What should happen to Aerith in the FFVIIR saga?

  • She should die, it's her destiny

    Votes: 395 57.7%
  • She should live, fuck destiny

    Votes: 289 42.3%

  • Total voters
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Oct 27, 2017
FF XII fucked up its story and characters due to the botched development process and the need for a near-immediate DS sequel (it´s meh) to make that Ivalice an EU but the rest was lit AF. The actual game is a generation ahead of its time! I even did all the extras bosses in the remaster.
Don´t sleep on the HD version Era but do sleep on the cutscenes.
I'm about to just buy the Switch version of Zodiac Age if FF7 reviews worse than 85.
Oct 27, 2017
soo does any one know if they will do costume DLC ? It would be funny to play as Cloud in the dress he wears.. all game! Would be an awesome hard mode unlock!


Oct 25, 2017
I originally only saw the first portion of chapter 8 and my god its glorious. The
music(under the rotting) and the entire section with Aerith is amazing. So far she is perfect in the remake and by far the most interesting. Sassy and funny. The moments between her and Cloud are sooo good. Now if only we could get more videos past that part so we can see the wall market section


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
There it is:



Oct 27, 2017
I know some screenshots were posted a few pages back, but here is a link to the Chap 10-13 screenshots from u/final_fantagzy for anyone who is interested.

- Lil' Aerith!
- Poor Biggs and Jessie.
- Playable Aerith going back to 7th Heaven, and Aerith carrying Marlene. Oh my heart.
- Aerith telling Marlene that she's a friend of Tifa's. We stan the friendship between FFVII's leading ladies. (I know the scene with Aerith and Marlene wasn't in the original, but I can't remember if Marlene mentioned Aerith calling Tifa her friend otherwise. Happy either way.)
- I was a bit nervous with the demo that FFVIIR hadn't quite captured the verticality of Midgar in non-FMV moments, but that doesn't seem to be the case, thankfully. Impressive.
- I'm happy that Reno looks like he's back to being a complete asshole like in the original game, instead of... whatever Advent Children was.
- As others have mentioned, Cait Sith! I was wondering if he'd show up in Part 1.
- Barret comforting Tifa, and being Best Dad to Marlene. Love you, Barret!
- Ifalna in flashback, which just looks depressing. Poor Ifalna.
- Tifa with a cat is too cute, but... the cat's face...



...I think Sephiroth's possessed the cat. Or that's my expression waiting for FFVIIR to release. Bit of both.

I originally only saw the first portion of chapter 8 and my god its glorious. The
music(under the rotting) and the entire section with Aerith is amazing. So far she is perfect in the remake and by far the most interesting. Sassy and funny. The moments between her and Cloud are sooo good. Now if only we could get more videos past that part so we can see the wall market section

I haven't gotten to see much of Aerith outside of her meeting Cloud, so it's a relief to hear they've captured her character well. That was definitely one of my big concerns with the remake, as the FFVII Compilation/Kingdom Hearts games over the years hadn't quite captured Aerith's humor and spark from the original game. Welcome back, Aerith!


Mar 21, 2020
Saint Louis
I said FOR YEARS that I would love a Final Fantasy game that takes place entirely in Midgar, or a Midgar-like city. So I've been excited since day one about the prospect of this game being centered solely around Midgar and I can't believe they nailed it. At least, that's what it seems like from what I'm gleaning from spoilers + gameplay impressions. After the demo I find myself excited about jumping into the combat system more than anything else.

Deleted member 1726

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Oct 25, 2017
Has SE said anything about discussing the road map for the other games that will make up the complete game when this game is out?

I'm desperate to know that sort of info


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
It's weird after all the pushing for Midgar to be its own thing and more "fleshed out" only to see the topic shift to "we can rush through the rest of the game."

