Do you read books anymore?

  • Yes

    Votes: 481 76.7%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 96 15.3%
  • Not really

    Votes: 50 8.0%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 16516

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Always have a book on the go. The aim is always to read at least 3-4 books a month. Commuting to work by train means I have the time to do so.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm reading more now than I ever have, and I studied English in college. I use my hour-long lunch break every day to read, so I can get through a book every two-to-three weeks usually. I still check physical books out of the library. Sometimes I'll read at home at night, but I'm usually too tired.
Oct 27, 2017
I slacked this year. Read 28 books, but only 17 or so could be considered full-on novels. Padded my numbers with graphic novels and novelty books. I usually get up to 20+ novels. It doesn't help that I drive to work now instead of taking BART.


Oct 27, 2017
Im 36 and have at least attempted to read 2 books every month since I was 18ish I guess. I finally managed to get into audiobooks this year as well so god a good few extra books finished this year over my normal count


Oct 27, 2017
Pacific Northwest!
Yes. It's a little harder with two small kids running around, but I managed to get through 64 novels so far this year, and I still have a few days to finish up my last one. I like physical books, have a room covered in booksheves with tons of them, and have a few hundred on my kindle.


Oct 27, 2017
No I don't, I always want to read again, but I have an extremely short attention span and get distracted too easy and end up reading the same page like 5 times and get bored and go do something else. I've been thinking about trying to just listen to audio books because then I can still hear the story.


Jan 3, 2018
I read, but not as much as I like. I think I need to get to the same realization as I did with TV shows and games: that if I'm not enjoying them it's ok to not finish them and move on to the next one. Once freed from the "obligation" of finishing them, I think paradoxically I'll start to read more and enjoy reading more.


Oct 31, 2017
I think public transit was when I was really reading the most. It's all about consistency. Even if you're a slow reader you can get through a few hundred pages a week.

1000 Needles

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I slacked this year, but still got through 20-30 books. Definitely aboard the e-book train though. While there's something to be said for the tactile feel of physical, the convenience of e-book is too great to ignore


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't read a book for leisure in a long time. Lately, it has only been textbooks. I tend to listen to more podcasts. I used to read a lot as a child, too, and I do miss it, but I find it very hard to get started or to actually maintain a reading habit.


Oct 27, 2017
More than ever thanks to e-readers. Though I have some phases during which I don't read anything at all despite wanting to. Like right now. :(

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I read every night before bed, from 10mins to 2hours depending on when I fall asleep. I don't usually read books outside of nighttime anymore, tho.

I also listen to a lot of audiobooks, particularly between Feburary - August (I listen to a lot of sports podcasts between August and February). I know most people don't consider this "reading" but "listening" but I think the general outcome is mostly the same, and I think it's a stupid pedantic distinction to needle someone over. I tend to read fiction in print and listen to non-fiction on audio.

The best book I've read in print the last ... 10 years ... is probably A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. That book is fucking excellent.

Y'know this thread inspired me.... I got a $100 in Amazon gift cards for Christmas and had no idea of something I wanted but didn't want to buy, and I think I'll buy the most expensive Kindle and treat myself.


Oct 25, 2017
After years of reading 2-3 books a year at most, i'm getting back into the habit. I read a lot when i was much younger. Read 9 books in the last 6 months or so and i intend to double that rate at least for next year. But i count everything as 'reading': physical, ebooks and audiobooks.


Oct 27, 2017
I always have at least one book going. Books were my first love, I started reading at four years old and never stopped. I also own enough of them that I haven't read yet to make a typical videogame backlog feel insignificant.
Oct 27, 2017
Tons if you count graphic novels. Maybe half a dozen or so a year if you don't. I do love reading but I'm a very slow reader with a lot of distractions.


Oct 25, 2017
My reading is very irregular.

If I get into a book or series I can spend up to 3-4 hours reading a day for a few weeks. Once I finished the book though I might not read again for months at a time.

The real problem I have is knowing what to read.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes; mainly things unpublished in my native language or which are very expensive in paper and I only want to read it one time. But is a very small portion of the books I buy/read in paper...


Oct 25, 2017
I found that getting a kindle helped bump up my consumption. When I got my first iPad around launch I read ebooks like a fiend but started getting super distracted as the tech evolved: going back to a dedicated reading device helps minimize distractions. Can't see myself going back to paper books aside from reading to my kiddo.


Oct 26, 2017
Toronto, ON, Canada
I work two jobs virtually every day of my life, including one that involves reviewing 80-hour monstrosities of video games while trying to secure full-time work. I read non-fiction source material, but I haven't had time to read books for pleasure in a long time.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
After not reading for many years I bought a Kindle Paperwhite and started reading on my commute to work every day. Finished the Witcher books last month and I'm finishing the first Game of Thrones book now. Also, discovering I can read manga/comics on it is making me go back into those mediums (it seems Berserk has a Dark Horse Translation that is really well done, just got the first volumes on my kindle).

