May 10, 2019


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Oct 26, 2017
lol what if he fucking reached out to ChatGPT to find a Winston Churchill quote and the AI spit back an old Bud ad.

God that would be so good.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, realistically, he probably just had a staffer do a shitty job picking a quote. And his campaign was full of staffers doing shitty jobs.

I will say, my minor research on top Churchill quotes gives two ironic ones for him as the first ones.

1. If you are going through hell, keep going.
2. Never, never, never give up.


Oct 25, 2017
Before he ran, people were worried about him winning because he was "smart trump".
I personally wasn't worried, and didn't think he had much of a chance, but I had no idea he would crash and burn this bad.
What a loser!


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
While what's left in trump is still worrisome, it's great that we're still shitting on this loser


Oct 25, 2017

This is a concise article on this walking husk. It's a very quick read to get a local level view of him, so I recommend reading the whole thing, but:

Again, there wasn't really a reason for this except that DeSantis seems to possess crippling paranoia about the people around him. For this reason he has virtually no inner circle, save for Casey, his wife, the former host of a mid-morning talk show on First Coast News in Jacksonville. The pandemic completed this closure. Beset by media coverage he considered unfair, facing a complex problem for which there were few clear answers, and nurturing a powerful personal ambition, DeSantis began filling his administration's ranks with loons and yes-men — incompetent, conspiratorial, but intensely loyal to the man offering them lucrative government employment. They helped him craft laws stifling speech and expression that immediately hit roadblocks in the federal courts; they made him crueler, more distant, more online — distinctly un-Floridian — until he had become an abstraction, somehow even less relatable than his bionic predecessor, Rick Scott.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
DeSantis should have gone with the famous Lovecraft quote about Cthulhu:

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die."

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I thought Haley would've been the obvious pick for VP. Who else?

He will likely pick a woman, but it wouldn't be Haley. Stefanik seems most likely for women at this point (Kari Lake was running for his VP but is running for senate and won't do both, she can't drop out of that AZ race now). I think Tim Scott leads for VP for men.

The ads are too harsh against Haley at this point, it's hard to walk back completely racist ads that call her liberal. I could still see Haley getting a post in his administration, especially because she's yet to really run a campaign against him. She might also choose to just cash in on the CNN/FOx/etc interview circuit and book tour.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump wants a faceless toadie. Anyone that could potentially take the limelight from him in any fashion isn't getting the job.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
The quote is wrong math, and it's usually used that way when it's quoted. If you have $300million and there's 300million americans, then each person gets $1, not $1million.

You're right. Guess I'm not fully awake yet.

It shouldn't. His generosity would give you a whopping one dollar. You need Saudi money to give us all a mil.

Yeah, you're right. I don't know why or how I misread that. I think I even thought the math was wrong but convinced myself otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Trump is interested in any establishment for VP (not another Pence, he doesn't need that "establishment cred" now like he did in 2016). He's going to pick a dyed in the wool Trumper like Noem or Sarah Huckabee.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought Haley would've been the obvious pick for VP. Who else?
I suspect he's done listening to the party experts for advice, it's going to be either Jr. or Ivanka. Probably Jr. He needs someone he can trust to do whatever it is he needs, either pardoning him if he's forced out after his next term, or miscounting electoral votes if he somehow gets his way on the ballot again - something I'm sure he thinks is a possibility.


Nov 3, 2017
Is Trump even going to pick a VP?

Also #RIP BOZO to DeSeased's campaign, you won't be missed.


Oct 25, 2017

This is a concise article on this walking husk. It's a very quick read to get a local level view of him, so I recommend reading the whole thing, but:
I'm not surprised, but yeah, this is a cartoonish level of what DeSantis has called a 'personality'. As well as the people who work under him are responsible for the welfare of the people of a state. Obviously the whole thing about banning books and making legislation to basically criminalize anyone who isn't cis white is a testament to Ronnie's governorship.
May 10, 2019
I wonder how many time his election staff had to have awkward conversations with him about acting more human. And if they ever had some practice sessions where he pretended to be normal.

One of the rumors was his wife had started to work really hard with him on this issue leading up to the Iowa primary in mock conversations/debates. Definitely seems like that also didn't work for him either.


Oct 26, 2017
I just don't understand how someone can be that robotic. I hate people and prefer solitude but I can still be personable and act human when I need to talk to someone. Like what kind of childhood does he have that he grows up to be that?


Nov 2, 2017
Good riddance. Admittedly I haven't kept up on him but I had heard him described as "Trump but competent." Last thing this country needs is someone who can actually destroy it.


Oct 27, 2017
Good riddance. Admittedly I haven't kept up on him but I had heard him described as "Trump but competent." Last thing this country needs is someone who can actually destroy it.
If you actually followed even a snippet of after he was actually on the campaign trail, you will quickly realize this was all bullshit, and so did everybody else who had supported him not in Florida, which is why he's dropping out.


Nov 2, 2017
If you actually followed even a snippet of after he was actually on the campaign trail, you will quickly realize this was all bullshit, and so did everybody else who had supported him not in Florida, which is why he's dropping out.
Ah, really? Good. I have some relief knowing that the threat wasn't as real as it had sounded. The only thing I've seen of him as of late was how he seemed extremely uncomfortable doing anything remotely human. That and the shoes that made him look taller.


Mar 6, 2022
I just don't understand how someone can be that robotic. I hate people and prefer solitude but I can still be personable and act human when I need to talk to someone. Like what kind of childhood does he have that he grows up to be that?
He seems to be a massive narcissist on top of being an introvert.There are anecdotes from his coworkers in congress that say he never bothered to mingle or even say hello to them.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
LOL, I just read that the Churchill quote he used was fake.

I'm sure he could've come up with an accurate Hitler quote, but that would be too obvious; that's Trump's thing.
Oct 29, 2017
I just don't understand how someone can be that robotic. I hate people and prefer solitude but I can still be personable and act human when I need to talk to someone. Like what kind of childhood does he have that he grows up to be that?

He's an Ivy League narcissist who thinks he's better than everyone else, and assumes his own success. Pair that with shit ideologies and platform shoes and you have DeSantis.


Oct 25, 2017
the "Trump but competent/smart" stuff never made any sense because the entire reason Trump is Trump is because he's not smart and not competent. Its all chaos and cult of personality and Ron DeSantis has the personality of a wet paper towel.


Oct 28, 2017
the "Trump but competent/smart" stuff never made any sense because the entire reason Trump is Trump is because he's not smart and not competent. Its all chaos and cult of personality and Ron DeSantis has the personality of a wet paper towel.

I just took it to mean that he's just as evil as Trump, but not a total moron.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I always see Bradley Cooper in him. Not that I thought much of Cooper anyway but I dislike him more now. 😂

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017


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Oct 26, 2017
I just want you to know that I appreciate your usage of this reference.

Could have went with "thighed up" and it still would have worked.

I mean this in all seriousness, but I struggled between the two. I finally decided to go with what I did because the jarring spelling would make the joke more obvious.