
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So Fjorm got, what, less than two weeks before they release a ranged unit that counters her?
Where were these instant counters when it came to Lyon or Ike?

Oh yeah, that's a really good point. I saw him tank a unit and forgot about the player phase part. He bypasses all of those defensive specials that are very popular these days (for infantry tanks too). The mechanic is way more useful on him than a melee unit like Lucia.

He might be a sneaky good nuke for awhile.

Reminding me how hard Solm's battle theme slaps

It's so good. Is it in Feh yet? If not, I hope they add it with this update.


Oct 26, 2017
Wondering how Hurricane Axe is going to work.

Hurricane Axe
Effective against flying foes. Calculate damage using foe's Res. Unit cannot make a follow-up attack. If unit initiates combat, foe can counterattack before unit's first attack, and also, foe is moved 1 space away after combat.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wondering how Hurricane Axe is going to work.

Hurricane Axe
Effective against flying foes. Calculate damage using foe's Res. Unit cannot make a follow-up attack. If unit initiates combat, foe can counterattack before unit's first attack, and also, foe is moved 1 space away after combat.
So far all engage GHBs had good prf weapons, so I think her weapon might be at least decent.

It does look like the silver greataxe though.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Just like her fellow Hounds, Marni has a prf and it looks quite strong. Effective against flying, unconditional adaptive damage and built-in Miracle, indeed as if she had Roy engaged like in the main game.

She also has the honor of being the first unit with 50 base defense (which she also has a superboon in).

She's definitely going to be a popular Arena project.

And if you don't care about her: she also comes with Atk Def Prime 3.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The mood whiplash of this chapter is hilarious.

*something incredibly dark happens*
"Look at me, I'm Fogado!!!"


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Læraðr is by far the best villain in FEH, and that is after we got the absolute worst with Gullveig
I really hope he doesnt get Fafnir'd, he really deserves a MHB


Jul 22, 2020
Bari, Italy
Læraðr is by far the best villain in FEH, and that is after we got the absolute worst with Gullveig
I really hope he doesnt get Fafnir'd, he really deserves a MHB

I don't know if I would say by far, but I agree that he is undeniably the best villain. Not only is he intimidating (a feat that is necessary for a good villain but that most other villains in this game also accomplish) he is also fascinating as a character and had the presence/screentime across the book to solidify our understanding of him over time.

The other villains come up short in one way or another. I find Freyja to be fascinating and she had ok screentime but she was never intimidating to me (one of the three villains with this problem, together with Muspell and Ganglot), Surtr had good screentime but was not fascinating at all, just a basic bit*h of an archetype, Gullveig COULD have been fascinating and with good screentime but the book is told SO badly and built on a foundation of cheap plot twists that we actually spend so little time with her and understanding her motivations. A waste.

And all the other villains are like that with the exception of my number two villain now: Eitri. She was intimidating and fascinating and her little screentime was somewhat remedied thanks to getting an entire Forging Bond (and I'm hoping beyong hope he gets some more screentime as Sindri). Plus you can't deny that it's interesting how she is a villain that "won".

But Læraðr is better in a vacuum AND his book is better written so there's no contest. I hope he is a sign of good things to come. We are getting closer and closer to meeting the main bad guy of the story in Asgard. It would be a shame if he ended up disappointing us now.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if I would say by far, but I agree that he is undeniably the best villain. Not only is he intimidating (a feat that is necessary for a good villain but that most other villains in this game also accomplish) he is also fascinating as a character and had the presence/screentime across the book to solidify our understanding of him over time.

The other villains come up short in one way or another. I find Freyja to be fascinating and she had ok screentime but she was never intimidating to me (one of the three villains with this problem, together with Muspell and Ganglot), Surtr had good screentime but was not fascinating at all, just a basic bit*h of an archetype, Gullveig COULD have been fascinating and with good screentime but the book is told SO badly and built on a foundation of cheap plot twists that we actually spend so little time with her and understanding her motivations. A waste.

And all the other villains are like that with the exception of my number two villain now: Eitri. She was intimidating and fascinating and her little screentime was somewhat remedied thanks to getting an entire Forging Bond (and I'm hoping beyong hope he gets some more screentime as Sindri). Plus you can't deny that it's interesting how she is a villain that "won".

