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Oct 25, 2017
I came across somebody's camp in the middle of nowhere and deposited junk / repaired gear, etc. The owner came back and we exchanged friendly emotes, as I was leaving I accidentally shot him in the chest with a shotgun, like, legitimately. My finger legitimately slipped.

He murdered me without a second thought. I mean, if that's not Fallout, what is?


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I came across somebody's camp in the middle of nowhere and deposited junk / repaired gear, etc. The owner came back and we exchanged friendly emotes, as I was leaving I accidentally shot him in the chest with a shotgun, like, legitimately. My finger legitimately slipped.

He murdered me without a second thought. I mean, if that's not Fallout, what is?


I was exploring Harpers Ferry, going in and out of buildings when a guy darts out of one in front of me, and I was spooked and swung my weapon (melee) thinking he was a ghoul. I missed, but I think the sound effect got him on edge and he basically shimmied around me strafing and never turned his back to me from that point forward when we crossed paths a couple more times lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
So my main quest disappeared...

I was at the last leg of the fire brigade thing in the south and there was a power armor in the shed where it started. It glitched when I went to get in and ow there is no main quest. No an earlier quest or branch or anything.

It's gone.

I had that exact same issue yesterday. Relogging helped.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Are these the patch notes for today's massive patch?

Why the hell is the patch so massive? It barely does anything! I was expecting an enormous list of fixes and improvements.

Yea, the notes are bad.

For whatever reason, there was seemingly a lot changed, probably most of it on the back end, that they felt didn't need to be put in the notes, or even allude to even if it's too technical to publish. Like removing the framerate cap and decoupling movement speed from fps. You'd think they'd lead with that after how much that was thrown around as dunk ammo.


Oct 25, 2017
After only disconnecting maybe once or twice since the beta, I have disconnected five times tonight alone. Always at a point where I lose a lot of progress.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh man just saw that American Patriot Armor paint. Didn't think i'd ever want anything on the atomic shop but thats tempting me xD


Oct 27, 2017
I am anxiously awaiting Bethesda's response. Fallout 76 is scoring lower than Final Fantasy XIV, which had to be relaunched.

My biggest fear is that Bethesda will ignore the critical response completely and wait until March before launching the first add-on.


Oct 25, 2017
Is anyone experiencing micro-stutter or very subtle hitching when turning the camera? I started experiencing this after today's patch. I'm on a 100MHz Gsync monitor with a pretty consistent 90+ FPS.


Oct 27, 2017
I am anxiously awaiting Bethesda's response. Fallout 76 is scoring lower than Final Fantasy XIV, which had to be relaunched.

My biggest fear is that Bethesda will ignore the critical response completely and wait until March before launching the first add-on.

there's not much to "respond" to. it's an online game with a rocky launch, it was anticipated. probably thrown off by the clickbait brigade crusading to this degree but nothing to do there but ride it out

FFXIV was a nuclear meltdown. very worst i could see this game fading away into bargain bin obscurity, FFXIV could've sunk a corporation
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Oct 25, 2017
Anyone find the Blacksite Guard Key for the door in the back entrance to Sugar Grove? It leads to another area of the building you can't reach from the front entrance.


Jan 12, 2018
Anyone else noticed the game being significantly worse (buggy and crashing) since the update?
Oct 26, 2017
Enjoyed my session tonight. Explored the bridge, found a new power armor that looks awesome, and in the same room was a map with four pins on it and a tape referring to a black widow.

Stumbled upon a daily for Amy Kenner, who dated a guy named Jeff and tried recruiting her to Responders HQ. I actually stumbled across her before the quest but her story was the type that immersed me in a Fallout world. Picture hanging on her wall with Jeff. Completed that and called it a night.

Tomorrow I press on with Rose's missions.

Re: update. I saw neither improvement or worsen of performance. I still have a big where after I check the map and go back to game, the game will freeze for 3-5 seconds before I can move. Playing on Xbox One X


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm just now reading that there is a LMG that uses .308 rounds. I knew there was a reason to keep picking those up (I have over a thousand rounds).

Couple this with the "bear arms" card, and you can lug that thing around pretty easily. Now, to find one or a crafting plan.


Oct 25, 2017
I got home today, excited to get back to the game...and was met with a gigantic patch that'll take hours to download. I've read the patch notes, but it doesn't make sense. Sorry if it's been covered already, but does anyone know why we needed a patch this big for the stuff they fixed?


Oct 28, 2017
Can anyone explain to me why the fuck are Stashboxes plans so damn expensive when they are mechanically identical to the default stashbox you start the game with? I spent 800 caps on a toolbox plan thinking I could get another container to put some items in but it just links to my already full stash.


Oct 27, 2017
Can anyone explain to me why the fuck are Stashboxes plans so damn expensive when they are mechanically identical to the default stashbox you start the game with? I spent 800 caps on a toolbox plan thinking I could get another container to put some items in but it just links to my already full stash.
They're cosmetic.


