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Oct 27, 2017
Show me one workplace that isn't filled with Trump fans? I deal with it everyday at work.

Does it make me want to quit? No dude... that's everywhere.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
Sounds like you've already been scolded enough so I'll just say stop worrying about things that don't affect you.
Oct 27, 2017
I'd say give it one more shift and see how you get on, but if it continues to be that soul-crushing I would abandon it. You might need the money but if you hate it that much it will damage your mental health and overall wellbeing.


Oct 28, 2017
But what will you do about the Trump supporters you encounter on this new assignment?

If OP is smart he will listen to them and try to understand someone else's point of view on different issues. At the very worst he simply learns how to tolerate someone with different political views (a must have life skill) and at the very best maybe he is able to persuade them with well reasoned arguments of his own.


Oct 27, 2017
If OP is smart he will listen to them and try to understand someone else's point of view on different issues. At the very worst he simply learns how to tolerate someone with different political views (a must have life skill) and at the very best maybe he is able to persuade them with well reasoned arguments of his own.
Or you know, don't discuss politics at work and do your fucking work and get paid and put food on the table for your family. Jesus christ, it's not hard.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
If OP is smart he will listen to them and try to understand someone else's point of view on different issues. At the very worst he simply learns how to tolerate someone with different political views (a must have life skill) and at the very best maybe he is able to persuade them with well reasoned arguments of his own.

I agree with you but he could have done that in his current job but wasn't willing to.
Or you know, don't discuss politics at work and do your fucking work and get paid and put food on the table for your family. Jesus christ, it's not hard.

Again, I agree, but if other people want to talk politics in your vicinity you can't really stop them.


Oct 28, 2017
Or you know, don't discuss politics at work and do your fucking work and get paid and put food on the table for your family. Jesus christ, it's not hard.

So try to change the behavior of everyone else instead of adapting to the situation?
Listening to politics you disagree with isn't that big of a deal, it may be annoying but it isn't some form of hate speech no matter how much you want it to be.

For some people political discourse is like talking about sports for others. They just can't help themselves. I'm like that, I'm a political junkie and it's one of my primary interests and therefor I discuss it at work often.


Nov 2, 2017
I'm always of the opinion of you just don't "quit" jobs. As others have said, the personal thing- you won't ever be anywhere where you will like everyone.

As you said, no college degree and not much work experience, so the only thing that will go for you is a solid work record- if you are someone who shows up on time, does the job, is pleasant, and doesn't complain, THAT will mean something over time, and can lead to better permanent positions.

It doesn't even sound like things went THAT bad. They didn't critique you hard or scream in your face, and maybe you picked up some basic painting skills that will be useful going forward.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting this job on a pedestal or anything. You said its temp, you won't be there forever. But I always say, don't quit- just ALWAYS be looking for something better if you aren't pleased with what you got. And until you do, perform your current job in a professional manner.

And PS- it sucks you messed up your jeans, but now you know to only wear crappy "sacrificial clothes" going forward if you are doing maintenance, or any handy man stuff.
Jun 22, 2019
What does that do to help the situation though?

Makes people (eventually) shut the fuck up. You can stop people from discussing politics if it becomes a torturous process for everyone involved, which it already was to begin with to many people.
If people get nothing but support for whining at length about libruhls, they will think it's a free range to keep going on about it indefinitely.

This is obviously assuming you don't have to be on good terms with the MAGA chud coworkers, or are just willing to leave the job if people start treating you intentionally poorly as a result.
Jun 22, 2019
No it doesn't. It just starts arguments. Keeping quiet and just getting on with your work is better than starting an argument with your colleagues over politics.

Yeah, it starts arguments that keep on going and going, and annoy everyone, and eventually people agree to just never bring up politics because it's fucking excruciating.
Mission accomplished.

