
Oct 27, 2017
I will say I wouldn't entirely be stunned if they have a good relationship in a few years if MS maybe asked Nintendo to take over distribution/branding of the XBox in Japan and other Asian markets. I have no idea what Nintendo would say to that offer, but something like that I could maybe see.


Oct 27, 2017
Not in the current console landscape but in a future one in which all games are being streamed Nintendo will have to place their store somewhere and I think that'll be within Microsoft's xcloud if all things go according to MS plan.

Nintendo is in a strong position now and will definitely not want their games to be played in a competing console ( mostly because Nintendo consoles are the gateway for them to sell their games and keeping them there is what keeps their high value)

But once this all becomes a battle of Netflix-like gaming services, Nintendo will not be in such a strong position anymore and they know that. I guess they have decided to start partnership with whom they think has the highest chance of winning this streaming service war ahead of anybody so that they can make the best agreement possible.


Oct 27, 2017
Birmingham, UK
I can see Nintendo allowing their characters to guest star on other consoles but having their flagship games on an Xbox or any other platform? No chance in hell unless Nintendo exits from hardware and goes 3rd party like Sega.


Oct 28, 2017
People who say no probably would have said no to a MS Nintendo collab like this a few months ago. I know it's just a rumor at this point but people who wouldn't even entertain the possibility are looking wrong now.

After all these rumors. WHO KNOWS.
Nothing will surprise me anymore. And i'm all for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone is thinking like it's 2008 and believing that Xbox hardware is important when it's 2019 and the Xbox brand is turning into a software platform no longer dependent on any single hardware.

The answer is a very conclusive no.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. Microsoft are willing to do it because of their strategy, which isn't the same as Nintendo's, given that their only real revenue stream is gaming.

Where Nintendo fits into Microsoft's strategy is part of a much bigger picture beyond just gaming. That's the difference.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
Anything is possible, but I doubt it will happen in the near future. Nintendo is still following the traditional strategy of using compelling exclusive software to get people into a platform to purchase more software and earn revenue that way. They're not going the "services/software first, hardware second" route like Microsoft just yet.


Dec 9, 2017
Short term like 10-20 years, not a chance in hell, 30-50 years, unless the gaming landscape massively changes like Apple is leading the streaming service sales on the Apple Box and Google Playbox 2nd, then maybe Nintendo and MS join forces to beat another conglomerate. For now, Nintendo IP's are more valuable than Halo, GOW and Fable combined. I'd like to see more collaboration games though like a cross over game between Halo and Metroid or gears of war.


Oct 30, 2017
People who say no probably would have said no to a MS Nintendo collab like this a few months ago. I know it's just a rumor at this point but people who wouldn't even entertain the possibility are looking wrong now.

After all these rumors. WHO KNOWS.
Nothing will surprise me anymore. And i'm all for it.

The situation with MS was like a writing on the wall. It was actually not uncommon to see people theorizing about MS cloud-based strategy. Putting games on PC was kind of a early message.

Nintendo, meanwhile, shows no plans in bringing their games to other devices, save for those that are specifically made to advertise their console games and earn mobile money.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Why don't people just enjoy what you have in Nintendo right now, they are the last true blue game company that's selling hardware.

In 10-15 years maybe you'll get your "faceless online service that controls everything gaming run by giant global conglomerate" where you're stuck paying $19.99 a month to access your games and there is no hardware left.
Can this future come sooner please.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018

And if in the future streaming kills consoles they would put their games everywhere, not only XCloud.


May 5, 2018
No First Party Nintendo IPs fur sure. But I can see other Nintendo Published games like Bayonetta coming to XBOX.


Oct 25, 2017
This all started with Windows Universal Platform. One of the reasons why play anywhere is a thing with Xbox One and PC, and they've been expanding upon it ever since. Streaming games is the next big step to get game pass on every possible device. How anyone never noticed MS moving to this is beyond me.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
No. Nintendo relies on their First Party games to sell their hardware, and they are not being very aggressive in pursuing a streaming-focused space right now. Microsoft seems to be transitioning away from dedicated hardware and it feels like the original Xbox where they are attempting to really jump start what they feel will be the next big change in the industry as a way to be an almost de facto leader. In fact I think it's much more likely Microsoft stops making dedicated hardware (not counting a streaming box) and fully embraces an all streaming future than it is for Nintendo to release their First Party stuff on an Xbox.

