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Oct 25, 2017
Dafran is a top 30 ladder player and was recently picked up for a new OWL team. He also runs a discord and streams on twitch. Hes always on some bullshit "trolling" ect
Well if he was among the people harassing and doxxing, I really hope the team drops him. If one wants to be a professional, then they should act like one. And not go along with this bullshit that part of the community did.


Oct 25, 2017
People keep saying she was a "catfish" but how would that even work? Wouldn't she be exposed the second she walked out onstage to play with her team at a game? What would someone even gain from that?


Oct 25, 2017
There was some legitimate suspicion but people ran with it and of course took it to far.

The fact that we have 3 different contenders players vouching for her should have cleared it.

Tweet with an Australian contenders player, She also started getting harassed in game.

This doesn't even make sense. Why leave a fucking game and take the penalty?


Oct 31, 2017
It still boggles me a little that one of the most progressive AAA gaming franchises has a fandom full of people that just outright hate minorities.
by progressive in this case, u just mean the character design?

if so, that has nothing to do with what type of people play a game


Oct 25, 2017
There was some legitimate suspicion but people ran with it and of course took it to far.

The fact that we have 3 different contenders players vouching for her should have cleared it.

Tweet with an Australian contenders player, She also started getting harassed in game.

If a guy was in the same situation people would've been suspicious regardless. CSGO had a very similar situation and they ended up getting the guy to be tested live.

Don't spread falsities, when geguri was accused noone knew of her gender (confirmed by herself). Geguri was accused because of her extremely weird sensitivity.
Suspicion of what? Why would the gender of the player matter in anyway whatsoever that it'd cause a....suspicion?


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
What does "high ranked" mean? Matchmaking rather than professional level? Playing matchmaking with randoms isn't esports.

The player in question is Haunt who has been hardware banned by Blizzard before and has his Twitter account taken down recently.

Don't new players often come from "nowhere", if they don't have esports background before? Most people playing online are anonymous (women doubly so) and like the manager said she was scouted from the ladder.
Both her known accounts only have the last 4-5 seasons with limited hours that indicate an alt account.

Dafran is a top 30 ladder player and was recently picked up for a new OWL team. He also runs a discord and streams on twitch. Hes always on some bullshit "trolling" ect

Dafran wasn't doing the Doxxing, he was just being his usual shitty self.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe they have minor league teams on esports 😂

I've been to a bunch of minor league baseball games in my life and I've never seen anyone take it so serious that they threaten players or even pay attention to the game. It's the minor leagues lol no one cares it's for cheap fun and player development.
As for this particular situation for this lady, it sucks ass. A small minority of loud people can be really shitty. But seriously, getting worked up over minor league video games 😂

A good friend's brother played in minor league baseball. The Tides. He made like 20k or something. No one cared or knew who he was, let alone that he was trans the whole time. He was just some guy (well, girl, but no one knew that). But if a woman tried to join the team holy shit would there be an uproar. I can only imagine.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
by progressive in this case, u just mean the character design?

if so, that has nothing to do with what type of people play a game
The character design, hiring practices, charity efforts, and and general ethos of Overwatch as a story lean hard into leftist territory.

I understand it being a AAA game means it's nonetheless going to attract the shitbirds regardless, but at the same time I'm like how do you tolerate the damn thing? It'd be like me trying to play Hatred or The Last Night.


Oct 26, 2017
A good friend's brother played in minor league baseball. The Tides. He made like 20k or something. No one cared or knew who he was, let alone that he was trans the whole time. He was just some guy (well, girl, but no one knew that). But if a woman tried to join the team holy shit would there be an uproar. I can only imagine.

That actually sounds like an incredible story... did it ever get any publicity ?


I am leaving this community!
Oct 25, 2017
Well if he was among the people harassing and doxxing, I really hope the team drops him. If one wants to be a professional, then they should act like one. And not go along with this bullshit that part of the community did.

Dafran seemingly wasnt Doxxing but he was questioning how legit she was on stream. Hes never far from trouble.


Sep 2, 2018
Yep, angsty virgins being angsty virgins. If eSports is going to join the modern age these teams need mature managers that will shut this shit down.
Please find a better insult than virgin.
But yeah, this is why I stay far far away from these kinds of games, and thankfully have zero intention of removing my gender neutral usernames and using voice chat ever


Dec 5, 2017
Based on the weekly boyfriend game video reviews topics I'd not say this place is immune either.