"Keeping quiet and just getting on with your work is better"

Exactly. That's the end goal. People keep quiet and just do the fucking job. If people wanna yammer about how Democrats want to kill America they can do it on their own time or when they're at least isolated from those who don't wanna hear that shit.
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King Alamat

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
You can call Trump the Antichrist and talk at length about how every Republican will assuredly burn in hell if it actually existed. I'm sure that would be a grand time for everyone.
People acting like chuds have valid viewpoints that they came across logically instead of being inudated in propaganda for years. You know what happens when you try to meet chuds with reasoned debate and offer up evidence to your claims? They either completely shut down and ignore everything you're gonna say or (if their my kin) get belligerent and have to keep themselves from lashing out violently.

Y'all act like I haven't grown up with this shit. Y'all act like I didn't try to talk it for years. I've seen people I grew up with throw themselves into the arms of fascism for pennies and divorce themselves into reality to protect their delusional asses from ever admitting they were ever wrong. I've tried sitting them down and discussing shit with them, even a couple of ones who became outright racists, nothing took. I might see some recognition of what I was saying, but the next day, they'd be on the same bullshit. And I didn't stop years ago, I tried with the two middle-aged ladies at my last job, one of which was on some diet-racist shit. We debated, I shut down their Fox News talking points about the impeachment and we seemed to come to an agreement about billionaires having to pay more taxes. Next day rolls around, they're back on their bullshit like I had never said anything to them.

I'm tired. I just wanna clock in, do my job and move on without feeling like an alien every day.

For the record, I'm at work writing this. Super decided he was gonna do the rest of the job solo because of the TB tests, but the director made him turn around after he got to the site and we're all sitting here in the corporate office's parking lot waiting. At this rate, we'll prolly arrive on-site and immediately take a lunch break.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it starts arguments that keep on going and going, and annoy everyone, and eventually people agree to just never bring up politics because it's fucking excruciating.
Mission accomplished.

"Keeping quiet and just getting on with your work is better"

Exactly. That's the end goal. People keep quiet and just do the fucking job. If people wanna yammer about how Democrats want to kill America they can do it on their own time or when they're at least isolated from those who don't wanna hear that shit.

You're living in a fantasy world. This isn't how these discussions go in real life.

What are you achieving exactly that wouldn't also be achieved by just ignoring them and getting on with your work?
Jun 22, 2019
Y'all act like I haven't grown up with this shit.

Just so we're clear I was only responding to the person I quoted (who said nothing can be done about people discussing politics in the workplace), I'm not trying to tell you what to do. You seemed well-versed with such garbage before you even elaborated with the latest post. And being able to detach emotionally for aggravating discourse with the end goal of limiting such discourse is not something everyone can or wants to do anyway (and obviously it won't always work, and as I said earlier could make everything more hellish if you're not willing to quit the job).

You're living in a fantasy world. This isn't how these discussions go in real life.

What are you achieving exactly that wouldn't also be achieved by just ignoring them and getting on with your work?
Making them feel the same excruciating annoyance and unwelcomeness that you feel. Also, I literally said the entire end goal was that people eventually shut the fuck up about politics. That's not achieved by just trying to ignore it, you'll just keep on having to do that indefinitely.

And I actually have had people stop talking about politics around me by presenting too many contrary opinions in a similar callous way that they were doing. Guess I'm in an isekai. It's a real shitty one, I gotta say.
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Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
The reality is you're going to meet people you disagree with everywhere for the rest of your life. Fact is most people won't change, and if you confront every single person you disagree with life will be very hard.

You can't affect how other people are, but you can control you. Use this opportunity to learn how to deal with these people existing in your life and take those lessons with you to the next job. It might not be easy, but that's about all you've got outside of some utopia job where everyone agrees about politics and everything else in life. I don't know a single person who works in this type of place.

Also, you might want to steer clear of retail. The situation you've described here is relatively tame compared to some folks I've met in the public while working retail.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry OP, but I have a hard time taking your post as anything other than choosy-beggar.

