
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus christ. Say what you really feel. Guy is obviously a bit of a boob, but this is unnecessary. People die like this very easily and that shit ain't funny. But at least you got your cool kid fuck the police comment in on the internet.
people can't laugh at this dickhead because, hypothetically, he could have died, even though what actually happened was he immediately got back on his feet and was fine? please


Oct 25, 2017
people can't laugh at this dickhead because, hypothetically, he could have died, even though what actually happened was he immediately got back on his feet and was fine? please
Nobody should be so venemous about enjoying anybody's 'head bouncing off the concrete like a basketball'


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't say they should.
look, i get it. ideally we wouldn't live in a world where a scenario happens where people take pleasure in the suffering of others. but the guy wasn't attacked or seriously wounded - he ate shit on a dirtbike under circumstances that are completely his own fault. the NYPD is a an organization that has literally murdered people, to say nothing of it's systemic racist policies, for decades, with zero accountability. i'm not going to begrudge people for indulging a moment of schadenfreude due to the misfortune of someone who's elected to join a corrupt organization that they have no power over.

nor am i going to not indulge. fuck this clown lol


Dec 15, 2018
User Banned (2 weeks): Rationalising police killings and institutional racism
Yes that's the real problem with the US police. Not the fact that they shoot nonwhites on sight for any reason and get away with it.
They didn't. He was resisting arrest and selling lose smokes is a crime in NY. Also the charges against the officer aren't final if I am not mistaken.

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
He deserved that one. Just like the person who got his bike confiscated, those fuckers are so obnoxious holy shit. I can't get a moment of piece in my room lately because of their antics.


Dec 15, 2018
no, it was a murder committed by an agent of the state with a history of abuse who's had the entire city's legal apparatus protecting him ever since. and you're using weasel words to try and excuse it.

Agent of the state is a little excessive? Was he trained by the police academy to hunt down African Americans?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Do cops get away with murder in your country as often as they do in ours?
Do you know what they have done and continue to do?
Always blows my mind when people can't see why that is.

Calm down folks, i'm not stanning for US law enforcement in any way. It's madness how they operate.

I'm saying my mind is blown compared to my own western-european experiences regarding law enforcement and how they are regarded over here. It's a night and day difference.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Nice! Its great to see #notallcops when a police officer, in full view and support of other officers, pulled a stunt that could easily got himself and harmless passerby hurt.

Its a PICTURE perfect example of what's wrong with US policing (civil forfeiture, a cop breaking the law, a cop putting other people's lives at risk, other cops standing by and doing nothing while all the above happens) and yet...woe for the cop.

You guys need to soulsearch and realize you're a part of the problem. Read that Kyle Korver op ed, go talk to a POC, maybe read a fucking newspaper


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Calm down folks, i'm not stanning for US law enforcement in any way. It's madness how they operate.

I'm saying my mind is blown compared to my own western-european experiences regarding law enforcement and how they are regarded over here. It's a night and day difference.
Lol nice backpedal

You acknowledge that it's "madness how they operate" and yet your mind is "blown" about why they aren't held in high regard?



Oct 26, 2017
Ouch, that looks like it hurt. Hope he's okay.

Pretty dumb that he thought it would be a good idea to do that though, hope the car he crashed into doesn't have too much trouble getting repaired.


Oct 30, 2017

impressive loopage


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoy cringing in pain videos as much as the next guy but I've never seen this level of vitriol and wishing of pain and suffering before. I get it, the police have created this type of reaction, but feels like stooping to their level. This isn't the police as a generalization, that's an Individual.

Their level is executing black people without any repercussion, so I'd say we're far from that...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Lol nice backpedal

You acknowledge that it's "madness how they operate" and yet your mind is "blown" about why they aren't held in high regard?


Backpedal? Are you dense? What kind of strawman are you even putting up here, as if i'm defending US cops? Why?

My mind is blown at the differences at play here. Nothing else.

God, this forum's obsession with cheap gotchas and finger pointing is fucking tiresome at times.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
They didn't. He was resisting arrest and selling lose smokes is a crime in NY. Also the charges against the officer aren't final if I am not mistaken.
It's always a fucking anime avatar. Enjoy your ban asshole.
He deserved that one. Just like the person who got his bike confiscated, those fuckers are so obnoxious holy shit. I can't get a moment of piece in my room lately because of their antics.
I will agree that I def don't miss dirt bikes ripping through Bushwick when I lived there.


Oct 26, 2017
  1. dude just decides to ride someone elses bike
  2. even though he clearly can't
  3. (& without a helmet)
  4. still just rides into traffic like it's no ones business
  5. just look at him go
  6. runs a red light
  7. would be fucking dead if that car's driver didn't have anime-tier reflexes
  8. manages to scratch another car
  9. eats shit without sustaining any major injuries, providing the absolute least controversial case of Schadenfreude in 2019 yet
…and yet the cop defender has logged the fuck on


Oct 25, 2017
[People having fun laughing at some dipshit wrecking himself]
Bootlickers: Wait just a damn minute now!