Oct 29, 2017
I am anxiously awaiting Bethesda's response. Fallout 76 is scoring lower than Final Fantasy XIV, which had to be relaunched.

My biggest fear is that Bethesda will ignore the critical response completely and wait until March before launching the first add-on.

Classic Bethesda!

I'm hoping more that they take ESO approach of really fixing it. Game is in great shape these days and I think is the #2 MMO behind WoW


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone know if the in-game high-quality map has been extracted from the game's files? Really want to set part of it as a wallpaper on my phone. I tried searching on Reddit but didn't find anything.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
I played for about four hours tonight, including the whole quest that had the busted token dispenser. That was my first trek that far north on the map.

The game felt smoother than before the patch, I think. Obviously, there's more work to be done, but I'm still having a lot of fun. I need to figure out where the Overseer went next, though.


Oct 26, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Yesterday was great, I continued with the questline for Rose but got sidetracked by a nice spot on a cliff what I now call home. I wasn't even finished with my new house and got attacked by three lvl 25 glowing radrats. I hate those vermin. Killed one and the others started to chew on my camp instead of me and man they can chew large bites out of door, walls and cooking stations. It's super annoying, that your camp attracts enemies like that. I'm living in the woods on a cliff, why they are bothering me...leave me alone. Funny thing, I build my house in a forest, but there is no wood I can gather. Bethesda, give me a hatchet and I chop some trees.

After my sidetracking I finished another Rose Quest and then finally completed and repaired my T-45 Power Armor and gave it a nice camouflage painting from the Atoms Shop. I had to repair the left leg three times before the game acknowledged that I had done so, but after entering my suit the display still shows my leg as damaged. I tried to change servers to fix it but no good. Annoying but maybe starting the game tonight will fix that.

After that I traveled to the camp of a friend but couldn't find him because he was hunting near by and was crouching all the time. So I went looking around for him and found a neat 0.50 Machine Gun instead. Man that thing is awesome, but sadly it doesn't sound like a Browning M2 and fires too fast. But hey it has a magazine/box with 250 rounds. So who am I to judge.
It will need a lot of materials to repair it, because after not even two full boxes of ammo the condition down to half, but I can see that this will be my favorite weapon.

Finished the broken token quest yesterday with said friend and what is pretty great is, that when he finished that quest I got 15 caps and when I finished it shortly after I got 60 Caps.

The Game after the patch still runs great on my PSPro, no stuttering or slowdowns while fighting or exploring. But in that regard I'm really lucky because it runs great since day one of the beta.


Oct 25, 2017
Quick question, do I need to scrap weapons/armor at their respected stations to get possible plans, or can I scrap at any workbench to get them?


Aug 23, 2018
Quick question, do I need to scrap weapons/armor at their respected stations to get possible plans, or can I scrap at any workbench to get them?
Should be able to scrap anywhere.

I'm in power armor and my carry weight keeps shrinking when I drop stuff. I don't understand how this happening. I went from carry weight 215 to 180. It makes no sense at all.

Check your effects, it's possible you're eating/drinking things that give you temporary boost to carry weight. (like radstag stuff I think). It's also possible a mutation or gear is affecting your strength. Maybe even a disease? Broken (deep) pocketed gear perhaps. Could be all sorts of things :p

1 strength = 5 carry weight and you start at 150 I think so if you have 6 strength you should be at 180
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Oct 27, 2017
If you're in the Whitespring parking lot when a car explodes, the robots might get angry at you for it. So, uh, watch out for that.

I hope they eventually chill out, because that's my favorite crafting and vendor spot.

Edit: Switching servers made them non-hostile again.
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Oct 25, 2017
I really hate how fast traveling to my camp sends me underwater in the middle of a lake every timez and I always get a disease. I don't want to move it because I like the spot but damn thats starting to get frustrating.


Oct 27, 2017
I really hate how fast traveling to my camp sends me underwater in the middle of a lake every timez and I always get a disease. I don't want to move it because I like the spot but damn thats starting to get frustrating.
Same here. I have a lovely spot next to a river (and near a vendor and a power armor spawn), but the game always puts me in the water.

Place a Welcome mat and you'll spawn on it when you fast travel to it.
Those are only buildable at workshops, unless it's bugged for a lot of people.


Oct 30, 2017
The Game after the patch still runs great on my PSPro, no stuttering or slowdowns while fighting or exploring. But in that regard I'm really lucky because it runs great since day one of the beta.

The Pro version ran the best of the three for me but I had alreay pre ordered on X1X. With the switch off overheat bug still not fixed I regret my platform choice.


Oct 25, 2017
That's crazy, are you talking about post yesterday's patch? Or since launch?

I'm on Pro and get bad stuttering during rain, heavy alpha effects or large groups of enemies during battle. I haven't played post patch though, so eager to see improvements.

Post patch has been noticeably better

But ive only put in a few hours post patch so ill know more after I put more time in

So far so good though
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