Do you read books anymore?

  • Yes

    Votes: 481 76.7%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 96 15.3%
  • Not really

    Votes: 50 8.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I do but not that often. Maybe 3-4 books a year. My attention span is shot.

Do you still read them?

Deleted member 412

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely. 2-10 books a month, depending on how busy I am and how long/dense the books are. But it does take much more effort to sit down and read a book compared to pre-social media.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Not really. I can only really get into books if I'm away from my computer because I get too easily distracted.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
I try to. I seriously do. In fact, have a couple in front of me right now. But my free time is spare, and I prefer to use it watching animes or playing video games. I'll try to finish the Witcher book before New Years eve.


Oct 27, 2017
I usually have one in the rotation. Just finished a history of Prussia and now I'm reading Dune for the first time.


Oct 25, 2017
I slacked this year, but the last two years I have read ebooks. Going to start getting back into the habit for 2019.


Oct 25, 2017
i definitely still read. i only read ebooks nowadays though. it's easier to just load one up on my phone than carry a paperback around with me. have to turn wifi or mobile off though because i get too distracted else.

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It's part of my daily ritual. Every morning while drinking my coffee. And usually every sunday afternoon a well. I make a point to avoid screens of any kind on sundays and just relax with a good book. I still post on Era on sundays though :)


Oct 25, 2017
Around the same as you OP, and probably like you I'm lying, it's more like 2 per year

must. do. better. I tend to pick something up after a strong recommendation


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, all the time.

OP, I am willing to bet that at least here in the US, a majority of people do not read 3-4 a year, so you're doing okay.


Oct 30, 2017
I read everyday, the number of books I finish in a month just depends on the length. I also love Audible, it's great when I'm working out, driving, or doing some other mundane tasks.
Oct 25, 2017
My goal now is to read 12 books a year, or one a month.

I think I read 14 "real" books in 2018, about half fiction and half non-fiction.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm down from my time reading a book every day or two to maybe 1 a week if it's not very long.

Deleted member 10234

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I read some, but should read a lot more. When I pick up a book I don't have trouble finishing it, it's just I'll usually think of something else to do before picking up a book.


Oct 31, 2017
I still use my Kindle. It's really the easiest way to get to bed at night. I also have real books in every bathroom.


Nov 7, 2017
This thread is a bit disheartening.

I do notice, and have for over a decade now, I guess, that more and more people don't read. Up to a certain point I used to be a bit judgemental of people's choices in literature, but at this point I'm honestly just glad that people read, regardless of content.

Reading is an incredibly rewarding experience, is good for mental hygiene, intellectual development and helps prevent mental health issues (ie memory, etc) in the long run.

I know, and have fallen prey to it at times, that sometimes its just easier to simply binge on netflix or go for a couple more rounds of whatever game, but taking as little as 20 minutes aside to read per day can have a tremendous impact on your general wellbeing.

One argument I hear sometimes is that books are expensive. To that end, I really reccomend an ereader (while I still prefer phsyical books, the majority of my book reading for the past few years has been on kindles). eReaders have an obvious initial cost but are very much worth it in the prices you can get books for.

Where I live at, a current print book will cost you upwards of EUR 20. I can get them on kindle for as little as EUR 4 without much hassle, through this website:

It's also available for other regions, such as US, and you just add the authors and/or books you're keen to read, set up some price goals and it will send you an e-mail whenever said books are on sale (including the GBP .99 daily sales). I have more reads to read than I could find the time to manage in at least a couple of years, so it's great to just wait it out until they get on sale and then add to the backlog.

Plus, in a board full of insomniacs glued to screens in bed, reading is a great way to clear your mind and ease you into sleep.

Happy reading,
Oct 27, 2017
Sure do. For the last several years historical nonfiction has been my preference. Paper books, though - I own a Kindle but don't like reading on it compared to a physical book.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread is a bit disheartening.

I do notice, and have for over a decade now, I guess, that more and more people don't read. Up to a certain point I used to be a bit judgemental of people's choices in literature, but at this point I'm honestly just glad that people read, regardless of content.

Reading is an incredibly rewarding experience, is good for mental hygiene, intellectual development and helps prevent mental health issues (ie memory, etc) in the long run.

I know, and have fallen prey to it at times, that sometimes its just easier to simply binge on netflix or go for a couple more rounds of whatever game, but taking as little as 20 minutes aside to read per day can have a tremendous impact on your general wellbeing.

One argument I hear sometimes is that books are expensive. To that end, I really reccomend an ereader (while I still prefer phsyical books, the majority of my book reading for the past few years has been on kindles). eReaders have an obvious initial cost but are very much worth it in the prices you can get books for.

Where I live at, a current print book will cost you upwards of EUR 20. I can get them on kindle for as little as EUR 4 without much hassle, through this website:

It's also available for other regions, such as US, and you just add the authors and/or books you're keen to read, set up some price goals and it will send you an e-mail whenever said books are on sale (including the GBP .99 daily sales). I have more reads to read than I could find the time to manage in at least a couple of years, so it's great to just wait it out until they get on sale and then add to the backlog.

Plus, in a board full of insomniacs glued to screens in bed, reading is a great way to clear your mind and ease you into sleep.

Happy reading,

If cost is a concern don't forget your local library!! They also have systems to check out electronic versions for your preferred device.


One Winged Slayer
Aug 21, 2018
Mallorca, Spain
I had a period of two years in which I didn't read anything, but this last 3 month I started the City Watch saga of Terry Pratchett and I have read 6. They are like drug.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Around 40 books per year consistently. Huge reader. Reading and gaming are my top two media formats.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
I love reading, but I need to be in the zone and not have a will to do anything else. Far too disteacted with my PC and mobile phone to get unglued from them, when I used to earloer in my life. Its sad, because I remember the joys of reading huge novels in 3 days flat, now it would take me a month to finish the man in the iron mask, as an example.


Dec 26, 2018
Yes, it's an evening routine for me to read before bed. And I prefer physical books to ereaders.

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017
Yep yep, I go through phases so I'm not a consistent reader but that phase hits every other month or so. But when I start reading I breeze through about 3 or 4 books in a little over a week or two.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, I love my Kobo Aura One. Best reading experience I ever had, physical or otherwise.

Also, the real question is always


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Fuck yes, nothing beats a good book. My Kindle is probably my favorite electronic device in the house.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Yes! I decided to read a lot more this year and I'm really happy with my progress. Depending on the length I'm getting through a book in a week or two currently.


Oct 27, 2017
I read in fits and starts. Earlier this year I read about 5 books in a couple weeks, but I haven't read any in a few months.