Oct 25, 2017
Thought of one, worthless trainers. I once did an entire bench workout while this guy and his trainer discussed Game of Thrones while he was between sets.


Oct 27, 2017
I should bookmark this thread for the next time someone is told not to worry about being self conscience going to the gym because "no one pays attention to anyone but themselves"


Oct 25, 2017
You guys are scary me from taking my skinny Asian ass to the gym.
Don't be

Just follow proper etiquette and you will be fine

No one minds beginners or light lifters (hell I'm one). But we do mind the "hey you all hear me and look at me" and the people dropping/not properly putting back their weights
Oct 25, 2017
I should bookmark this thread for the next time someone is told not to worry about being self conscience going to the gym because "no one pays attention to anyone but themselves"

A lot of these mistakes aren't made by newcomers but rather the opposite, regulars who think they own the gym and have been there long enough to let all the bad habits ferment.

A loud grunter dropping heavy weights on the floor will get more dirty looks than a newcomer going light.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Using two pieces of equipment at the same time, even if they're close by. People will leave their towel or something to make sure nobody gets in while they alternate. Fuck you. Either use one at a time or if you're going to alternate, take all your shit if you're not there when someone comes they can use it.

And I have seen people do it with equipment that was nowhere near each other; literally across the fucking gym. What the fuck?

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
I'm usually in the zone at the gym so I don't really notice a lot of the little things.

But I find it real annoying when people ask to work in with me. I usually let them, but man is it annoying.

Halcy Caritas

Oct 26, 2017
I'm usually in the zone at the gym so I don't really notice a lot of the little things.

But I find it real annoying when people ask to work in with me. I usually let them, but man is it annoying.

You and me both. It's really irritating when the weight they lift is either a lot heavier or a lot lighter than what you're doing so then you have to add on the hassle of changing out the plates.


Nov 6, 2017
Guys who clearly can't handle a weight. Usually young guys who think they're hot shit. They wobble up the weight with absolutely terrible and dangerous form, but when you offer a spot they give you a fuck off old man look. Go ahead and break yourself dumbass. I've seen injuries happen because tough guy thinks he's superman.


Oct 26, 2017
I go to my gym 5 - 6 times a week. Have a 3 day split that I do twice a week with some variation each time. But always start with Deadlift, Squat and Bench.

Most of the other gym goers at my gym are young (in their 20s) I'm 36 but I hate that all they do is Chest and Arms.... literally that's it. I see these one group of kids probably 3 - 4 times a week? That's all they do.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
I go to my gym 5 - 6 times a week. Have a 3 day split that I do twice a week with some variation each time. But always start with Deadlift, Squat and Bench.

Most of the other gym goers at my gym are young (in their 20s) I'm 36 but I hate that all they do is Chest and Arms.... literally that's it. I see these one group of kids probably 3 - 4 times a week? That's all they do.
Don't skip leg day is a meme for a reason unfortunately.


Oct 25, 2017
I should bookmark this thread for the next time someone is told not to worry about being self conscience going to the gym because "no one pays attention to anyone but themselves"
Yeah, I would suggest anyone who's self-conscious to do what I did: Buy a home gym. I get to grunt and fuck around as much as I want. Feels damn good.
EDIT: Or go to 24-Hour Fitness at like 1am, like I did when I first got my gym membership and didn't have a job. That was actually pretty damn nice as well.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't skip leg day is a meme for a reason unfortunately.

Or back day or shoulder day.

It's just the same bicep, tricep and chest workout. I went to one gym for 18 years and saw this plenty. That's why I went to heavy compound lifts. Just joined another gym in the interim while a new super gym is being built (44,000 sq ft! 9.99 bi weekly for life as well) I'll probably see that there as well.

but I focus on myself and screw you all I'm on my phone if I'm resting between heavy sets. 2 - 3 minutes is fine.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Just the other day some guy was grunting which I didn't mind. He then proceeded to take his shirt off, admire himself in the mirror, put his shirt back on and then repeated this a handful of times.

