Do you still play New Horizons?

  • Yes, I still play the game a ton!

    Votes: 299 20.6%
  • Yes, but I don’t play as much as I used to.

    Votes: 531 36.6%
  • No, I don’t.

    Votes: 622 42.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I played a solid 2 hours a day for 3 weeks. Then, after I got the bunny wand for Easter, I just stopped caring. Everything felt like a meaningless grind of collecting more stuff.
Oct 27, 2017
I did about 50 hours first month, 35 since then. My wife and friends are still above 160+ hours but idk. I check in most days, collect fruit and money but after getting most of the end game stuff, aside from unlocking new item recipes, I'm kinda burnt out. I guess I should try random islands more for rare finds, I swear I had no success most of the time .

I love the game, but im playing it much less than New Leaf, could just be me changing since 2013 tho. I put 200 hours into NL

Deleted member 1105

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I played pretty regularly, dropped the game for about a month and then once K.K. came to my island I dropped it completely.

I'd say 50+ hours was definitely worth it.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
I've stopped a bit ago. Now I'm just waiting for new events and season.

Wife and I put in over 400 hours
Jun 5, 2018
It's not what I intended but I stopped around early may and haven't had any desire to go back. It's not the first time I've done this with ac and likely won't be the last, the changes they've made between games haven't been of any real interest to me and overall I lack things to do.

My project that kept me going was obtaining all the flower colours by my self and I fell one short by the time I stopped as it hit me that I would eventually obtain it and then have nothing to do so why bother playing it in the first place?


Nov 4, 2017
The lack of QoL kind of killed my desire to keep going. Put about 200 hours in before running out of stuff I wanted to do, so definitely spent some good time with it.


Oct 25, 2017
It got tedious and repetitive for me after a few weeks of playing daily, so I stopped playing and sold it. I simply lost interest.


Oct 26, 2017
My SO and I are still playing daily. We just hit 5 stars this week and are currently working on a cafe.


Oct 25, 2017
I've barely played it since my island started getting rankings (still at one star), just fell right off a cliff. It sucks because I got the game as a gift from a friend of mine, but there's just nothing keeping me playing.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I've played each successive Animal Crossing game less than the last. I played NH pretty consistently for two months or so.

I kind of feel like the series loses some of its magic in the age of social media. In 2002, I discovered nearly everything myself and had no expectations for the right or wrong way to do things. In 2020, it's impossible to avoid pictures from people's homes/islands with things you didn't know were in the game, or that even discourage you because your island looks like crap comparatively.

If gyroids get added, I will definitely come back at least for a while.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Still am. I never time traveled nor am I in a rush to unlock everything so it helps make the game worth playing these days.

Though I do wish they would bring back Tortimer island and fun multilayer games. The game desperately needs it.


Jan 9, 2018
I still log in every day and clear some quests and talk to villagers. Just gotta find your pace of play and go with it.

Mike Works

Oct 28, 2017
I'm hosting an online session right now, it's fun!

I bought the game a month after launch, and I'd say I'm a week away from completing my island and maybe another week from my house.

I'm going to host a treasure hunt if enough people here are interested, then I'll probably stop playing for a while.

Definitely worth the $60 though, quarantine would've been even worse without it.


May 31, 2019
I've done this thing with New Horizons where I'll take up to a week off at a time without touching or thinking about the game, just to make it more fun to come back to.

In general, I'd say that yeah, I am. Really hoping the next patch excites me, though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Beach City


Jun 4, 2019
Brasília, Brazil
Yep, almost entirely. Got burned out after playing so much on launch and getting my island 5 stars.

I just look at my island and feel that 'work done' feeling lol


Oct 27, 2017
I made my island the way I wanted to and then just stopped playing. I feel satisfied.

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Daily!! Though, I am no longer stressing out with checking my turnip prices twice a day, and have mostly reduced my time to some comfort food gaming to do a little routine.

I still have a lot that I want to do with my town, design-wise. My nooklings need to get the furniture in that I want, as that would make the amount of trades I need to do via Nookazon far less. The Roost cannot come quickly enough, and there's a laundry list of QoL features needed and criticisms of how many things were handled, but I've still got plenty of room for it in my life and try not to worry about getting absolutely everything done as quickly as possible. Heck, I took my time getting to 3 stars and pay off my last loan because I didn't see the point in rushing to get those boxes checked.


Oct 25, 2017
Stopped playing a few weeks ago. It just isn't doing it for me like New Leaf did--I played that one daily for a solid year. I have so much other stuff to play now and I'd rather play that stuff than go through the daily routine with AC. It got boring.

