
Oct 27, 2017

Hot Pursuit Remastered launched in the midst of the next-gen console release frenzy, so we couldn't cover it at the time. In this video, John and Rich checks out the game and examine its latest patch that unlocks 4K 60fps gaming for PS5 and Xbox Series X users.


Oct 27, 2017
Text Article:

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 4K 60fps tested on PS5 and Series X

With the arrival of the new wave of consoles, we didn't have the time to fully check out Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Rem…

Hot Pursuit was fundamentally a 30fps game and so are most of the ports. PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch all target 1080p30 (with 720p30 delivered on the mobile rendition). Only PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X had the option to improve frame-rate, with the choice offered between 4K30 and 1080p60 gaming

Nature of Patch:
The recent upgrade isn't actually a patch specifically targeting the new machines: a new Maximum quality mode simply removes the frame-rate cap from the existing Pro and One X versions, allowing the inherent back-compat support in the brand new machines to kick in, propelling us to 60 frames per second.

- Series S suffers due to being a One S up-conversion, stuck at 1080p/30.
- PS4 Pro runs in mid 40's, touching 50 at 4K. One X is close to 4K/60 in many scenarios.
- PS5 runs at flawless 4K/60
- Both Xbox consoles suffer drops at one area on the map. 40's on Series X and 30's on One X in 4K mode.
- DF thinks the above is a software issue.
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Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.


Feb 8, 2020
fps drops to the mid 40s on series X is shameful. I mean did they even try? (the answer is no.)


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.
It's not even that it's having a hard time, it's literally one specific repeatable section of the map. same thing happens on the One X compared to PS4 Pro. It's a bizarre issue to have, and considering it's consistent with the One X shows that it isn't really a power thing. Other than that one section, both are locked 4K 60. It's the kind of issue 99% of players would likely never even notice if they didn't read about/watch it here beforehand.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.

It will probably start mattering (if it ever will) when exclusives start dropping and both consoles stop selling out as soon as they're restocked.


Jun 27, 2020
Wonder why we see so many developers have weird hiccups like this on series X. The Xbox One X is almost hitting 4k60, but a specific area on the map is in low 40s on Series X. Such a weird thing.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.
It's probably just a bug. I mean, some PS5 games also had some strange performance issues in the paat that have been fixed.

The differences though are very slim right now, but I can't say we haven't been "warned".


Dec 29, 2017
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.

I mean its a mere technicality. These consoles are incredibly close barring an exception here or there most multiplats are going to be virtually identical and the only differentiator will be ecosystem and hardware specific things like dual sense features.

Anyone buying these consoles thinking they will have better multiplat performance than the other and not buying because of ecosystem are being foolish.


Jan 10, 2018
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.
That's because Halo Infinite isn't out yet! /s

Kidding aside, I thought PS5 would wind up on top of sales in this gen even with a 10-15% power gap. Seeing come out on top so many time is suprising.


Oct 27, 2017
It's so weird that those curves just tank the Xbox performance. Like, it's not even a specially good looking part of the map lol

I guess a patch will come.


Nov 15, 2017
User Warned: Platform Warring
Another win for PS5. Weird. I guess it's true that tflops isn't everything.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 23, 2020
It's so weird that those curves just tank the Xbox performance. Like, it's not even a specially good looking part of the map lol

I guess a patch will come.
I don't think it will. This is the bare minimum they could get away with, a simple frame rate unlock.

That bug has been around since the original release, no way whatever team did this patch will want to dig into the code to figure out what's causing it and go through Q/A and certification again.


Oct 26, 2017
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.

I mean, it is the most powerful console on the market, even if the gap isn't a dramatic one. You're confusing individual software issues/bugs for hardware capability. In this case, it's a "next-gen aware" style patch, rather than a native conversion for the new systems, and it's obviously brought in some bugs along the way.


Oct 27, 2017
This was a PS3 game originally right? Doesn't bode well for the new Xbox, but it's certainly just bad programming or tools issues.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's still early in the generation but the whole most powerful console marketing is having a hard time convincing people.

This is very clearly an issue with the game as the same drops are present on the Xbox One X, not with the console being able to reach 4K/60, which it does the majority of the time.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it is the most powerful console on the market, even if the gap isn't a dramatic one. You're confusing individual software issues/bugs for hardware capability. In this case, it's a "next-gen aware" style patch, rather than a native conversion for the new systems, and it's obviously brought in some bugs along the way.
It's not even. The new 4K/unlocked mode the video talks about is on PS4 Pro / One X as well. In fact, Series S has to use the One S profile because of that.


Oct 25, 2017
What an ugly game. I'm pretty sure my cell phone can maintain 60fps in something like this...looks like nasty code hitches.
Jul 10, 2020
"To be clear though, it's very clearly a software issue - after all, Hot Pursuit Remastered does seem to be based primarily on the PC original, which was exceptionally well put together back in the day."

It's a bug, and one that very likely won't be fixed.


Oct 28, 2017
as someone who loves Burnout Paradise (and is currently replaying it on the Switch rn) this video sold me on picking this up for the PS5 sometime, looks surprisingly great for a touched up 10 year old game. it's a shame they've been shuffled around as a support studio recently, but hopefully their next NFS turns out well.


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
The negative Series X comments are gold. It seems people forget threads like Division 2.



Apr 8, 2020
LMAO at some of the responses here. Embarrassing to say the least.

Clearly a software issue. EA and Ubisoft are doing the bare minimum on these ports.


Oct 25, 2017
Sucks about the slowdown on XSX, I love the turn they bring up as problematic :/ One of those wide turns you can make beautiful drifts out of.
Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully they fix the Xbox versions.

I am really glad they did this patch though. I was disappointed they never had it when it came out but now it is perfect.

Anybody who never played this should do so. It is one of the best in the series.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys, does this game run on Frostbite or it's using the original engine of Hot Pursuit?
My PS4 has some problem with Frostbite and doesn't run games with that engine! lol So I want to know this before buying the game.