Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sent to this some friends who are Trump supporters. The responses are so disappointing. Thought it was one of the funniest things they've read in a while, said it doesn't matter what he says he's what this country needs right now. Hate all you want

Uhh, I'd say you need to lose those "friends."


Oct 28, 2017
New York
Sent to this some friends who are Trump supporters. The responses are so disappointing. Thought it was one of the funniest things they've read in a while, said it doesn't matter what he says he's what this country needs right now. Hate all you want

Why are you friends with people like this? Get some better fucking friends.


Oct 25, 2017
I know no one wants to play the waiting game with Trump, we all wanted the guy impeached yesterday. I'm just pointing out that this isn't as black and white of an issue as people here seem to think it should be. There is a possibility that waiting for a better position of power is the better play to make here.
I'd be more reassured by this if I believed the people who would be in those positions of power would be interested in making those plays when the time came.


Feb 25, 2018
Clearly what Trump wanted to say was : I"m fine with white immigrants. But if you are not white, then you are an immigrant even if you were born here, so go away.

America is turning into a fucking nazi state and no one is doing anything

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
"If pigs could fly, then yes, a pig airport would be a good idea."
Creating flying pigs isn't something the American public will be deciding in a year and a half. I think this conversation has run it's course if this is how you're going to respond to me. Thanks for the previous replies though, I did appreciate the conversation.


Oct 27, 2017
And once again, Trump's words holding true for Omar doesn't make them any less disgusting.

Focusing on merely how Trump's comments doesn't fit AOC's legal citizenship I feel is missing the forest for the trees.
The post I was responding to was specifically referencing the AOC part of the comment.

I feel you're overreaching a bit by trying to make it seems as if it's dismissing the other full on racist bigotry part of his comments.

A bit confused how you could seem to even imply that from my comment without looking at the context of the poster I was responding to.

You can be appalled by both, but can easily address them individually, especially when it's brought up specifically by someone else in a conversation.

I understand it was probably coming from a good place, but let's not try to start needless fires in what is already a dumpster fire, please.


Oct 30, 2017
Nancy is that guy who has liked a girl since highschool, but he's been waiting for that "perfect moment" to ask her out.

Of course, I kid. Nancy doesn't actually have any intentions of asking the guy out because it would cause ripples with her own standard of living.


Oct 27, 2017
Clearly what Trump wanted to say was : I"m fine with white immigrants. But if you are not white, then you are an immigrant even if you were born here, so go away.

America is turning into a fucking nazi state and no one is doing anything

It almost feels like millions of white conservative Americans are just smiling at each other now, and nodding, saying, "This is it. We did it. Just another year tops, and we'll be able to be openly racist, and even reward people for racism instead of that stupid stuff about how it's bad. We've nearly achieved the Fourth Reich, and it will be glorious when we can finally start killing all these colored people around us. We can make up for our horrible mistake of not joining the Axis in WWII and finally creating an unchallenged white, ethnostate, we're so close now."
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Clearly what Trump wanted to say was : I"m fine with white immigrants. But if you are not white, then you are an immigrant even if you were born here, so go away.

America is turning into a fucking nazi state and no one is doing anything

He already said that though, a while ago. Said they wouldn't have a problem if all the immigrants were coming from "somewhere like Norway"

No one in leadership cared then, they won't now.


Oct 25, 2017
I love aoc's response, gives me hope that there are others who share real American ideals out there

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
it's impossible to pick up enough seats to remove him, beyond that it's pretty fucking unlikely we'd get 51 senate seats in a situation where Trump is reelected
I'm well aware of the numbers, which is why I'm apprehensive about starting the process now.

Of course people completely ignored my original point that a failed impeachment might help Trump more than harm him in 2020. Which is why waiting might be the better play. If that fails I believe they will try impeachment as a last resort if he wins the election.


Oct 30, 2017
Creating flying pigs isn't something the American public will be deciding in a year and a half. I think this conversation has run it's course if this is how you're going to respond to me. Thanks for the previous replies though, I did appreciate the conversation.

