May 18, 2018
Even though Dedue is a 5 star, he still seems more like fodder for Close Save.
No unique weapon, another green axe unit with high defense and low res


Oct 25, 2017
Good to see that Saves won't be seasonal locked (and that we'll apparently be getting more sources regularly) - especially with it looking like Lynja is advancing to the VG final (she has a 12x multiplier in the final hour).

Marianne seems to be a blue Kiria/F!Julia, could be pretty nice on defense since you'll probably be running multiple cavs on defense anyway. Otherwise nothing too crazy on the banner other than another Save source, but I'll probably spark because Three Houses and the art is good. I really like Marianne's attack animation too.

Even though Dedue is a 5 star, he still seems more like fodder for Close Save.
No unique weapon, another green axe unit with high defense and low res
Gustav's weapon and stat spread definitely make him a better user of the skill. I'm sure people will find ways to make it work though, it just means you don't want to save vs. dragons.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Being a male character from a post awakening game means you have big chances to suck, exceptions being lords or a seasonal unit like Raphael

But what they did to Lin is sad

I am really afraid that they will give felix a random weapon and instead give leonie and dorothea prfs because only girls get to have prfs according to IS


Nov 23, 2017
Being a male character from a post awakening game means you have big chances to suck, exceptions being lords or a seasonal unit like Raphael

But what they did to Lin is sad

I am really afraid that they will give felix a random weapon and instead give leonie and dorothea prfs because only girls get to have prfs according to IS

Felix has two decent options for prfs though, either the Sword of Zoltan, which you get from Felix and Dimitri's B support, or the Sword of Moralta, which Rodrigue gives to you in the Ailell chapter in Azure Moon if Byleth speaks to him. Whereas I don't think Dedue or Linhardt really have good options for prfs, outside of the Caduceus Staff for Linhardt, which Flayn already has (And it fits her better anyways).

If any male unit from Three Houses is going to get screwed, it's Balthus; because his prf literally can't be implemented in Heroes due to the lack of gauntlets.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Felix has two decent options for prfs though, either the Sword of Zoltan, which you get from Felix and Dimitri's B support, or the Sword of Moralta, which Rodrigue gives to you in the Ailell chapter in Azure Moon if Byleth speaks to him. Whereas I don't think Dedue or Linhardt really have good options for prfs, outside of the Caduceus Staff for Linhardt, which Flayn already has (And it fits her better anyways).

If any male unit from Three Houses is going to get screwed, it's Balthus; because his prf literally can't be implemented in Heroes due to the lack of gauntlets.
Like i get it, but remember that both mareanie and bernie got weapons that dont exist, so they could easilly make ones for these 2
and technically feliz has 3 prfs, because he also has aegis shield that can be a prf b skill
But i doubt he will get it tho, as popular he is IS rarely gives popular male units love unless they are lords, so t will probably just be prf sword at most


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
So, now the students without a base version are Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Leonie, Felix, Ashe, Sylvain, Dorothea and Caspar.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Seiros vs Lyn in the finals.

Pretty much my dream finals. Can't lose no matter who wins. Slightly prefer Seiros despite being on Lyn's team, though, mostly because of the last slot she can unlock (in Mjölnir's Strike as well).


Dec 17, 2020
Was not expecting another 3H banner so soon but WOW they did Linhardt dirty lol. Demote healers have it so hard in this game. Distant guard is nice fodder I guess. Other than that Marianne looks like she could be pretty good, but this is a skip for me. Also can't wait to see what sort of lame red tome they give Solon, I see high atk res low spd in his future. But seriously, who wants to use this guy? Hoping that one day we can get Cornelia as a GHB unit tho, only want those cute slitherers please.

Side note, but it seems like IS has settled into a definitive formula for new heroes banners: 2 of the units will be 5* with prf weapons, one will be a 5 star unit with good fodder and a new inheritable weapon, and the last will be a 4* demote who gets a prf if they are very lucky (Seteth, Lex).
May 18, 2018
TH unit's that aren't in the game yet that I can see being demotes(Non seasonal): Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Caspar
The rest I can see being 5 star or being 5 star fodder(Ashe).

Looking at the the new banner, Ingrid looks like the star of the banner.
Oct 25, 2017
So Book 5's demotes so far have been Natasha (infantry staff), Miranda (infantry red tome), Lex (cavalry axe) and now Lindhart (infantry staff).
... yeeeah, maybe too soon for another healer.

But seriously, who wants to use this guy? Hoping that one day we can get Cornelia as a GHB unit tho, only want those cute slitherers please.
Yeah, Solon's not very popular. His vote count was dismal during CYL5. Metodey and Acheron got more votes for crying out loud.

Solon exists to get one-shot on the level where he's the boss, and to look dumb during the Byleth Smash reveal.




▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
TH unit's that aren't in the game yet that I can see being demotes(Non seasonal): Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Caspar
The rest I can see being 5 star or being 5 star fodder(Ashe).

Looking at the the new banner, Ingrid looks like the star of the banner.
Leonie can absolutely be a drop, she is by far the most unpopular female student
Yeah, Solon's not very popular. His vote count was dismal during CYL5. Metodey and Acheron got more votes for crying out loud.
But it is a GHB, GHB shouldnt be about popularity and be about villains you face in the game but arent special enough to be mythic, and Solon is one of the most important ones
He makes much more sense than Nemesis that should have been a mythic

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
Glad that Dedue was finally added, and with Senri Kita artwork to boot.

Though the fact we had to wait so long, and he didn't even get to debut gauntlets is lame.


Oct 27, 2017
If only they would've made this banner earlier, CYL5 would've been quite different on the women's side then.
But this (pretty much) confirms that the CYL5 red unit will be Marianne with Blutgang.

Also, Dedue is way overdue (pun not intended). He should've been added to the game along with Hubert and Hilda, given he's the Blue Lions lord retainer just as the others are for Black Eagles and Golden Deer.

Linhardt, lol. Yeah ... you gotta be a huge fan of him to even consider dropping orbs on colorless. Also why is a colorless healer being the demote again? It's not like we have had enough of them.

Yuck for Marianne having a shared color focus ... yeah i know the math, i knew it before even, i still don't care, we don't have to do this again.

Dunno if i pull much, or anything outside of the free pull, though.

Here's for another red mage as the GHB ... i think this IS internal "law" of making every dark mage character, villain or not, into a red tome is going to bite their asses one day.


If Brave Marianne is indeed a red sword with Blutgang from post timeskip, it does make me question how IS plans on handling the post timeskip units generally.

So far, only the lords and Lysithea are having both pre and post timeskip units, but the post timeskip ones are either "special" (as in Brave versions), or limited legendary heroes.

I'm pretty sure we never get a ... legendary Caspar, or Brave Leonie, for example ... so i hope that these "regular" units will get their post-timeskip alts via regular banners one day.

Mr. Virus

Oct 27, 2017
Huh? The whole vanilla Falchion set were among the first to get refinements. ^^

Oh I know, but Lucina/ Chrom got access to Sealed Falchion later, which then got a refine. Hence there not really being another previous comparible case about units with two refinable Prfs ha ha.

Also lol Linhardt, my dude. Least they're still making the demotes obvious!


Mar 11, 2019
For those fearing free Ninja Lyn, don't worry. My team has lost every single round, so enjoy your free Seiros!

New banner looks nice, but not really nice enough for me to dump orbs.


One Winged Slayer
May 27, 2019
Well my boy Ignatz did not appear, so my 200 in case of Dorcas or Ignatz orbs are safe I guess. (Or Wendel but that will probably never happen lol)


Oct 25, 2017
So Book 5's demotes so far have been Natasha (infantry staff), Miranda (infantry red tome), Lex (cavalry axe) and now Lindhart (infantry staff).
... yeeeah, maybe too soon for another healer.

We also have Knoll, so the variety has been very meh (especially if we remember Lena who dropped only a few months before Natasha). The skills dropped have also been terrible IMO:
  • HP/Res on Natasha (lmao).
  • Spd Ploy on Knoll (anyone care about ploys still?).
  • Spd/Res Gap on Miranda (at least it's new).
  • Atk/Def Push on Lex (at least it's not grail locked anymore).
  • Distant Guard or Renewal on Linhardt, DG would be decent and Renewal would be awful.

Deleted member 46429

Self-requested ban
Aug 4, 2018
Banner looks fine, but Linhardt is ouch. If they had to make him a staff unit, at least make him armor because he's lethargic or something.

Anyway, banner is a safe pass, because lmao, no more orbs if nothing else. I'll spend my tickets on blue, and if I get Marianne, Tailtiu will be made into an arenabot.


Oct 25, 2017
Banner is an easy pass after spending tickets on blue orbs. Demote is laughable at this point and Dedue didn't even get a prf.


Oct 26, 2017
Question and not sure if it was already answered, my apologies if it has, if I have attack/Speed solo 3 as an A-Slot and if I have the same in the seal slot does my unit get +12 to both stats or only +6 assuming conditions are met?


Oct 27, 2017
Question and not sure if it was already answered, my apologies if it has, if I have attack/Speed solo 3 as an A-Slot and if I have the same in the seal slot does my unit get +12 to both stats or only +6 assuming conditions are met?

In-combat buffs like from Atk / Spd Solo stack. So you get +12.

