
Oct 25, 2017
I admire your passion for this, I really do. I would also like the Pixel Remasters to attempt to individualize the later FFs a little more. However, I'm looking at some of these and noticing the amount of flashing lights they emit and thinking maybe they might not pass muster these days due to epilepsy concerns. Expect some of these to get toned down if not completely altered. You can already see it with FFIV's final battle in both portable examples. The fact that you felt the need to warn us abou FFIV and V says everything.
Oh yeah, for sure! I definitely don't mind if they did tone down or even gotten rid of the flashy effects (I'm actually really curious about how they'll do FFV's final boss background because it can be pretty bad). I just wanted to share them, especially if they did end up just being all the same. I'm really hoping that 4 - 5 will have more faithful animations for the final bosses, even if they are toned down. They already are able to incorporate some sort of dissolve effect for these sprites; they just need to make them have more "oomph" and purpose, hah.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but Chaos is just impossible with my current group right now. I am using a Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard and Black Wizard and they are all level 55. All of the bosses have been ridiculously easy until this point, and now it's like the difficulty spiked by a severe amount.

After dying repeatedly, I looked up a guide and it basically said "LOL at level 45 this is cake as long as you heal".

I cannot keep up with every party member taking 150 - 250 damage at the same time every single turn, and that's before he casts Haste and hits for 400+ single target. I do not have a group heal, and no amount of buffs seems to reduce the damage enough to catch up. Even though I have single target healing that can heal more than a Hi-Potion, it's always just a quick war of attrition that I lose after even a few turns.

Should I just fucking start over and go with the boring, vanilla Knight/Knight or Master (since the Thief is a trashy version of the Warrior anyway until Ninja, and even then still not as good) White Wizard/Black Wizard just for this fight?

Even grinding levels doesn't seem like it would do much since I cannot outheal the damage that's done per round.
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but Chaos is just impossible with my current group right now. I am using a Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard and Black Wizard and they are all level 55. All of the bosses have been ridiculously easy until this point, and now it's like the difficulty spiked by a severe amount.

After dying repeatedly, I looked up a guide and it basically said "LOL at level 45 this is cake as long as you heal".

I cannot keep up with every party member taking 150 - 250 damage at the same time every single turn, and that's before he casts Haste and hits for 400+ single target. I do not have a group heal, and no amount of buffs seems to reduce the damage enough to catch up. Even though I have single target healing that can heal more than a Hi-Potion, it's always just a quick war of attrition that I lose after even a few turns.

Should I just fucking start over and go with the boring, vanilla Knight/Knight or Master (since the Thief is a trashy version of the Warrior anyway until Ninja, and even then still not as good) White Wizard/Black Wizard just for this fight?

Even grinding levels doesn't seem like it would do much since I cannot outheal the damage that's done per round.
I had the exact same party, think I did it at level 60 though. Make sure everyone's got Protect Rings and Ribbon up the Knight & Mages (I only ever found 3 in the game, even after opening up all chests). You should also have the Excalibur or Muramasa on the Knight.

Focus immediately on getting Protectera and Invisira up on your party, then make sure to spam the Healing Helm or Gauntlets each turn with the Red Wizard; it's not the best group heal but it's better than nothing. If someone gets in the red, then get them to cast Curaga on them.

Get your Knight to use the Giant's Glove, then get them Hasted, and have your Black Mage spam Temper on them for several turns, or use an extra Healing Helm/Gauntlet when things get dicey. If your Ninja is able to be Hasted & Tempered as well to be able to sneak in the occasional hit, then that can help for sure but their priority should be to help heal as well after helping with buffs.

It's definitely a huge bump in difficulty compared to everything else. If you're still having trouble then a bit of grinding wouldn't hurt, it's not too bad to do on the final floor. But even with everyone at 999 HP, it can still be a struggle without mass healing.


Oct 27, 2017
I had the exact same party, think I did it at level 60 though. Make sure everyone's got Protect Rings and Ribbon up the Knight & Mages (I only ever found 3 in the game, even after opening up all chests). You should also have the Excalibur or Muramasa on the Knight.

Focus immediately on getting Protectera and Invisira up on your party, then make sure to spam the Healing Helm or Gauntlets each turn with the Red Wizard; it's not the best group heal but it's better than nothing. If someone gets in the red, then get them to cast Curaga on them.

