
Oct 27, 2017
Evevryone starts somedwhere

It's not really annoying and most people don't mind it if it'S a hot girl checking herself in the mirror.

No these people are the kinds who clog up around the mirror byy the dumbbell rack or hang around by the resistance cords taking up space laughing and flexing like they are hot shit. It is not about being annoyed that they are doing it and not buff as shit, they are doing it and being arrogant dickbags in the process


Oct 25, 2017
No these people are the kinds who clog up around the mirror byy the dumbbell rack or hang around by the resistance cords taking up space laughing and flexing like they are hot shit. It is not about being annoyed that they are doing it and not buff as shit, they are doing it and being arrogant dickbags in the process
I just tend to discard them and mind my own things.

But I guess if there are lots of them it can get distracting. the gym I go to has none of them though


Oct 27, 2017
I just tend to discard them and mind my own things.

But I guess if there are lots of them it can get distracting. the gym I go to has none of them though
The sports club I go to they are everywhere during this time of year, they scatter later in summer & winter though so I don't deal with it


Oct 31, 2017
-People using the phones in the sauna
-I saw one guy eating an apple IN THE sauna, claiming it has proteins beneficial to you after working out!!!
-people coming into the sauna with their clothes and dirty shoes when the sign clearly says no clothes, shoes allowed in the sauna
-people having loud annoying political discussions in the sauna when it is suppose to be a quiet place for introspection


Dec 11, 2017
Stop !!
..talking ...
Get out of my way if you there to socialize ..and for holy hell sake don't wear cologne or perfume to the gym and choke me....get laid someplace else !!


Oct 27, 2017
People locking their stuff up in a locker for days. Cmon people. You don't own the fucking place, others need that locker for an hour or two.

Dudes who do not place weights back on the racks, or in crazy nonsensical placements by the bench because they're too lazy to put them back in an organized manner. Like what the hell, you're not my kid grown-ass man, I shouldn't have to clean up after you.


Oct 25, 2017
-People using the phones in the sauna
-I saw one guy eating an apple IN THE sauna, claiming it has proteins beneficial to you after working out!!!
-people coming into the sauna with their clothes and dirty shoes when the sign clearly says no clothes, shoes allowed in the sauna
-people having loud annoying political discussions in the sauna when it is suppose to be a quiet place for introspection

Also the dude that works out in the sauna, particularly when it's packed. There's like 11 people in here you really need to do your pushups bro?

BuBu Jenkins

Oct 27, 2017
+1 for old white dudes always walking around with their shriveled dongs flapping around in the locker room

Shit is disgusting


Oct 25, 2017
Naked old dudes in the locker room. They don't just strip down, change and leave. They walk around, check their hair, make small talk and such.

I'm not a fan of the grunters either. Go to a gym regularly enough and you can identify the dudes who clearly do it for (female) attention.

Finally, horrendously bad form. I'm in no an expert lifter and generally don't care when people do things wrong. But I'm talking about people who are clearly about to injure themselves or those around them.
Oct 28, 2017
- Deadlifting in the squat rack
- Pretty much doing anything in the squat rack that doesn't require a squat rack

On the flip side, I've come across people who get extremely angry when someone uses a power rack for something other than squats.

It's perfectly reasonable to use the power rack for bench press if you lack a spotter. That's what it's there for.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
I can't relate to any of this because I'm the only one at my gym every week. There's sometimes one other (much older guy), and he just talks too much sometimes. Nice guy, though.

I live on a mountain, so this is why there's nobody else.


Oct 30, 2017
This one is more funny than annoying or dumb but the guy who came from the office and is working out in his button up shirt and office slacks. Pack a gym bag bruh.
People taking consistent 5 minutes of rest between sets. Trying to be in the fucking gym all day, bro?

If someone is lifting 4-7 rep range then three to five min rest is needed. I rest at least three min between all sets and I'm prob one of the best in shape guys at my gym. I know it might piss off some people but they can work in with me if they want. Or change there workout to one that works. Instead of a high rep muscle magazine bullshit workout.

