Oct 25, 2017
The party saying pedophiles should be killed are suddenly shocked when one of their own tries to kill a pedophile.

It's really not a huge leap ya'll, let's stop pretending like it is.


Jan 18, 2023
I think too much emphasis is being put on "registered" republican.

I think this person was just crazy

Maybe if they were 30, but 20 is so young people don't know what the fuck they believe in and their mind is so warped so easily.

Tucker Carlson was a registered Democrat from 2006 to 2020.

So being registered under a party doesn't always tell the full story.


Oct 28, 2017
Why can't we just take the information that was given to us? He was a registered Republican. That's it.

Because he's only 20 so I don't think it means as much as you think it does. I don't understand a right wing extremist wanting to assassinate Trump. I feel like there is more mental gymnastic in justifying that than other scenarios. It's possible of course but I need to see his shatter on socials. I hope we get that stuff soon.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Is the official staff communication #2 going to be enforced or is it just like, a feelings thing?

It's impossible to read motive. People who are radicalized in extreme communities, which we think this person was a member of extreme pro gun communities (though it's still early and we don't know that beyond what's been reported), don't always act in ways that are cogent to other normal-thinking people. People tried to read motive into Sirhan Sirhan for years, trying to find some rationalization, and after years of psychiatric evaluation it was finally determined that he had deep personal mental health issues, and had he been killed at the scene, everybody would have assumed he was acting on some larger political purpose. Likewise with Hinkley, it took months for the general public to understand the motivation for his assassination attempt on Reagan, and it wasn't for any political motivation, but to pervertedly win the attention of a celebrity. People who have coherent motivations and intend to assassinate someone like the president, are usually caught. People who have incoherent motivations are harder to track, harder to see coming.

There are real practical questions, why does a person with multiple arrests h (from what's been reported) ave access to an AR-15 style rifle? How was he able to be as close as 400 feet from such a prominent target? How was he able to get into the building with that sort of gun?

Trying to read in questions of advanced motive… "why would a Republican want to shoot Trump?" "Is this guy an antifascist?" "Is he really a democrat from making a $15 donation when he was 17…" those aren't questions that can be adequately answered with what we know, and may never be answered.
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Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
I didn't know shit about politics when I was younger, didn't know what to pick when I was 18, my parents told me "just pick republican"
I didn't bother to switch it to something I wanted until I was 21. I put it off for 3 years just off pure laziness.

Granted that was like 1995, there was no social media like today that keeps you hyper informed of how everything works.

But I still think kids don't know what the fuck is what and are just easily manipulated.

You're not wrong.

But it's not on us to sus out the validity of the facts as is presented to us.

I just really need to see the left (and I mean the broader left, not leftists) get out of this learned defensive posture. It's sad, and it helps absolutely nobody. We're in the fight for our fucking lives and right now I wouldn't even want to play a soccer game with half of y'all because you'd bow out if there was a patch of dead grass on the field. Oh no we just can't do it! It's joever 😭 guyz! It's JOOOOOEVER!!!111one

If y'all don't get the fuck outta my face.


Jan 18, 2023


Nov 6, 2017
This should be such a clear win for gun control, but in the Republican's minds it just means they need more security, cops and military to protect them.
Considering we just had Shinzo Abe killed a few years ago in a country where guns are nearly impossible to get and how relatively infrequent political assassination attempts (let alone success) are in the US despite the amount of guns. I dont think its as clear of a win as youd think.


Oct 25, 2017
When the entire goal of the party is for their members to be radicalized, it's really not too surprising if someone ends up radicalized in a way that ends up making their own their target.
Dang, really.. THanks.

The party saying pedophiles should be killed are suddenly shocked when one of their own tries to kill a pedophile.

It's really not a huge leap ya'll, let's stop pretending like it is.

Gee yeah that really dominated the headlines this week. If there's one thing that pisses off a lot of people it's certainly that. Heck, it's a big "honour among thieves" in prison moment to beat a pedo (often to death).
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Oct 25, 2017
The party saying pedophiles should be killed are suddenly shocked when one of their own tries to kill a pedophile.

It's really not a huge leap ya'll, let's stop pretending like it is.
This is where my mind went as well. Someone who'd mark themselves as a pedophile hunter and have t-shirts or bumper stickers saying it heard about the Epstein files and Trump and decided to do something about it.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017

View: https://x.com/MELANIATRUMP/status/1812492817068945437



Redmond Barry

Nov 24, 2017
People are saying the picture looks "cool", but it just reminds me of how facists liked to look during their reign, especially Mussolini

Yeah, and the biggest thing going against it is that it's Trump. Trump looks like Trump: a clown. Not for nothing was his appearance the butt of jokes well before he threw his hat into the ring back in 2015.

