Launch predictions

  • Both smooth: minor hiccups, overall totally fine

    Votes: 148 38.0%
  • Early: smooth, Full: rough

    Votes: 72 18.5%
  • Early: rough, Full: smooth

    Votes: 68 17.5%
  • Both rough: error 37, queues for hours, servers on fire

    Votes: 101 26.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 25, 2017
Napa, CA

This is where it came from, specifically the teleport.

It was one of the best and worst sorcerer items specifically because you got teleported to a random location, and it was so annoying to use that it basically made the item not worth the trade off. So... yeah. Some things never change I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Can someone more objective and smarter than myself explain the The Occulus teleport to random location mechanic? What would've a game design team been thinking of when coming up with and deciding on it? Help me understand.

It's a fun, quirky design - one that you would run for laughs. It'd be fine in a different game, but it just clashes completely with the game design here. Both from the randomness interacting with death penalties and the lack of damage stats on a weapon.


Oct 25, 2017
nerfs are definitely noticeable on 100 rogue, i was stacking crit dam vuln main stat and cdr so...
Even on my 77 Flurry Rogue I've noticed a good bit of more squish and less dmg. I was able to easily run through NMD 34's but the last couple I did were pretty hairy and died a few times. Was on my potion button almost every fight with any elites. I don't like it, feels so bad when before it was so good and never died. Was thinking I'd start with another Rogue but I've decided Necro will be the one. That one still seems, for the build I made with minions, that it'll still be pretty solid.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll still play a new class with Season 1, but I'll probably take a break in-between and/or after Season 1. I dislike some stuff and the Patch isn't good and it's not really fixing a lot of the real issues that the game has. But overall I already played the game a lot and I might return from time to time for later Seasons/Patches, I don't mind at all, that I'll have time for Baldurs Gate 3, Starfield, Spider-Man 2, Forza and the other games I just forgot that are still releasing this year. To be honest, I don't care about level 100 or killing uber Lilith, it's mostly just about stupid grind. I got a 78 Sorc, 80+ Druid and 38 HC Rogue so far, probably gonna play in co-op for Season 1, either Barb, Rogue or Necro with a friend and will probably stop around 80 again.

My main issue remains, that there is a world tier and items missing above 75/80, the Season and Patch is changing nothing in that regard and the Stash Space is a real issue. Anyway, I was pretty annoyed today by this patch and I sometimes wonder if they even play their game at all, if they QA some stuff at all and how they decide certain changes. I mean there are more than enough people who really put in a lot of time and even analyzed data and basically none of these issues/concerns were fixed with the patches so far.
Rolled sorc at the start. Going barb or Druid for season 1.
Oct 25, 2017
I was already burnt out but some positive signals about how they're going to manage the game might have kept me playing. This ain't it but that's okay. I got my money's worth.
Oct 25, 2017

This is where it came from, specifically the teleport.

It was one of the best and worst sorcerer items specifically because you got teleported to a random location, and it was so annoying to use that it basically made the item not worth the trade off. So... yeah. Some things never change I guess.
I don't know anything about D2, but at least this seems cool.

Imagine if this item had +3 to Sorceress Core/Mastery Skills, Increased Attack Speed, 20% Damage Reduction.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm pretty sure we have a "season pass unlock" for buying ultimate that does not have to be used on season 1. Can be saved for later. Pretty sure they confirmed this.
At this point, I'm half expecting a hotfix patch that activates your season pass unlock for this first season lol

"We wanted to make sure that all of you who preordered the Deluxe and Ultimate versions of the game gets to experience season 1 how it's meant to be enjoyed, so your season pass has been activated."


Oct 25, 2017
I just tried my 65 Arc lash sorc.

In overworld, it's a bit of a wash, because enemies are now 6 levels below me - I do slightly more damage and am slightly less squishy than I was last night TO ENEMIES SIX LEVELS BELOW ME. I was doing some whisper quests and my xp bar literally didn't move after 3 of them, supposedly the thing they boosted xp for.

In NMD, it's a huge nerf. I did a 17 last night and I was squishy but it wasn't too hard to manage my cooldowns and get through it. Today, my defensive cooldowns have an extra 1-3 seconds between casts, I'm way squishier, and do way less damage. It took me more than twice as long to get through a 17 NMD than it did last night. All the nerfs combined just make you hit way fewer breakpoints which makes everything awful.

