
Oct 29, 2017
I don't think so. You design an engine for a usecase and it isn't incorrect to make a decision to structure it for a particular purpose.

Now, if you want to fundentally change the purpose of the engine, then you need to do a lot of work, redesigning the engine for your new usecase. The issue is that this engine is old and crufty (hence all the ancient bugs), making "quick" iterative transitions very difficult.

I don't think their model is wrong, but their lack of stewardship of the fundamentals of the engine.

It is, if the cost to make it more flexible is the same or negligible at best. I'm not saying they should have made the engine multiplayer aware from the beginning, but there is a difference between making a quest it's own, static object and having the quest live on the player.

All these small changes add up and make it a lot harder to change it in the future, especially since more and more objects start to depend on these rigid assumptions being in place. For an engine that was supposed to evolve and support multiple games, it makes no sense to design it so inflexible. At the very least they should have refactored their code before FO76, not during development.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
Honestly, it might be petty.... but I am taking the "loss of Bethesda's reputation" as comeuppance for them releasing Skyrim on PS3 in such a busted ass state, where the frame rate would literally become a slideshow at some times.

And it has a 92 on metacritic, and was showered with GOTY awards and accolades.

Like literally when my friend came over once, he just wanted to see how busted the game was. So I booted it up and sure enough, the frames dropped to 2-3 a second.

Skyrim PS3 was probably the first time I have ever felt like I had been robbed upon purchasing a game.

It took 7 years, but I finally feel somewhat vindicated

i feel the same, but my experience was Fallout 3 DLC on PS3. literally the worst pile of broken shit code i have ever had to endure, it was just unbelievable, i could only play it for a few minutes (at maybe 10-15 fps) and it always went to total shit, often just completely stalling, or going one frame per 20-30 seconds. i made myself dinner during one VATS sequence.

and i wasn't the only one, a LOT of people complained the DLC was unplayble on PS3. the best explanation i read was that if your savefile was large (like over 10mb), the game struggled to run because your savefile contained so many different changes you had made to the world (like moving objects etc). so basically the game punished those who played the most.. the biggest fans of the game got a shitty unplayble mess.

i asked Bethesda for help of course, and they were nice enough to reply and ask me to restart my console and so on, and said that they were looking into it.. but when i asked if i could get my money back somehow, they stopped responding (maybe i should have asked Sony, but still).

so yeah.. i waited 9 years :')


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, it might be petty.... but I am taking the "loss of Bethesda's reputation" as comeuppance for them releasing Skyrim on PS3 in such a busted ass state, where the frame rate would literally become a slideshow at some times.

And it has a 92 on metacritic, and was showered with GOTY awards and accolades.

Like literally when my friend came over once, he just wanted to see how busted the game was. So I booted it up and sure enough, the frames dropped to 2-3 a second.

Skyrim PS3 was probably the first time I have ever felt like I had been robbed upon purchasing a game.

It took 7 years, but I finally feel somewhat vindicated

i feel the same, but my experience was Fallout 3 DLC on PS3. literally the worst pile of broken shit code i have ever had to endure, it was just unbelievable, i could only play it for a few minutes (at maybe 10-15 fps) and it always went to total shit, often just completely stalling, or going one frame per 20-30 seconds. i made myself dinner during one VATS sequence.

and i wasn't the only one, a LOT of people complained the DLC was unplayble on PS3. the best explanation i read was that if your savefile was large (like over 10mb), the game struggled to run because your savefile contained so many different changes you had made to the world (like moving objects etc). so basically the game punished those who played the most.. the biggest fans of the game got a shitty unplayble mess.

i asked Bethesda for help of course, and they were nice enough to reply and ask me to restart my console and so on, and said that they were looking into it.. but when i asked if i could get my money back somehow, they stopped responding (maybe i should have asked Sony, but still).

so yeah.. i waited 9 years :')

I think it's widely known that PlayStation is the last place you should buy Bethesda titles, for various reasons. PC is a must that way when they fuck up the community can fix it. I'm looking at you PS3 Oblivion vampire cure glitch. Never again.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
I think it's widely known that PlayStation is the last place you should buy Bethesda titles, for various reasons. PC is a must that way when they fuck up the community can fix it. I'm looking at you PS3 Oblivion vampire cure glitch. Never again.

yeah but i mean.. you'd expect a game to at least work, right? i can't play though Fallout 3 DLC on my PS3. it stalls and becomes the worlds slowest slideshow every single time. i never got to play Point Lookout because of it, even though i paid for it. Bethesda still owes me.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, it might be petty.... but I am taking the "loss of Bethesda's reputation" as comeuppance for them releasing Skyrim on PS3 in such a busted ass state, where the frame rate would literally become a slideshow at some times.

