
Oct 27, 2017
It seems reviews are user driven. When users are hyped, the score is high; when users are fed up, the score will reflect that. Many of the this game's problems have been there since forever, but only now reviewers start to point them all because the average players are finally fed up with Bethesda's bullshit.

And also the game doesn't have a veneer of a story to hide behind, meaning you have to spend 30 hours picking up garbage for annoying robots and nothing else.


Nov 12, 2017
I'm surprised at the lack of reviews from big publications. Are they holding out hope for some patch to change the game, afraid to give a large studio a really bad score, or just bave no desire to play more than 5 hours...?

I know it's only been a week but I've seen reviews for online only games churned out much faster in the past


Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised at the lack of reviews from big publications. Are they holding out hope for some patch to change the game, afraid to give a large studio a really bad score, or just bave no desire to play more than 5 hours...?

I know it's only been a week but I've seen reviews for online only games churned out much faster in the past

Probably orders top down to not shit on a major advertiser's game for the first 2 weeks or so
Nov 5, 2017
I'm surprised at the lack of reviews from big publications. Are they holding out hope for some patch to change the game, afraid to give a large studio a really bad score, or just bave no desire to play more than 5 hours...?

I know it's only been a week but I've seen reviews for online only games churned out much faster in the past
Conspiracy time: if big publications review a game from a big publisher (advertisement customer) and need to give a lower than usual score, they try to do it as quietly as possible, trying to keep their customer as happy as possible without losing face to the audience.
Again, pure conspiracy theory. But I wouldn't be surprised if such a pattern would be found, should anyone try to investigate.


Dec 27, 2017
That comes off as a bit more unprofessional than "real." That was basically, "Why bother reviewing bad games?"

It fits perfectly within Giantbomb's mandate though. It's a personality-driven site and they pursue things they find fun, exciting, or interesting. He's been pretty upfront about not liking the model the rest of the games press uses for quite some time now, in terms of the previews and reviews structure, at least.

Why should he force one of his small staff to wade through this trash to add one more 6 to the pile or review scores. Tradition scored reviews simply aren't their focus, especially for borderline shovelware like this.
Oct 25, 2017
It fits perfectly within Giantbomb's mandate though. It's a personality-driven site and they pursue things they find fun, exciting, or interesting. He's been pretty upfront about not liking the model the rest of the games press uses for quite some time now, in terms of the previews and reviews structure, at least.

Why should he force one of his small staff to wade through this trash to add one more 6 to the pile or review scores. Tradition scored reviews simply aren't their focus, especially for borderline shovelware like this.

Jeff and Ryan Davis have both openly said that part of their motivation for starting GB was so that they would no longer have to trudge through every bad game made just to get an obligatory review published for them, IIRC.

It makes sense. I listen to the Bombcast every week; I can glean their thoughts on the games that they are interested in and look elsewhere if I want talk about games that they aren't interested in. I don't need Jeff to write 1200 additional words about why FO76 sucks on top of that.


Oct 25, 2017
Fallout 4 was actually one of the most polished Bugthesda games i played at release. Just had a dated game engine but i didnt got as many frustated bugs as i got in previous Bugthesda games. They always release game with all kinds of bugs, from broken main quests to auto destroying unplayed save files (skyrim on PS3), And i managed to platinum Fallout 4 without much trouble.

Im glad to see the PS4 version of this trash dosent have a single positive review yet on MC. Step up Bethesda. Its time to start hiring some talent or start learning from the other games they publish.

Worried for Elder Scrolls 6. I love the ES series, but i will give it a pass if it comes out a broken mess.

I ran into a major, well-documented game-breaking bug that Bethesda still hadn't fixed 3 years after launch. I was playing on PS4 and was damn lucky someone though to make a workaround because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to finish the story. I still like that game a lot but that really pissed me off.


Dec 27, 2017
Jeff and Ryan Davis have both openly said that part of their motivation for starting GB was so that they would no longer have to trudge through every bad game made just to get an obligatory review published for them, IIRC.

