Do you like Revenge of the Sith?

  • Yes. It made a fine addition to my collection

    Votes: 197 52.4%
  • No. It's treason then

    Votes: 102 27.1%
  • What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?

    Votes: 77 20.5%

  • Total voters

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
I see this gif always being shared as a sample of horrible fight choreography, but I don't get it.

This bit here was intentional. It was portrayed as this brief respite in their neverending super intense battle. It read to me like they were each looking for a weak point and planning their next move as they twirled their sabers. The very next moment of this gif, their sabers lock into eachother at the centerpoint between them.
This might work in a cheerleader show, but in a battle to the death it doesn't make any sense, even from a fantasy point of view. Zero. Nada. What they're doing there is hilariously stupid, and the only outcome would be the first one starting this idiocy is dead on the spot by giving such an opening.


Oct 27, 2017
Not to mention the fact that they completely cut out the scenes in the movie of her planting the first seeds of the Rebellion.

How and why they cut that plot line out is beyond me...

Because they completely ran out of time.

Episode I has no relevance to any of this trilogy. It mainly establishes characters who'd take no further part; child Anakin, his mother, Qui-Gonn, Maul and the Gungans.

Episode II sort of starts to introduce some semblance of a plot for our central characters to get involved in, but it's too big and baggy and doesn't cover anywhere near enough ground, choosing instead to go for big FX sequences.

So we get to Episode III and having not developed any characters nor established their motivations we've now got just over two hours left to try to tell almost three movies' worth of story. Cue clunky exposition and things happening inorganically because there's no time left to let them breathe. Palps just admitting he's a Sith for no reason, Palps just melting his own face for no reason, Anakin deciding the Jedi are evil for no reason, Anakin strangling his wife for no reason, Obi Wan not finishing Anakin off for no reason, Vader realising he's been tricked but just meekly going along with everything for no reason.

They barely spend any time planting the first seeds of the Empire, so Padme's rebellion subplot was always going to get cut.


Oct 25, 2017
It's objectively bad. So surreal seeing people enjoy any prequel movie.

I sincerely believe prequel love came about the same way as Donald Trump. People laughed at something stupid long enough until they went too far down the rabbit hole and started to take it seriously.


Oct 26, 2017
I see this gif always being shared as a sample of horrible fight choreography, but I don't get it.

This bit here was intentional. It was portrayed as this brief respite in their neverending super intense battle. It read to me like they were each looking for a weak point and planning their next move as they twirled their sabers. The very next moment of this gif, their sabers lock into eachother at the centerpoint between them.

It's the dumbest scene and that's the dumbest explanation I've ever heard for that scene. "Shall we take a break, nah lets waste our energy spinning our swords in a really stupid awkward way leaving ourselves wide open for attack". Anakin instead decides not to and cuts Obi Wan in half while he has his sword behind his back.


Oct 27, 2017
On a rewatch about a year ago, I found that I thought this was easily the WORST Star Wars. Most of the problems I associate with the prequels are in this movie. It is absolutely packed with terrible acting, even from usually good actors. Non-stop CGI sets and body doubles (holy fuck CGI Count Dooku at the beginning). Terrible fight choreography. Terrible camera work. Terrible everything. I found Episode 1 and 2 boring, but this one I just found to be such trash.


Oct 25, 2017
The prequels were worth it for the memes.

Remains to be seen what the ST legacy will be.


Oct 30, 2017
It was a bad film with only one scene where I actually felt like the characters were real, the one where Padme and Anakin stare across Coruscant as he contemplates whether he should save Palpatine. No surprise that it's the only scene where we are spared the agony of George's dialogue.

Fair play to John Williams for doing everything in his power to save the movie, he turned in a great score that didn't deserve to be chained to such a bad story.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The prequels were worth it for the memes.



Oct 26, 2017
Shit movie saved by the memes. Oh boy how they dropped the ball hard story-wise, nothing these characters does makes any sense at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I know it's personal opinions and all. But, I just don't get how people can enjoy a movie with suuuuuuch bad acting. There is probably no movie I understand the love for less.


Oct 25, 2017
I have massive massive massive issues with how the new trilogy was handled. Rise was a fucking mess.

