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Oct 27, 2017
Bethesda wasted such a great setting and so many good ideas to make it great on such a bad effort. I really hope they revisit West Virginia and just pre Fallout 76 didn't happen.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
If there's 5 things you need to constantly be picking up its:


Mark em for search ASAP and just pick up everything with the magic magnifying glass next to it, lol.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Is there a way you can go through a list of items and mark what you want? I have "enough" aluminum but I still want to mark it for pickup.
Oct 31, 2017
By the time I ended last night I could finally craft fusion cores. What a relief.

Still have 9 perk points hanging out waiting to be distributed. Doing mental gymnastics trying to determine where I'll get the most value out of stacked combo perks.

Nick C

Oct 25, 2017
Is there a way you can go through a list of items and mark what you want? I have "enough" aluminum but I still want to mark it for pickup.
Items > Junk > Component View > Mark

You need to have at least one of the item though. Any items you're missing can be marked at a dcrafting bench, if you have a BP that requires them.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
If there's 5 things you need to constantly be picking up its:


Mark em for search ASAP and just pick up everything with the magic magnifying glass next to it, lol.
I'm spring-poor. How do I mark for search?

EDIT: Oh. That was just answered above. Thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
I'd definitely add Ballistic Weave to that list, you need it to repair high level armor and it's pretty rare.


Oct 25, 2017
Obadiah Mattson, Appalachian Minutemen (2102, Vault 76, colorized).



was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
I'd definitely add Ballistic Weave to that list, you need it to repair high level armor and it's pretty rare.
Yeah, Balistic Fibre is in pretty short supply as well.

Camp McClintok is a fairly good place for it, lots of ammo bags and military grade duct tape. Only problem is that it's often raided by new players because it's an early spot on the Overseer quest.


Oct 25, 2017
What purpose does it serve to wander into an OT only to shit on the game? There are folks in this thread, myself included, who are legitimately enjoying their time with this game. There are plenty of popular games that I don't enjoy, but I don't go to their OT just to let people know how much I dislike said game.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
What purpose does it serve to wander into an OT only to shit on the game? There are folks in this thread, myself included, who are legitimately enjoying their time with this game. There are plenty of popular games that I don't enjoy, but I don't go to their OT just to let people know how much I dislike said game.
Par for the course as far as reset era is concerned.


Gamer Guides
Oct 28, 2017
Where can I find a decent Heavy Weapon? Building a Heavy type character but havent found any heavy weapons yet.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Is there any particular trick to finding magazines? I've found a lot of Bobbleheads, but only one magazine the entire time I've been playing (including all the BETAs).

Where can I find a decent Heavy Weapon? Building a Heavy type character but havent found any heavy weapons yet.

There's a minigun at the top of the Poseidon Power Plant that's easy to get, but you have to be something like level 30 to use it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 30, 2017
Game has been running smooth as butter on PC/XB1X for me since launch but after the new patch i have crashed 3 times on Xbox and constantly get lag spikes. Weirdly enough the PC version still runs fine for me.

Dunno what's going on.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
It's entirely possible. The first patch to Skyrim famously made things worse.

I thought you disliked $60 games with microtransactions, and were telling people to avoid them?

I seem to remember saying something like that but I don't remember what game I was bitching about at the time.

I don't have a problem with the mtx in this game as they are completely optional and only cosmetic. Nothing is gated and you earn atomics pretty quickly. No XP boosters here.

Speaking of XP boosters, now you have me thinking. What game was I talking about before? Assassins Creed? I do always wait for a sale on those. That's the thing about $60 games. They are always on sale eventually, except for Nintendo. I certainly don't begrudge anyone for waiting on a sale for this game if they want to wait.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I recorded this two days ago? Fun little moment of compressed buggyness similar to that including the infinite carry space. I was just trying to get rid of some mini-nukes.



Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
One funny thing that I noticed since the patch is that I've had more Scorched get launched when I shoot them like they're mook extras in a John Woo movie.


Oct 25, 2017
I've had a nightmarish time today. I started the game up to my main quest vanishing. I ignored it while I did a nearby side quest and a scorched beast destroyed my armor. Eventually I fixed the glitch after restarting twice but my pocketed gear was broken, so I couldn't use the exploit for infinite weight. I did the next main quest while overencumbered and it was complete misery. I must have ran into 3 more scorched beasts, deathclaws, giant enemy crabs, wendigos, sometimes multiple at once. Jokes on those people talking shit about the VATS system in this game because since I'm on a base PS4, that's the only way I'm shooting anything at 5fps.

Eventually I had to look up where I could find more ballistic fiber near me because having all my armor busted while being slow as molasses was getting really annoying and I went through 4 military camps when finally at the last one another God damn scorched beast, wendigo and a few high level scorched guys spawn. Thankfully a player charged in like a knight in shining power armor, level 86 and kills them while I cowered in a tent taking pot shots.

I had a pretty good time today.