And it has a 92 on metacritic, and was showered with GOTY awards and accolades.

Like literally when my friend came over once, he just wanted to see how busted the game was. So I booted it up and sure enough, the frames dropped to 2-3 a second.

Skyrim PS3 was probably the first time I have ever felt like I had been robbed upon purchasing a game.

It took 7 years, but I finally feel somewhat vindicated
Forget frames per second. We're talking seconds per frame.

And I feel the same way. Bethesda games - even when they were good and GOTY contenders and all that - were technical disasters. It's always been an issue. The difference now is that "well, it's an open world and no one else does that" isn't an excuse anymore. Playing RDR2 and watching Fallout 76 footage makes them look like they're a full generation apart.


Oct 26, 2017
b-b-but muh interactivity! You can make meme videos of houses that have 600 melons in them and throw spoons at enemies. WHAT OTHER GAME LETS YOU DO THAT!?!?!
I feel like other open world games have caught up to and surpassed the Bethesda formula so much that this is the only thing that still applies when people bring out this tired talking point about how "no one is making games like Bethesda."
Last edited:


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's widely known that PlayStation is the last place you should buy Bethesda titles, for various reasons. PC is a must that way when they fuck up the community can fix it. I'm looking at you PS3 Oblivion vampire cure glitch. Never again.
Yeah for me, BGS games are practically a PC exclusive due to mods and console performance. I got the vampire glitch on 360 Oblivion as well, was a real bummer.


Oct 25, 2017
It is, if the cost to make it more flexible is the same or negligible at best. I'm not saying they should have made the engine multiplayer aware from the beginning, but there is a difference between making a quest it's own, static object and having the quest live on the player.
It is doubtful that any engineer gets it right the first time or even the second, but you expect them to iterate on systems to keep engine development manageable. In the process attempt to keep with current practices.

This is my point about stewardship. The issue really is with cost and specifically technical debt. They allowed the engine to get into this state and now making changes is seemingly a very difficult task.


Oct 27, 2017
As a side note to the reviews, the official fallout subreddit and the fallout 76 subreddit are at complete opposites with the game which is hilarious. Fallout subreddit users shit on it endlessly and the 76 users jump through hoops to defend the game. It's quite entertaining.


Oct 25, 2017
lolll fucking finally someone says this.

Sadly I've seen too many use that exact reason as justification for all of the terrible shit that's in Bethesda games.

Because who needs a playable modern engine or good RPG design and writing when you can put a bucket on an enemy's head and they're too fucking stupid to realize it's on them anyway?
Oct 25, 2017
I'm relieved to see the press have been honest with the review scores l was starting to get worried they give even shitty games good reviews.


Oct 31, 2017
About 3 of my friends have bought this game after the fact due to morbid curiosity from the horrible reviews and because they saw people essentially make meme vids and thought that those funny videos made it look fun. $60+ to send meme vids to your friends for a couple of days who don't have and aren't interested in the game.

Wouldn't be so bad but I care about the hobby a little more than they do so it bums me out to see that it's being supported.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah but i mean.. you'd expect a game to at least work, right? i can't play though Fallout 3 DLC on my PS3. it stalls and becomes the worlds slowest slideshow every single time. i never got to play Point Lookout because of it, even though i paid for it. Bethesda still owes me.

This happened to me on the PS3 as well. Finished the game and Broken Steel but never got to play the rest of the DLC as the game just started crawling and crashing every time.

Broken pos.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm relieved to see the press have been honest with the review scores l was starting to get worried they give even shitty games good reviews.