But I can't believe someone can rewatch the prequels and then rewatch the new trilogy and tell me with a straight face the prequels are better. Because I definitely held them up to a higher standard. But when Disney + came out I did a rewatch and Y I K ES


Oct 29, 2017
So so so bad as a movie and a star wars movie.

Left the theater when Anakin decided to fritzl-britz Samuel Jackson (don't remember his characters name) and never bothered to watch the movie again.

It's just so bad...


Lead Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
At Gencon (huge tabletop gaming convention in Indianapolis) a few years ago, me and a friend went into a local bar/eatery that themes themselves for the duration of the con, and is always showing geek-oriented movies on their screens instead of sports during it, too. We got there and RotS was on, and based on where we THOUGHT it was, we were like, "Oh, this is almost over, we'll eat our food and stay until it ends before going back into the convention." and omg were we wrong. This movie never ends. It just keeps going.


Oct 27, 2017
Clone Wars single handedly has made ROTS a better film. The friendship you don't see much in the prequels between Obi and Anakin? I saw in Clone Wars, so I buy it in the movie. Anakin becoming disillusioned with the Jedi? His Padawan left the Order, I kinda get it. Order 66 and these clones killing their Jedi generals that we've seen be friends to them? Tragic now. Palpatine was always great, the action was usually pretty good.

Like, I don't think ROTS is a good movie. But hand in hand with supplemental material, it's pretty fine. Hell, the last four CW episodes tying into the events made ROTS even slightly better.
For me Clone Wars elevates the story ROTS was trying to tell, but not the movie itself. Clone Wars is so much better that I have trouble reconciling it with ROTS. The Anakins may as well be different people.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
So many babies already in here crying about the movie being bad. Maybe you're just bad. Did you ever think about that.



Oct 26, 2017
It's hard to ignore everything this movie could have been and isn't, but in spite of that it's still an entertaining movie with some great scenery.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
It's still so funny to me how people think this is a better movie than Attack of the Clones. On top of the crap dialogue that's pervasive throughout the entire PT, everything in this movie is so forced.

madame x

May 15, 2020
its the best of the prequels frankly only because emperor palpatine hams it up the entire time. most of the movie is just as nonsensical as the first two, but it is the one that i can say is at least consistently entertaining throughout.


Nov 8, 2017
It's a fun mess. The actual writing is garbage but a good deal of the action holds up. Of the prequels this movie is also the only one that feels like it ties into the OT in a way that means anything.

It doesn't deserved to be memed as much as it has though. Shrek should be the most memed movie of the last 20 years.


Oct 27, 2017
Still dislike the prequels. The only people I've met who enjoyed them are people who just like the action, are invested in the human philosophical struggle opera between good and evil.

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
It's a decent movie, even rewatching it now. Yeah, there's tons of cheesy parts but they're fun and not the abortion that Rise is.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Like the The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, it's dog shit. Unlike The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, it's watchable dog shit even when you're not three sheets to the wind or in the mood to dunk on low hanging fruit. It did give us Order 66 which is great. It also has the best meme material of the trilogy.

Basically, it's the best of the prequel trilogy by default but that's a title that means very little.


Apr 5, 2018
This might work in a cheerleader show, but in a battle to the death it doesn't make any sense, even from a fantasy point of view. Zero. Nada. What they're doing there is hilariously stupid, and the only outcome would be the first one starting this idiocy is dead on the spot by giving such an opening.
It's the dumbest scene and that's the dumbest explanation I've ever heard for that scene. "Shall we take a break, nah lets waste our energy spinning our swords in a really stupid awkward way leaving ourselves wide open for attack". Anakin instead decides not to and cuts Obi Wan in half while he has his sword behind his back.
Just because it looks like there is an "Opening" doesn't necessarily mean that there really is one.
Just going for any supposed Opportunity is not something you should do when your life is on the line.
You need a safe Opportunity to strike, so does your opponent, which means that there will be a little dancing around each other for a while.
You get an impression of what your opponent is capable of, what he can react to and how fast, and eventually you will have built up the confidence that you can place a final blow to which your opponent definetely won't be able to react to and more importantly, isn't a trap.