My last discovery was that many libraries actually rent E-Books. There is no reason for me not to read anymore. Prices are at the lowest, it's easy to find many types of books and you can read it on your phone/kindles.


Oct 28, 2017
North-East England
I have a lengthy commute and a high reading speed, so I get through 3-4 books a week on average, mostly novels. I'm trying to alternate classics and contemporary stuff at present just so I don't burn out on one or the other.

Deleted member 9932

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm an engineer who tries to keep up and needs to learn the most random shit from time to time, so I definitely read a lot of textbooks (parts of it). Fiction, not much.
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Oct 28, 2017
At my call center job, reading is the only thing I can really do between calls. I read about 25-30 books a year. I reread things a bunch too, so the amount of new intake isn't that high, but reading is nice.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
I now read more than I spend time with other forms of escapism. My reading habbit has increased hugely over the past few years. Games now hardly get a look in.

It's not just fiction I consume either, I also read a lot of non-fiction relating to a number of topics from history, physics biology and politics. I've definitely acquired a thirst for knowledge!


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
This year I read 75 books. Reading is my main hobby.


Self-requested permanent ban
Nov 3, 2017
Not as much as I used to. I also don't watch as much TV or movies. As I've gotten older I've found I prefer something more stimulating or I just fall asleep.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Yep. I try to always have at least one book going. I have the kindle app on my phone/IPad set up to get eBooks from my local library so I always have something.
Oct 27, 2017
Many work related books and few literature.

Nice avatar, I fuking LOVE Enter the Void.
i've been reading a few DMT related books since last summer, mostly free PDFs online.
most notably Terence Mckenna :


i read a few books every year, usually 2-3 fiction novels (binge listening to Stephen King audiobooks since forever), like 3-4 non-fiction books related to philosophy, astronomy, biographical or business/general life success, etc stuff like Outliers, God is Not Great, Pale Blue Dot, etc. I should read a lot more books during my free time but i'm swamped with school and work these days.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Dividing between media makes me slow - between books and comics and TV shows and movies and games and so on, I'm super slow at finishing anything. Other than movies (which you can obviously knock out in a few hours), I only finish a handful of "things" in a year - maybe one book, one game, one season of something each month.

Wish I had more time... or more discipline.


Oct 30, 2017
Super rare for me to read a book or an ebook anymore. I used to love reading in junior high and high school


Nov 6, 2017
Read, no. Listen, yes.
It's all about the audiobooks now. Right now I'm more interested in non-fiction and learning new stuff. Audiobooks are great for that.
I'm also watching\listening to a lot of stuff on Youtube. As long as you avoid the crap, Youtube is another great, free source to learn about things.


Oct 27, 2017
Do audio books count? If so, I'm reading as much as ever. If not, then no, I don't read books anymore.


Oct 31, 2017
Audiobooks are like 10x harder for me to actually digest and retain. I'm almost always driving while listening and thus missing on a ton of details. I enjoy the main ride but I swear it's not exactly the same.


Oct 31, 2017
If you saying you read 75 books let me see your good reads because that sounds like complete bullshit unless you counting graphic novels and that shit don't even count.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. I still go to the library pretty regularly too. I definitely read less than I used to, but i'm also reading a lot more articles on the internet, or listening to podcasts or audio books.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Not as often as I used to, but that's more a shift to reading periodicals and websites. I also just don't have as much free time as I used to. But about once a month my wife and I will declare "love of reading night," after our daughter has gone to bed, and we'll both grab a book and sit on the couch and read our separate books.

I've been thinking about going back through the Dresden Files series, since I am hoping the new book might actually come out at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely terrible reader. All my reading free time goes to graduate textbooks, comics, op-eds or news, and reviewing lessons for language learning. Books? Should do it for the latter, but always fail to do so.


Nov 6, 2017
Audiobooks are like 10x harder for me to actually digest and retain. I'm almost always driving while listening and thus missing on a ton of details. I enjoy the main ride but I swear it's not exactly the same.
I know what you mean. It almost takes the same amount of focus as reading a real book. I'll listen to audiobooks doing mundane tasks like working out or cleaning, but any multitasking more complicated and it's hard to stay focused on the audiobook. Give the audiobook the same attentions as you would a real book, not just background noise.
Oct 25, 2017
Considering I've completed the 50/50 challenge the past few years, yes. I've read at least 50 books a year for the past few years. I make it a priority to read as much as I can.


Nov 12, 2017
I started reading a lot more this year compared to previous years, mostly Neil Gaiman but I also discovered Ellis' non-comic work which is pretty good. Probably read about 10-ish novels along with a shit ton of comic books of varying length and quality

Just finished Radiance by Catherynne Valentine which was as good as it was weird

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Got Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for Christmas and reading through it right now