It looks about as "badass" as that petulant toddler look he has on his mugshot or any of those maga illustrations that place his oversized head on Sylvester Stallone's body circa 1980.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Anyone else feeling better about the potential fallout of this today? Learning that the shooter was a registered republican makes it feel a lot less potentially dangerous. Democrats can take a gun control angle. There are months before the election.

I feel fine.
Gun control's probably a non-starter, but if they want to run with a "Trump = Chaos / Biden = Dull, Boring Order" angle, I can see that resonating.


Oct 28, 2017
This is looking more like your average run-of-the-mill mass shooter who found himself in a position to hit a Pres. Candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
You're not wrong.

But it's not on us to sus out the validity of the facts as is presented to us.

I just really need to see the left (and I mean the broader left, not leftists) get out of this learned defensive posture. It's sad, and it helps absolutely nobody. We're in the fight for our fucking lives and right now I wouldn't even want to play a soccer game with half of y'all because you'd bow out if there was a patch of dead grass on the field. Oh no we just can't do it! It's joever 😭 guyz! It's JOOOOOEVER!!!111one

If y'all don't get the fuck outta my face.
The posting....ferocity between now and oh let's say 70 pages ago has completely changed. This place can be something else sometimes.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Was just in Clearwater Florida and all the beach shops have so much fucking bootleg MAGA shit next to their Quicksilver shirts. Goku Trump, etc. And they make custom printed shirts.

They're gonna be printing like a motherfucker this week. Congrats on the grift assholes.


Oct 27, 2017
Being bad at organizing implies you're trying to do it and yet failing. I don't see liberals actually trying to plan or organize any truly material opposition to Republican fascism beyond telling people to vote, finger-wagging towards those who didn't give a shit about whether or not Trump died yesterday, and lying through their fucking teeth that violence isn't part of American identity.

"Civility and decorum" are impregnable parts of the liberal agenda, a way to separate themselves as the good guys. Subsequently, they have ceded all of the tools of fighting to the right-wing because violence in and of itself is always fundamentally unjustifiable to the liberal unless you're swung on first, although they have no answer for when the metaphorical swing is a fucking mass shooting, or mass demonstrations of Nazis, or a Supreme Court stripping your rights, or police doing what they're paid to do all the time. They are pacifists who don't believe in preventative action, folks whose answer towards the paradox of tolerance is just to ignore it.

If Trump had died yesterday, I would've cut off my dominant arm before being seen admitting that I gave any sort of shit about the well-being of my political enemy. Fuck him and the rest of the fascists backing him.
Oct 28, 2017
Considering we just had Shinzo Abe killed a few years ago in a country where guns are nearly impossible to get and how relatively infrequent political assassination attempts (let alone success) are in the US despite the amount of guns. I dont think its as clear of a win as youd think.

It's a very bright rock on the pile of obvious issues that the US have with public mass shootings. Issues that are now bigger than ever. So far in July there was been 35 mass shootings in the US. The month isn't even half over yet.

What happened in Japan was a freak incident. In the US it was a matter of time before something like this happened to a big political figure.

Cut to clips of Melania refusing to even hold Trump's tiny hand for the cameras.
Mar 15, 2019
can't even begin to imagine the chaos resulting from Trump dying yesterday, specially in this fucked up social media-heavy society we've been getting used to in the last few years


Oct 28, 2017
Everything about the shooter is so bizarre. Doesn't really add up. Registered republican gun nut but also donated $15 to a democratic pac 3 years ago. And he's a young guy so this would have been his first presidential election. It's just weird.

Conspiracy people will be disappointed but to me it looks more and more like a failed mass shooting and not just assassination attempt.

Wonder what we'll find out after they talk to the perps friends and family.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder does a good job explaining this mindset (for some historical perspective).

Excellent book, and one that focuses much of its length on highlighting the flaws in what much of the authoritarian left propose as a "solution" to fascism.

Which historically has been to brand moderates on the left as "social fascists", to have a big and bloody revolution, install a "dictatorship of the proletariat", abolish democracy, constitutionalism, an indepdent judiciary and freedom of the press, purge millions of intellectual and political opponents (real or imagined) by executing them or sending them to prison camps, supply the fascists with raw materials to build their war machine while holding victory marches with them after invading a neighboring country, executing tens of thousands of intellectuals and people from civil society in said country by using pistols supplied by the fascists, and forcibly starving several millions of people to death in one of your vassal states.

