Do you still play New Horizons?

  • Yes, I still play the game a ton!

    Votes: 299 20.6%
  • Yes, but I don’t play as much as I used to.

    Votes: 531 36.6%
  • No, I don’t.

    Votes: 622 42.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Now that that I have completed my hybrid flowers collection, I play it much less. I'm just doing some changes in the island because of an idea that I have, but I will do it in a relaxed way.


Oct 27, 2017
I do, but barely. I tore my island up with big dreams, but terraforming and moving things is just way too huge a hassle.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the game I play in bed when I first wake up, I don't want to play anything too involved at that time, Animal Crossing fits perfectly. I got to a point where I was just doing daily chores for no reason waiting for the next big event, so I deleted my island and started over, this time with a town plan from the start, and not donating every single fossil (I think Nintendo dropped the ball with that, too many daily fossils, so I found all without even trying).

I think I'll still run out of things to do again, but for now I have a reason to play.


Dec 6, 2017
Not as much as the first couple weeks for sure, but at least an hour a day now doing 'chores' and general upkeep. Maybe a little more on the weekend when I get time.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes, played every day since Day 1. It's my first AC game. I have 370 hours and only now feel like my island is what I want it to be and will from now on only play for dailies, events and new significant updates. Hoping for vegetables!


Oct 27, 2017
Not really.

After I got landscaping I was kinda done. New Leaf held my attention waaaaay longer. Not sure why.


Nov 7, 2018
I play as frequently, just not as much. Once you've terraformed your island and added most creatures to the museum, there's no big incentive to play for hours in a row. Doesn't bother me, though, this is what the game is at its core, and I enjoy tending to it for an hour each day.

Type VII

Oct 31, 2017
I play most days for the fossils and to chip away at house repayments. The stalk market keeps me interested too.


Oct 27, 2017
I never played a "ton", but do play it everyday still. It's a nice relaxing game where I can just chill around.

Deleted member 3040

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I still play it from time to time and Switch being snappy helps a lot.

That said, the more I play the easier it is to see how devoid of personality it is. Few events. Villagers have nothing to say...

Oddly, I still feel more interested to try the Gamecube game again.


Jul 17, 2019
I barely play it anymore, but in my case that's normal. I left New Leaf after a month too. If anything, something to say about New Horizons is that it's the one I've played for the most hours before stopping.

Samurai 47

Jan 6, 2018
United States
Not really. Especially NH currently still lacks lots of contents from NL and there's no update news beyond June. Plus Xenoblade Chronicles has taken my playtime recently.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I've gone back to it the last few days, mostly to get on the new fish/bugs.

I can't defend the design decisions behind certain parts of the game though. Breakable tools are horrible, and just put me off playing the game. The implementation of the terraforming is also needlessly, pointlessly obtuse.

Miya Moto

Jun 4, 2018
Dropped off hard after about 5 weeks. Apart from decorating my island there just wasn't anything left for me to do. Fun for the first month though.


One Winged Slayer
May 15, 2018
Toulouse, France
Yeah daily. Between 1 and 2 hours a day, depending on how much I do.
Completed the fossil section of the museum, have all the insects and all the fish that appeared since March. And have 7 pieces of art. When Redd shows up it's the most exciting part. My girlfriend also plays a lot daily, so in a 3 week basis, we get Redd two times. It definitely help to not find his showing up rate frustrating ! (Every 2 or 3 weeks, depending on who shows up the second week)


Oct 29, 2017
About half an hour per day since I got it about two month ago.
I just collect a few things, try to complete my KK collection and annoy some villagers.
Maybe I'll go for that 4 star island one day but so far the main thing for me is to relax and enjoy the sillyness of the game.


Dec 5, 2017
I'm still playing hours a day.

I can see why you'd no longer be playing much if you were only doing some basic island decoration..but it'll take me a good 3-6 months to completely remodel my island exactly how I want it. Nookazon helps in that regard, as if I didn't have instant access to purchase stuff I need, it would be much more of a chore to wait to get those things in the game itself.


Dec 22, 2017
Still play it plenty each day. The weather here has been shit for weeks and with the pandemic the only way to "feel" the summer seems to be this game.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely. The Discord community is incredible, so there's always something to be getting on with.

