
Oct 25, 2017
And we were told for the last 2 years that we needed to be scared of this loser because he was a "smarter version of Trump."

This was one of my concerns but seeing this fucker get steamrolled has been a pleasure and I am happy he crashed and burned. Now just need to see how much damage he causes to Florida with his remaining time. In theory he should be out but the GOP supermajority bent the rules so he could still stay. Fuckers.


Oct 25, 2017
All those posts talking him up as some big threat aged like milk lmfao
As I constantly repeated during that time, Libs worked themselves up into a frenzy thinking that "Smart Trump" was going to be some huge threat not realizing that Trump's dumb, bluntness was exactly why he was so appealing in the first place.


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Oct 26, 2017
I don't think anyone realized just how uncharismatic he truly was. He was able to win Florida the first time thanks to racism and then FL Dems didn't even try to put someone against him for his re-election.


I know a lot of the nation thought he wasn't a threat, but as a Floridian he scares the fuck out of me one way or the other. He is a homunculus of bitter hatred who charmed a lot of old people and dipshit patriots here and we didn't want that plague to escape across the borders.

It's already hell on Earth for minorities and vulnerable people here.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
As I constantly repeated during that time, Libs worked themselves up into a frenzy thinking that "Smart Trump" was going to be some huge threat not realizing that Trump's dumb, bluntness was exactly why he was so appealing in the first place.

So much this.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a "Smart Trump." Trump's stupidity is one of, if not the biggest reason that he appeals to so many conservatives.


Oct 25, 2017
A reminder that the only possible win conditions for any of the candidates besides Trump were for something to happen to Trump that completely prevents him from running
So Trump dying, getting barred from the ballot due to the 14th amendment, some other medical emergency that prevents him from running even if it doesn't kill him outright, or maybe going to jail (and even that's not a guarantee that republican voters wouldn't still prefer the literal criminal in jail)


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Oct 26, 2017
All those posts talking him up as some big threat aged like milk lmfao

For people in Florida who he's damaging, he's a threat to us and will be for the next few years. He's just getting started.

Whether that would work on the national level, we weren't willing to try. We're full up down here.


Oct 25, 2017
As I constantly repeated during that time, Libs worked themselves up into a frenzy thinking that "Smart Trump" was going to be some huge threat not realizing that Trump's dumb, bluntness was exactly why he was so appealing in the first place.
Yep. Same thing's gonna happen to Haley. Trump is Trump because he's their outsider grand wizard who usurped the GOP into being an overtly white nationalist-first party (moreso).

Everyone who stands against him is the establishment.


Oct 27, 2017
As I constantly repeated during that time, Libs worked themselves up into a frenzy thinking that "Smart Trump" was going to be some huge threat not realizing that Trump's dumb, bluntness was exactly why he was so appealing in the first place.

Yeah, this might be true but we didn't count on him being an android attempting to learn human emotions and interactions in real time, either.

That's one of those intangibles that you just can't forecast until someone is in the spotlight.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this might be true but we didn't count on him being ab android attempting to learn human emotions and interactions in real time, either.

That's one of those intangibles that you just can't forecast until someone is in the spotlight.
There were absolutely people in the know before the campaign started saying that DeSantis had no charisma and would flounder on the national stage, especially if placed directly against Trump.
Oct 28, 2017
Probably one of the most interesting presidential campaigns in the last decade. I feel like if he had the media at his side he'd be a lot more favourable but Trump sucks up so much oxygen. Either way, hope we never see him again.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
You know what? I'll be straight up.

I, too, believed that there was a narrow window of time where Ron DeSantis could be a true threat to Trump.

So I'll hold that L.

Yeah, I was a fool for that one.


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Oct 26, 2017
Have lots of empathy for y'all. Been downhill since Rick Scott squeezed in.

We have some great younger leaders but they keep getting pushed to the side by a bunch of egotistical old fucks who are happy to watch the Democratic party fade into nothingness as they cling to power from their fishing shack in Tampa.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably one of the most interesting presidential campaigns in the last decade. I feel like if he had the media at his side he'd be a lot more favourable but Trump sucks up so much oxygen. Either way, hope we never see him again.
Thing is that the Fox News and the rest of the mainstream conservative media apparatus was behind DeSantis, but Trump's cult of personality was just too strong so their audience wasn't buying what they were selling with him.


Oct 26, 2017
Good riddance! Back to Florida, sadly for lots of Floridians. Is he gonna kiss Trump's ass and hope for an appointment of some kind?

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
I wonder if Haley will stick around until the ballot issues are decided. I thought Desantis would do the same though, but running a barebones campaign until then.


Oct 27, 2017
My thinking of DeSantis beating Trump, was the GOP would be split from what he did on January 6th and publicly denounce him. They are clearly behind what he did or in denial. Anyone that still denounced Trump, such as Liz Cheney, ruined her career. Christie is irrelevant. It's clear that the Republican party is a Trump cult. I don't see that changing, even when Trump loses again this year.

I had no idea how socially awkward DeSantis was. I had only seen him in very planned out footage or press conferences.


Oct 25, 2017
Could never-Trumper consolidate around Haley and actually give Trump a run for the next few primaries? They kind of vote split in the previous primary.


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Oct 26, 2017
Guy is fucking nuts. He's caused damage already, many that can't be reversed for years.

You're right, though. We all over-reacted. You never once doubted he'd fail and we were scared he did. Pat yourself on the back. You WON the game, y'all.

Now DeathSantis is back home full time with a chip on his shoulder. That's awesome.
Oct 28, 2017
No republican has ever won Iowa and New Hampshire in the primaries but this almost guarantees Trump will be the first.


Oct 25, 2017

Enjoyed seeing this pos get humiliated regularly.
I don't think anyone realized just how uncharismatic he truly was. He was able to win Florida the first time thanks to racism and then FL Dems didn't even try to put someone against him for his re-election.

This guy almost makes me believe in that old joke about aliens masquerading as humans. Even as someone who is socially awkward, he has the most bizarre mannerisms I've ever seen.