You're a college dropout with few practical skills. Not only that, when you get work, you're too busy reading and eating pizza to figure out where you're actually scheduled to work for the week. Then you start working and your supervisor is surprisingly chill and the job itself was mundane, even getting an "attaboy" from your supervisor? Pretty good for someone to pick up the work relatively quickly.

But the moment MAGA talks start happening, you want to bail? Guess live in Tennessee. I live in Oklahoma. You think we're going to be able to avoid brainwashed Republicans wherever we go? It's impossible in this day and age, especially in our states. I work at a 30 person company and more than 50% of my coworkers are backwards ass Trump supporters. It doesn't do us any good to stick our fingers in our ears and run off the moment something upsets us.

If you need a job, money, and a work schedule that lets you do your karate afterwards, you have to make a choice. Either drop this job and hope that you can find something that your unskilled self can grow in quickly, or stick it out here for the time being and get some job experience (hopefully some useful job experience). Whatever you choose, you're going to deal with ignorant-ass people. That's just part of life...but you should know this already because you're on Era.
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Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Making them feel the same excruciating annoyance and unwelcomeness that you feel.

And I actually have had people stop talking about politics around me by presenting too many contrary opinions in a similar callous way that they were doing. Guess I'm in an isekai. It's a real shitty one, I gotta say.

And you plan on doing that with the entire 50% or so of the population that voted for trump?

I'm sorry I just don't get what you think this achieves. Why is making someone feel annoyance an active goal of yours at work? Wouldn't just getting on with your work and letting your colleagues talk about what they want be better instead of dragging yourself into an argument for absolutely no reason? As someone who goes to work to earn a living I don't know why anyone would want to start an argument that could easily be avoided. People should learn to deal with people who have differing opinion and views without it turning into an argument, especially at work. Especially when you're in OPs situation when you have little to no experience, no qualifications and your ideal job is in fucking retail. Focus on making a living first, understand that 50% of the population disagree with your point of view and that there's a time and a place to get into these arguments.
Jun 22, 2019
And you plan on doing that with the entire 50% or so of the population that voted for trump?

Not everyone wants to start talking about how dirty liberals are while you're enclosed in a confined space, dude.

Your original post I replied to said you can't do anything.

I'm saying you can. Sometimes in mild cases it's as simple as politely asking to not discuss politics around you. Or if you don't care for the job and are willing to leave it if things turn for the worse, you can just 'discuss' politics in a way that makes it frustrating for everyone involved.

As someone who goes to work to earn a living I don't know why anyone would want to start an argument that could easily be avoided.

Gee, sounds like nobody should have a reason to talk about how Democrats are destroying America at the workplace then, huh?


Oct 27, 2017
Let me know when you find this fantasy job where everyone either says nothing or agrees with all your viewpoints in the entirety.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Not everyone wants to start talking about how dirty liberals are while you're enclosed in a confined space, dude.

Your original post I replied to said you can't do anything.

I'm saying you can. Sometimes in mild cases it's as simple as politely asking to not discuss politics around you. Or if you don't care for the job and are willing to leave it if things turn for the worse, you can just 'discuss' politics in a way that makes it frustrating for everyone involved.

Gee, sounds like nobody should have a reason to talk about how Democrats are destroying America at the workplace then, huh?

I'm saying your "solution" just causes more problems.

I don't disagree with your second paragraph, I just really disagree that arguing with people in the workplace is somehow a better thing to do than just keeping your nose down and getting on with your work. You're there to earn money and OP isn't exactly drowning in job offers, and lives in a country where every 2nd person he meets is going to share the opinions of those that he works with. Your solution is to just argue with all of them until they shut up? In what world is that a reasonable solution for someone who just wants to earn a living?

You have to share space with people you don't share an opinion with. Sometimes they're going to say things you don't agree with. Starting an argument with them at work is not the solution nor is it appropriate. Saying "well they started it by bringing politics up" is childish at best. You're being paid to work, not to argue.