Get your Knight to use the Giant's Glove, then get them Hasted, and have your Black Mage spam Temper on them for several turns, or use an extra Healing Helm/Gauntlet when things get dicey. If your Ninja is able to be Hasted & Tempered as well to be able to sneak in the occasional hit, then that can help for sure but their priority should be to help heal as well after helping with buffs.

It's definitely a huge bump in difficulty compared to everything else. If you're still having trouble then a bit of grinding wouldn't hurt, it's not too bad to do on the final floor. But even with everyone at 999 HP, it can still be a struggle without mass healing.

Yep, this is pretty much what I've already been doing. Things go "OK" until he casts Haste and hits someone for over half of their life, or even full life, then I have to try to raise them, use X-Potion (only have three of these), rebuff, but at that point since he's hasted, it's just down to RNG and whether or not he's going to cast his weaker damaging AoE abilities, or a stronger one, and if he does it before I can heal the person I just revived. I managed to survive like twenty something turns without anyone dying, and he already cast Curaja on himelf, but that was before he bothered with Haste. After that, it's just a steady decline every single time.


Nov 18, 2018
Yep, this is pretty much what I've already been doing. Things go "OK" until he casts Haste and hits someone for over half of their life, or even full life, then I have to try to raise them, use X-Potion (only have three of these), rebuff, but at that point since he's hasted, it's just down to RNG and whether or not he's going to cast his weaker damaging AoE abilities, or a stronger one, and if he does it before I can heal the person I just revived. I managed to survive like twenty something turns without anyone dying, and he already cast Curaja on himelf, but that was before he bothered with Haste. After that, it's just a steady decline every single time.
Protera and Invisra stack with themselves. Cast Protera a bunch with your Red Wizard and/or have someone wave the White Robe around until his melee attacks aren't an issue.


Jun 14, 2021
It's not something which will hugely bother me, but I do kind of agree. As amazing as these remasters are…they use the same UI, the same spell effects, many of the same animations. And whilst it's not a problem, it does diminish their individuality, which is part of what makes FF games so special.

If they'd tackled these one at a time, it would have taken ages to get these remasters done. Just look at the Saga re releases. So I'm happy with the minor compromises that have been made to get these 6 high quality remasters out so quickly. But there's still a part of me that's disappointed they share these things.

agree as well. i do like that they took a more uniform approach to sprite design (which in a way mirrors the way it evolved in the originals, compared to how it was handled in previous remakes) but do wish they added individuality to each game, even if it were options. Menu colors for example - if they wanted to be faithful to FF1 and 2, the "classic" UI in battles could be black.

im willing to forgive no variations to spell animations from 1-3 because there barely were any animations in the original to replicate, but i'm pretty sure from 4 onwards, each game had distinct look/feels to them (FF6 blizzard's line comes to mind) and would want them to replicate that


Oct 27, 2017
So I beat Chaos on my first attempt after complaining about it, and I honestly don't really know what to take away from the win other than it seemed to be solely an RNG win. For the first eight turns I focused on casting Protera and Invisra while using 2x Healing Helms as well as getting NullShock/Blaze/Frost up for those that were not wearing ribbons.

I have no idea if that even made any difference at all because he seemed to still do the same physically, and just about none of his attacks were evaded, but most of his spells were only hitting for 120 at most, typically less aside from Flare. I don't know if that spell is just considered non-elemental, or if it just ignores resists, but it was hitting everyone for 300+ each time. He did not cast Haste and he did not cast Curaja. So I really don't know how it would have played out had he used Haste, because it seems like the fight would have just ended up like every previous attempt where it's going well enough until that point.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Well, I finally beat Final Fantasy 1. Final boss was not hard at all, as expected. I was about level 45 across the board, too. I must have gotten lucky because the most devastating attack was the tidal wave attack which he did about twice.
I liked that you refight the bosses in the final level as well. It was a nice way to flex on them with all this power.

Overall though, this story is practically non-existent. It already makes little sense, and the game just blinking to the epilogue after beating the final boss leaves much to be desired. But besides that, it is a solid, classic RPG. I liked it. No party changing at all, which is definitely not a FF staple. But I liked it. This marks the first NES-era Final Fantasy I've completed and the first with a sort of class system I've completed.

