
Oct 27, 2017
This has hope, but I only say that after the disappointment of Suicide Squad, Bats vs Supes and Justice League.


Jan 18, 2018
Like revealing the how and when of a scary magic trick. Can't see anything to be gained aside from cash.


May 11, 2018
"First photo of Venom revealed"

But I can't hear him mumble
Oct 26, 2017
Eeeeeeeeh. This entire movie still feels like a big mistake and a complete misinterpretation on what makes the Joker work.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
But we don't even have Batman casting confirmed?


Oct 28, 2017
This looks great. This is one of the better first set photos I've seen for a comic book movie. Hyped!


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
They can still fix Leto easily :

- remove tattoos

- grow back eyebrows

- give him normal teeth



Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I highly recommend watching The Master for anyone who needs to see loonie Joaquin.


Oct 25, 2017
But you understand my point, yes?
I understand it and disagree with it.

And I hate Nicholson's Joker and don't see any semblance of an everyman in him at all.

The Joker story that I'm thinking of is of a good, down-on-his-luck man who wants to do the right thing, but is fighting a losing battle for his sanity. It's less about the development of a man into who the Joker is, so much as the destruction of who this man was as he loses himself to a psychosis in the form of the Joker. You sympathise for the man who died in losing himself to the Joker, rather than the persona of the Joker itself.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
I understand it and disagree with it.

And I hate Nicholson's Joker and don't see any semblance of an everyman in him at all.

The Joker story that I'm thinking of is of a good, down-on-his-luck man who wants to do the right thing, but is fighting a losing battle for his sanity. It's less about the development of a man into who the Joker is, so much as the destruction of who this man was as he loses himself to a psychosis in the form of the Joker. You sympathise for the man who died in losing himself to the Joker, rather than the persona of the Joker itself.
And I'm saying Rob Zombie thought it would be interesting to see Michael Myers succumb to his inner demons and become the boogeyman.


Oct 27, 2017
I doubt this thing has a very big budget. It'll be fine, commercially. Especially if its half-Oscar bait.

I don't think this is aiming for that kind of success or that audience

I mean, that's clearly not who it is aimed at. The fact that WB are seemingly taking a risk with their property rather than spectacularly failing to copy the Marvel Blueprint is A Good Thing.

But yeah, unless they pull something really clever, it fundamentally misses the point of the character.

It is worth pointing out that The Killing Joke does want readers' sympathy for the Joker (at points and in a very confused, possibly intentional way). That story is held up as a classic in the Joker canon.

For some reason.

I just don't see the point in an Oscar-baity superhero film. What's the point of that?


Oct 25, 2017
Joaquin Phoenix is a great actor so I have complete trust in him pulling this off. I'm not familiar with the director so neutral on him, my main reservation is the script. If its based on Moore's Killing Joke then I'll be cautiously optimistic. Still more elseworlds shit would be cool.


Oct 27, 2017
For a minute I was confusing Todd Phillips with the director of Welcome to the Dollhouse, Happiness etc and got very excited lol. But The Hangover guy ehhh. Phoenix is an amazing actor so there is still hope for whatever this is to be interesting.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I think he can pull this off. The question is how is the script and directing? Casting(outside of Jared Leto) really hasn't been bad for WB.
Oct 25, 2017
I never understand the "I don't think a movie is necessary" crowd.

No movie is. And I don't see how this will demystify The Joker. He's had plenty of origin stories. From being a petty gangster to being a comedian. I hope at the end of this movie it's him being interviewed and the story he gave was complete bullshit.

Also this is an elseworlds movie. It's a one off. It's nice they are trying this with Joker, but going forward I'd like to see them do this with lesser known characters.


Oct 25, 2017
I like the actors attached to this, I have zero attachment to DC films at this point.

I have no idea if Phoenix will be a good Joker or not, but after Ledger, I decided to keep my mouth shut until I see the actual performance.

Personally, I don't mind them trying to potentially make Joker sympathetic. It all comes down to how well that stuff is written.

Like I said, no expectations for this, but I'm totally open to the idea.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this Killing Joke?

Anything known about the script? Haven't followed this at all

nel e nel

Oct 27, 2017
I like the actors attached to this, I have zero attachment to DC films at this point.

I have no idea if Phoenix will be a good Joker or not, but after Ledger, I decided to keep my mouth shut until I see the actual performance.

Personally, I don't mind them trying to potentially make Joker sympathetic. It all comes down to how well that stuff is written.

Like I said, no expectations for this, but I'm totally open to the idea.

There's nothing to demystify. Joker's origin has always been known, it wasn't until Nolan that it became mysterious.


Jun 29, 2018
I'm not a comic fan and I don't watch comic book movies in general but I'll probably see this if the reviews are good. They've got me interested with Joaqin.

I think they'll get other people who stay away from the comic book/hero stuff as well. I don't care what they do with the character in terms of it fitting the comics, just hope it's an interesting film about a sadistic weirdo.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Is this Killing Joke?

Anything known about the script? Haven't followed this at all
It's not exactly The Killing Joke. There was a rumor, for instance, that an older Thomas Wayne appears in it as a corrupt / shady white collar businessman. Most likely, this will pull elements from various Joker origins, while being it's own Elseworlds story.