Oct 25, 2017
So like, are they gonna fly japanese players to a room with good internet in the US or are we going to see some horrible intercontinental lag?

Or is it gonna be USA only?

KI is like the only game I think you could play US-> Japan

Virtua Sanus

Nov 24, 2017
Damn, super happy for all four games open bracket games. Each one is absolutely excellent. Bit of a shame we could not get Battle for the Grid to round it out though.


Oct 25, 2017

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Given how certain Smash fans responded (for 2 whole years) to Melee being dropped, how's it looking so far after this news?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I love Smash, is the only game I care about, but LMAO at no Smash in the line-up. I want to say that Nintendo should care they missed EVO because of the terrible online, but the fact is they don't really care about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm kinda disappointed Smash online is not actually happening. I wanted to see that on display.


Oct 25, 2017
Well if this is what gets skull girls in in some respect I'll take it.


What needed fixing?

I'm honestly baffled by this review. Like I'm glad you enjoyed it, but the Switch version has many notable blemishes that go unmentioned. Ear-piercing audio bugs in every battle. Lack of voices in story mode despite it being advertised. Some really weird graphical glitches with certain attacks and background characters, like Squigly getting multiple Leviathans after certain attacks.


Skullgirls 2nd Encore Is a Classic, But the Switch Port Has Some Issues

The Switch version has a few bugs at the moment, but Skullgirls is still one of the best fighting games ever made.

here are also a couple of bugs that affect the game's sound. The first of these regards the game's story mode. Other versions of the game have a "fully-voiced" story mode—voice actors deliver every line. The Switch version, at the moment, offers no such voice acting. The other sound bug messes with the game's background music. Some stages will occasionally load without a backing soundtrack, which is super odd and eerie. I've also heard others complain about stages playing two songs at once, but I haven't experienced this issue directly.

Finally, 12 of the game's 23 stages are currently "locked" on the Switch version of the game. 2nd Encore is supposed to be the definitive edition of Skullgirls, and that means it should come complete with every character, color, and stage. That's how it works on other platforms, and I'm sure this is just an unfortunate oversight that will soon be corrected.

So the Switch version has some issues. However, the good news is that all of these problems are likely going to be fixed. The team behind the port (Skybound Games) is "aware" of the bugs, and they are trying to make things right. Soon, this game will be (almost) as good as it is on other platforms.


Oct 28, 2017
Can't wait to lose in the first round.

I'll consider it a pyrrhic victory if as a wifi warrior I can't be avoided by someone who would prefer not to play against wifi , mwahahaha.

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Considering a bunch of players inc. MKLeo said they're never competing online again they're probably fine with it
Exactly. EVO Online was likely never going to get enough of the big players in a Smash Ultimate online tourney anyway after the recent community held online tourneys since the pandemic turned a bunch of them off.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm pleased by this lineup. Those that want the original lineup will still get to see exhibitions, but the games with the best netcode get the tournaments. I consider this an overall win.

Smash being completely gone, though? Can't help but laugh.


Oct 29, 2017
Night City
All the original games had trash netcode which is why they're all gone and limited to exhibitions, and the exhibitions are likely so they can hold a fake "top 8" day that has all the announcements planned for the original Evo. I'm just really happy that Evo actually went through with this and shot all the delay based games.


Oct 29, 2017
Night City
When it comes to the exhibitions I actually expect them to just fly in a pre-selected top 8 for a small local tournament. American Tekken ain't good enough to just watch Anakin smoke everyone on 3 bars.


Nov 16, 2017
I'd imagine getting 8 or so copies shouldn't be too hard. Either that or Capcom's sitting on a Marvel vs. Capcom Legacy Collection waiting to help out EVO Online.
That's what i'm thinking, Well maybe not Legacy Collection but a Marvel vs. Capcom 2 remaster announce and release in the coming months before EVO2020

Deleted member 13707

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
I just want to know if it'll take 5 weeks to run all the tournaments, or just every tournament 1 week at a time.


Oct 27, 2017
Man even the Smash fans are rightfully dragging Ultimate for getting dropped. Probably had better online play on the fucking Sega Saturn than on Ultimate at times.

shame Power Rangers couldn't make it, but I wonder how much licensing or Saban fuckery came up here

biggest winners have got to be KI, MK11, and Skullgirls