I won't claim to know what the solution is, but even as a working class fellow, I'll take a flawed liberal democracy over what a large segment of people on the left propose as a "better" alternative any day.


Dec 9, 2020
Portland, OR
Everything about the shooter is so bizarre. Doesn't really add up. Registered republican gun nut but also donated $15 to a democratic pac 3 years ago. And he's a young guy so this would have been his first presidential election. It's just weird.

Conspiracy people will be disappointed but to me it looks more and more like a failed mass shooting and not just assassination attempt.

Wonder what we'll find out after they talk to the perps friends and family.

I really don't find it hard to believe at all. "Young white dude gets radicalized by the alt-right Manosphere and/or Christianity and falls into a spiral of guns and rhetoric and listens to all the MAGA chatter about pedophiles and decides that Trump is part of it" doesn't take a huge leap of logic, IMHO.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
The MAGAs are going to deplete public sympathy in record time with this shit.

Yeah, exactly. That's the problem. The rally-round-the-flag effect only works when the person stays humble and urges people to unite together and whatever.

But Trump and his cult are too narcissistic to ever do that. He's gonna make it all about him and how badass he is.

We saw this before at the start of COVID. All Trump had to do was urge people to mask up, stay safe, and take the vaccine, and I fully believe he would've coasted to re-election.

Instead, he told us it was just the flu and to drink bleach.


Oct 27, 2017
You're not wrong.

But it's not on us to sus out the validity of the facts as is presented to us.

I just really need to see the left (and I mean the broader left, not leftists) get out of this learned defensive posture. It's sad, and it helps absolutely nobody. We're in the fight for our fucking lives and right now I wouldn't even want to play a soccer game with half of y'all because you'd bow out if there was a patch of dead grass on the field. Oh no we just can't do it! It's joever 😭 guyz! It's JOOOOOEVER!!!111one

If y'all don't get the fuck outta my face.
You and Nepenthe are one of my favorite posters here. Well said.


Jan 31, 2021
I really don't find it hard to believe at all. "Young white dude gets radicalized by the alt-right Manosphere and/or Christianity and falls into a spiral of guns and rhetoric and listens to all the MAGA chatter about pedophiles and decides that Trump is part of it" doesn't take a huge leap of logic, IMHO.

My feelings exactly.

Don't underestimate how effective and how quickly social media radicalizes people.
Mar 3, 2018
I guess that initial report of the ear cut being due to the glass shrapnel from the protective barrier isn't accurate, and the bullet itself grazed his ear? Not trying to spread false information, just curious if I got the info right. Kinda surprised if it is indeed the bullet causing that cut, as in I would have expected more severe injury to the ear and not just a cut if a bullet grazed it. But I guess it just went by his ear barely making contact etc. thats so fucking lucky


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017

View: https://x.com/WSJ/status/1812503074025431193

Sarah D'Angelo, a former classmate of Trump shooting suspect Thomas Matthew Crooks at Bethel Park High in Pennsylvania, said Crooks had not broadcast any strong political views in school.

"He never outwardly spoke about his political views or how much he hated Trump or anything," she said in an interview Sunday morning. D'Angelo, who graduated from the same high school as Crooks in 2022 said he had "a few friends," but "didn't have a whole friend group." She recalled him playing games on his laptop during homeroom before the school day began.


Dec 9, 2020
Portland, OR
Being bad at organizing implies you're trying to do it and yet failing. I don't see liberals actually trying to plan or organize any truly material opposition to Republican fascism beyond telling people to vote, finger-wagging towards those who didn't give a shit about whether or not Trump died yesterday, and lying through their fucking teeth that violence isn't part of American identity.

"Civility and decorum" are impregnable parts of the liberal agenda, a way to separate themselves as the good guys. Subsequently, they have ceded all of the tools of fighting to the right-wing because violence in and of itself is always fundamentally unjustifiable to the liberal unless you're swung on first, although they have no answer for when the metaphorical swing is a fucking mass shooting, or mass demonstrations of Nazis, or a Supreme Court stripping your rights, or police doing what they're paid to do all the time. They are pacifists who don't believe in preventative action, folks whose answer towards the paradox of tolerance is just to ignore it.

If Trump had died yesterday, I would've cut off my dominant arm before being seen admitting that I gave any sort of shit about the well-being of my political enemy. Fuck him and the rest of the fascists backing him.

You're right and I'm glad you said this.