That being said, if we use a similar 18 chapter break up, I'd wager something along the lines of Part II being:

Chapter 1: Start with Flashback, wake up in Kalm and start the game proper
Chapter 2: Midgar Snake/Chocobo Ranch
Chapter 3: Mines
Chapter 4: Fort Condor(???) I doubt they'll make it optional still but the idea of them making a full RTS in this engine like the old one is...well I don't have high hopes
Chapter 5-8: Junon, big meaty Junon chapter. Judging by the way Midgar is broken up like the train graveyard and stuff we could look at 2 or 3 chapters just being Junon probably, because of Priscilla, Parade, and getting on the boat.
Chapter 9: Boat Ride
Chapter 10: Costa Del Sol and some fluff sidequesting
Chapter 11: Mt Corel
Chapter 12: Gold Saucer
Chapter 13: Prison/Dyne fight
Chapter 14: Gongaga? Maybe?
Chapter 15: Cosmo Canyon Red XIII stuffs
Chapter 16: Nibelheim
Chapter 17: Mount Nibel
Chapter 18: End with Rocket Town/Tiny Bronco access?

It'd be a bit samey blocking it off at new access but I don't see them going beyond that if they keep at the pace they're going, and that's ignoring all of the new additions to the plot that have to be tied up in the story, so this is a generous estimate. It's going to probably be at least 4 parts yeah.

Here are my wild musings on the rest, running off of the 18-chapter model. To be clear, I don't think there's any reason to assume 18 chapters per title. But it's a fun limitation package for contemplating what comes next.

Part 2

Chapter 1: Flashbacks
Chapter 2: Kalm; brief hub with some side quests
Chapter 3: Chocobo Ranch; Cloud hallucinates in front of a chocobo because why not
Chapter 4: Midgar Zolom; expanded considerably; some will say it ruins the vibe
Chapter 5: Mythril Cave
Chapter 6: A dirt road through the land; Yuffie joins here; Fort Condor is currently "closed," upsetting some fans
Chapter 7: Beginning of Junon; side quests available in the lower part of the city
Chapter 8: Cloud disguised for Rufus' Parade; a handful of unexpected side quests alongside his squadron
Chapter 9: Mr. Dolphin gig is somehow expanded into a fully-featured zone; a bigger ordeal is made of the rest of the party slipping onto the Cargo Ship
Chapter 10: Cargo Ship; expect way more Sephiroth stuff here than before
Chapter 11: Costa del Sol; small place with a few side quests
Chapter 12: Mount Corel is a surprisingly swift screen's worth of content; North Corel, another small hub with a few side quests connected to the short mountain
Chapter 13: Gold Saucer
Chapter 14: The Barret and Dyne fare down at Corel Prison
Chapter 16: Adventuring with the Buggy through a relatively linear desert-meets-forest-meets-canyon area; passing through Gongaga's ruins (more accentuated in Remake) is mandatory; cutscenes at Gongaga; Sephiroth appears
Chapter 17: First part of Cosmo Canyon, which sticks fairly closely to the original game
Chapter 18: Crazy new shenanigans continuing Cosmo Canyon and serving as an endgame; Whispers and JENOVA and who knows what else, threatening this nice town filled with nice people in order to "get to Bugenhagen," whose importance as a "beacon of hope" is heightened

