
Oct 30, 2017
I mean, they probably have a fair amount of people doing support/patches for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, so you could count a number of people there.

Administrative Staff
Janitorial Staff
Marketing and Recruiters
IT staff
Business Intelligence Staff

All of these people are likely doing nothing in regards to Guardians of the Galaxy... Or very little in terms of their development.

Marketing obviously is probably working on roll outs for it
BI might be looking at DLC viability, what would work, or they're looking forward to other games/ideas for games.


May 14, 2020
Given Square's massive expectations for that game, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a big number of Eidos Montreal devs on Avengerst. Like, more than you'd think.

The studio head at EM said that only "50" devs were working on Marvel's Avengers.

Both Crystal Dynamics and Crystal Dynamics Northwest are the "main developers" while EM and Nixxes are supporting.


Dec 8, 2018
Imagine all that talent working on a new Deus Ex instead of being wasted on looter GaaS trash.


Oct 27, 2017
Ready for these damn comicbook games phase to be over with so they can get to more meaningful games, like the sequel to Mankind Divided.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
Massive have 650+ and work on two games. This doesn't seem unreasonable at all. Also, this is all employees like HR and administration


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Since I just beat Mankind Divided this weekend, I'm going to echo similar sentiments here and say that I just want a sequel to that.


Oct 27, 2017
For the size of those games that sounds about right for 2 full teams (including staff such as finance, HR, upper management etc.).

They probably have a third (possibly a fourth team) prototyping their new games but they are probably super small teams


Alt Account
May 25, 2019
Yeah I feel like a 700 employees studio is your average or above average run of the mill nowadays. With games like TLOF2 reaching 2000 devs working on it, it's not that hard to imagine Marvel's Avengers taking the energy of less than half of that. Plus the term "employees" means that it groups every soul in the office. From directors to the mail clerk and janitors.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, games need more people working on them nowadays, so they probably don't have much for anything else. Though I still want more Deus Ex 😢


Mar 14, 2019
After all the hard work Squeeenix has put in to make sure Makind Divided would not live up to expectations, I don't really have high hopes for the ip. A shame, because the gameplay in MD was just *chef's kiss*


Oct 25, 2017
All of Square-Enix Europe's QA is done in Montreal (QA for all the games published by them, not just the ones developed in Montreal). That team alone is probably at least 150 people.


Jan 7, 2018
Also remember that avengers is a games of service so to make sure enough content keeps coming out and there isn't major dry spells probably got a lot to focus on that.

Fiery Phoenix

Oct 26, 2017
I would guess only about half are actively involved in game dev. You have to remember that a lot of grunt work goes on behind the scenes.


Oct 26, 2017
I just want my Mankind Divided sequel...

We all do, my friend. We all do.



Oct 25, 2017
Some developers have that much stuff working on a single AAA game. Times have changed folks. High-end game development takes a ton of people and a lot of time.


Oct 25, 2017
TLOU2 isn't a fair comparison imo, its a flagship first party "we need this to sell consoles" game and they will pour bodies onto that to go from 98% perfect to 100% perfect, similar to Rockstar and GTA/RDR. Ubisoft is also a bad example, they always have had massive studios and have 10+ studios working on a single game at a time so the numbers look insane. They always manage to sell a ton of copies but it also always feels like they are one misstep away from utter collapse, and we saw that sales of Division 2 and Ghost Recon Breakpoint were enough of a problem to delay AC, Far Cry, and Watch Dogs.

Better comparisons imo would be stuff like Sucker Punch and Ghosts of Tsushima or Yakuza or Bungie/Destiny. Bungie currently has around 600 employees including all the admin/QA/etc staff, so 700 isn't absolutely insane for 1 or 2 games but it is pretty high and it probably means there is a lot of expectation on sales. I just don't see how Square isn't disappointed in how the game performs, I don't know a single person who is excited or interested in playing The Avengers after the betas.