But not done yet. It turns out I missed that rare titan encounter in the final level. I also missed a few chests in there as well (that mage shield, most importantly). And I still need to find that other rare boss in the wind fiend level.

I'm looking at the achievements and there's something about a hidden game? I guess I missed something else as well.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
This version of FFIII is tougher than I expected. Especially near the end, enemies hit very hard. I could be underleveled too.


Nov 18, 2018
So I beat Chaos on my first attempt after complaining about it, and I honestly don't really know what to take away from the win other than it seemed to be solely an RNG win. For the first eight turns I focused on casting Protera and Invisra while using 2x Healing Helms as well as getting NullShock/Blaze/Frost up for those that were not wearing ribbons.

I have no idea if that even made any difference at all because he seemed to still do the same physically, and just about none of his attacks were evaded, but most of his spells were only hitting for 120 at most, typically less aside from Flare. I don't know if that spell is just considered non-elemental, or if it just ignores resists, but it was hitting everyone for 300+ each time. He did not cast Haste and he did not cast Curaja. So I really don't know how it would have played out had he used Haste, because it seems like the fight would have just ended up like every previous attempt where it's going well enough until that point.
Flare is non-elemental, yeah.

This specific version of the game screwed with the AI pretty massively, so you can get really unlucky with Chaos in ways that wouldn't happen before. Quoting a previous post I made about it:
Something I noticed with Chaos (And some other bosses in FFI) is that they actually changed the way enemy AI works in this version.

Normally Chaos would have a 25% chance to attack, 50% chance to cast a spell, and 25% chance to use an ability. That might still be the case, but what's different is that the spell and ability order used to be fixed. If he casts a spell, he would always cast Blizzaga first, then Slowra, etc etc, eventually ending with Flare and starting over again with Blizzaga. Abilities were the same, starting with Blaze and ending with Earthquake. This spreads out his healing and biggest damage spells over his turns to be more manageable, but now he can just cast Flare or Curaja multiple turns in a row if you're unlucky and you're just kind of screwed. OTOH, you can also run into situations like I did in the first Lich fight where he just literally does not attack or cast a damaging spell before he dies (He's supposed to cast Blizzara as his first spell).

I couldn't remember if this was a change made in DoS or not, so I looked up some videos of the fight and he definitely had his normal AI there. Not really sure why they changed it here, but a lot of other bosses in later games have AI scripts built around doing certain attacks in a certain order, so I hope this isn't a preview of things to come.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
A week till the supposed FFIV release. I don't really believe it'll come out on the 19th but if it does we could start hearing about it today.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This version of FFIII is tougher than I expected. Especially near the end, enemies hit very hard. I could be underleveled too.

It doesn't help that there's a drought of equipment near the end and you're more or less forced to use dark night for physical and whatever you can for magical. But well, the autosave and quick save make it very easy to grind a bit at the beginning of the last dungeon (there's even a magic fountain to recover life and stuff). Once you grind a bit and unlock the last jobs it's a breeze


May 2, 2018
Madrid, Spain
Ok so these have cut some content from the GBA/iOS versions, right? I want to buy them, but if they are not complete, I don't believe I will. Also, do the remasters have cheats?


Oct 27, 2017
Ok so these have cut some content from the GBA/iOS versions, right? I want to buy them, but if they are not complete, I don't believe I will. Also, do the remasters have cheats?
Yep content was cut. Though out of curiosity I revisited FF1 on GBA last night, and I had forgotten how they looked. These remasters really are how I remember the games in my mind visually. The visual and audio upgrade in these are great. Also the game on GBA feels so slow now, can't even imagine how FF3 will compare to the sloooow DS release.

I've only played FF1 extensively so far and I don't think the games really need cheats. 1 at least is fairly simple and the speedup and auto battles all ready help.
I don't think cheats like unlimited money etc would make it any better.

Also as someone who really wanted this on console I feel like the steam release have been so good. Being able to change and fix minor things that Square probably won't has made this release so much better for me. Combined with steam link it's great.

Jota typeZERO

Nov 3, 2017
Finished FF II last night, with exactly 19 in-game hours counted. Yeah, it was quite a chore, as everyone knows. So much I could say but it is already said, at least I got all the achievements. 6/10, would never touch it again.