Part 3

Chapter 1: The path to Nibelheim; tons of apprehension from TIfa sets the tone
Chapter 2: Nibelheim; unsurprisingly expanded-upon and with a boss fight thrown into the mix because hey, boss fight
Chapter 3: Shinra Mansion; Vincent joins; mandatory
Chapter 4: Mount Nibel; beat-for-beat similar gameplay-wise but with cutscenes as the party passes the Mako Reactor (which happens this time)
Chapter 5: Rocket Town; first hub area; meeting Cid
Chapter 6: Stealing the Bronco is now more detailed as an operation and involves briefly playing as each party member as they barter or bust heads for various parts
Chapter 7: Limited control of the Tiny Bronco, but control nonetheless; the craft must be taken to Wutai
Chapter 8: Wutai; there is no stretch of Western Continent to cross because the Bronco reaches the city's shoreline before Yuffie pilfers the party's materia
Chapter 9: Participating in Wutai's pagoda challenge after the original narrative content is completed; Shinra has temporarily overtaken the city and climbing the pagoda in order to thwart Heidegger is somehow necessary
Chapter 10: Gold Saucer; players are whisked here from Wutai without input, which frustrates some
Chapter 11: Temple of the Ancients; expanded upon and with several new, "destiny and fate-y" cutscenes
Chapter 12: Gongaga, Bone Village, and the Sleeping Forest, all quick gigs; as a pleasant surprise, the Bronco is available again at this juncture
Chapter 13: City of the Ancients; seemingly climactic battle with "Sephiroth" afterward which upsets some fans
Chapter 14: Icicle Inn; somber atmosphere is enhanced with additional cutscenes; small hub with a few side quests
Chapter 15: Great Glacier; snowboarding is included as a mechanic which needs to be tapped into a handful of times in certain areas
Chapter 16: Ascending the mountains; a new clash with Shinra occurs here
Chapter 17: Whirlwind Maze; revelations abound
Chapter 18: Finale of the Crater fare; final boss is, in fact, a newly-introduced WEAPON, because go big or go home, Kitase dictates

Part 4

Chapter 1: The game starts as Barret and TIfa are slated for execution; breaking out is now a larger ordeal
Chapter 2: Breakout's aftermath; play as Tifa aboard the Highwind; big, scary setpiece encounter with a WEAPON
Chapter 3: Mideel; small hub with side quests; Tifa stays behind
Chapter 4: North Corel's Huge Materia; substantially expanded train mission featuring NPCs from Part 2 relevant to Barret's revised story
Chapter 5: Fort Condor's Huge Materia; the RTS gig is replaced with something more action-oriented, though easter eggs abound
Chapter 6: Cloud's psyche explored; filled with interactive bits and far more depth than the original; heightened melodrama
Chapter 7: Confrontation with Sephiroth's robed followers in Mideel once Cloud awakens; Mideel is further damaged by their attack
Chapter 8: Cloud on the Highwind; multiple side quests must be completed in any order; game opens up to include the much-anticipated chocobo racing/breeding and expanded Gold Saucer
Chapter 9: Underwater Reactor's Huge Materia; includes a scripted encounter with Emerald WEAPON
Chapter 10: Gelnika; submarine control is provided in a truncated depiction of the sea; mandatory content, which includes a rematch (and victory) against Emerald WEAPON
Chapter 11: Rocket Town's Huge Materia; plays out fairly similarly to the original
Chapter 12: Diamond WEAPON and Ruby WEAPON rampage; both must be battled; party defeats RUBY, Sister Ray destroys Diamond
Chapter 13: Return to Midgar commences; full-scale reimagining of the mission courtesy of many additional assets and locales from Part 1
Chapter 14: Return to Midgar climaxes; fight with Hojo and fall of Shinra, though it's heavily hinted that Rufus has survived, which upsets some fans
Chapter 15: Given Part 4's structure, this is when the vast majority of optional content opens up; trips to Gold Saucer and several towns will reap newfound rewards; several "postgame-esque" optional bosses; plot advancement largely consists of simply viewing multiple series of lengthy cutscenes
Chapter 16: Assault on the Northern Crater, which is, naturally, considerably more fleshed out
Chapter 17: In the original game, this is where the last bosses are encountered and the ending begins; in Remake, only BIzarro Sephiroth is defeated here
Chapter 18: Sephiroth has escaped into the sky to finish Meteor's descent himself, because go big or go home, Kitase dictates; Safer Sephiroth is fought atop Meteor, because see the previous explanation; one-on-one Cloud versus Sephiroth duel occurs as Meteor descends, because see the previous explanation; game has a more definitive ending than the original though hints exist of more to come


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Has SE said anything about discussing the road map for the other games that will make up the complete game when this game is out?