Maybe there are some very specific caveats to this, like if Microsoft did a Rare Replay vol. 2 with some stuff that Nintendo owns that isn't Donkey Kong, Star Fox or whatever other tent pole Nintendo IP that Rare worked on. Something like that I could see happening within the next five years.

But a new Mario, or Zelda, or Smash, or Pokemon? I don't ever see that happening.


Oct 27, 2017
No Microsoft is making a service they want everywhere like Netflix is everywhere or like how Google's service is also going to be everywhere


Oct 28, 2017
Who knows where their collaboration might lead to in the long term? There could be some "unthinkable" ways this could happen. The rumored collaboration is already beyond what we had thought was possible just a few years ago, and it wasn't much longer when Satoru Iwata said that Nintendo will never make mobile games.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll tell you one thing, the best thing that could come from this rumored partnership is if Xbox agree's to flip their face buttons around so X/Y/A/B line up with Nintendo's setup.

Going from Xbox/PC to Nintendo games is a nightmare for me. Keep pressing the wrong damn button.

Deleted member 35598

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Dec 7, 2017
Not only it's possible, but I believe it will happen.

OP, we had the SAME type of threads regarding Nintendo bringing games on mobile platforms. And the vast majority of gamers were very adamant this would NEVER happen. You were crucified to even suggest such outcome ( I was one of them ). But we know now that that mobile is part of the strategy for Nintendo.

And what about the Nintendo and Microsoft partnership ? If a member of ERA would have suggested in a thread that Xbox Live, Gamepass and X Cloud would come to the Nintendo Switch. That member would have been called crazy ( I would have called him crazy to ). But we know now that this will likely happen. So having Nintendo games on Xbox doesn't sound that far fetched with that partnership taking shape.

I think Microsoft understands they need a stronger portofolio if they want to be successful with Gamepass and X Cloud opened to all devices : probably 2 or 3 billion of them out there between pc, werables, consoles, phones, tablets and TVs. And what a better portofolio than Nintendo games ? That would definitely make X Cloud and Gamepass a much more attractive proposition ( however I think this will start with NES/SNES games on Gamepass and X Cloud initially )

This doesn't mean X Cloud or Gamepass will have 2 billion subscribers ( some people seem to not understand the notion of "potential" market... ). But maybe if they could get 200 millions subscribers worldwide by let say 2025. At 10$ a month, that's nearly 30 billion in revenue a year ! That's 3 times what Nintendo or Microsoft did in revenue in 2018 ! That's huge !

But this will not happen overnight. As many said the infrastructure is not ready yet. But you don't wait for the infrastructure be ready in order to make strategic decision. And Microsoft and Google are making the those big moves. Curious to see what Sony does as well.


Oct 27, 2017
I could see them letting you cross link your nso account with xbox live and put the nes games app out on xbox. There is zero negative for them doing that since you need a switch to justify an nso sub. It would just be free "buy a switch" advertising.

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
Doubt it, but then again, 10 years ago I would have said the same about the current situation of MS games coming to Switch.
Oct 25, 2017
Not only it's possible, but I believe it will happen.

OP, we had the SAME type of threads regarding Nintendo bringing games on mobile platforms. And the vast majority of gamers were very adamant this would NEVER happen. You were crucified to even suggest such outcome ( I was one of them ). But we know now that that mobile is part of the strategy for Nintendo.

And what about the Nintendo and Microsoft partnership ? If a member of ERA would have suggested in a thread that Xbox Live, Gamepass and X Cloud would come to the Nintendo Switch. That member would have been called crazy ( I would have called him crazy to ). But we know now that this will likely happen. So having Nintendo games on Xbox doesn't sound that far fetched with that partnership taking shape.