A few hours before finishing II, I bought FF III. Oh boy, here comes the good shit. I began with a fairly standard team (Warrior/WHM/BLM/Monk), so I will see if I need some change. Some tips would be appreciated, of course.

Another thing: with Special K, ReShade and a few CRT shaders (Frutbunn + Geom) the Pixel Remasters look amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh....somehow missed 8 chests in FF1. Don't think I'm gonna go for full completion now...gonna take forever to find those.


Oct 25, 2017
50 - Ankheg - Crescent Lake region & Mount Gulg B2
51 - Piranha - Rivers

FYI, you can check your bestiary and it will show you where enemies appear around the world, including those you have yet to encounter
Oh didn't notice that either. Nice!

Doing the Warmech grind right now. 30 mins and nothing yet. :(

1 hour in, starting to think Warmech doesn't exist.
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Oct 25, 2017
Finally. 75 minutes for Warmech. After going from level 48 to 56 I just started running from all the fights. Must have done around 300 fights.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm an hour into FF1 and my Black Mage keeps dying. So I have to do random encounters to earn Gil so I can buy a Phoenix Down so I can get back my guy. I feel like I'm doing this wrong. My monk is also weak without a nunchaku. So are my mages who can't do much physical attacks.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm an hour into FF1 and my Black Mage keeps dying. So I have to do random encounters to earn Gil so I can buy a Phoenix Down so I can get back my guy. I feel like I'm doing this wrong. My monk is also weak without a nunchaku.

There's a building in town that revives characters.

Monks eventually don't need weapons . It takes a few levels, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I should have hacked the battle speed sooner. x3 auto-battle speed is making FF2 very tolerable.


Oct 25, 2017
Are there any major missables or points of no return I should be aware of for FF2 for achievements sake? i.e. treasure chests, bestiary entries.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I'm a bit livid with myself for purchasing all three of these on Steam when I know full well I'll buy them again on Switch eventually. I haven't sat in front of my laptop to play a video game in literally years, and for whatever stupid reason I'm still not a fan of doing so, but I'm having a blast so whatever.

These Steam points seem totally useless, btw? Like, unless I care about my user profile?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Are there any major missables or points of no return I should be aware of for FF2 for achievements sake? i.e. treasure chests, bestiary entries.
Check out this site, it is a guide for the game but they have permanently missable content listed.

Final Fantasy II Walkthrough: Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, step-by-step guide | RPG Site

Here is our quick step-by-step walkthrough of Final Fantasy 2, noting missable chests and bestiary entries for those hoping to 100% the game.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Are there any major missables or points of no return I should be aware of for FF2 for achievements sake? i.e. treasure chests, bestiary entries.
At a certain point in the game the overworld will change the enemies, it happens after you obtain the "ultimate magic" from a tower. There's also a few one time dungeons Dreadnought, Cyclone, Castle Palamecia
Oct 25, 2017
Are there any major missables or points of no return I should be aware of for FF2 for achievements sake? i.e. treasure chests, bestiary entries.

The overworld enemies upgrade after getting the Ultima Tome. Some can't be found elsewhere.
A few dungeons like the Dreadnaught can't be returned to for chests and enemies.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a bit livid with myself for purchasing all three of these on Steam when I know full well I'll buy them again on Switch eventually. I haven't sat in front of my laptop to play a video game in literally years, and for whatever stupid reason I'm still not a fan of doing so, but I'm having a blast so whatever.

These Steam points seem totally useless, btw? Like, unless I care about my user profile?
I was the same as you. After ignoring it for ever I decided to give steam link a try, works really well with these games.
Even with touch controls it isn't too bad. If you have a phone or ipad and a reasonable connection it let's you do all the mods but gives you some portability.

Lord Arcadio

Oct 27, 2017
FF4 on 8/19 isn't happening, is it?

I probably won't be finished with FF3 by then anyway. I'm actually still on FF2.
Oct 25, 2017
I was the same as you. After ignoring it for ever I decided to give steam link a try, works really well with these games.
Even with touch controls it isn't too bad. If you have a phone or ipad and a reasonable connection it let's you do all the mods but gives you some portability.

Steam link to iPad using a Bluetooth Xbox controller that is connected to my desktop in the other room has worked out surprisingly well!