Deleted member 59109

User requested account closure
Aug 8, 2019
I haven't really been playing as often since I got 10 villagers. Every few days I might check in to buy some clothes and see if any villagers want to move out. There are still some villagers who I want and 5 who I want to move out.

I wish they focused more on the villager interactions, and making each villager as unique as possible, than all the crafting/terraforming stuff which I don't really care about.


Oct 27, 2017
I only played for 3 or 4 days before falling off, which is exactly what happened with the 3DS game.Really wanted to enjoy it, but I think the franchise just isn't for me.


Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018
I played a solid 2 hours a day for 3 weeks. Then, after I got the bunny wand for Easter, I just stopped caring. Everything felt like a meaningless grind of collecting more stuff.
The easter thing was really terrible with the eggs getting in the way of fish and valuable materials. There was no way to avoid the grind. I stopped playing after that and have moved on to games I can actually finish. My wife and I had fun for those first few weeks though.

Deleted member 19767

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I unfortunately got sick of it within a couple of days. The excessive/slow dialogue and loading screens made the game feel so cumbersome.

My wife is enjoying it. Though she plays 2-3 times a week now, and just checks turnips prices on days in between.
Nov 8, 2017
I've slowed down considerably. I've done a bit of terraforming and messed around with customization but I'm not that big into it.

The thing that's keeping me away is the lack of content. My villagers aren't interesting and it feels like a chore to make any big changes. Getting a new villager to show up and move to town takes forever and just isn't worth the time and effort wasted on the stupid card game. Also anything else is 20 screens of dialogue to achieve any outcome even if I've done it hundreds of times before.

I was logging on daily for a few minutes to check out what the shop offered but now I've been skipping days. I do plan to check out some events and holidays from time to time but I don't have big plans to sink a ton of hours like I did upon first release.


Sep 22, 2018
OP describes my feelings exactly.

More specifically, I don't play it anymore — I don't have an interest in terraforming and the craze around it made me feel like I was "playing wrong," which was previously totally antithetical to the nature of these games. Silly maybe, but it is what it is.

I bet I will dip back into it eventually, though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Now that I have all the fossils, I mostly just check in every few days now.


Oct 29, 2017
The game was a gift and not really my cup of tea. I played it to credits and enjoyed it for what it was but now that I'm post credits and there is a purely random factor to getting what I actually want I basically only check in once a week randomly.

Power Shot

Oct 27, 2017
My day is currently arranged around my two year old's extreme joy that "the sharks wake up at 4 PM." It has made it difficult to complete monthly objectives, but he was pleased at the toilet wedding we threw for Reece and Cyrus.

He can also name almost all the fish and insects, which is genuinely impressive.

Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, still play for up to an hour daily doing daily tasks like flowering, checking shops, checking with NPCs I have, etc. There are are days where I'm not in the mood to play anything else, but I'm always in the mood to play AC. Finally got all of my fossils last week.


Dec 4, 2017
I've got no incentive to keep on going after reaching the credits and getting to be a millionare by playing the stalk market. The island doesn't really feel alive, as the villagers themselves feel like they only have a handful of lines to spout and with barely any interactions between them. So, spending my bells on items to hang out with wooden characters feels pointless.

Not sure if there's any other "endgame" than decorating your island as much as you can, but yeah, it's not fulfilling or interesting in any way to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Still playing everyday. Just finished paying off my house, and my infrastructure is done too. Just filling the catalog now.


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
I play as often as ever. Though I found my white whale villager today so the fact that I won't be grinding some Nook Miles every day will probably slow me down a bit.

I made my island my home, curated my neighbors, and continue to slowly renovate areas and bedrooms as I get new stuff. So I log on, do my rounds, talk to my adorable little friends, ponder my next project, and see what tomorrow brings.

Real 180 from my attitude towards New Leaf. Was so easy for me to not care in that game. Need bells? Grind island beetles for more than I'll ever use. Talk to villagers? Don't care to hear about how I can stack fruit or quick swap tools for the umpteenth time; besides, dislike half of the randos that moved in, and the ones I liked just up and left. So water an obscene amount of flowers, pull up a spreadsheet for the coffee orders, and log off. Logged less hours in it across the years than I have in a few months of NH. The daily visitors, the campsite being actually useful, the Nook Miles to grab, and the greatly expanded design capabilities spurring me to find just the right items all motivate me to keep playing every day instead of just checking in once or twice a week.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes! I still play everyday!

But admittedly, there will need to be more content coming soon