Oct 31, 2017
The character design, hiring practices, charity efforts, and and general ethos of Overwatch as a story lean hard into leftist territory.

I understand it being a AAA game means it's nonetheless going to attract the shitbirds regardless, but at the same time I'm like how do you tolerate the damn thing? It'd be like me trying to play Hatred or The Last Night.
well I really don't think anyone cares about a company's hiring practices or their charity efforts. also no one cares about the Overwatch "story" lol

for character design, there might be some people who care about that (like those who refused to play GTA San Andreas)

BUT then you factor in that Overwatch is an esport with lots of potential money on the line, then of course you will have super good players trying for that no matter what


Oct 26, 2017
People keep saying she was a "catfish" but how would that even work? Wouldn't she be exposed the second she walked out onstage to play with her team at a game? What would someone even gain from that?
Contenders games are played online with no facecam, idk how theyy prove the player playing is the person that got in, but they must have a way to do so nevertheless, just wanted to clarify that cause no one else explained xD

I believe only SK and NA have finals on stage played in LAN


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI

Player was accused of cheating and was harassed, because he came out of nowhere and wouldn't use voice chat/webcam. Had to fly in to a fpl venue to get tested to prove himself.

Men continue to pedal wild theories that lack evidence.

From the literal fucking OP:

"Is this a girl or another Korean guy with a girl name?"

Yeah, I see what you mean. If the player had a man's name, his gender definition would have been questioned!

No evidence though!


Oct 25, 2017
Based on the weekly boyfriend game video reviews topics I'd not say this place is immune either.
Yeah oh man, those threads have been infuriating to read. Such great videos and dumdums have to bring their irrelevant bullshit into that too.
Last I heard Haunt was on some open division team which is the lowest tier of OW pro scene which anyone can join, he ain't going anywhere in the pro scene.
OK you defend these angry virgins.
No, it's about you using virgin as an insult.
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▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Gamers are trash.

These were probably all incels with a grudge against women. Fuck them.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
It's fascinating how fighting games are completely receptive of new and unknown faces but there's this nonsensical vetting process for new faces in every other games
The FGC gets shit on constantly but it's not nearly as bad as other communities. Probably because people only see the "bad side", aka those compilations of people raging when they lose.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm.. are you trying to act like the FGC isn't also trash?


It's perfectly possible to praise a single aspect of a subject while also acknowledging that it can be just as flawed as the second subject we're criticizing!

It's almost as if criticism doesn't have to default to some bullshit 'all or nothing' wall to talk into! Goddamn! You figured me out, caught me red handed!

Do you have any real intention to engage in this discussion or are you gonna slum about in this thread with musty-feet 'gotcha!' attempts? Yes, the FGC has issues. It's still horribly, horribly sexist and misogynistic like any other gaming cabal!

I cannot believe I'm perfectly capable of admitting that.


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
This seems to be the real story and not the gender issue the article establishes. From what I gathered, people want to know if Ellie is indeed real or a catfish.

That thing is pretty outdated, she did play on stream for a bit but has since taken them down because of the harassment, Mini of Legacy Esports on Australia contenders and Kellar have also played with her. Unless there is a grand conspiracy between them and Sugarfree then I don't know why it matters who she is, if she can't play she would've gotten exposed in Contenders.

Why is "Female Voice" is listed as a separate individual?

They believe she has a voice changer.


Oct 27, 2017
You have people on Reddit going over her streams on Twitch trying to prove its her boyfriend playing for her while criticizing her gameplay and claiming she could never compete on the T2 level.


Oct 29, 2017
This reminds me of watching a fgc tournament and a female player stepping in to play and the chat exploding with questions if it is really a girl or a "trap" (really sad that nerd media established this as a frequently used word).

As if it really matters and as if this people have to prove anything to someone else on the internet.


Oct 26, 2018
User Banned (permanent): Misogyny, diminishing harassment, junior member
That thing is pretty outdated

Hmm, I see. I only put 15 minutes of research since I did not want to contribute to this thread ignorantly so thanks for clarifying that.
This infographic smh. Sociopathic levels of effort are going into determining whether an overwatch esports player is a girl or not.

The effort the community is putting is towards figuring out if Ellie is real or a catfish--not Ellie's sex.

Who is Ellie? I don't know or care to know. If Ellie is real, it sucks that it had to step-down as esports could have been a great opportunity. But if it is not, then is funny to see people white knighting a fake persona.
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