Looking forward to new updates though.


Oct 27, 2017
Down to the 30-40 min daily routine with an occasional hour to mess around trying to sort out my island - then I get frustrated at the lack of town space compared to previous games causing nothing to work and begrudgingly drag myself through a couple of days of daily routine. Rinse and repeat. I still think it's probably the second best AC game, but yet again it doesn't have the draw if the original Gamecube version, this time due to the way they've utterly Flanderised all the villager dialogue.

Every day you go through the same old routine of the first 4 times you talk to them will be repetive contextual dialogue like "HEY I HEARD YOU HIT ROCKS YESTERDAY" or "Are you ready for the HAPPY HOME ACADEMY?". Then after that they start complaining you've talked to them too many times ("Wow, is this island not big enough for the both of us?"), and you've used up almost half of the amount of times you can talk to them PER DAY before they get sad and refuse to talk to you again. Beyond that the personality types are all hyper exaggerated, like Persona Q they talk about 1 thing and one thing only and it's so obnoxious. And then there is villager variety in the form of hobbies and subtypes... but not only is the split skewed (so you have like 25 Smug A types and only 5 Smug B types, making it rare to hear different Smug dialogue) but you only get 10 villager slots so you can't even afford to use the slots to see the dialogue variety.

I just don't understand how they got so much right and yet completely dropped the ball with the villagers themselves.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes, but New Leaf. Had the opportunity to play New Horizons for a little while, and am more than content with New Leaf.


Dec 10, 2017
Played everyday for about 40 days , reached 5 stars and moved on to other games. It's been two weeks without playing it.. but I might return if Nintendo drops an event or update.


Oct 31, 2017
I put like 60 hours or so into it and I'm probably good. I haven't felt the urge to go back to in like a month.


Oct 25, 2017
Sadly, no, mostly thanks to the villagers / conversations being so boring. Some lack of content (if you aren't super into terraforming and crafting), annoying UI and multiplayer aren't helping either.

Deleted member 7883

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I stopped playing halfway thru the Easter event. I'd already gotten to five stars and felt the only way to see something different was terraforming they entire island. Which was discouraging after seeing everyone else's islands. In past AC games the daily loop held my interest a *lot* longer. I think it's bc of how limited talking to neighbors feels like in this one. And the lack of daily things to do when compared to the OG title or New Leaf.

I miss gyroids


Jul 16, 2019
Not as much as I used to, but I still do my daily routine. Hoping for a new update soon to spice things up a little.


Oct 25, 2017
I check in daily, but I don't particularly care about it anymore.

Miles and daily tasks feel like they were a bit of a mistake, feels like chores even though you obviously don't *have* to do any of them. Also the villagers seem to have very little agency of their own, nothing really happens without me which reduces my interest in actually logging on to interact with them.

I do have played a lot of it, so possibly I'm just burnt out, but the game also incentivizes that kind of playstyle despite the early progress being gated by time.

My island feels a little bit too designed now. I'm tempted to just bulldoze it and revert it to a semi-wild state for that OG AC feel.

The Grizz

Oct 27, 2017
I'm done with it as well. Until an interesting even pops up or my birthday in September, I don't see much of a reason for me to keep playing right now.

Deleted member 29249

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
After only needing pier fish and having no luck after hours of farming bait I didn't log in a broke my log in streak. Been like a month and I've logged on 1 time since then.

Deleted member 46429

Self-requested ban
Aug 4, 2018
Play it about 30 minutes a day, which is a far cry from hours I played at release. I'm hopeful an update will come soon that fixes the big issues with the game--such as no breakable tools, pointlessly long dialog trees/Island-to-island travel, and not getting DIY dupes as the norm--so I'm mostly maintaining my town and keeping critterpedia up to date in the mean time. I'll likely drop the game completely once critterpedia is complete, which iirc, is sometime in fall for northern hemisphere?


Feb 28, 2019
30 minutes a day. Way less that before. I stopped collecting fruits (enough money now) and fossils (complete) so my daily routine is about crafting receipe and taking care of my hybridation.

I agree about the lack of interaction with villagers.


Nov 6, 2017
I have lost interest, but I have been finishing up my landscaping to show my sister before I quit the game entirely.


