct 27, 2017
I saw that shit and laughed. One of our County Commissioners was quoted saying that it's not "logistically feasible to have a mask requirement, because what were they going to do, fine everyone $50 if they don't comply?"

I screamed, "Yes you dense motherfucker; yes you fucking fine them or the business that allows it"

Yeah no kidding.

It's not clear whether the lawsuit is just against the fines or charges or requiring masks all together.

Fuck him either way, dude was arrested for a DUI in 18' too. You don't get to interfere with the health of others with that record.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah no kidding.

It's not clear whether the lawsuit is just against the fines or charges or requiring masks all together.

Fuck him either way, dude was arrested for a DUI in 18' too. You don't get to interfere with the health of others with that record.

I am fearing what these new SC judges that replaced the last couple sane people are going to say about that.

This state is a giant dysfunctional mess that is going to take decades to turn around


Dec 18, 2017
Either the infected are starting to skew younger, or the numbers are bullshit. Probably both

I was thinking about making a thread on this (why the number of deaths don't seem to be going up here in Florida OR nationwide). At least in Florida, the numbers have dramatically skewed younger, with the 25-34 demo making up the bulk of current cases, IIRC. I feel like the more vulnerable population has now been able to take the proper precautions and now it's just the younger people contracting it to one another.


Nov 30, 2018
Idiots are making a big fucking deal having to wear a piece of fabric over their nose and mouth. My uncle was in ICU for two months because of Covid and is starting to recover from the virus.

That dude on the second row with the mask on doesn't want to get near that crazy chick. He's like ok now I'm going. No wait she's coming back. OK now. No.

That'd totally be me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hotel worker in Florida here. I really wish they would just fire me so I could collect unemployment instead of having to risk my fucking life every chance I go in.

My buddy got furloughed by Disney and is owed a ton of money from unemployment that he still hasn't received. Thankfully he owns his condo so he's not at risk of being evicted.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking about making a thread on this (why the number of deaths don't seem to be going up here in Florida OR nationwide). At least in Florida, the numbers have dramatically skewed younger, with the 25-34 demo making up the bulk of current cases, IIRC. I feel like the more vulnerable population has now been able to take the proper precautions and now it's just the younger people contracting it to one another.
For now, I think it's simply the deaths lag up to a month or more. These reversal in the numbers is what within the last week or two? Probably a couple more weeks before you start seeing deaths increase.

But if the age of the infected population is falling overall, it also may not reach death rates seen in other parts of the country or internationally.


Jan 9, 2018
Looking at the excess death in Florida says otherwise.

I think the US had a huge problem in New York and New Jersey only. You can see how it affected the whole country.

Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

Figures present excess deaths associated with COVID-19 at the national and state levels.

The data isn't up to date. Also if you want to look at excess deaths, you shouldn't be looking at all deaths. Some deaths will go down while other go up. Looking at all deaths will just give you a complicated picture of things.

You need to be looking at flu/pneumonia and how much excess deaths result from that. As that is the main cause of death resulting from COVID. You can do that by taking the last column numbers, subtract it the 2nd column numbers. That will give you the current flu/pneumonia deaths. Then compare it to past years to get the excess.



Oct 27, 2017
The data isn't up to date. Also if you want to look at excess deaths, you shouldn't be looking at all deaths. Some deaths will go down while other go up. Looking at all deaths will just give you a complicated picture of things.

You need to be looking at flu/pneumonia and how much excess deaths result from that. As that is the main cause of death resulting from COVID. You can do that by taking the last column numbers, subtract it the 2nd column numbers. That will give you the current flu/pneumonia deaths. Then compare it to past years to get the excess.

Excess deaths are defined by the temporarily increase of deaths in a given population. So if you want to look at the excess death, you have to look at all deaths. Deaths caused by the flu are the increased deaths from its respective season in the colder months. You can see them in the graph ranging from late December to March.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
It's one thing to want businesses to be open, but why can't people just wear a fucking mask?


Oct 25, 2017
Pinellas is enforcing mandatory masks starting at 5pm today. Finally some fucking good news from local government - tired of waiting for DeSantis' come to jesus moment.


Dec 18, 2017
For now, I think it's simply the deaths lag up to a month or more. These reversal in the numbers is what within the last week or two? Probably a couple more weeks before you start seeing deaths increase.

But if the age of the infected population is falling overall, it also may not reach death rates seen in other parts of the country or internationally.

Well hospitalizations haven't seen a corresponding uptick, which would indicate a possible surge in deaths in the coming weeks. Plus, I don't think the lag would be as long as a month. If you look at the beginning of the outbreak, whether it be statewide or nationwide, an uptick in deaths closely followed an uptick in positive cases. Sometimes in as little as a week.



October 14: Tracking Florida COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities

NOTE 10/11: There was no DOH COVID daily report on 10/10. Therefore, the 10/11 daily number for cases and deaths will include two days. The current hospitalization numbers and the seven day average numbers will not be impacted. NOTE 9/1: DeSantis was informed late Monday that nearly 75,000...


Oct 27, 2017
Well hospitalizations haven't seen a corresponding uptick, which would indicate a possible surge in deaths in the coming weeks. Plus, I don't think the lag would be as long as a month. If you look at the beginning of the outbreak, whether it be statewide or nationwide, an uptick in deaths closely followed an uptick in positive cases. Sometimes in as little as a week.



October 14: Tracking Florida COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities

NOTE 10/11: There was no DOH COVID daily report on 10/10. Therefore, the 10/11 daily number for cases and deaths will include two days. The current hospitalization numbers and the seven day average numbers will not be impacted. NOTE 9/1: DeSantis was informed late Monday that nearly 75,000...

I don't understand. Your own link shows a quite significant uptick in hospitalizations since the ~beginning of June (sth. like 110 on average in the beginning of June to sth. like 160 now).


Jan 9, 2018
Excess deaths are defined by the temporarily increase of deaths in a given population. So if you want to look at the excess death, you have to look at all deaths. Deaths caused by the flu are the increased deaths from its respective season in the colder months. You can see them in the graph ranging from late December to March.

First, what are you trying to look at? Are you trying to find the excess for all deaths? As I stated, there may not be excess deaths as the deaths relating to COVID may be offset by other deaths like accidents as people were driving way less.

Second, the number that are used are not up to date. I already took a look at this last week. It's off by a lot. Here is an example for Florida:

(Deaths involving Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID) - (All COVID Deaths) = Flu and Pneumonia deaths only = 8315 - 2723 = 5592
(2020 Flu/Pneumonia deaths) - (2018 Flu/Pneumonia Jan-June deaths) = 5592 - 1902 = 3690

The data for the excess deaths for Flu/Pnuemonia from week 1-20 for Florida only total up to 1637. That's a huge difference. If you're trying to look at all death and compare it to previous year average, you won't find any for Florida, they are currently only at 99% of expected death.
https://data.cdc.gov/api/views/u6jv-9ijr/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD&bom=true&format=true target=
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Dec 18, 2017
I don't understand. Your own link shows a quite significant uptick in hospitalizations since the ~beginning of June (sth. like 110 on average in the beginning of June to sth. like 160 now).

Well yeah, it's up, but it's not corresponding to the rise in positive cases. Florida was breaking records in early June and trend line of hospitalizations has been pretty stable.

The raw numbers are going to ebb and flow, that's why you look at the 7-day trend. The hospitalization 7-day trend is where it was back in April. Meanwhile, the number of positive cases trend is at an all-time high.