But Læraðr is better in a vacuum AND his book is better written so there's no contest. I hope he is a sign of good things to come. We are getting closer and closer to meeting the main bad guy of the story in Asgard. It would be a shame if he ended up disappointing us now.
Eitri loses points for me because she upstaged Fafnir, so I am still mad about the end of the book. It would be better if Fafnir managed to free himself and still be the end villain there. Also how isnt Surtr not fascinating? He is easily the most entertaining villain, his only flaw is having no character beyond "I am Evil'

Læraðr feels like the first time they got a villain that you can praise with no buts attached. In fact if they don't make any dumb decisions until the book ends, he is probably up there with the best villains in the series


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Got two Timerra's, a Merrin and sparked Reginn. Also got Ascended Tiki, Brave Chrom and Fallen Ursula.

Overall a very lucky banner, though ironically I didn't pull a single 5* after the focus charge maxed out about midway through.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I got 2 Reginns, not sure who I will spark. I like the Solm characters but they don't like me, I guess. Leaning toward Timerra for fodder but Fogado seems like a fun unit.

If I do end up +10ing B!Alfonse, am thinking Reginn's C-skill would be better for him in Arena. Being able to Canto+Reposition someone would be amazing in that mode.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm actually surprised at how good Marni is for a f2p unit. She even has Roy's effect from the ring she usually have.

I wonder now if Griss will have Celica's warping built-in. That would be very strong on an unit who will likely be an infantry mage with a brave tome.

Mr. Virus

Oct 27, 2017
Despite knowing nothing about Engage characters beyond FEH because I haven't played it yet, the fact that the current lot seems to have signs of a character beyond "fawns over the toothpaste haired MC" was nice to see and might make me play the damned thing. Still paper thin, but in their own way at least.

Didn't get wolf girl, but grabbed the rest of the banner.


Oct 27, 2017
Got 2 Merrins and sparked Timerra. I decide on Timerra over Reginn because she's an attuned and has some nice fodder.

Marni looks nice but I don't have any armor fodder for her (saves or Fighter skills). I'll still be building Pannette once she enters the grail pool.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Shades of Mystic Boost Hel.

I forgot how many weapons don't actually have NFU in them. For awhile, they were just slapping it on every premium sword or lance.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Got another Merrin, -Atk this time after the first was -Spd. Oof...

So I just trait fruited my first copy into +Spd/-Res. Still nice to get a merge at least.

I forgot how many weapons don't actually have NFU in them. For awhile, they were just slapping it on every premium sword or lance.
This is me any time a cav drops and canto doesn't trigger after combat. At this point I have been conditioned into thinking it just comes with the movement class.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Shades of Mystic Boost Hel.

I forgot how many weapons don't actually have NFU in them. For awhile, they were just slapping it on every premium sword or lance.
Tbf if you are using Gust Feliz NFU seal is a must, there isnt any better seal for him
For AoE Felix tho it isnt really needed (and from my experience aoe felix absolutely melts Marni)


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This is me any time a cav drops and canto doesn't trigger after combat. At this point I have been conditioned into thinking it just comes with the movement class.

No Canto feels so bad on a cav unit these days, like when using old ones. Every time it happens, it feels like something broke in Feh. Seems like almost every cav refine gets it these days.

I bet we're getting an Attuned Canto X-skill someday. Seems like the kind of thing they would do.

Tbf if you are using Gust Feliz NFU seal is a must, there isnt any better seal for him
For AoE Felix tho it isnt really needed (and from my experience aoe felix absolutely melts Marni)

I totally forgot it wasn't on B!Felix and had been running Atk/Spd Solo or something on him, lol. If you're doing a Double Fury build for WoM, it's definitely a limitation but otherwise NFU does feel like his ideal seal.
Jan 2, 2018
No Canto feels so bad on a cav unit these days, like when using old ones. Every time it happens, it feels like something broke in Feh. Seems like almost every cav refine gets it these days.

I bet we're getting an Attuned Canto X-skill someday. Seems like the kind of thing they would do.
Jim Jimmy Jim Jim Jim… gonna guess ya didn't manage to get Micaiah. No melee canto though, that's gotta show up eventually, right?

Side bar, I'm making a mental list of Aided accessories I wanna see, and now I really want Guinevere to finally get (and keep) her pet fox


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Jim Jimmy Jim Jim Jim… gonna guess ya didn't manage to get Micaiah. No melee canto though, that's gotta show up eventually, right?

Side bar, I'm making a mental list of Aided accessories I wanna see, and now I really want Guinevere to finally get (and keep) her pet fox



...There are too many skills in this game.

(The sad thing is that I have A!Micaiah and use her in Aether Raids.) 😬