I'm desperate to know that sort of info
No and it's probably the biggest factor why I'm holding off, I definitely don't want to wait years in between games. Also want to wait for more concrete plans on how PS4 games will work with the PS5 and if data can transfer between the games.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
At first I wasn't wild about FFVII:R becoming episodic. With how Midgar has shaped up, I can look forward to what the next part will bring.
Sep 14, 2018
I wish SE had never uttered the word "episodic" and just used the term "parts". Would have saved a looot of people's time lol.
Sep 14, 2018

Pastel Melon

Jan 2, 2020
Finished the game now, took me 37 hours and 37 minutes. If you consider enemy skill and ever assess data as 100% I def DON'T have 100% and since the game is new, I really don't know if I've overlooked someting. I seem to have every weapon (believing the artbook) and no track number is missing...

I've a question for everybody else that played though it: Does Corne ALWAYS pick Cloud?

Besides that: Sorry, I am sleep deprived, I've literally only slept 2 - 3 hours since the game came in almsot 40 hours ago... it's about Hojo: when he talks about Plamer seeing Sephiroth he says something that it will be interesting to see "their" offspring... does he mean Jenova with "their"? But Seph isn't really Jenovas child (well, maybe you could say he is?) but other than than: Did he never see him even tho he was SOLDIER??!?!
Oct 25, 2017
Just wondering if there's meant to be a patch for the game at all, for those that have a physical copy?

Is there going to be a day one patch, if anyone knows?


Sep 10, 2019
Finished the game now, took me 37 hours and 37 minutes. If you consider enemy skill and ever assess data as 100% I def DON'T have 100% and since the game is new, I really don't know if I've overlooked someting. I seem to have every weapon (believing the artbook) and no track number is missing...

I've a question for everybody else that played though it: Does Corne ALWAYS pick Cloud?

Besides that: Sorry, I am sleep deprived, I've literally only slept 2 - 3 hours since the game came in almsot 40 hours ago... it's about Hojo: when he talks about Plamer seeing Sephiroth he says something that it will be interesting to see "their" offspring... does he mean Jenova with "their"? But Seph isn't really Jenovas child (well, maybe you could say he is?) but other than than: Did he never see him even tho he was SOLDIER??!?!
Take it easy Pastel Melon.

My guess is that Hojo isn't being literal; that he's talking about the clones and what they'll do as Jenova (as Sephiroth's avatar) moves away from Midgar.

Once you've had some rest, I'd be interested to learn about if there's any endgame material or new game+ and what they include.
Last edited:

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
How are the Turks being treated? Considering they go from monsters to the games comic relief who team up with the heroes at times, I've been wondering how the remake series is going to handle there character.

Deleted member 9584

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I know this question is a broken record, but I also don't want to search through the thread and get massive story spoilers. I know the last confirmation was 25+ hours, but any confirmation on how long it took to beat?

Pastel Melon

Jan 2, 2020
We're you taking your time to take in the landscape and do side quests and stuff? Like, 37 hours as a "normal" play through?

I did everything I found. Since there isn't any guide (yet), I really don't know if there is a lot of things I missed but I did my very best to find everything – maybe 30 minutes is idle time (cooking) the rest is really me playing.

BUT there is post-game content as it seems – haven't checked it out yet but it said so in the explanation I got after finishing.

Deleted member 9584

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I did everything I found. Since there isn't any guide (yet), I really don't know if there is a lot of things I missed but I did my very best to find everything – maybe 30 minutes is idle time (cooking) the rest is really me playing.

BUT there is post-game content as it seems – haven't checked it out yet but it said so in the explanation I got after finishing.
Thank you for the info. Eagerly awaiting for when they decide to ship copies in the U.S.


Oct 25, 2017
watching more of chapter 8 and wall market stuff and they are nailing Cloud and Aerith.
They are being built up romantically and have some of the best interactions/moments. Wall Market is beautiful. Cloud already getting dem feels for Aerith.

Cloud having an orgasm was..special. I still cant believe this is real lmao
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