Sorry, I was flippant. We both clearly want Trump gone.

I just think it's not a good bet to place your faith in an institution that the Republicans have been visibly and specifically tuning to make it harder for Democrats to win for basically the last forever.

Nancy's (supposedly) playing chess, while the Republicans are playing Calvinball.


Oct 25, 2017
That has...nothing to do with what I said. I'd not be trying to convince republicans of anything, I'd be trying to convince everyone else. If you're telling me that politics and propaganda have 0 influence on an election then yeah, we're going to disagree here. People who voted for Trump or didn't vote at all either need to change their vote, or vote dem next election. Politics will effect that and nothing you say will 'educate' me to believe otherwise.
You were saying that impeachment is a bad strategy because who knows it might fail and they'll spin it for their benefit.
Fact is, the reason why it's so easy for them to influence public opinion and spin things however they want has a lot to do with how little of a fuck they give. Americans are stupid and they love confidence almost as much as they love racism.
The Democrats' public image is that they are pathetic and weak, and them consistently acting so goddamn afraid of losing one "independent" vote (that wasn't going to vote for them anyway) doesn't help fix that problem.

Pelosi and Co. saying impeachment isn't worth it/harmful to country "unity"/whatever is not a strategy that makes much sense. It's just laziness and cowardice.
Impeachment was never going to be a popular proposition from the outset. You build support for it, and you influence public opinion by making a public case for impeachment while being united as a party for it.

But that requires work and leadership, which the Democratic party lacks right now. So instead all we get is bullshit calls for unity while their lackeys tweet condescending attacks directed at progressive congresswomen that end up being the basis for Trump's racist twitter vomits.


Oct 29, 2017
I remember when Trump announced his campaign and said that Mexico sends rapists and murderers. Everything he's said since then simply enforces his racism specifically towards Mexicans. My question to the people here is why is someone allowed to talk about Mexicans and people from Latin America in this manner? Would there be the same response if you substituted those responses with similar responses toward Jewish people?

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
remember when people clutched their pearls over calling Trump a racist as recently as last year or when they got upset over people confronting Sean Spicer in public? LOL. The "muh decorum" crowd is dead weight.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
On one hand, Trump was always a massive racist who started his campaign with racism that was even more blatant than those tweets, so Republicans who have defended him in the past are shit and can go fuck themselves.

On the other hand, people like Nancy have gone well out of their way to throw Omar under the bus on multiple occasions, so I can't help but give a lot of Democrats credit for making her a vulnerable target.

I will never forget this shit for as long as I live.

I'd be more reassured by this if I believed the people who would be in those positions of power would be interested in making those plays when the time came.

Yeah, when people like Adam Schiff are doing everything they can to avoid entertaining the idea that Trump should be impeached, it really doesn't inspire confidence.

Nah. I don't define people by their political views. Besides these are people I've known since childhood.

Who said anything about political views? The issue is that your friends are racists.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Sorry, I was flippant. We both clearly want Trump gone.

I just think it's not a good bet to place your faith in an institution that the Republicans have been visibly and specifically tuning to make it harder for Democrats to win for basically the last forever.

Nancy's (supposedly) playing chess, while the Republicans are playing Calvinball.
It's all good, we're both frustrated with the government.

And my faith really isn't in Nancy Pelosi or the government to do anything correctly here, it's in the people to vote him out. I just can't help but seeing the results of an impeachment that doesn't remove him being used over and over again as a way to exonerate him and people in the middle just eating that up. I could be wrong of course, but my faith in the average person isn't much to write home about either.


May 22, 2019
How the hell did Donald trump get into the Whitehouse, it's completely insane. The guys a complete moron.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope this fucker dies. Soon.
I know why people wish for this but this would be a disaster for this country. America would rally around Republicans seeing it as a time of grief and feel that a Republican needs to be elected to replace the lost Republican. Let the racist live until after he loses.
Nah. I don't define people by their political views. Besides these are people I've known since childhood.
Racism isn't a political view. Your friends just laughed away racism and now I can see why you're still friends with them since open racism by the President and your own friends is just "politics" to you.