Oct 30, 2017
Bel Air MD
TBF OP can hardly paint a wall or listen to a few Trump supporters without wanting to quit his job.
I doubt the Military is the place for him.
I think Military could teach him some discipline, and necessary skills. Staff Sgt won't care he doesn't feel like doing work. If he joins the Marines anyhow. Army is a little more lax, but will still give some discipline.
At the very least take the ASVAB, it can show you where you excel in terms of ELC, Mech, ect... OP seems likely to be very intelligent and may get stuck in Intel. Doing technical writing and such.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
User warned: Hostility
So try to change the behavior of everyone else instead of adapting to the situation?
Listening to politics you disagree with isn't that big of a deal, it may be annoying but it isn't some form of hate speech no matter how much you want it to be.

For some people political discourse is like talking about sports for others. They just can't help themselves. I'm like that, I'm a political junkie and it's one of my primary interests and therefor I discuss it at work often.
You're a republican aren't you, given you are a political junkie but barely involve yourself in political discourse here. There must be some reason you aren't scratching that itch here.


Oct 25, 2017
So you have an encouraging supervisor, are able to learn some new skills, but have to put up with some shitty conversations/co-workers that you can just drown out with an iPod.

Something tells me you just don't want to work and you'll find something wrong with any position you take.


Oct 27, 2017
Not everyone wants to start talking about how dirty liberals are while you're enclosed in a confined space, dude.

Your original post I replied to said you can't do anything.

I'm saying you can. Sometimes in mild cases it's as simple as politely asking to not discuss politics around you. Or if you don't care for the job and are willing to leave it if things turn for the worse, you can just 'discuss' politics in a way that makes it frustrating for everyone involved.

This is an absolutely top class shit idea. Ten on ten for utter bollocks. No one is going to change their topic of conversation on the say so of a third party and entering into an argument with gusto will just make things worse. Just ignore them and get on with your job like everyone else. It's not a social engagement.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just be like yep and nod and do your thing when someone says something political. Can you plug in while you work or only while riding. I'd just do my thing and listen to a podcast.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You're a republican aren't you, given you are a political junkie but barely involve yourself in political discourse here. There must be some reason you aren't scratching that itch here.
Doesn't post on Era about politics, only has 100+ posts - therefore, Republican.

Jun 22, 2019
I'm saying your "solution" just causes more problems.

I don't disagree with your second paragraph, I just really disagree that arguing with people in the workplace is somehow a better thing to do than just keeping your nose down and getting on with your work. You're there to earn money and OP isn't exactly drowning in job offers, and lives in a country where every 2nd person he meets is going to share the opinions of those that he works with. Your solution is to just argue with all of them until they shut up? In what world is that a reasonable solution for someone who just wants to earn a living?

You have to share space with people you don't share an opinion with. Sometimes they're going to say things you don't agree with. Starting an argument with them at work is not the solution nor is it appropriate. Saying "well they started it by bringing politics up" is childish at best. You're being paid to work, not to argue.

You're framing this super weird.

Ok, let's say a bunch of people are in a company van, and one says "Man I love how Trump is still pushing for the wall to keep Mexicans out of our country."
Apparently that's not considered starting an argument unless somebody says their (leftist) opinion of Trump in response? Lol.

I guess in reverse, if I'm the first person to say something provocative about Trump being a disaster for the country, I'm not arguing but anybody who responds to me would be?

My 'solution' might cause more problems, especially if people like your supervisor start discriminating against you, hence why I said you would have to be ok with leaving the job if it turns to shit. But I've had it work to stop people from just blabbering incessantly about their shitty views when among a bunch of coworkers that may not agree with them.