I mean this respectfully, but I'm not sure why that would surprise you. The Press is often times pretty spot-on when it comes to General consensus about quality, even though there's always outliers.

The only time I see people really raising a fit about scores are when they have a personal dislike and expect reviewers to tear games like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty apart for things that bother them personally, but really don't impact the overall experience. That's another debate entirely but to see a game that is clumsy and extremely undercooked as of now getting reviews that reflect that is pretty normal. It's just not common that a big AAA Studio puts out a product like that.

Something that needed to be a bigger issue last generation was calling out crappy ports of games, which Bethesda was also guilty of on PlayStation 3. I don't think reviews fairly reflected that because it was pretty obvious they only played it on one console and talked about it as if there was complete parity. That's not much of an issue this generation in general but I always like reviewers that specifically mention differences. If they exist.


Oct 29, 2017
It is doubtful that any engineer gets it right the first time or even the second, but you expect them to iterate on systems to keep engine development manageable. In the process attempt to keep with current practices.

This is my point about stewardship. The issue really is with cost and specifically technical debt. They allowed the engine to get into this state and now making changes is seemingly a very difficult task.

I guess we're more or less on the same page then, though I still think some of these design decisions could have been made differently from the beginning.


Oct 27, 2017
Sadly I've seen too many use that exact reason as justification for all of the terrible shit that's in Bethesda games.

Because who needs a playable modern engine or good RPG design and writing when you can put a bucket on an enemy's head and they're too fucking stupid to realize it's on them anyway?

lmao true
Oct 25, 2017
$60 bugs and meme generator.

Makes me wonder if it will get the FFXIV treatment.

I highly doubt it.

BGS has had no experience with a GaaS. And all there post release comments of

1) Expect spectacular bugs
2) TES6 and Starfield, and a small team in Austin would be maintaining 76
3) We don't really know what FO76 is, its up to the players

Makes me feel like this game was basically sent out to die in order to make a quick buck

Xiao Hu

Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
b-b-but muh interactivity! You can make meme videos of houses that have 600 melons in them and throw spoons at enemies. WHAT OTHER GAME LETS YOU DO THAT!?!?!

The thing is all those non-static items that launch into air once you touch the table they're on with the tip of your toe contribute very little to the overall experience, at least it is the case for me. They are not made as an instrument or tool to be meaningfully interacted with in a sandbox environment. Making them static objects, that can still be removed and placed somewhere else, would ease the burden on the engine and make decorating one's home far less stressful.


Oct 27, 2017
Too many salty people ITT

If this game was called Gallout 76 and made by Rockstar y'all would say it's a 9.5.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Too many salty people ITT

If this game was called Gallout 76 and made by Rockstar y'all would say it's a 9.5.

Not really. The game is so shit that even Bethesda's pass wasn't enough to rescue them. They finally crossed the threshold (better yet, they fuckin' flew over it on a rocket) of bugs being charming and bugs being infuriating.

"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever." ― Shigeru Miyamoto

Duke Nukem Forever?

It's a good quote but there's too many counterexamples.

Deleted member 1777

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Funnily enough despite all the reviews, opinions etc I'm still really looking forward to playing the game once it drops in price which probably won't be long. Enjoyed the beta a lot and had fun pottering about the world. Be interesting to see how well they support it going forward.


Oct 27, 2017
Too many salty people ITT

If this game was called Gallout 76 and made by Rockstar y'all would say it's a 9.5.

On the chance that this wasn't sarcasm.

The reviewers are salty that they have to play a, quote, "shitty game".

The only salty people in this thread are the ones calling the reviews a "smear campaign".

Uh, finally if this was a Rockstar game it probably wouldn't be a buggy POS.

If your post was sarcasm, you got me.

EDIT: you got me.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean this respectfully, but I'm not sure why that would surprise you. The Press is often times pretty spot-on when it comes to General consensus about quality, even though there's always outliers.

Well IGN have yet to release their review score (their Fallout videos are getting many thumbs down) l wonder why?



Oct 26, 2017
It seems reviews are user driven. When users are hyped, the score is high; when users are fed up, the score will reflect that. Many of the this game's problems have been there since forever, but only now reviewers start to point them all because the average players are finally fed up with Bethesda's bullshit.