Oct 26, 2017
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the crazy one. I look at reviews and think, "do I have Stockholm syndrome"? And yet, I Jst keep coming back to the game. Aside from the bug and technical issues, which are inexcusable, this game is scratching an itch that nothing else does currently. I played FF14 at launch, played NMS launch, played ESO af launch, and I am having a way, way better time with this one, bugs notwithstanding.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the crazy one. I look at reviews and think, "do I have Stockholm syndrome"? And yet, I Jst keep coming back to the game. Aside from the bug and technical issues, which are inexcusable, this game is scratching an itch that nothing else does currently. I played FF14 at launch, played NMS launch, played ESO af launch, and I am having a way, way better time with this one, bugs notwithstanding.

You're not alone. I'm also wondering if I'm going crazy, why do I like this so much when everybody else seems to despise it?


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the crazy one. I look at reviews and think, "do I have Stockholm syndrome"? And yet, I Jst keep coming back to the game. Aside from the bug and technical issues, which are inexcusable, this game is scratching an itch that nothing else does currently. I played FF14 at launch, played NMS launch, played ESO af launch, and I am having a way, way better time with this one, bugs notwithstanding.

You arent alone and honestly the technical hitches are about the only thing major id consider wrong with the game

The content and mechanics are mostly great

Im loving this game


Oct 25, 2017
"Pssssttttt...most of the people who've been deriding the game haven't even played it...."

It's not just that, it's the overwhelming pervasive vibe this game has, from reviews, to Youtube content, to viral videos of a guy destroying a Gamestop. It's like No Mans Sky reception turned up to 11.

And yes, the game is not perfect, has issues, bugs and all sorts of QOL issues that need to be fixed. But honestly, Battle For Azeroth launched in a worse state in my opinion, not seeing Gamestops destroyed over that.


Oct 29, 2017
Finally got to play with the new patch on PC!

...infinite loading screen on initial startup.
...first fight after getting in is immensely laggy.

We're off to a good start.

Edit: Also, several of my perks don't seem to work anymore. Pharma Farma for sure.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
It's not just that, it's the overwhelming pervasive vibe this game has, from reviews, to Youtube content, to viral videos of a guy destroying a Gamestop. It's like No Mans Sky reception turned up to 11.

And yes, the game is not perfect, has issues, bugs and all sorts of QOL issues that need to be fixed. But honestly, Battle For Azeroth launched in a worse state in my opinion, not seeing Gamestops destroyed over that.
I actually don't think it's as bad as No-Man's Sky, for the sole reason that most people went in with pretty low expectations.

The hype train surrounding NMS was absolutely legendary...which made the crash all the more explosive.

You had people calling for Sean Murray's head on a spike, and while people have been deriding Todd quite a bit, it's mostly in a memey way.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not just that, it's the overwhelming pervasive vibe this game has, from reviews, to Youtube content, to viral videos of a guy destroying a Gamestop. It's like No Mans Sky reception turned up to 11.

Which is silly

This game has far more content and consistency than Vanilla D1/No Mans Sky/FF14 1.0 combined

Its hard though since Bethesda carries baggage similar to recent fan meltdowns over Pokemon and Diablo

People put these expectations in a box and lose their shit when a game doesnt meet them

Fuck Monster Hunter World had to sell 10 millions before the haters finally backed off and got their generations port

Im sick of how ridiculous the culture can be sometimes


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
You're not alone. I'm also wondering if I'm going crazy, why do I like this so much when everybody else seems to despise it?

It's the Bethesda charm. Most of their games are buggy, but we keep on coming back. I'm actually waiting on Fallout 76. Played the Beta and thought it was fine - definitely not winning any awards. But I'll get it eventually. That said, I don't think they should be rewarded for this game. I wanna see something better from them.


Oct 26, 2017
Which is silly

This game has far more content and consistency than Vanilla D1/No Mans Sky/FF14 1.0 combined

Its hard though since Bethesda carries baggage similar to recent fan meltdowns over Pokemon and Diablo

People put these expectations in a box and lose their shit when a game doesnt meet them

Fuck Monster Hunter World had to sell 10 millions before the haters finally backed off and got their generations port

Im sick of how ridiculous the culture can be sometimes

Rob, let's be real, the game in its current state is a mess. A lot of it seems limited on a technical and design level and at times, half-baked, and I say this as someone who is totally hooked on the gameplay loop.

The game needs a lot of updates.


Oct 25, 2017
The map and content variety is the star of the show here

They legit packed a ton of weird shit into every nook and cranny

Combat, leveling, perks, building, exploring, resource gathering are all good and addictive.

Performance seems to be the largest hurdle for them right now and at least seems to be the main focus with patches

Oh.. and there are live NPCs in the game.. at least one but she only talks to you over the radio. I mean hey at least there are living breathing people that arent other players right?


Oct 26, 2017
I had this glitch before the patch, so it simply wasn't fixed yet. Interestingly enough I've encountered the very same glitch in previous Fallout games on 360 and PS4. It's an annoyance since only restarting the game fixes this.

The bug where you can be stuck in your Power Armor from Fallout 4 is in 76 as well, heh.


Oct 25, 2017
Rob, let's be real, the game in its current state is a mess. A lot of it seems limited on a technical and design level and at times, half-baked, and I say this as someone who is totally hooked on the gameplay loop.

The game needs a lot of updates.

Im in agreement here even though the only issue ive personally run into is the occasional server disconnect

Their primary focus should be 100% on getting the bug and performance fixes in... if possible

I feel like bringing this game to stable levels with how complex and huge it is must be a massive task
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