Moz La Punk

Journalist at & Power Unlimited
May 15, 2018
The Netherlands
Holy fuck you're a whiner

kinda agreed. Reminded me of an intern i once had who hated everything he had to do. That was the job yo!

edit: i dont mean to offend you. You had to let off some steam in this thread, I understand that.

at the same time give it at least a month or so. Jeez its not like youre being tortured, stick with it for a while. Finding a job thats only fun fun fun and nothing else is hard, especially without the right education. Millions of people will never find it in their lives.

don't wanna be the bootstraps guy but you gotta work my man. First days/weeks rarely are fun.

edit 2: i guess this is more of a political thread and I dont live near the US so I guess ignore what I just said. I live in the netherlands and there are more than enough right wing folks here as well but I work mostly with left wings from the bigger cities thankfully. But in my home town theres enough of small minded people, I just zone out, whatever
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Jun 22, 2019
It's not a social engagement.

Exactly, so the people talking about their love of Trump in an enclosed space with others who they don't know on a personal level should shut the fuck up.

I love all this 'It's okay for them to talk politics to your face, but don't you dare talk back with your own views' bullshit.
This isn't about walking over to a cubicle across the room because you can sorta hear the topic, this is when you're forced to be next to a person and sometimes don't even have anything to do in that moment.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
You're framing this super weird.

Ok, let's say a bunch of people are in a company van, and one says "Man I love how Trump is still pushing for the wall to keep Mexicans out of our country."
Apparently that's not considered starting an argument unless somebody says their (leftist) opinion of Trump in response? Lol.

Corrwct, it's not starting an argument. They're just saying something you disagree with, they're not attacking you directly. Saying "all republicans should burn in hell" as a response like you suggested would be.

I guess in reverse, if I'm the first person to say something provocative about Trump being a disaster for the country, I'm not arguing but anybody who responds to me would be?
Correct, but my advise would still be to not talk politics at work. If other people want to then let them, you don't need to engage

My 'solution' might cause more problems, especially if people like your supervisor start discriminating against you, hence why I said you would have to be ok with leaving the job if it turns to shit. But I've had it work to stop people from just blabbering incessantly about their shitty views when among a bunch of coworkers that may not agree with them.

Is OP being discriminated against? From what we were told his supervisor has been pretty supportive of him. You're making a leap here.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Exactly, so the people talking about their love of Trump in an enclosed space with others who they don't know on a personal level should shut the fuck up.

I love all this 'It's okay for them to talk politics to your face, but don't you dare talk back with your own views' bullshit.

Literally no one is saying that.

You personally can do whatever you want. But if you're OP, with no qualifications, no experience, no other jobs lined up and dreams of working in retail, the best thing for your to do if you actually want to earn a living is to stop giving a fuck about what people in your work talk about and just get on with the job you're being paid to do and not waste your time arguing with the 50% of people there who disagree with your political point of view. OP can also of course do what they want, but keeping a job with the best hourly wage they've had while they have no other prospects in the pipeline seems like that should be their priority right now, and dealing with co workers talking politics that can easily be ignored with headphones seems like a pretty small price to pay.
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Oct 26, 2017
You're a republican aren't you, given you are a political junkie but barely involve yourself in political discourse here. There must be some reason you aren't scratching that itch here.

Because they don't want to spend all day arguing in politics threads here consisting of people who couldn't collectively screw in a lightbulb?

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No I also read a bunch of old posts and feel able to connect the dots, but I could be wrong

But sure, Trumpers just have a differing opinion that's worthy of allowing any sort of tolerance
Some of my family members were just ignorant as hell, and needed extensive and continuous conversations in order to either de-brainwash or pull away from apathetic political viewpoints, but sure let's just lump everybody into categories to make things easy for us to feel better about ourselves.

I feel like this conversation will either just spin in circles or become totally irrelevant to the topic at hand.

So for you the majority of people in political threads are idiots?
If our discussion is any indication of the political threads here, then yes.


Jun 10, 2018
I wouldn't assume that someone is a Republican simply because they avoid politics on Era.