I think Microsoft understands they need a stronger portofolio if they want to be successful with Gamepass and X Cloud opened to all devices : probably 2 or 3 billion of them out there between pc, werables, consoles, phones, tablets and TVs. And what a better portofolio than Nintendo games ? That would definitely make X Cloud and Gamepass a much more attractive proposition ( however I think this will start with NES/SNES games on Gamepass and X Cloud initially )

This doesn't mean X Cloud or Gamepass will have 2 billion subscribers ( some people seem to not understand the notion of "potential" market... ). But maybe if they could get 200 millions subscribers worldwide by let say 2025. At 10$ a month, that's nearly 30 billion in revenue a year ! That's 3 times what Nintendo or Microsoft did in revenue in 2018 ! That's huge !

But this will not happen overnight. As many said the infrastructure is not ready yet. But you don't wait for the infrastructure be ready in order to make strategic decision. And Microsoft and Google are making the those big moves. Curious to see what Sony does as well.


Jan 27, 2018
I can see them releasing something like BotW on Xbox as good will gesture towards their new partnership, and make a good deal of cash at the same time, but nothing like same day release for new titles.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
No. Nintendo has to sell their console and what sells Nintendo consoles? Nintendo games. Microsoft is in an entirely different position these days. They want everyone playing their stuff everywhere and are taking the steps to make that happen with streaming.
Jan 31, 2019
I would say no. Although, they may put a select amount of content on Xbox to try to court non Nintendo gamers to the Nintendo ecosystem. This was their logic with mobile games on iOS and Droid.

Don't expect anything more then a tease.


Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft needs Nintendo's install base more than Nintendo needs Microsoft's, so no. If Nintendo ever wants to move beyond a dedicated box then maybe.


Jan 14, 2018
I can see them releasing something like BotW on Xbox as good will gesture towards their new partnership, and make a good deal of cash at the same time, but nothing like same day release for new titles.

I would say no, with the caveat of we don't know the depth of the relationship.

That said, I could imagine [insert dream sequence music]

If I was Nintendo and was so very very far back in online tech with Apple and Google and more looking to edge in to their market (and I think it would cannibalize their market most), and MS willing to give or license XBL and give them streaming tech (I understand this is not anything like whats being said), the allure of not having to make in-house online systems that other companies have a decade + into....

Then the sounds of dolla bills thundering from the sky when they sell 5mil more copies each of zelda, odyssee, spplatoon, mario kart, smash bros....


Oct 27, 2017
i think some people are seeing this as an exchange and MS offering nintendo something and therefore deserving something in return, but really it's just MS getting a huge new userbase for their platform and services, that's what they're getting. nintendo is probably getting a very sweet deal in return, otherwise it wouldn't have been allowed on their system.
it's not nintendo here that's looking for a new audience for their games.

Basically this. Mentioned it in the big thread, but I really don't think Microsoft cares that much about getting a Mario or Zelda Xbox game. Like, in the extremely unlikely scenario where Nintendo agrees to it they'd obviously be on board, but they ultimately don't care that Nintendo's doing their own things in their own space. Microsoft has far grander ambitions and far greater adversaries in Google, Apple, and Amazon.

Microsoft ultimately wants access to the Switch's userbase, especially that Japanese market that constantly eludes them. And they want to be first on the "Netflix for gaming" train, because any gamer who's seen LoL or PUBG should know how much longevity you can get just for being the trendsetter. And they'll build it all up and give Nintendo whatever they want to push it, and all Nintendo's gotta do is swallow their pride and be cool.


Oct 26, 2017

Never, in a million years.


MS: we'll give you state of decay 2 and in return Zelda BOTW?

Reggie: I'm leaving guys..


Apr 21, 2018
I think the odds of big games like Mario Odyssey or Zelda BotW appearing on a non-Nintendo platform are all but non-existent. I think it is possible that some Nintendo IP could appear on a Microsoft console as part of a larger deal, but I just don't see Nintendo letting it be one of their big hardware-selling titles.

The craziest outcome would be a deal similar to the one that resulted in the Zelda games on the Philips CD-i. In short, it would be a deal that let one of Microsoft's studios develop a game or two using Nintendo IP, likely with supervision from Nintendo. Still an unlikely outcome, but it would be a more interesting outcome.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I can see MS getting a rep in Smash if things are as good as people say. But with how nintendo operates I don't see them offering much else to MS in return.