"You got to do high reps for definition bro, only way to bring out the cuts in the muscle brah"

Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I was doing triceps cable curls when some guy comes over and starts telling me I'm doing it wrong. He then gave me instructions for biceps curls.

There's a couple of guys in my gym who just piss me off. Constantly shouting at eachother, making a shitload of noise when doing even the most basic of excercises...

Rocket Man

Oct 25, 2017
By far people using up a large area to stretch etc. that's clearly meant for something else. There's a stretching area for a reason...there's also many long paths where you can do lunges.

Pretty much curling on a squat rack.


Oct 26, 2017
On the flip side, I've come across people who get extremely angry when someone uses a power rack for something other than squats.

It's perfectly reasonable to use the power rack for bench press if you lack a spotter. That's what it's there for.

I use the squat rack for barbell rows lol. Then again I go at a time when hardly anyone is at the gym.

My pet peeve is ego lifters and people that slam weights. I had a guy a month ago deadlifting and screaming at the top of his lungs and basically dropping the weight from knee height.

I get that deadlifting is a bit of a louder workout but my gym has section where the floor is cushioned for deadlifts and he goes out of his way to not lift in that area.

Also had a guy benching that would drop the barbell on the hooks while bench pressing. He was doing 225 and on his last rep he tried to drop the weight on the hook and missed one side. The barbell fell right on his head an split his forehead pretty good. Dude just played it off like nothing happened. Had a nice goose egg to go along with the blood dripping down his head.


Oct 25, 2017
I usually have the opposite problem with ''smells''. People using so much deodorant or some perfumes that it's almost hard to breath next to them. Especially women. Also i guess this is again cultural difference ( well I am finnish..) but I really don't know why some people are so bothered by nudity in locker room. Who the fuck cares.


Oct 25, 2017
I like using the lateral pulldown machine. Just two sets of 16 -- I'm off it as soon as I'm on it, it seems. There's only one of these machines in my gym, and it is often jealously guarded, but yesterday took the cake.

There were two guys tag-teaming it when I was there. As in, one would do a set, then the other would do a set, and so on. I don't know how many sets they were doing, but they did plenty, and I was using other machines while waiting for my chance.

When I returned after using a couple of other machines...there was a different couple of dudes tag-teaming it. And they were still at it when I finished my entire hour-long routine.

Similar things keep happening many days I'm up at the gym, and I can never get at the lateral pulldown, and it bothers me far more than it should. I've kept telling management via feedback requests to get a second machine, but it's yet to happen.


Jan 4, 2018
I stopped going to the gym due to how annoying I found people to be. Now I have weights and a bench at home instead. Worst offender for me was probably a guy that did bicep curls with a barbell, exerting himself so much that he had to drop the barbell into the ground from head height each time. To top it off he was standing about two meters from me. My ears were ringing for a day after.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
We used to have a heavybag at my gym. I loved working in a few rounds of boxing with my workout. It had a big sign next to it that said "DO NOT KICK THE HEAVYBAG".

But that shit is meant to be ignored right?

This one fucking guy used to LARP as fucking Conor McGregor and would KICK the everloving shit out of it. I honestly saw him take a running jump at it one day. So the gym removed the bag because dickheads love to show off. Don't be a gym dickhead.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 14, 2018
Old biker dude lifting is boots and jeans. Too manly for gym clothes.

He a good dude tho.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
People in my gym look at me weirdly for wiping down my equipment. Seriously. The locker rooms absolutely reek.

Also when somebody asks if they can "jump in" on a machine between sets, but then proceeds to hog the machine for the next 20 minutes.

Workouts should be exerting but if you're training with a punching bag, please, shut the fuck up, sounds like repeatedly slashing your sword in a Zelda game.

Deleted member 9838

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Mr. Karate, you know. . . The guy who paces around the gym with headphones and seems to do nothing but a few chin ups and hitting the punching bag between them with his karate skillz. Also, will hit the speedbag for 10 minutes creating the most annoying mix of noise possible in the gym.