Oct 25, 2017
Flowers, fossils, stores, DYI, rocks, trees

In that order. If Im not feeling it, I'll stop at any point in that chain for the day


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I still pop in to get the Nook miles from the machine, collect bells, and see who's on the island today (spoiler: not Redd). The RNG in this game is killing me though. The same DIYs and furniture from balloons and Nooks and it frustrates me. I also realize there's a Discord and OT for potential cataloguing but still.

I do have plans for the western half of my island so I won't just drop it and eventually some event is gonna come around. But the sessions have definitely been shorter.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I haven't played in about a week because Xenoblade has sucked me in, but will go back when I finish because my shitty island is only 4* and there's work to be done.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Fell off from daily logins a few weeks ago and it's turned into an extended break. As others have mentioned, this iteration of AC titled hard towards town editor and away from villager simulator more than any I can recall and it made me realize what I enjoyed most about the series all along.
Nov 5, 2017
I play every morning for about a half hour, doing chores, around the time the store opens. Check turnip prices in the afternoon for a few minutes.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
This was the first Animal Crossing game I've ever played. I'm glad I got to see what it's all about, but I didn't care for it and don't play it anymore.


Alt Account
Feb 12, 2020
I've stopped, I ultimately think that WW & NL were better games, I don't think there was enough variety and the crating system wasn't great!

Decent AC overall though!


May 31, 2018
Recently hit 300 hours and haven't missed a day, but I'm no longer doing daily tasks on a routine consistently. Mostly just checking the store and doing rare events (Redds store, Gulliver), flower tending and interacting with my villagers a bit each day. Spent a couple hours last night playing it passively while watching stuff, as there was a meteor shower and I got 140+ wishes, bringing me to the 200 wish Nook Mile goal.

I think it's a great game that iterates on the older games well though also misses a few of the small charms of them that will hopefully get added with upcoming patches.


Oct 25, 2017
Got in about 150 hours, which is pretty good for me. It just got really tedious after a while, especially since the repetitive dialogues drag on. Even purchasing items in bulk takes time and there's no way to speed it up. As an example, whenever I wanted to buy a lot from Leif I literally had to buy 5 at a time, watch as the two figures exchanged money for seeds and then repeated it, like 10 times. Why couldn't I just buy 20 or 30 at once? This game just sucks up time for the sake of it. Basically after a while the flaws started to really stand out to me.

I was going to try to get all my fish but I burnt through about 200 baits and still couldn't get one of the pier fish. I got tired of it. I can't even do use the workbench to make 10 bait at a time. The game literally makes me do one at a time.

Online is also atrocious. There are so many interruptions and so many ways to slow down the process that it just wasn't fun. I did a lot of turnip selling online and tried to stick to lines that only allowed 2 - 3 people but it was still a slog. I ended up collecting a lot of bells in the end in the even my friends/siblings wanted to play. Figured I'd save them some of the hassle...

That being said, I still had some fun with it. Finding villagers, cleaning up the island, building up the museum, etc... Unfortunately it just lost its spark after a while.

I'll still poke in every now and then for the events but I think I'm pretty much done with it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I do, but barely. I tore my island up with big dreams, but terraforming and moving things is just way too huge a hassle.

Yup. Got exactly there. Enjoyed my time, but after a few hours of terraforming and realizing just how bad their system was I dropped it.

That combined with the drip of content into what felt like a slightly shallow game (item and event wise) at launch just hasn't been enough for me.

The Nightsky

Oct 27, 2017
Still play it daily, though sometimes I only do the basics, other days I'm playing like 6-7 hours though lol.

I really enjoy doing a little every day and seeing the progress over weeks and months. I enjoy making a few hundred thousand bells in profit each week, at most, I enjoy catching a new bug or fish a few times a week, I enjoy seeing if a campsite visitor, or Redd, or Celeste is around. I enjoy seeing if a gift will finally mean I get a villager's photo. I enjoy seeing if I have any more blue roses each day. I enjoy slowly landscaping and decorating to get my island perfect.

I'll probably limit my daily routine more and more in the next few weeks, until the next major update. But I don't see myself dropping the game anytime soon.