However what bothered me the most was the fact that he was tossing around heavy weights in a inconsiderate manner where he could've injured someone near him. He was treating the equipment with such disdain and lacked situational awareness. I was tempted to speak up and I probably should've.


Nov 6, 2017
The reason I set up a home guy was because of all the dumb and annoying stuff that happened at the gym. They're a breeding ground for selfish behavior and lunkhead idiots.


Oct 25, 2017
I should bookmark this thread for the next time someone is told not to worry about being self conscience going to the gym because "no one pays attention to anyone but themselves"

Nah, these are all observations of rude behavior. You don't need to walk on eggshells not to be rude. Just use common sense (ie "Would I want to put my body on a piece of equipment covered in sweat?
No? Then I'll wipe it down when I'm done with it."

The Grizz

Oct 27, 2017
Two [Edit: 6] things come to mind:

1. Dudes lifting their shirts up to check their abs out in the mirror.
2. Kids messing around near the equipment and getting in everyone's way. Either workout or move so others can workout.
3. Dropping weights
4. Swinging weights
5. Dead lifts where they dump the bar very loudly and shake the ground
6. Not wiping down your equipment


Oct 25, 2017
The dudes checking themselves out in the mirror when they clearly skip leg day.

Been doing cardio at night with the bf at Planet Fitness, dear lord are there a lot of people who skip leg day there.

The Grizz

Oct 27, 2017
The dudes checking themselves out in the mirror when they clearly skip leg day.

Been doing cardio at night with the bf at Planet Fitness, dear lord are there a lot of people who skip leg day there.
Hey not everyone with small legs skips leg day. I'm 6'1" and do leg day weekly, but have a tough time building up my calves. I'm just leggy.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm at the gym now and witnessing a pet peeve. People inventing their own Rube Goldberg machine with random stuff in the gym to do sets. There are already machines here that do whatever it is!


Oct 25, 2017

Numbers are some of the first things we learn in pre school. Like holy shit, why are there weights just strewn all over the floor or in an entirely different spot than where they're supposed to be (ex. 45's in the 80's place).

The fact that it's still happening at my gym well into March means it's not just resolutioners, just lazy assholes.


Nov 6, 2017
Leaving a barbell on the floor that's loaded with 350lb or something. Or generally not putting your shit away when you're done.
I'm usually the first person in the morning at the squat racks and I have to invest like 5 extra minutes all the time just to get an empty barbell for warming up.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm guilty of rotating through multiple machines because that's what the workout app for the gym says to do. If the machine is taken when I get back to it, I just move that one back until it's free again the next time I look.

The only thing I've found annoying so far are these pair of Workout Buddy White Girls who come in right before they go out for dinner and proceed to blast music that overpowers my headphones. Luckily their workouts are ridiculously short before they're on the treadmills walking and talking about their plans.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
Alright I got two:

1 - People who stare at themselves while working out. Obnoxious as hell.

2 - People that insist on talking on the phone while they work out and making sure everyone can hear that convo. I have no idea who would be down for that on the other end of the line but damn it's annoying.

Just got back and had to vent. There was a person actually on FaceTime while working out and totally not doing anything right because they had to make the sure they were centered on camera the whole time lol. I'm hungover too so everything annoys me today lol.

Edit: Holy crap! Sorry for bumping such and old thread :-(


Oct 25, 2017
Alright I got two:

1 - People who stare at themselves while working out. Obnoxious as hell.

2 - People that insist on talking on the phone while they work out and making sure everyone can hear that convo. I have no idea who would be down for that on the other end of the line but damn it's annoying.

Just got back and had to vent. There was a person actually on FaceTime while working out and totally not doing anything right because they had to make the sure they were centered on camera the whole time lol. I'm hungover too so everything annoys me today lol.

Edit: Holy crap! Sorry for bumping such and old thread :-(
Uh, if you don't stare at yourself sometimes you're screwing up your form.

Deleted member 13642

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
yeah, was gonna mention the form thing too. I've been lifting for about a year and a half and if I don't pay CLOSE attention to what I'm doing in the mirror I still screw it up.