Deleted member 9305

Oct 26, 2017
People who are more on their phone than working out.


Oct 29, 2017
People who cry about others doing some two machine super sets when they wouldn't use the machine anyway. (I put may towel away so it's free inbetween.)

People who won't use their mouth to tell their concern when someone is still using a machine.

So many problems here are due to incompetence.

I'm fine with people using 2 machines but sometimes people are circuit training, hogging 4-5 machines. If you're doing this during peak hours it's a douche move
Have someone like that. I will hust go inbetween, like how is he gonna stop me from using a free equipment?


Oct 25, 2017
Super small gym there is only one free Barbell,Squat Bar often im asked if im close to finishing by some younger guy and of course I finish up quickly even foregoing another exercise for another just so im not that dickhead hogging it the whole time im there. Only for them to half ass the exercise after 3 reps or just take 5+ minute rests and stay glued to their mobile.


Oct 28, 2017
Norfolk, UK
People doing dumbbell chest press and lifting too much weight, and you can tell because they can't control the weights properly, the reps are incomplete, and the negative lift is simply them dropping the weights. All this would be fine until they drop the weights onto the floor from bench height with a loud thump.


Oct 28, 2017
Have been a member of 4 different gyms and I don't think I've ever seen anybody curling in the squat rack, long may it continue. Not re-racking plates or monopolising multiple stations however, the perpetrators make the list.


Oct 27, 2017
Some people at my gym legitimately don't shower. First you see them, then you smell them.

Wireless headphones have fixed a lot of other annoying things though -- terrible music, bro squawk, etc.

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017
Stupid buff dudes who tell you they're using the machine you just got to after you finish one set while they're rotating between three machines instead of just focusing on one for more that 10 minutes. Bitch I just got here, don't rush me.


Oct 27, 2017
People using the free weights badly because they were told that using machines would compromise their gains, even though they are absolutely perfect for beginners with no spotter.

But sure, dude. Get the "full benefit" of those poor form quarter squats with a bar.

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
People using the free weights badly because they were told that using machines would compromise their gains, even though they are absolutely perfect for beginners with no spotter.

But sure, dude. Get the "full benefit" of those poor form quarter squats with a bar.

Using machines won't help their form on free weights. Sounds like you have an issue with shitty form, not beginners shying away from machines (which is objectively a good thing)

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I won't even go into the things that annoy me, of which there are very few, but I'd love to know how I can spot a steroid user. At my peak in the summer I was sticking to a rigorous routine and did see massive improvement via muscle gain, but every time I looked around I wondered how the hell were guys as big as they are? Every time I go I always wonder if my genetics are really that bad but half the guys are the gym seem so big and bulbous, from their deltoids to their biceps, that I don't know whether to work harder because their bodies are realistic goals or chalk it up to PE drugs.


Oct 25, 2017
Step 1 find the shittiest 24 hour gym in the worst part of town
Step 2 Go there at horrible times 1-2AM 3-5AM

Be happy as no one bothers you ever. I can forgive a lot of things but people walking up to me and wanting to be my friend or telling me about what they read in men's fitness are the worst.


Oct 28, 2017
Mr. Karate, you know. . . The guy who paces around the gym with headphones and seems to do nothing but a few chin ups and hitting the punching bag between them with his karate skillz. Also, will hit the speedbag for 10 minutes creating the most annoying mix of noise possible in the gym.
This guy. Who is and where does he come from???


Oct 30, 2017
I hate people who just hang out in the gym and talk most of the time staring at women. Fuck those pricks, i intentionally give them death stares


Oct 25, 2017
1. People who take multiple dumbbell weights, like 3-4 different sets at one time.
2. People who spend all day at the bench press
3. Groups of 4 or more people using different machines (2 is fine/4 takes so much time)
4. People not racking weights at the correct places.
5. People who don't wipe after using equipment/benches.

This is why I made a full home gym, 2 hours at the gym become a nice lean 1 hr 25 min workout. Very good investment.