You should turn on that buffs display, it shows the total amount of buffs (or debuffs) per stat in the combat screen, or in that combat forecast in the upper part of the screen.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest and say IS is starting to lose me with all the 3H and original characters. Like, I don't see which FE games can compete for popularity when almost every fan favorite has already been released. At some point, they're either reaching for the bottom of the barrel or go the alt route. It's a shame so many characters were released as a TT unit. They really could use some help to stay relevant.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
At some point we had alts as new heroes. Horse Chrom and flying Nino are 'new heroes', but are alts. I'm sure once a game has no popular enough unit left to add as a new hero, banners of that game will start getting alts to 'carry' the banner. If its something like 1 alt + 3 actually new heroes, I don't mind.

And I feel like for multiple games, that point is pretty close.

At the very least, for 3H if post time skip versions are not CYL only, they will all be alt new heroes.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
My fear is that IS will just ignore the rest of the students because of their bias against male units and just start making banners with the adult versions
like ashe, felix and sylvain will probably still make it but it is paifully obvious that one of lorenz, raphael, caspar and ignatz will get the boot, if not all 4

at least raphael has a really good alt but the other 3 are probably screwed forever


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My fear is that IS will just ignore the rest of the students because of their bias against male units and just start making banners with the adult versions
like ashe, felix and sylvain will probably still make it but it is paifully obvious that one of lorenz, raphael, caspar and ignatz will get the boot, if not all 4

at least raphael has a really good alt but the other 3 are probably screwed forever

Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I get the impression that all of the 3 Houses students will get in the game, in some form of another. Nintendo is still financially incentivized to keep pushing 3 Houses units, so even if Ignatz isn't gonna make them money (compared to Dorothea), having grail unit Ignatz is still good for brand recognition.

If not grail units, a lot of those characters look like 4* focuses.


Oct 25, 2017
If they feel a set of heroes isn't appealing enough they can shove a Mythic with them or something. I could see a 3H banner with the 2 girls left and 2 boys and then another banner with a Mythic and 3 dudes + the other dude added from quests like Knoll. Or a variation of this including timeskip alts, dunno.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
If they feel a set of heroes isn't appealing enough they can shove a Mythic with them or something. I could see a 3H banner with the 2 girls left and 2 boys and then another banner with a Mythic and 3 dudes + the other dude added from quests like Knoll. Or a variation of this including timeskip alts, dunno.
it would still mean one dude is missing

Deleted member 46429

Self-requested ban
Aug 4, 2018
Honestly, I feel by the time Book VI comes out, new heroes banners need to stop being by game. Tellius and Thracia still have tons of units they can add; Valentia and a lesser extent Magvel and Ylisse are at their saturation point, etc. Those early banners with "Sibling Bonds" and other such themes might be smarter, so you can slowly trickle out the Tellius units through not seasonals while also making sure any odd and ends unit from Magvel or Valentia make the cut.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Great banner. Glad Marianne and Ingrid are not only in, but dodged the demote bullet.

Honestly, I feel by the time Book VI comes out, new heroes banners need to stop being by game. Tellius and Thracia still have tons of units they can add; Valentia and a lesser extent Magvel and Ylisse are at their saturation point, etc. Those early banners with "Sibling Bonds" and other such themes might be smarter, so you can slowly trickle out the Tellius units through not seasonals while also making sure any odd and ends unit from Magvel or Valentia make the cut.
I agree completely. Not a fan at all of new hero banners being based on games.
Oct 27, 2017
DP, but I think it warrants its own post: Lyon's refine does NOT give follow ups on both phases; it is only Quick Riposte. It is a translation error. I wonder if they'll upgrade it to offer both-phase follow-ups? As long as it doesn't completely break the game, IS tends to resolve translation errors in that manner.


Oct 25, 2017
Those new paths are amazing, puts the old ones to shame. I'll have an awful time trying to prioritize them.
Oct 27, 2017
Solon's stat spread is as you'd expect, but his tome is kinda nuts for AR.
r/DreadzKaiser said:
Solon Prf

Banshee Θ

At the start of turns 3 and 4, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-6,【Gravity】,【Guard】, and status preventing counterattacks on closest foes within 5 spaces of unit through their next actions.

has ATK ploy at 4*, and sabotage RES

EDIT: Also, PM1 just put up his infographic for the refines:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
JFC those manual paths. You can get a dual rally+ for 400 codes with NY Anna. Tier 4 skills at the 800 codes tier, and amazing multi-fodder units at the highest tier, like MKris, Shinon, Midori...

All refines this time are good as well.


Oct 28, 2017
Grimoire gets an entirely upgraded effect and a super rein skill as a refine. It's actually a pretty great tome for a flying unit.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, those manual paths are amazing. My jaw kept dropping as I scrolled through.

Love seeing some of those Stance 3 and Tier 4 skills at only 800 codes. Like, Mirror Stance 3 for 800? Sturdy Impact + Guard Bearing for 1200? That is crazy good value. Honestly, some of the 400/800/1200 kits are so good already it might be worth not going for the 2000 units (depending on your fodder situation).