Discussion of that sort can be pretty damned toxic here even if you bleed blue.
Jun 22, 2019
Corrwct, it's not starting an argument. They're just saying something you disagree with, they're not attacking you directly. Saying "all republicans should burn in hell" as a response like you suggested would be.

You don't say should, you pull exerpts and lessons from the Bible that demonstrate how far Republicans stayed from it and lay out the argument that if hell was real, Republicans would end up there.
Just as many conservatives try to frame their crap under the guise of logic, you lay out statements that may seem inflammatory ('Democrats are trying to destroy America' is a popular one for conservatives) in a more grounded approach that constitutes 'discourse.'
It's all under the veil of legitimately discussing things, but you know nobody is likely to change their mind, so really all it does is eventually is get people frustrated and makes the discourse seem not worth the effort.

(Uh, also if someone brought up the wall, I'd just bring up being pro open borders in response. Not something out of left field.)

Is OP being discriminated against? From what we were told his supervisor has been pretty supportive of him. You're making a leap here.
I'm haven't been talking about OP at all. This is all in general.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Some of my family members were just ignorant as hell, and needed extensive and continuous conversations in order to either de-brainwash or pull away from apathetic political viewpoints, but sure let's just lump everybody into categories to make things easy for us to feel better about ourselves.

I feel like this conversation will either just spin in circles or become totally irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Feel better about myself? I just want people to speak more truthfully or from a more truthful position and stop tip toeing around about their actual motives and reasons behind what they say
If our discussion is any indication of the political threads here, then yes.
What political discussion? I'm just saying from what I read that poster seems to be a republican and therefore arguing for tolerance of trumpian political discourse in the workplace out of self interest and defence of shitty right wing politics

But yes, this back and forth likely won't lead to any fruitful discussion so please continue. I'm just tired of - what I perceive to be - disingenuous posting habits here and across the board from a number of people and I felt like saying something

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
You don't say should, you pull exerpts and lessons from the Bible that demonstrate how far Republicans stayed from it and lay out the argument that if hell was real, Republicans would end up there..

No, what you should do is just get on with your job and ignore them. You're not obligated to take part in their conversation because you disagree with them. You're not solving anything by engaging in it.
Jun 22, 2019
No, what you should do is just get on with your job and ignore them.

You're all driving in a van somewhere, or you're in a stall/booth with nothing needing to be done in that moment. C'mon, dude, think a tiiiiiiny bit here.

Also, FFS, I love how I have to "get on with the job" but the Trumpist gets free reign to blather on. Kinda showing your ass here.

Edit: Actually, the only change that needs to be done to placate you is I never respond. Instead, I bring up and drone on about leftist perspectives that would enflame conservatives, and now nothing is wrong and anybody who engages with me is at fault. There, it's the perfect solution that gets your seal of approval.
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Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
You're all driving in a van somewhere, or you're in a stall/booth with nothing needing to be done in that moment. C'mon, dude, think a tiiiiiiny bit here.

Also, FFS, I love how I have to "get on with the job" but the Trumpist gets free reign to blather on. Kinda showing your ass here.

Your logic is just "they're talking politics so I should too" which is logic a 5 year old uses. I'm not talking about wether or not you can talk about politics, but wether or not you should.

Stick in headphones instead. There's no positives to starting an argument with your colleagues and telling them they're going to burn in hell.

Deleted member 12028

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Man, you guys will argue about anything. OP, saw your last post - I think its good to stick it out and wait for that new assignment. I would be looking outside that company too. Easier to find something when you have something.
Jun 22, 2019
Your logic is just "they're talking politics so I should too" which is logic a 5 year old uses. I'm not talking about wether or not you can talk about politics, but wether or not you should.

Your logic is "you achieve nothing" and mine is "nah, it gets people to shut up about politics sometimes, although there's risks."

Whether anyone " should" do anything was never even part of the original dispute between us, lol.
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