What annoys me is people who just sit on the equipment for like.. way too long. A rest is fine, I get that. but like 10 minutes?


Oct 25, 2017
I work out at a group training gym and everyone is generally really nice, but the thing that kills me most is the handful of people who don't clean up or put stuff away. Leaving it for the trainers or other members to do is so shitty, especially since its a small gym. And if I'm really going to be honest and petty, people who can't put the weights back on the rack in the right place make me nuts. It's in numerical order, you should know where stuff goes or you can ask someone. Having to search for the right dumbbells because they aren't racked correctly is annoying as fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
People that try and cycle through multiple machines or pieces of equipment rapidly and expect everyone to abide by their routine. "Woah woah bro I'm using that next". I dont give a fuck your aren't on it now.

This right here is the worst. I have 1 hour to get my workout in and 1 dude decides to use 3 machines and a pilates ball next to the dumbbell rack. Awful.


Oct 28, 2017
Since this was bumped, I might as well add to it.

  • People who wander around with no plan going from machine to machine
  • People who put zero effort into their exercise or have astonishingly bad form
  • If you are out of shape and looking to get in better shape, why are you doing concentration curls??
Both of the gyms I go to now though have a core group that is pretty cool. The Bodybuilder/Strong Man gym though does have a few guys that are very aggressive at other members but it hasn't happened to me.

I did have a very funny and cute moment at the mainstream gym the other night. This kid and I are doing squats in the only rack in the gym. I'm 43 and the kid is probably around 22. We are going deep and heavy. This very nice man, who I think was in his 50's, came up to us and told us to stop squatting too low because of our knees and handed us a pad to protect our shoulders. We thanked him, had a brief conversation about knee safety, demonstrated low bar squats to him and had a nice conversation. It was cool that he was trying to help but was also open to feedback.


Oct 29, 2017
People who throw 45lb plates where the 10lb plates go. They literally had to exert more effort to get it on there. So you have to shift all this shit around. Are we not adults? can we not tell which plates go where?

I just want to stand at one of the plate holders, hold up a 5lb plate and yell WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY

That 11 year old kid lifting weights next to you... whose kid is this yall

Lil dude out here getting swole


Oct 27, 2017

not a frequent thing tho. annoying when it does happen

Loud grunting is basically my main pet peeve. The other day, some guy was grunting so loud and I was in the middle of benching, that I actually lost concentration and had the bar collapse on me because it was so over the top hilarious. Burst out laughing in the process.


Oct 27, 2017
This one old dude regularly takes literally every 5kg plate in the gym (around 12 of them), puts them all on his stomach and then starts doing super quick crunches.

I'm not sure how effective that exercise is, but it's a pain in the ass when you want to use a 5kg plate and can't find any.


Oct 29, 2017
I should bookmark this thread for the next time someone is told not to worry about being self conscience going to the gym because "no one pays attention to anyone but themselves"

A lot of these observations are the supermarket equivalent of licking the produce and putting it back. As long as you're not an obnoxiously loud inconsiderate jerk, you'll be fine.


Oct 25, 2017
Loud grunting is basically my main pet peeve. The other day, some guy was grunting so loud and I was in the middle of benching, that I actually lost concentration and had the bar collapse on me because it was so over the top hilarious. Burst out laughing in the process.
Thankfully those doing it at my gym have left a long time ago.

As those snapping pictures of themselves every 2 reps

Deleted member 9305

Oct 26, 2017
People who think headphones are optional and their shitty smartphone speakers are best enjoyed with the rest of the gym.

Deleted member 35598

User requested account closure
Dec 7, 2017
What I really don't like is when a guy comes to you when you're exercising on a machine to ask you if you have finished... I can't stand it !

There are dozens of other machines available, but because the guy has his routine and he wants me ( or others ) to stop mine in order to accomodate him... Nope.


Oct 25, 2017
This old guy at my gym yells and grunts so loudly I can hear him through my headphones on max volume. It's not just grunting, he yells stuff like "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!" AND "COME OOOOONNNNNN BABY". He's seriously the fuckin worst lol