Dec 12, 2017
What happened to the guy on the right?


Oct 30, 2017
This is great news. As good as the west end cast was, I have listened to the soundtrack so much the original cast can not be topped.

I hope they don't over edit it with lots of camera changes and close ups.


Oct 28, 2017
The 160-minute film was shot in 2016, two weeks before the original cast left the Broadway show and is being described as a cinematic stage performance that will combine "the best elements of live theater and film". It's based on three live performances that will allow for multiple angles.

Sounds like what they should have done for the Cats movie instead of that CGI abomination.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw the show on tour, but I kind of wish this was an actual movie instead of a filming of the stage show. It's absolutely rife with opportunities visually in the hands of the right director and production design team.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw the show on tour, but I kind of wish this was an actual movie instead of a filming of the stage show. It's absolutely rife with opportunities visually in the hands of the right director and production design team.
That'll happen some day too. But the stage show is so financially out of reach for so many people, it's worth putting this out into theaters.


Oct 26, 2017
Hey Disney,

Broadway is closed, regional tours are shut down, movie theaters are closed.

You know what would cheer people up? Throw this up on OnDemand for rental...


Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna happen. Disney wants that money. There's probably also contracts that prevent them from releasing it earlier than next year.


Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna happen. Disney wants that money. There's probably also contracts that prevent them from releasing it earlier than next year.

I have zero doubt that Manuel Miranda would do the right thing if he could just say go for it (like, he set up a tour for Puerto Rico after the Hurricane to raise money and made sure locals got free seats along with the charitable big spenders), but there are tons of unseen investors, companies, insurance etc. This is probably pretty clean byu Broadway standards because Miranda was more of a surefire hit than most AND it opened off Broadway first - but there's probably legions of matrixes of ownership before you even get to Disney.

However, what we do know is that the whole thing is already in the can. They filmed it with the original cast years ago for that release - and I'd be baffled if an edit didn't already exist somewhere.

I will say that listening to Hamilton makes me feel queasy every time I think about the literal geniuses, war heroes, philosophers and most brilliant men of their time -- and compare that lineup with Gohmert, Trump, Nunes and McConnell. I'm gonna throw in Governor Tate Reeves as a late signing since he distinguished hiomself this week by failing to act on a timely Coronavirus response but somehow found time to sign a bill designating April as Confederate Heritage Month into law, and because "Tate Reeves" sounds like an Antebellum term for Septic Anal Lesions*

* I already mentioned that to someone this week, but he's on mah list now.
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Oct 25, 2017
I have zero doubt that Manuel Miranda would do the right thing if he could just say go for it (like, he set up a tour for Puerto Rico after the Hurricane to raise money and made sure locals got free seats along with the charitable big spenders), but there are tons of unseen investors, companies, insurance etc. This is probably pretty clean byu Broadway standards because Miranda was more of a surefire hit than most AND it opened off Broadway first - but there's probably legions of matrixes of ownership before you even get to Disney.

Don't rub salt in my wounds