Oct 28, 2017
This will be our of the news in 2 days. Let cuomo 2 side this argument tomorrow night and the Tuesday we will talk about some other dumb thing trump did or said. I do hope that pelosi feels the venom coming from democratic voters in her twitter posts. That will keep growing.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
You were saying that impeachment is a bad strategy because who knows it might fail and they'll spin it for their benefit.
Fact is, the reason why it's so easy for them to influence public opinion and spin things however they want has a lot to do with how little of a fuck they give. Americans are stupid and they love confidence almost as much as they love racism.
The Democrats' public image is that they are pathetic and weak, and them consistently acting so goddamn afraid of losing one "independent" vote (that wasn't going to vote for them anyway) doesn't help fix that problem.

Pelosi and Co. saying impeachment isn't worth it/harmful to country "unity"/whatever is not a strategy that makes much sense. It's just laziness and cowardice.
Impeachment was never going to be a popular proposition from the outset. You build support for it, and you influence public opinion by making a public case for impeachment while being united as a party for it.

But that requires work and leadership, which the Democratic party lacks right now. So instead all we get is bullshit calls for unity while their lackeys tweet condescending attacks directed at progressive congresswomen that end up being the basis for Trump's racist twitter vomits.
Fair enough. As I've said in my previous posts, I see merit in trying to impeach him now, I just also see the potential for that to backfire. 2018 did show that the public is willing to vote against his party though and I'm hoping that continues into 2020 and we wont have to discuss impeachment anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
If AOC can get New York declared a foreign country, we can expel the President for non-citizenship too

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I know why people wish for this but this would be a disaster for this country. America would rally around Republicans seeing it as a time of grief and feel that a Republican needs to be elected to replace the lost Republican. Let the racist live until after he loses.
Nah fuck this. I get the logic but I'm also just fucking exhausted and want to see the fat fuck roll over dead ASAP. Waking up and not having to think that nuclear war could occur within the hour would be all the solace I'd need, regardless of whatever garbage Republican may be next in line.

At least then we can breathe a sigh of relief as we collect our thoughts for the next fight.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'm still eagerly awaiting the Twitter ban.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
It was nice of Trump to take all the Dem infighting and make it about himself again.

¡ B 0 0 P !

Apr 4, 2019
Greater Toronto Area
Nah. I don't define people by their political views. Besides these are people I've known since childhood.

Who cares. How else are they going to learn their politics have negative repercussions for millions if their more liberal friends around them are afraid of triggering them by criticizing them. It allows them to normalize their vile opinions. I.e. "I'm not racist because I have a Liberal friend!"
Oct 28, 2017
User banned (2 weeks): downplaying racist behavior
These aren't political views.
I know why people wish for this but this would be a disaster for this country. America would rally around Republicans seeing it as a time of grief and feel that a Republican needs to be elected to replace the lost Republican. Let the racist live until after he loses.

Racism isn't a political view. Your friends just laughed away racism and now I can see why you're still friends with them since open racism by the President and your own friends is just "politics" to you.
Your friends are racists.
Since when has racism been a political view? WTF...
lol this is some coward shit

A lot of people have racist or prejudiced views. Some of them are prob in your family, too. You going to cut those people off because they hold views you don't like? I highly doubt that. Easy to say this shit on an online forum. It is not my job to go around changing people's minds. What goes in between their two ears are their responsibility, not mine. None of them are bad people or try to hurt anyone. They are just misguided and ignorant on a lot of subjects. I told them they needed their heads examined and we're idiots ... not sure what else you'd like me to do? People aren't gonna change unless they're open to it. I got my own shit to worry about.

Anyway, I have no interest in making this thread about me and my friends.