It makes sense. I listen to the Bombcast every week; I can glean their thoughts on the games that they are interested in and look elsewhere if I want talk about games that they aren't interested in. I don't need Jeff to write 1200 additional words about why FO76 sucks on top of that.

Absolutely. They did a quick look already and they'll discuss it more over the next couple weeks. If the game were actually more than the trash it is, they'd probably do one of their new review videos on it and go in depth.
Nov 8, 2017
Bethesda should have released this as an early access game and for sure not have charged full price for it. For a studio as big and successful as Bethesda Game Studios is, I wonder why they felt the need to release this game in such an unfinished state.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Looks like the Fallout 76 subreddit reached Alex Jones levels. It's like a vault experiment, Bethesda farting into air ducts and the fanboys getting high off the fumes

Holy shit that is insane. Kinda ironic as this is one of the few times where I feel like most reviewers are actually being as "harsh" as they probably should be in the first place. American grading curve is trash.


Oct 25, 2017


May 31, 2018
Looks like the Fallout 76 subreddit reached Alex Jones levels. It's like a vault experiment, Bethesda farting into air ducts and the fanboys getting high off the fumes

This isn't surprising. Like with a game's OT on here , it's best to only go to a game's subreddit for advice on the game, albeit even more true as they don't pool from the same users as OTs here do. Going there to get an impartial opinion on it is a fool's errand.
Oct 25, 2017

RoosterTeeth on F76: Jeff Gerstman is a sellout

Since people probably won't watch the video, they are basically taking the piss out of Gus (the one who said people were jerking off to Gerstman's review)


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC


May 31, 2018
That thread is dumb but equating someone who is enjoying the game as an Alex Jones level conspiracy theorist is pretty dumb.

Maybe...they just like it?

I agree it's a bit hyperbolic but I don't think they're necessarily talking about the OP, more posts like this:

Hating on Fallout 76 is a really easy way to get likes and views on youtube these days
Most of the reviewers didn't even play the game as they use someone else's video and review it.
The fact that most of them have rated No Man's Sky initial launch higher than Fallout76's clearly proves they review based on biased standards


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
$60 bugs and meme generator.

Makes me wonder if it will get the FFXIV treatment.

It won't. It's not the same situation. If it didn't hit at launch, it's done.

FFXIV is a paid service MMORPG and what was done there was unprecedented. Bethesda is not going to put the time or money into giving 76 the FFXIV treatment because it won't be worth it.


Oct 27, 2017
Still not seeing the usual review count for a game released by a big "AAA" publisher/developer.



Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
I agree it's a bit hyperbolic but I don't think they're necessarily talking about the OP, more posts like this:
The attacks on the credibility of game journalists is nothing new and I'd never defend it. Thread is dumb.

That said, the fact that there is an element of people basically mocking the game's existence and questioning those that are enjoying it probably has people extra defensive and lashing out. Hell, there's like 6 Fallout 76 threads on the first page here of adults gleeful that the game isn't good and rebelling in the poor reception and/or sales.

I'm not surprised a congregation of fans of the game is super defensive at all given how toxic everything around the game is.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Still not seeing the usual review count for a game released by a big "AAA" publisher/developer.

It's a huge, completely online game that went live this week. It's not a game that you could rush through to review if you wanted to be thorough. Probably has more to do with that and when outlets got copies than a conspiracy.


Jan 10, 2018
I'd be curious about what the hold up on IGN's end is considering they said their review would be up today.

Yeah Judging by his review in progress vid and his appearance on podcast unlocked Brandins clearly made up his mind, but he did say he wrote a lot for the review so he may just be putting the final touches to it.

Having said that he did also say on Unlocked he thought it was mediocre so if he gives it more than a 6 then clearly someone from up top has asked him to be more generous with his score.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Red Dead 2's environmental storytelling actually surprised me quite a bit. Lots of cool little things you can easily miss if you're just cruising through.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