I don't have BIS gear (outside of my boots which don't add a ton of dps) but I have way better gear than the average person that doesn't have much experience with ARPGs or is just doing "whatever". The cooldown nerfs alone feel clunky and brutal, everything else is just pain on top. There is no interest for me in playing my sorc anymore, I wanted to get to T4 at some point but fucking why, now? Doubt I could even get through a level 70 ascension dungeon anyway based on how I kept almost dying to random stuff in the NMD.


Mar 14, 2019
WoW devs must be loving this. After twenty years they - for the most part - they finally figured out the 'listen to players' thing and seem to be receiving pretty positive feedback for this expansion and patch rhythm. Diablo devs taking all the heat
At least now we know where the devs who couldn't figure out 'listening to the players' went.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point, I'm half expecting a hotfix patch that activates your season pass unlock for this first season lol

"We wanted to make sure that all of you who preordered the Deluxe and Ultimate versions of the game gets to experience season 1 how it's meant to be enjoyed, so your season pass has been activated."
OMG I would rage... LOL


"This guy are sick"
Still trying to wrap my head around the heart that gives resistance to Sorcs. It's been on my mind the whole time and I'm still laughing mentally while thinking about it.

Can anyone explain why a known broken mechanic that has been around for weeks received new content. Did they do a dev roundtable meeting to verify if all content was ready for release? Are the leads crunching the fuck out of their peers and one decided to leave it in to fuck with them? I'm trying my best to figure out why is it even here.


Oct 25, 2017
Still trying to wrap my head around the heart that gives resistance to Sorcs. It's been on my mind the whole time and I'm still laughing mentally while thinking about it.

Can anyone explain why a known broken mechanic that has been around for weeks received new content. Did they do a dev roundtable meeting to verify if all content was ready for release? Are the leads crunching the fuck out of their peers and one decided to leave it in to fuck with them? I'm trying my best to figure out why is it even here.

There was some speculation while back that Season 1 was pretty content locked around games release, and it's why resistance fixes are in season 2 at earliest as issue was discovered after release.


Oct 25, 2017
There was some speculation while back that Season 1 was pretty content locked around games release, and it's why resistance fixes are in season 2 at earliest as issue was discovered after release.
That to me implies Diablo 4 is actually engineered worse than D3 because the D3 seasons/patches have pretty extensive public test time and the team there has occasionally completely rework what abilities get affected by sets or legendaries etc. between start of testing and finishing a few weeks later, and presumably it's a skeleton crew in the first place.

Or the D4 leads truly do not care at all. Like I get resistances just NOT WORKING is a complicated bug to fix because... it has to be. But it is hard to believe the devs couldn't change that heart to give a bonus to armor instead, or do something else, given a little bit of free time to do so.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Even ignoring the patch, the season mechanics look so underwhelming and barebones. I expected so much more when they were talking about how the microtransaction store would allow them to go all out with seasons but this isn't doing anything more than what D3 did, perhaps even less than the later seasons in that game. Man what a disappointment this is, I was loving the game and this has seriously sucked all my enthusiasm away,


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The conversation around this patch is so overwhelmingly negative that the D4 leadership at Blizzard is probably going to have to have an emergency meeting tomorrow. You can't put out a patch like this for your first season lmao. I expected nerfs but this is like...actively going out of their way to destroy nearly every build in the game and make the game less fun. Nobody is going to be talking about your seasonal content (which already looked mediocre honestly) because people are just pissed off that every class is way worse than they were before. There's really nothing in this patch to look forward to.


Oct 28, 2017
wow i stopped playing like 2-3 weeks ago because i was getting burned out with my sorcerer and thought season 1 would be the point to jump back. I couldn't be happier to play other games for the next 3 months if this is the way it's going for D4 right now.

They really mastered the art of making your games less enjoyable with patches


"This guy are sick"
There was some speculation while back that Season 1 was pretty content locked around games release, and it's why resistance fixes are in season 2 at earliest as issue was discovered after release.
Yea, I can see it being content locked and trying to minimize major changes. But with a non-functional item, disabling it like they did aspects would have been a sound call to make. Right now, I can't help but feel like incompetent people are running things.

Now that I think about it, leaving it in probably just help them pad the drop rate for hearts. "Player's not benefiting so leave it in." So maybe they aren't incompetent.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Even ignoring the patch, the season mechanics look so underwhelming and barebones. I expected so much more when they were talking about how the microtransaction store would allow them to go all out with seasons but this isn't doing anything more than what D3 did, perhaps even less than the later seasons in that game. Man what a disappointment this is, I was loving the game and this has seriously sucked all my enthusiasm away,
Yeah, to be fair i'm willing to let it rock for the first season. But if the second season feels like minimal effort like that one, i think i'll be done with the game.
The conversation around this patch is so overwhelmingly negative that the D4 leadership at Blizzard is probably going to have to have an emergency meeting tomorrow.
Probably, and it's a good thing. They need to actually listen, rather than thinking that they know better, because they proved once again that they don't.