The game releases in ** 10 DAYS **


Oct 25, 2017
So wait, are Eidos Montreal working on Guardians of the Galaxy, and they also had a smaller work force on Avengers?
Nov 2, 2017
Having worked there before I will point out that there's a massive QA floor in the building (~100 staff at full capacity) who work on all sorts of Square Enix Europe titles. They are technically employed by Square Enix Europe so I'm unclear as to whether they figure into this headcount or not. Regardless, it is a really big studio.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
The plan was always for them to start GotG once they were done assisting CD with Avengers, so we were never going to hear about GotG until Avengers is out first.

It does feel like a fever dream sometimes though lol

Wait that was their plan? I thought they would be in like pre-production or something to get the systems down and then go full force development after Avengers ships.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Deus Ex and Dishonored are dead. Publishers not likely to spend 100s of millions on these types of games for a third time after middling to disappointing sales.

Long live the immersive sim!

Dishonored isn't dead. They said the Kaldwin story arc is finished, but not that the entire franchise as a whole is finished.

Arkane has revealed that the original story of the Dishonored series is "complete", but the franchise has not been put on hold, as per previous reports.

In an interview with IGN Middle East, Arkane Studio's Co-Creative Director Dinga Bakaba set the record straight about a previous quote from Arkane's Ricardo Bare, who said in 2018 that Dishonored was "resting for now." This led fans to believe that the future of the series was uncertain, with outlets reporting that the series had been put on hold.

"It's weird because for us as a studio, we never did a sequel to a game we made before," Bakaba told IGN Middle East. "It was interesting to make and everything, but the rumors of putting the IP on hold was highly exaggerated and was misquoted"

Bakaba believes that Bare's quote was "over-interpreted." "I don't think there was a decision to put [the] Dishonored series on hold," he explained. While Arkane has wrapped up the storyline concerning Emily Kaldwin and Corvo Attano and believes the narrative to be complete, this doesn't mean that there can't be any more games in the Dishonored universe in the future. "It's something where we had a story to tell about the Kaldwins and the Outsider, and that story is over," he said

"So, whatever happens, that Dishonored is complete. This is the best, and most honest answer we can give but, in any case, I don't think we will be revisiting that [the Kaldwin storyline]. Bakaba goes on to explain that the decision not to revisit "that part" of the Dishonored world was a creative choice and speaks to Arkane's intentions as a studio.
Oct 24, 2019
Wait that was their plan? I thought they would be in like pre-production or something to get the systems down and then go full force development after Avengers ships.

Oh yeah, well that's what I mean. They've probably been doing some pre-production in the background, but my point being that they aren't working on it in earnest yet and we won't see the game for a while


Nov 3, 2018
With an Avengers GaaS game and two(!) upcoming multi-player centric DC games; Suicide Squad and Arkham Knights, a Guardians of the Galaxy game sound like something that nobody even wants.


Oct 25, 2017
Dishonored isn't dead. They said the Kaldwin story arc is finished, but not that the entire franchise as a whole is finished.
Like Dinga said, Arkane is not one to make sequels usually and they are working on Deathloop along with another possibly multiplayer game but I'm doubtful Bethesda are gonna put up the money for a third game at least on the level of the second game after the weak sales (plus Prey didn't perform too well).

Games like Dishonored 2 aren't going anywhere, says Harvey Smith

We go hands-on with Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and talk to its director about the future of immersive sims.
"And there's always the talent and the resources to make [immersive sims]," says Smith. "The question is, does one particular budget support the audience? What that means is, even if immersive sims speed up or slow down in terms of production, there's always the indie version of immersive sims like—this year you have Tacoma and next year you'll have something else. I think the demand will drive things."​


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Oh yeah, well that's what I mean. They've probably been doing some pre-production in the background, but my point being that they aren't working on it in earnest yet and we won't see the game for a while

I really, really want them to be able to put their Deus Ex DNA in the GotG game. I hope it's not GaaS, would just needlessly compete with Avengers.


Oct 27, 2017
A next gen Guardians of the Galaxy game sounds like a huge unertaking, so I bet they do have pretty much everyone on that, that's not on Avengers.