Oct 26, 2017
That to me implies Diablo 4 is actually engineered worse than D3 because the D3 seasons/patches have pretty extensive public test time and the team there has occasionally completely rework what abilities get affected by sets or legendaries etc. between start of testing and finishing a few weeks later, and presumably it's a skeleton crew in the first place.

Or the D4 leads truly do not care at all. Like I get resistances just NOT WORKING is a complicated bug to fix because... it has to be. But it is hard to believe the devs couldn't change that heart to give a bonus to armor instead, or do something else, given a little bit of free time to do so.
It's kinda funny that this game is following the exact trajectory of Diablo 3. They tried the whole really hard/slow thing at launch and had to overhaul the whole game after six months IIRC correctly. Like, eerily similar.


Oct 25, 2017
It's kinda funny that this game is following the exact trajectory of Diablo 3. They tried the whole really hard/slow thing at launch and had to overhaul the whole game after six months IIRC correctly. Like, eerily similar.
Yep. Inferno was.... rough. But then again so was >50% of drops being for another class. But hey we got the RMAH to fix that!
Oct 25, 2017
They wanted to copy a cool D2 unique, but decided to remove every single thing that made it worth using and just left the gimmick. Amazing.
Yep, it is fundamentally what makes nearly all uniques in the game trash. You lose out on the customization of stats, which would be perfectly fine if the unique stats on the item were ya know, uniquely good. They aren't.


Oct 25, 2017
It's kinda funny that this game is following the exact trajectory of Diablo 3. They tried the whole really hard/slow thing at launch and had to overhaul the whole thing after six months IIRC correctly.
They skipped the real money auction house which isn't surprising because MTX make them way more money probably (although now I can't sell items to recoup my money, sadly) but yea otherwise it's following the same unsuccessful trajectory of an immensely popular game trying to aim at only super hardcore people. But also not in a way that's fun. And it's failing everyone instead.
Yep. Inferno was.... rough. But then again so was >50% of drops being for another class. But hey we got the RMAH to fix that!
It's funny because like, my experience is essentially the same with both too. My friends and I played on release, sorta had fun until the end game (except making fun of the terrible painful writing in D3, D4 was at lest not Manos levels), then realized what a mess it was, grind a little bit, and drop it until months of patches later. Time will tell if they actually correct it in D4 but it's just unbelievable that game leads didn't learn from the in-house previous entry of the series. Like you could not have it easier.
Jun 1, 2021
I've been quite optimistic with Blizz about season 1 and the patch. But my god, what a massive fuck up this is. Like, i've never seen a patch this bad.
Oct 25, 2017
Buffing elemental resist on a class that is squishy because elemental resist is broke and will continue to be for the next 3 or 4 months is very telling on how bad this patch is.
Because all of the seasonal stuff was cooked and done back in November. What kills me is that they aren't going to try and give Sorcerer and Necro some survivability love to bridge the gap until its fixed.
Jan 19, 2023
I already kinda put the game down around level 25 buuut I think this sealed it for me. Probably the biggest game purchase regret I've had in the last few years.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

they absolutely deserve this response.....2 days before a new season lol
Yeah, i think they also need to completely change the way they are communicating when it comes to patches. They need to actually post some stuff, some bullet points on what they're trying to do. Bring some hype with some changes on Twitter first.
I swear, Reddit is legit helping me to cope right now


Oct 25, 2017
yeah this is pretty sucky way squishier now. 14khp 8k armour 12% dodge 18% All dr, 10% dr against vuln, 48% dr from close, 43% dr while injured, 25% dr from cc enemies, doesnt include disobedience armour


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
I don't know if you were around, but minions were already getting destroyed back during the endgame closed beta, and they somehow NERFED THEM even more on the last open beta. No one understood that nerf, to the point where they hotfixed it during the same beta. It really felt like they took the decision without even testing it.
The new Necro unique is for Bome Storm getting huge boosts from sacrificing minions is Blizzard just trolling me at this point. Someone over there really hates minions which is why I keep accentuating my posts with the laughing man, because it really feels that way.